THE USTAVIAN G Hillstrom Art Exhibit pg 7 Steve Wilkinson Tribute EEKLY pg 16 Est. 1891 March 6,W 2015 www.weekly.blog.gustavus.edu Issue 17 Building Bridges Hidden in Plain Sight: Recognizing and Rejecting Rape Culture Caroline Probst Page 2 • Friday, March 6, 2015 news The GusTavian Weekly Campus Safety Report Monday, February 23 theft of an unattended bag and computer Hall. One student was referred to the passed from campus, and all were cited from the Jackson Campus Center. The campus conduct system. by SPPD. Campus Safety responded to Health bag was later recovered. Services to report a student injury that Campus Safety responded to a Sunday, March 1 occurred in Beck Hall. Campus Safety responded to a medi- panic alarm at the President’s house for cal assist in Arbor View. One student was a suspicious person at the door. After Campus Safety responded to a sus- A Gustavus Custodian reported the referred to the campus conduct system investigation, it was determined that pected drug violation in Sohre Hall. Two theft of a fre extinguisher from Norelius for underage possession and consump- a new delivery employee was lost and students were referred to the campus Hall. tion of alcohol, failure to comply with a rang the wrong doorbell. conduct system and one non-student College official, disorderly conduct, and was trespassed from campus. Campus Safety responded to a fire simple assault. The student was cited Wednesday, February 25 alarm in the International Center caused by SPPD for underage consumption of Campus Safety responded to a dis- by cooking. One student was referred to alcohol and transported to the St. Peter Campus Safety responded to a do- pute between roommates in the Interna- the campus conduct system for a policy Hospital by ambulance. One student was mestic dispute in North Hall. Two stu- tional Center. violation for not evacuating. given a medical escort to the St. Peter dents were referred to the campus con- Hospital. duct system for underage consumption. Note: Case dispositions are available Tuesday, February 24 online by viewing the daily crime log on Campus Safety and the Saint Peter Campus Safety responded to a stu- the Campus Safety web page: https:// dent of concern call in Uhler Hall. One gustavus.edu/safety/incidents/index. A Gustavus student reported the Police Department responded to a report of possession of marijuana in Sorensen student was referred to the campus con- php duct system for underage consumption. Tip of the Week: Campus Safety referred a student to the campus conduct system for failure to Stay alert to avoid of campus theft! comply with a College ofcial, underage consumption and possession of alcohol, Stay alert and be aware of everything and inappropriate communications around you. Take a minute to observe while on College grounds. who may be watching you. Criminals often target people who are distracted. Thursday, February 26 Don’t use short cuts through alleys or walkways; stay in well-lit and well- One student was referred by Campus traveled areas. Safety to the campus conduct system for If you must take a wallet or purse, an of-age alcohol violation while on Col- carry it close to your body with the clasp lege grounds. nearest you and be alert. They are prime targets of criminals in crowded shop- Campus Safety responded to a ping areas, transportation terminals, bus student of concern call in Prairie View stops, on buses and other rapid transit. Apartments. Never leave your wallet or purse unat- tended in a shopping cart or on a counter. Saturday, February 28 Avoid carrying large amounts of cash – use debit card, credit card or check. Campus safety responded to a medi- Cash should be carried in a front cal assist in the International Center. pocket. Do not display large sums of cash. Campus Safety and the Saint Peter Make a list of all your credit/debit Police Department responded to alcohol cards and their numbers and keep this violations in Pittman Hall involving two list at home. This will assist you and the students and three non-students. Two police if they are stolen. Notify the credit students were referred to the campus card issuer immediately if your credit conduct system for underage consump- card is lost, stolen or misused. tion and two non-students were tres- Editor | Christine Peterson & Rachael Manser news Friday, March 6, 2015 • Page 3 Historic Year for Buiding Bridges Conference Kaity Young campus, while also hoping to that is accessible and uncon- twenty different Minnesota lib- Afghanistan. I think those are Staff Writer reach a larger audience. ventional,” Soule said. “Guante eral arts colleges, and now it’s a some really powerful people, “We believe that sexual vi- will be performing spoken word conference that we host as a one and I hope that in the future we uilding Bridges will be olence doesn’t happen in a pieces