ANNUAL REPORT 2017/18 2017/18 I Annual Report I SANSA ANNUAL REPORT ANNUAL 2017/18 1 2 2017/18 I Annual Report I SANSA 2017/18 I Annual Report I SANSA CONTENTS PART A - GENERAL INFORMATION PART C - PERFORMANCE INFORMATION 1. PUBLIC ENTITY’S GENERAL INFORMATION 6 11. PERFORMANCE INFORMATION 38 2. LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS/ACRONYMS 7 AUDITOR’S REPORT: PREDETERMINED OBJECTIVES 38 3. MESSAGE FROM THE MINISTER OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY 10 SITUATIONAL ANALYSIS 38 4. FOREWORD BY THE CHAIRMAN 11 CONSOLIDATED PERFORMANCE INFORMATION 40 5. CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER’S OVERVIEW 12 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION BY 6. STATEMENT OF RESPONSIBILITY AND PROGRAMME 44 CONFIRMATION OF ACCURACY OF THE 3 ANNUAL REPORT 14 PROGRAMME 1: ADMINISTRATION 44 7. STRATEGIC OVERVIEW MISSION, VISION PROGRAMME 2: EARTH OBSERVATION 51 AND VALUES 15 PROGRAMME 3: SPACE SCIENCE 62 MISSION, VISION AND VALUES 15 PROGRAMME 4: SPACE OPERATIONS 72 STRATEGIC GOALS 16 PROGRAMME 5: SPACE ENGINEERING 76 STRATEGIC PROGRAMMES 18 8. LEGISLATIVE AND OTHER MANDATES 19 PART D - GOVERNANCE 9. ORGANISATIONAL STRUCTURE 21 12. BOARD, MANAGEMENT STRUCTURES AND GOVERNANCE 82 PART B - IMPACT REPORT - THE IMPACT BOARD 82 OF SPACE IN OUR SOCIETY EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE 89 10. THE IMPACT OF SPACE IN OUR SOCIETY 24 RISK MANAGEMENT 91 SERVING SOCIETY 24 SAFETY, HEALTH, ENVIRONMENT KNOWLEDGE CREATION 26 AND QUALITY (SHEQ) 93 SHAPING OUR INDUSTRY 28 AUDIT COMMITTEE REPORT 93 BUILDING CAPACITY 31 PART E - HUMAN RESOURCE GLOBAL PARTNERSHIPS 34 MANAGEMENT 13. HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT 96 PART F - FINANCIAL INFORMATION 14. INDEPENDENT AUDITOR’S REPORT 104 15. ANNUAL FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 108 4 2017/18 I Annual Report I SANSA 2017/18 I Annual Report I SANSA PART A GENERAL INFORMATION 5 1. PUBLIC ENTITY’S GENERAL INFORMATION REGISTERED NAME: South African National Space Agency (SANSA) PHYSICAL ADDRESS: SANSA Corporate Office, Enterprise Building Mark Shuttleworth Street The Innovation Hub Pretoria 0087 POSTAL ADDRESS: PO Box 484 Silverton 0127 TELEPHONE NUMBER/S: +27 (0) 12 844 0500 FAX NUMBER: +27 (0)12 844 0396 6 EMAIL ADDRESS: [email protected] WEBSITE ADDRESS: http://www.sansa.org.za EXTERNAL AUDITORS: Nexia SAB&T BANKERS: ABSA Bank COMPANY/ BOARD SECRETARY Ms Lorraine Harrison 2017/18 I Annual Report I SANSA 2017/18 2. LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS/ I ACRONYMS Annual Report AAD African Aerospace and Defence I ACAMS Advisory Committee for Aeronautical Meteorological Services ADS Airbus Defence and Space SANSA AEB Brazilian Space Agency AGU American Geophysical Union AIS Automated Identification System AIT Assembly, Integration and Testing ARC Agricultural Research Council ASAL Algerian Space Agency ASP African School of Fundamental Physics and Applications ATNS Air Traffic Navigation Services BCT Broadcast Communication Tool CAA Civil Aviation Authority CASI Committee of African Space Institutions CBERS 4 China, Brazil Earth Resources Satellite CEOS Committee on Earth Observation Satellites CNSA China National Space Administration CoC Centre of Competence CoE Centres of Excellence CoS Condition of Service 7 COSPAR Centre for Space Plasma and Aeronomics Research CPRR Competitive Programme for Rated Researchers CPUT Cape Peninsula University of Technology CSA Canadian Space Agency CSIRO Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation CRESDA China Centre for Resources Satellite Data Applications CSD Central Supplier Database CSIR Council for Scientific and Industrial Research CW4SA Crop Watch 4 South Africa DEA Department of Environmental Affairs DGI Directorate Geospatial Intelligence DIFR Disabling Injury Frequency Rate DLR German Aerospace Centre DoD Department of Defence DRS Direct Reception System DST Department of Science and Technology DTE Development Test Equipment DWS Department of Water and Sanitation EO Earth Observation EODC Earth Observation Data Centre EO-SDLC Earth Observation-Systems Development Life Cycle ERP Enterprise Resource Planning ESA European Space Agency ESR EISCAT Svalbard Radar ESWW European Space Weather Workshop ESSTI Ethiopian Space Science Technical Institute FBM Fractional Brownian Motion FDP Fundisa Disk Programme FGN Fractional Gaussian Noise GA Geo-Council Australia GAF Geometric Alignment Facility GEO Group on Earth Observation GICs Geomagnetically Induced Currents GNSS Global Navigation Satellite System GPG Gauteng Provincial Government GPS Global Positioning System HCD Human Capital Development HET Higher Education Institute HF High Frequency ICAO International Civil Aviation Authority ICTP International Centre for Theoretical Physics IDP Individual Development Plans ILS Integrated Logistics Support INPE Instituto Nacional de Pesquisons Espaciais IPSP International Partnership in Space Programme IRGO