Cambridge University Press 978-1-108-42468-4 — The Pretender of Pitcairn Island Tillman W. Nechtman Index More Information Index Adams, George, 67, 162–163, 169, Beaglehole, J. C., 11 257–258 Bean, Richard, 61, 136, 202 Adams, John. See Smith, Alexander Pitcairn (2014), 61, 136, 202 Adams, President John, 24–25 Beech, Harriet, 302 Ahu-toru, 230 Beechey, Captain Frederick William, 2, 5, Alaska, 145 26, 36, 37, 46, 67, 69, 71, 116, 181, Albert, Prince, 79, 131, 175 185, 186, 191, 207, 243 American Board of Commissioners for Belcher, Admiral Edward, 78, 135–136, Foreign Missions (ABCFM), 37, 48, 205–207, 255 50, 54, 87, 88, 102, 104–111, Belcher, Lady Diana (née Jolliffe), 78, 175, 116, 120 176, 266 American Revolution, 34, 41, 42 Bennett, Frederick Debell, 69, 71, 73, 74, Anglican Church Missionary Society 161, 167, 248, 249, 250 (CMS), 89 Benton, Senator Thomas Hart, 144 Anson, Admiral George, 43 Bernstein, Carl, 246 Australasian Wesleyan Methodist General Bicknell, George, 2, 3 Conference, 279 Bingham, Hiram, 37, 50–54, 56, 59, 75, Australia, 134, 142, 195, 213, 274, 86–90, 102, 104–118, 122, 124, 281, 293 278, 280 New South Wales, 142, 181, 185, 271 Blagden, Dr. Sir Charles, 47 Port Jackson, 3, 293 Bligh, Captain William, 1, 5, 8, 23, 27–29, Sydney, 277 33, 62, 88, 113, 133–134, 142, 160, Van Diemen’s Land, 185 165, 187, 188, 204, 217–221, 233, Wagga Wagga, 277 290, 292, 309 Bligh, Elizabeth (Betsy), 88, 217, 218, 219 Bachelot, Father Alexis, 49, 50–51, Blumenbach, Johann Friedrich, 231 110, 111 Boki, 49, 107–111 Baker, Shirley Waldemar, 279 Bonaparte, Madame Josephine, 5, 35, 47 Ballantyne, Robert Michael, 10, 65, 178, Bonaparte, Napoleon, 5, 35, 47, 82 179, 207, 241 Bougainville, Captain Louis Antoine de, 14, The Lonely Island; or, The Refuge of the 54, 220, 230 Mutineers (1880), 178, 179, 205, 207 Bounty Register, 2, 3 Banks, Sir Joseph, 3, 5, 10, 35, 39, 47, 56, Bourke, Governor Richard, 142 186–191, 199, 207, 217, 229, Bowles, Captain William, 36 230, 231 Brando, Marlon, 8 Barrow, Sir John, 39, 116, 121, 124, 125, Breadfruit, 1, 5, 28, 47, 142, 160, 180, 186, 181, 182, 185, 207, 265, 269, 188, 189, 190, 195, 205, 207, 270, 271 217, 222 Batavia, 134, 217, 230 Bridgewater, 45, 46 Bathurst Island, 181 Brighton Pavilion, 48 Bayonet Constitution, 279 Bristol Journal, 277 Beachcombers, 18, 92, 108 Brodie, Walter, 64, 132, 213, 250 337 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-108-42468-4 — The Pretender of Pitcairn Island Tillman W. Nechtman Index More Information 338 Index Brown, William, 22, 135, 243, 244 Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints Browning, Elizabeth Barrett, 222 (LDS), 279 Bruce, Captain William Henry, 38, 97, 98, Coconuts, 3, 63, 133, 134, 137, 165, 101, 130, 173, 174, 212, 248, 254, 195, 203 257, 261–265, 273, 281, 282, Coleridge, Samuel Taylor, 222 283, 301 The Rime of the Ancient Mariner Bryant, William Cullen, 10 (1798), 222 Buffett, Dorothy (Dolly) (née Young), 120, Colvin, Sidney, 11 157, 158, 166, 167, 254, 257 Congregation of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus Buffett, John, 30, 51, 52, 71, 76–82, 85–88, and Mary (The Picpus Fathers), 49, 97, 104, 116, 