he has written about rape day event. ” have more of them visit.” hosting their 20th Annual vacuum, that in order to end culture in addition to the more Having the conference oc- The Co-Chairs of the confer- Conference on Saturday, rape and sexual assault it is conventional speech expected at cur over a several day period ence noted a distinct differ- B necessary to address the culture conferences such as this.” with the sponsorship of other ence between this year’s topic March 7. This is a historical year for Building Bridges not only that supports it,” Maloney said. The conference continues into colleges allowed for different and previous Building Bridges because this is the 20th confer- “It’s important for us to have the afternoon with a series of events to be held. One of the themes. ence, but also because of major discussions about rape culture workshop sessions beginning most notable events which no “This topic, rape culture, changes in funding. on our campus because colleges at 2:15 p.m. in Jackson Campus longer occurs was a celebratory is different than past topics “We are now permanently have historically been great en- Center and Beck Hall. closing ceremony. because of the intimate way it funded with a percentage of gines for social change, and col- “We’ve got a group of na- “As time went on, it changed affects the lives of all students the student activity fee, instead lege campuses are areas where tionally renowned workshop into different forms,” Gross- here at Gustavus,” Kyle Malo- of having to deal with the vari- sexual violence occurs regularly. presenters so we hope students huesch noted. “There was a ney said. “It is also a topic that ability that accompanies the We hope to bring these conver- take advantage of the afternoon four year period when it was we each have the ability to get spring budget request process,” sations into the mainstream and sessions,” Soule said. a beneft concert, and a period involved with in our day-to-day Junior Gender, Women, and everyday, where they belong.” Starting at 3:15 p.m. and run- when it was a Native American lives. We can stand up to sexism Sexuality Studies Major and The conference will begin in ning at the same time as some Powwow. Now, there’s nothing. and rape jokes in our friend Building Bridges Co-Chair Leah Christ Chapel at 9 a.m. on Sat- of the workshop sessions, there I think it’s important, though. groups, create safer spaces for Soule said. urday with a short performance will be an interactive walk- These students plan this mas- survivors of sexual assault, This year, the conference is by I Am We Are, followed by through in Beck Hall. sive conference, they put almost re-think the traditional party titled “Hidden in Plain Sight: the first keynote speaker, Jes- “The walk-through, taking an entire year’s worth of work culture prominent on campuses Recognizing and Rejecting Rape sica Valenti. Valenti is a daily the form of a mock-museum into it while keeping up with and learn to use affirmative Culture.” columnist for the Guardian US titled ‘Silent No More: Rape everything else they’re involved consent in our sex lives.” “Rape culture is the culture and the author of four books on Culture in Retrospect,’ will fea- in, and they don’t really have a While this topic can be diffi- that perpetuates and normalizes politics, feminism, and culture. ture some amazing visual and way to celebrate it on campus.” cult to discuss, those who have sexual violence. It is the culture “Jessica will present a per- performance art that has been One thing that has remained been working on the conference that uses the bodies of women spective that critiques the way created by Gustavus students consistent over the past twenty are exciting to engage in dia- to sell everything from lamps in which our media and other over the past several months,” years is the excellent quality logue about rape culture with to beer. It’s the culture that pro- institutions contribute to rape Maloney said. of keynote speakers who have attendees. motes the idea that men can’t culture,” Maloney said. “She While this format matches been brought to the Gustavus “I defnitely can’t wait to meet be sexually assaulted. It’s the has also been vocal on the that of Building Bridges confer- campus. our amazing speakers and get culture where the absence of a need for perpetrators of sexual ences in recent years, it evolved “Arun Gandhi, the grandson the chance to ask them their ‘no’ is mistaken for the presence violence to be held account- from a much different experi- of Mahatma Gandhi, came and thoughts on the diferent things of a ‘yes.’ It’s the culture that able in order to dismantle rape ence that started twenty years spoke about how to take action we’ve been talking about as a keeps us from being horrified culture.” ago.
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