Interdisciplinary Research and Global Outlook ISEB International Space Education Board ISES International Space Environment Service ISF International Space Forum ISRSE International Symposium on Remote Sensing of Environment ISRO Indian Space Research Organisation ISSI International Space Science Institute JICA Japan International Cooperation Agency JRC Joint Research Commission KIC Knowledge, Interchange and Collaboration 8 LCC Life Cycle Costing LED Light Emitting Diodes MEDO Meta Economic Development Agency MDA Marine Domain Awareness MDTP Management Development and Training Programme MoU Memorandum of Understanding MTEF Medium Term Expenditure Framework MTSF Medium Term Strategic Framework NASA National Aeronautics and Space Administration NASRDA National Space Research and Development Agency NARSS National Authority for Remote Sensing and Space Science NASSP National Astrophysics and Space Science Programme NCR National Centre for Research NDP National Development Plan NDMC National Disaster Management Centre NIPMO National Intellectual Property Management Office NLC National Lotteries Commission NRCan Natural Resource Canada NRF National Research Foundation NSF National Science Foundation NSI National System of Innovation NSP National Space Programme 2017/18 I NSS National Space Strategy NUST (PON) Namibia University of Science and Technology NVD National Vegetation Density NWU North West University OCIMS Oceans and Coasts Management Information System Annual Report I OECD Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development OSR Optical Space Research SANSA OTF Optical Test Frame PDI Previously Disadvantaged Individuals 2017/18 PDP Professional Development Programme I PDR Prelineary Design Review PFISR Poker Flat Incoherent Scatter Radar PFMA Public Finance Management Act QMS Quality Management System Annual Report R&D Research and Development I RADI Institute of Remote Sensing and Digital Earth RAM Reliability, Availability and Maintainability SANSA ROSCOSMOS State Space Corporation - Russia SAAF South African Air Force SAAO South African Astronomical Observatory SAARP South African Association for Retired Persons SAASTA South African Agency for Science and Technology Advancement SAEOS South African Earth Observation Strategy SALT South African Large Telescope SAMSA South African Maritime Safety Authority SANAP South African National Antarctic Programme SANDF South African National Defence Force SANDIMS South African National geophysical Data and Instrumentation Management System SANSA South African National Space Agency SAR Synthetic Aperture Radar SARS South African Revenue Service SAWS South African Weather Services SC-ADM Standing Committee on Antarctic Data Management SCAR Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research 9 SCOSTEP Scientific Committee on Solar-Terrestrial Physics SDG Sustainable Development Goals SE Space Engineering SHEQ Safety, Health, Environment and Quality SKA Square Kilometre Array SO Space Operations SPOT Satellite Pour l’Observation de la Terre SS Space Science SSAU State Space Agency of Ukraine STEM Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics SWC Space Weather Comp/Centre TOSS Transfer Orbit Support Services TRS Technical Requirement Specification UCT University of Cape Town UJ University of Johannesburg UKSA UK Space Agency UNCOP UOS United Nations Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space UNOOSA United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs USAID United States USGS United States Geological Survey VM University of Michigan UWC University of the Western Cape VDES VHF Data Exchange System VO Variation Order WBS Work Breakdown Structure WCED Western Cape Education Department YTD Year to Date 3. MESSAGE FROM THE MINISTER OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY Operation Phakisa (Oceans Economy) is a clear indication of South Africa’s advancement in space science and technology. ZACUBE-2 will also carry a novel medium resolution K-Line imager as a secondary payload to detect fires. While I acknowledge the achievements, I also note challenges relating to the issue of funding for the EO- Sat1 satellite build programme. The project has seen very slow progress which is compounded by poor project management. In the coming financial year, efforts will be directed towards resolving these challenges. My Department is working closely with SANSA and other government departments to ramp up efforts to meet the growing demand for space application products and services across the space value chain, namely, Earth observation, navigation and positioning, satellite telecommunications, satellite engineering and space science. Additionally, strategic international partnerships have been formalised as we make efforts to extend 10 product and service offerings into the African continent. As we enter the second phase of the implementation of the National Development
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