Mixed Hodge structures 8.1 Definition of a mixed Hodge structure · Definition 1. A mixed Hodge structure V = (VZ;W·;F ) is a triple, where: (i) VZ is a free Z-module of finite rank. (ii) W· (the weight filtration) is a finite, increasing, saturated filtration of VZ (i.e. Wk=Wk−1 is torsion free for all k). · (iii) F (the Hodge filtration) is a finite decreasing filtration of VC = VZ ⊗Z C, such that the induced filtration on (Wk=Wk−1)C = (Wk=Wk−1)⊗ZC defines a Hodge structure of weight k on Wk=Wk−1. Here the induced filtration is p p F (Wk=Wk−1)C = (F + Wk−1 ⊗Z C) \ (Wk ⊗Z C): Mixed Hodge structures over Q or R (Q-mixed Hodge structures or R-mixed Hodge structures) are defined in the obvious way. A weight k Hodge structure V is in particular a mixed Hodge structure: we say that such mixed Hodge structures are pure of weight k. The main motivation is the following theorem: Theorem 2 (Deligne). If X is a quasiprojective variety over C, or more generally any separated scheme of finite type over Spec C, then there is a · mixed Hodge structure on H (X; Z) mod torsion, and it is functorial for k morphisms of schemes over Spec C. Finally, W`H (X; C) = 0 for k < 0 k k and W`H (X; C) = H (X; C) for ` ≥ 2k. More generally, a topological structure definable by algebraic geometry has a mixed Hodge structure: relative cohomology, punctured neighbor- hoods, the link of a singularity, . Two extreme cases of the theorem are compact but possibly singular varieties or smooth but not necessarily compact varieties. The mixed Hodge structures look somewhat dual to each other in these two cases. In the first k k k case, the weight filtration on H (X; C) satisfies: WkH (X; C) = H (X; C), k k k and hence W`H (X; C) = H (X; C) for all ` ≥ k. Also, W`H (X; C) = 0 if ` < 2k − 2n. Of course, this is only interesting if k > n. In case X k is smooth but not necessarily compact, W`H (X; C) = 0 for all ` < k. k k k k Moreoer, W2nH (X; C) = H (X; C), and hence W`H (X; C) = H (X; C) for all ` ≥ 2n; again, this is only interesting if k > n. 1 We describe the mixed Hodge structure of a curve C in more detail: Nodal curves: Suppose that, for simplicity, C is an irreducible curve with at worst nodes as singularities. (It is not hard to modify the above discussion to the case where C is not necessarily irreducible.) Let ν : Ce ! C be the −1 normalization map. For each node xi of C, write ν (xi) = fpi; qig. Then we have an exact sequence 1 1 1 0 ! W0H (C; Z) ! H (C; Z) ! H (C; Z) ! 0; 1 ∗ 1 1 where W0H (C; Z) = Kerfν : H (C; Z) ! H (C; Z)g. In terms of hyper- cohomology, let C· be the complex 1 OC ! ν∗Ω : Ce · 1 Then C is a subcomplex of ν∗Ω , which is quasi-isomorphic to ν∗ , and we Ce C have an exact sequence · 1 0 !C ! ν∗Ω ! ν∗O =OC ! 0: Ce Ce Here ν O =O is a skyscraper sheaf with stalk at each of the double ∗ Ce C C points. Taking hypercohomology gives 0 0 d 1 1 H (C; C) ! H (Ce; C) ! C ! H (C; C) ! H (Ce; C) ! 0: 0 0 Since C is irreducible, and hence Ce is connected, H (C; C) ! H (Ce; C) is 1 1 1 ∼ an isomorphism, and hence W0H (C; C) = KerfH (C; C) ! H (Ce; C)g = d C . Of course, a similar statement holds over Z, and it is easy to identify 1 1 W0H (C; Z) with H1(C; Z)/ν∗(H (Ce; Z)); a set of representatives for this quotient is given by paths γi on Ce with γi(0) = pi and γi(1) = qi. Open smooth curves: Suppose that C = C − S, where C is a smooth projective curve and S is a finite set. Let S = fx1; : : : ; xsg. Then we have an exact sequence 1 1 s−1 0 ! H (C; Z) ! H (C; Z) ! Z ! 0; s−1 where we can identify Z with the subgroup of the free abelian group Z[S] Ps P consisting of formal sums i=1 ni · xi such that i ni = 0. In this case, we 1 1 set W1 = H (C; Z) and W2 = H (C; Z). The quotient W2=W1 is dual to the subspace of H1(C; Z) generated by small loops in C around the xi (which are 1 homologous to 0 in C). As we shall show, H (C; C) is the hypercohomology of the complex Ω· (log S) on C defined by C 1 OC ! ΩC (x1 + ··· + xs): 2 The inclusion Ω· ! Ω· (log S) gives an exact sequence C C s · · M 0 ! ΩC ! ΩC (log S) ! Cxi [−1] ! 