117, 120–125, 107, 109, 113 151–171, 172, 174, 175, 184, 185, Cook, Captain James, 11, 16, 17, 27–29, 186, 202, 208–212, 254–258, 262, 33, 44, 54, 88, 91, 145–147, 178, 264, 303 187, 188, 204, 205, 220, 221, 222, Bullock, Reverend W. T., 129 226, 228–230, 232, 234, 235, 238, Bunder, George, 116 248, 249, 279, 289 Bunker, Captain Noah, 79, 80, 84, 85, 116 Cook, James, Jr., 27 Burder, George, 95 Cook, Nathaniel, 27 Burke, Edmund, 143, 145 Burton, Sir Richard, 219 Dana, Richard Henry, 10, 12, 197, 301 Busby, James, 93 Darling, David, 184 Byron, Lord George Gordon, 10, 13, 105, Darwin, Charles, 14, 75, 231–232, 258 107, 178, 182, 190, 191, 220, The Origin of the Species (1859), 232 222, 294 The Descent of Man (1871), 232 Byron, Lord John, 43 Dashwood, George Frederick, 4 Diderot, Denis, 197 California Gold Rush, 58, 83 Dilke, Charles, 227–228, 283, 284 Canning, George, 74, 103 Dillon, Peter, 237–238 Captain, Pipon, 249–251 Dodd, Robert, 188–189 Carson, Rachel, 190, 195, 207 Dole, Sanford B., 279 Carteret, Captain Philip, 20–21, 62, 199 Donne, John, 193 Catholicism, 37, 48–51, 107–114 Douglas-Home, Alec, 288 Chamber’s Edinburgh Journal,8 Driver, Captain William, 71, 157–159, Charles Doggett, 71, 184 184–185 Charlotte Augusta, Princess, 48 Dublin Literary Journal, 202 Charlton, Richard, 51, 74, 75, 108, 109, Ducie Island, 193 212, 274–275, 281 Duckworth, Sir John, 35 Château de Malmaison, 33, 35, 47 Duff, 90, 91 Chilé Dupetit-Thouars, Admiral Abel Aubert, 83, Valparaíso, 2, 38, 66, 82, 97, 98, 127, 114, 280 128, 169, 170, 172, 259–264, 265, 301, 304 Earhart, Amelia, 19 Christian, Charles, 22, 167 East India Company, 45, 46, 56, 147 Christian, Edward, 8 Ebril, Captain Thomas, 2–3, 117, 118, Christian, Fletcher, 8, 19–25, 28, 33, 169, 275 61–63, 68, 78, 133–140, 158, 159, Edgartown, Massachusetts, 145 160, 178, 180, 190, 199–202, 218, Edwards, Captain Edward, 8, 78, 90 223, 233, 234, 236, 237, 239, 243, El Mercurio de Valparaíso, 259 249, 281, 287, 289, 292 Elliot, Sir George, 175, 297, 298, 299 Christian, Mary, 254 Elliott, Captain Russell, 131, 176, Christian, Thursday October, 21–23, 157, 265–271, 290 158, 183, 249–254 Ellis, William, 75, 98, 103, 114, 175, 186 Church Missionary Society (CMS), 131 Enderby, Captain Samuel, 143 Church of England, 214 Enlightenment, 229, 231, 239, 240 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-108-42468-4 — The Pretender of Pitcairn Island Tillman W. Nechtman Index More Information Index 339 Evangelical Magazine,95 Kailua, 50 Evans, John, 71, 76–78, 97, 116, 121, 122, Kamehameha Dynasty, 48, 59, 75 125, 130, 149, 151, 153–174, Kauai, 50 208–212, 265, 303 Kealakekua Bay, 28 Evans, Rachel (née Adams), 121, 158, 166, Lahaina, 50 167, 256–258 Maui, 51, 54 O‘ahu, 49, 69, 75, 77, 107, 110, 223 Faahotu (Fasto), 242 Hawtayne, John, 115 Ffrench, Jemima, 81 Hay, John C. Dalrymple, 263, 301 Fiji, 10, 12, 93 Hayluyt, Richard, 87 Fiske, N. W., 65 Heath, Thomas, 176 Fitzherbert, Maria, 45, 46 Henderson Island, 193–195 Flynn, Errol, 8 Henderson, Captain John, 87 Folger, Mayhew, 9, 19–26, 67, 68, 69, 157, Henry, Samuel Pinder, 2, 3 183, 236 Henson, Jim, 298 Forster, Johann Georg (George), 289 Heywood, Peter, 78, 