US009 125923B2 (12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 9,125,923 B2 Wang et al. (45) Date of Patent: Sep. 8, 2015 (54) USE OF MIR-26 FAMILY ASA PREDICTIVE 5,202,429 A 4/1993 Tsujimoto et al. MARKER FOR HEPATOCELLULAR 5,459,251 A 10/1995 Tsujimoto et al. 5,506,106 A 4/1996 Croceet al. CARCINOMIA AND RESPONSIVENESS TO 5,506,344 A 4/1996 Tsujimoto et al. THERAPY 5,523,393 A 6/1996 Tsujimoto et al. 5,567,586 A 10, 1996 Croce (75) Inventors: Xin W. Wang, Rockville, MD (US); 5,595,869 A 1/1997 Tsujimoto et al. Junfang Ji. Bethesda, MD (US); Carlo 5,633,135 A 5/1997 Croceet al. 5,633,136 A 5/1997 Croceet al. M. Croce, Columbus, OH (US); 5,674,682 A 10, 1997 Croceet al. Hui-chuan Sun, Shanghai (CN); 5,688,649 A 11/1997 Croceet al. Zhao-you Tang, Shanghai (CN) 5,695,944 A 12/1997 Croceet al. 5,928,884 A 7/1999 Croce et al. (73) Assignees: The Ohio State University, Columbus, 5,939,258 A 8, 1999 Croceet al. 5,985,598 A 11/1999 Russo et al. 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