0; i=1 where the map Ω1 (log S) ! Ls [1] is given by taking the residue C p i=1 Cxi −1 at xi (up to a factor of (2π −1) if we want to make sure the integral 1 1 Ls structure is correct). Here, the image of H (C; C) in H (C; i=1 Cxi [−1]) = 0 Ls P H (C; i=1 Cxi ) consists of s-tuples (t1; : : : ; ts) such that i ti = 0, by the residue theorem: the exact sequence s 0 1 0 1 M 1 1 H (C;ΩC ) ! H (C;ΩC (x1 + ··· + xs)) ! Cxi ! H (C;ΩC ) ! 0 i=1 implies that the image of H0(C;Ω1 (x + ··· + x )) in [S] has codimension C 1 s C one and is otherwise constrained by the residue theorem. 8.2 The category of mixed Hodge structures Definition 3. Let V1 and V2 be two mixed Hodge structures. A morphism of mixed Hodge structures is a homomorphism ':(V1)Z ! (V2)Z such that ' preserves the weight filtrations (i.e. '(WkV1) ⊆ WkV2 for all k), and the extension of ' to a linear map (V1)C ! (V2)C preserves the Hodge filtrations. k In particular, the induced maps on grW are morphisms of Hodge structures for all k. Sub-mixed Hodge structures are then defined in the obvious way: V 0 ⊆ V is a sub-mixed Hodge structure of V if it carries a mixed Hodge structure and the inclusion is a morphism of mixed Hodge structures. As we will see, this implies that the mixed Hodge structure on V 0 is the one 0 0 induced from the mixed Hodge structure on V , i.e. WkV = WkV \ V and p 0 p 0 F V = F V \ V . For example, WkV is a sub-mixed Hodge structure of V for all k. One could also define morphisms of degree r, generalizing the above (morphisms of degree 0), by requiring that '(WkV1) ⊆ Wk+2rV2 for all k and p p+r k '(F V1) ⊆ F V2 for all p, so that the induced maps on grW are morphisms of Hodge structures of type (r; r). However, as in the case of morphisms of Hodge structures, we can always reduce to morphisms of weight 0 via Tate twists, as we describe below. Convention: we will write V for VZ, VQ, VR, or VC, relying on the context to make precise which we mean, unless we have to avoid confusion. We 3 can also speak of Q-morphisms or R-morphisms of mixed Hodge structures. p Finally, we shall often write Wk for either WkV or WkVC, and similarly F for F pV , when V is clear from the context. Given the definition of morphisms, mixed Hodge structures form a cat- egory, and we can carry out the usual linear algebra operations. For exam- ple, the direct sum V1 ⊕ V2 is defined in the obvious way: Wk(V1 ⊕ V2) = WkV1 ⊕ WkV2, and similarly for the Hodge filtration. Likewise, tensor prod- uct: X Wk(V1 ⊗ V2) = WaV1 ⊗ WbV2; a+b≤k p X a b F (V1 ⊗ V2) = F V1 ⊗ F V2: a+b≥p Example 4. If Z(k) is the Tate Hodge structure of weight −2, then V (k) = V ⊗ Z(k) is the Tate twist of V . For Hom, we define: Ws Hom(V1;V2) = f' 2 Hom(V1;V2): '(WkV1) ⊆ Wk+sV2g; r p p+r F Hom(V1;V2) = f' 2 Hom(V1;V2): '(F V1) ⊆ F V2g: 0 In particular, W0 Hom(V1;V2)Z \ F Hom(V1;V2) is the group of morphisms of mixed Hodge structures from V1 to V2. Theorem 5. If ': V1 ! V2 is a morphism, or R-morphism, of mixed Hodge structures, then ' is strict with respect to both the weight and Hodge filtra- tions, i.e. Im ' \ WkV2 = '(WkV1); p p Im ' \ F V2 = '(F V1): To prove the theorem, we use the existence of a Deligne decomposition: Theorem 6. Let V be an R-mixed Hodge structure. Then there exist vector p;q subspaces I ⊆ VC such that: L p;q L p;q (i) WkVC = p+q≤k I , and in particular VC = p;q I . p L r;q (ii) F V = r≥p I . Hence p;q q;p I = I mod Wp+q−1: 4 (iii) The construction is functorial with respect to morphisms of mixed Hodge structures. Proof. Define 0 1 p;q p q X q−i+1 I = (F \ Wp+q) \ @F \ Wp+q + F \ Wp+q−iA : i≥2 p;q p;q p By definition, I ⊆ Wp+q, I ⊆ F , and p;q p q I = F \ F \ Wp+q mod Wp+q−2: The construction is also clearly functorial with respect to morphisms of mixed Hodge structures.
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