239–240 Forster, Johann Reinhold, 187, 229 Hill, Joshua W. Freemantle, Captain Charles, 3, 4, 30–32, Arrival at Pitcairn Island, 1, 3, 12, 29, 30, 38, 121–125, 150, 151, 156 38, 69, 76, 79, 118, 121, 130, 147, French Revolution, 9, 137, 154, 175 149, 150, 155, 159, 160, 163, 165, Freud, Sigmund, 220 169, 263, 271, 275, 294, 305 Furneaux, Commander Tobias, 230 As a Filibuster, 58, 59 As Newspaper Editorialist, 42, 43, 45, 74 Gable, Clark, 8 As South Pacific Diplomat, 56, 119, 120, Galápagos Islands, 258 138, 139 Galton, Francis, 232 Associate of Hiram Bingham, 50, Gauguin, Paul, 83 111, 112 George IV (HRH the Prince Regent), 5, 33, At Tahiti, 55, 103, 104, 113–115 36, 45–48, 102, 151 At the Hawai‘ian Islands, 51, 103, Gibson, Mel, 8, 292 111, 280 Gibson, Walter M., 279 Birth, 34, 41 Glasgow Missionary Society (GMS), 89 Communication with the British Golding, William, 10 Government, 5, 144, 146, 154, 163 Goodrich, Samuel Griswold (Peter Communication with the London Parlay), 65 Missionary Society, 5, 72, 74, Gordon, W. E., 214 140–141 Death of, 302–303 Hall, James Norman, 10, 40, 263 Employee of the East India Company, 35 Hamilton, Lady Emma, 5 Fall from Power at Pitcairn Island, 127, Hammerstein, Oscar, 290 172, 173 Hardy, Thomas, 302 Father, 41–42, 45 Hastings, Francis Rawdon, First Marquis of Government at Pitcairn Island, 6–7, Hastings and Second Earl of 30–32, 56, 72, 101, 119, 120, Moira, 81 123–128, 140, 148–177, 199, Hastings, Warren, 8 207–213, 255, 256–258, 263, 264, Hau‘ofa, Epeli, 10, 15, 17, 201, 226, 227 268, 303 Tales of the Tikongs (1983), 10 Guest of Prince Regent, 48 Hawai‘ian Islands (Sandwich Islands), 28, Implicated in Royal Scandal, 45, 46 37, 51, 74, 102, 104, 105, 107, 108, In France, 47 111, 112, 114, 115, 118, 209, 213, Legacy of, 82, 131, 174, 267, 271–274, 235, 274 282, 290, 291, 292, 295, 300, American Annexation of, 276 307 Hilo, 50 Life in London, 39 Honolulu, 11, 48–54, 57, 69, 105, 113, Marriage, 38, 39, 166, 302 204, 274–275, 280 Medical History (Diabetes), 38 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-108-42468-4 — The Pretender of Pitcairn Island Tillman W. Nechtman Index More Information 340 Index Hill, Joshua W. (cont.) Ka‘ahumanu, 49–52, 105–112, 241 Personality, 103, 112, 115, 137, 138, Kalakaua, 279 139, 170 Kamā malu, 104, 105, 107 Portrait of, 296–301 Kamchatka, 146 Portrayed as a madman, 6, 120, 124, Kamehameha I, 49, 104, 105, 107, 110 125, 306 Kamehameha II (Liholiho), 104–108, Recommended by Queen Pomare IV, 38, 241, 274 56, 57, 93, 138, 139 Kamehameha III (Kauikeaouli), 48–50, Removal from Pitcairn Island, 38, 97, 105, 106, 213, 274 130, 131, 173, 175, 176, 212, 257, Kendall Chronometer, 23 261, 263, 264, 291 Keō puolani, 105 Seeks a Residence at the Hawai‘ian King George Tupou I, 279 Islands, 51–53 Kipling, Rudyard, 219 Thoughts on the Value of the Hawai’ian Mandalay (1892), 219 Islands, 53 Kissinger, Henry, 246, 247 Voyage from Tahiti, 2 Knowles, Captain Josiah N., 285, 286 HM Sloop Comet, 178, 183 Kotzebue, Otto von, 119 HMAV Bounty,1,6–9, 19–25, 28, 31, 38, Kreeft, Peter, 12, 197, 198 39, 61–67, 90, 91, 92, 94, 121,
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