Mid-Year Update - 2020 Nine's Consumer Pulse study continues with a second wave of research looking at audience sentiment,media consumption and consumer behaviour/spending. People are feeling more positive and hopeful as time passes Australians are feeling hopeful. Concern is no longer the top emotion and it has significantly decreased by 24% over the past few weeks. Negative emotions are in decline, whilst more positive emotions are increasing. 1 in 2 are feeling more positive* than they did a month ago. TOP 5 Emotions Top 5 (Negative) Emotions Wave 2 (NOW) in wave 1 are in Decline 59% 36% Hopeful 40% 40% 38% 35% 33% 35% Concerned 27% 25% 24% 32% Tired 18% 1 in 2 28% Optimistic ARE POSTIVE, HOPEFUL OR Concerned Anxious Unsettled Worried Frustrated OPTIMISTIC 27% Frustrated Wave 1 Wave 2 Source: 9Nation & Insider – Australians Have Their Say on COVID 19 W ave 1 (N= 3590) / W ave 2 (N= 2395) : How are you feeling at this moment in time? *Positive emotion include optimistic, hopeful & positive Many think as a nation we are coping, better than other countries When comparing to other countries, consumers think we are doing collectively better. They think the mood in the country is more positive and are coping better. They also believe our federal government is doing well comparatively. 87% 89% 83% Coping well in this Australian Mood in Australia is situation in government is doing more positive than comparison to other well in comparison to other countries countries other countries Source: 9nation & insider – Australians have their say on COVID 19 w ave 2 (N= 2395) : w hat w ould you say the mood is in Australia about COVID-19 in comparison to other countries? Source: 9nation & insider – Australians have their say on covid 19 w ave 2 (n= 2395) : in y our opinion, how are Australians coping w ith the current covid-19 situation compared to nations such as the us, uk, new zealand, italy , spain? Source: 9nation & insider – Australians have their say on covid 19 w ave 2 (n= 2395) : in comparison to other countries, do you think the Australian federal government is doing a good job? Audiences continue to consume more media Over the past few weeks, amongst top 10 activities they have done, five are related to media consumption. Top 10 activities started past few weeks 51% 50% 49% 48% 47% 42% 41% 40% 38% 33% Watching moreReading TV news and articlesWatching online streaming servicesOutdoor runs / walks Cooking Reading Trying new recipes Home DIY projectsListening to more music / podcastsListen to the radio Source: 9Nation & Insider – Australians Hav e Their Say on COVID 19 Wav e 2 (N= 2395): Now that we are restricted in our mov ements, hav e y ou taken up or would y ou take up any of the f ollowing hobbies and/or activ ities: Nine continues to be the media powerhouse consumers trust to keep them up to date 7 in 10 Trust Nine’s assets to bring them timely and accurate updates 74% 71% Nearly 1 in 3 1 in 4 Turning to Nine TV Programs Turning to Nine Online Websites Turning to Nine Print Assets Turning to Nine Radio Assets Source: 9Nation & Insider – Australians Have Their Say on COVID 19 W ave 2 (N= 1588): Can y ou tell us w hich online sites y ou trust and have accessed the most over the past few w eeks? Source: 9Nation & Insider – Australians Have Their Say on COVID 19 W ave 2 (N= 1637): W hich of the follow ing TV New s programs do you trust and w atch most often to keep up to date w ith the coronavirus (COVID-19)? Source: 9Nation & Insider – Australians Have Their Say on COVID 19 W ave 2 (N= 750): Which of the follow ing physical new spapers do y ou trust and read most often to keep up to date w ith the coronavirus (COVID-19)? Source: 9Nation & Insider – Australians Have Their Say on COVID 19 W ave 2 (N= 1067): Over the past few w eeks, have you tuned into one of Nine's radio stations to get the latest new s on the pandemic? News consumption has stabilised with audiences continuing to choose trusted news sources Over the past few weeks, people continue to stay on top of the latest updates on the pandemic. Turning to the sources they trust. News consumption has stabilised, with over 1 in 2 still consuming more news and current affair content. 89% 88% 85% 88% 79% turn to news 71% sources that I trust to keep 55% me up to date 79% Wanting to stay on top of the latest updates Staying up to date Consuming more news in past Turning to sources they trust few weeks Wave 1 Wave 2 Sour ce: 9Nat ion & Insider – Aust r alians Have Their Say on COVID 19 Wave 1 (N= 3590) / Wave 2 (N= 2395): Do you agr ee or disagr ee wit h t he following st atements: My consum pt ion of News and cur r ent affair cont ent has incr eased significant ly over t he past few weeks | I want t o stay on t op of t he lat est updat es on COVID-19 | I t ur n t o news sour ces t hat I trust to keep m e up t o dat e Consumers are more open to purchasing non-essentials & treat yourself items There has been a shift in what consumers are purchasing online since the start of the pandemic. Over time treat yourself items purchases like clothes and shoes have increased. Females and millennials are more open to spending across these categories 66% +13% 31% +9% Top 3 Items likely to purchase online in the next few weeks 18% 57% 35-54 55+ 18-34 Spend on non essential Purchase something to treat yourself #1 – Clothes & #1 – Household #1 – Clothes & Shoes Shoes Items Wave 1 Wave 2 Wave 1 Wave 2 #2 – Home Delivery #2 – Household #2 – Books / Magazines 66% 1 in 3 #3 – Household Items Items Still spending on Likely to purchase something #3 – Home Delivery #3 – Clothes & non essential items to ‘treat yourself’ Shoes Source: 9Nation & Insider – Australians Have Their Say on COVID 19 W ave 1 (N= 3590) / W ave 2 (N= 2395): Do you agree or disagree w ith the follow ing statements: I am still spending on non-essential items / I am likely to purchase something to 'treat myself Source: 9Nation & Insider – Australians Have Their Say on COVID 19 W ave 2 (N= 2395): You mentioned y ou are likely to do more online shopping in the nex t few w eeks In the pursuit of truth, trust and entertainment more Australians have turned to Nine Year to date, we provide the most consistent linear TV network for all key demographics 2020 CYTD Primetime Com Share (1800-2359) P25-54 39.15% 31.03% 29.82% P16-39 38.66% 30.21% 31.13% GS+CH 40.30% 31.54% 28.16% Total People 39.45% 34.87% 25.67% Source: OzTAM Metro 5 City, 1/01/2020 - 3/06/2020, Netw ork Nine, Netw ork Seven, Netw ork 10, Commercial Share, Consolidated 7 as at 04/06/2020. And have continued to reach new audiences over the last four weeks +0.2 reach ppts Ttl Ppl Nine Network’s average weekly reach has increased across the 5 city metro across all key demos (Weeks 19-20 v 21-22) +0.4 reach ppts Average Weekly Reach % P25-54 64.9 66.3 59.9 60.1 59.5 59.9 +0.4 45.2 45.6 reach ppts P16-39 +1.4 reach ppts Total People P 25-54 P 16-39 GS + CH GS+CH Weeks 19-20 2020 Weeks 21-22 2020 Source: OzTAM Metro 5 City , W eeks 19-29 2020. W eeks 21-22 2020, S-S 0200-2559, Netw ork Nine, Reach, Average Weekly Reach %,,Various Demos, consolidated 7. We are the most consistent platform to reach P25-54 for over 40 consecutive survey weeks Network Netw ork P25-54 – P25-54 – 18:00-MN 18:00-MN W23 40.04% 34.83% 25.14% W43 38.55% 32.00% 29.45% W24 38.41% 35.14% 26.46% W44 38.14% 32.64% 29.21% W25 37.63% 35.32% 27.06% W45 40.30% 32.47% 27.23% W26 40.78% 33.49% 25.73% W46 37.32% 34.44% 28.24% 2019 W27 38.12% 36.18% 25.70% W47 38.28% 35.37% 26.35% W28 42.66% 33.53% 23.81% W48 38.23% 36.52% 25.25% W29 36.71% 36.64% 26.65% W7 40.97% 31.17% 27.86% W30 35.61% 35.21% 29.18% W8 40.56% 33.20% 26.24% W31 39.87% 32.66% 27.47% W9 40.39% 31.57% 28.04% W32 39.88% 32.94% 27.18% W10 41.35% 30.45% 28.20% 2019 W33 39.01% 31.98% 29.02% W11 42.47% 29.67% 27.86% W34 40.70% 32.40% 26.90% W12 39.72% 33.24% 27.03% W35 37.27% 31.64% 31.09% 2020 W13 43.09% 30.63% 26.27% W36 38.35% 34.61% 27.04% W14 41.84% 30.78% 27.38% W37 41.17% 32.64% 26.20% W17 39.39% 30.34% 30.27% W38 36.55% 34.94% 28.51% W18 36.56% 30.89% 32.56% W39 38.78% 34.31% 26.91% W19 34.73% 33.17% 32.10% W40 39.20% 33.99% 26.81% W20 35.96% 31.98% 32.05% W41 41.06% 30.14% 28.80% W21 36.32% 30.28% 33.40% W42 36.55% 30.11% 33.33% W22 37.68% 29.47% 32.85% Source: OzTam metro TV, W eek 23 2019 – W eek 22 2020, ex cludes Summer & Easter periods, P25-54, Netw ork 9, Netw ork 7, 10 Netw ork, 18:00-23:59, 5 City Metro, Commercial Share, Consolidated 7 as at 01/06/20.
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