the. ayr^d. EAST CENT ALBERTA NEWS ILUME XXXXIII—No. 32 THE>IANNA HERALD and EAST CENTRAL ALBERTA NEWS—THURSDAY, JUNE 14, 1956 "^ w tf-t-w^;*.-*!LS*-**? fx&*'inc v PAVING BYLAW GETS UK.' Ceremonies Mork Openi *De**A ..-rate School UTILITIES COMMISSION SANCTIONS YOUNG MEN JOIN STAFF OF HERALD CROWD OF FIVE THOUSAND PEOPLE GUEST FOR PAVING LOAN; WORK Two young men have been added to the Herald staff this PACKS ROUND UP GROUNDS FOR week in the persons of Harry [ARTS JULY 1 SAYS CONTRACTOR j Planden and Earl Logan. Har­ ry, has forsaken the climate EXCELLENT WESTERN SHOW JUNE 6 Two Blocks on Main Street Will of British Columbia for e Have Hard Surface by Fall; P. W. whirl at the plains of south­ Fitzsimmons' Show Said to Be Best ern Alberta, coming here Yet; Infield Events Produce Many Chairman Gives Idea on Sidewalks from Bluett, B.C., near Nel­ son. Earl is a Calgary native Wild Rides; Chuckwagon Races Close The dust menace on Hanna's main artery of business, sec- son, and comes to the Herald avenue, will by this fall be a thing of the past. Glad tidings from Phoenix Press, a well Five thousand people, by far the largest crowd ever to at* known job printing plant. tend the Hanna Round Up, were here last Wednesday for the re received at Monday night's council meeting, when sec­ Earl's wife will join him in tary J. H. Stephens read a letter from the Board of Pub+ic Hanna the end of this week. event sponsored by W. E. Fitzsimmons. Weather conditions, al­ lilities Commissioner^ giving the town permission to borrow Harry joins the staff as com­ though a little on the cool side, were favorable, and people pney for the paving of the street. This will include the two positor-pressman, and Earl as I from all over east central Alberta unanimously agreed it was bcks from the corner of centre street and second avenue, "comp" with strong aspira­ | the best show "Fitz" has staged, and in the past he has pro- < |st to the intersection of second avenue and second street' tions to master the linotype. moted some good ones. ! Detailed results of the show are Both lads wiil make welcome Missing from the Round Up this •* follows: additions to the community, j year was the morning parade, Wild Horse Race: 1. Reg Kess­ Total cost of the project is S46 - and after a "look see" at Han­ Sixty per cent of this loan is j which was a disappointment to ler, Rosemary: 2. Don McLeod. na were much impressed, par­ some of the patrons.- Also absent &i$ck Diamond; 3. Bill Graham, I be repaid by property owners, ticularly with the civic cen­ |ose property fronts on the sec from the arena program was the ffast Coulee; 4. Leo Maynard, tre, swimming pool, skating Brahma buli riding. However, CJuny. to be paved, and the balance and curling rinks. [forty per cent comes out of gen­ the huge throng soon forgot their "steer Decorating: 1. Alex Lay, ii revenue. It is understood the | disappointments and joined in Sounding Lake;, 2. Bud Van Cleeve In is spread"over a period of 20 having themselves a real Western Tj»{>er; 3. Al Cassidy, Stettler; 4. Vs. time* thrilling to the top-quality Stan Walker and Tom Butterfield. arena events, the chuck wagon "Chuckwagon races: 1. Peter renders for the paving job have FUA Local At races, fireworks and the Gayland Bawden (Dale Flett, driver); 2. en awarded to Lyle Grover and Shows Midway. Imperial Ranch (Orvil Strand­ Is, Hanna contractors, who told quist); 3. Jack Sheckter (Tom Dor- Herald on Wednesday that Some sensational riding was Rose Lynn Draft staged in the saddle bronk and chested; 4. W.,J. Newman (W. J. rk would commence on July 1. Newman). |e avenue will be cut down con- bareback bronk events, and one lerably, then to be filled with a didn't need to look any farther Hanna Derby: lst heat: 1. Jim pvel base in preparation for the Resolutions than the Hanna Round Up to see Murphy; 2. Vern Green; 3. Mrs. bhalt. the best. Don McKay, veteran Iris Glass; 2nd heat: 1. Ken Bux­ Vehicle Safety Subject hand from Black Diamond won question which has been ask- ton; 2. Harry Groch; 3. C. Peters. Of Discussion At the saddle bronk event, and pock­ Calf Roping: 1. Stan Walker, by many citizens, has been eted over $100 for his efforts. In lether this project includes new Meeting on May 29 Ralston; 2. George Sutciiffe, Mil­ the bareback event one of the wil- larville; 3. Bud Van Cleeve, Tab­ lewalks on second avenue. P. de^f rides of the day saw young ennedy, chairman of the public Sixteen members met at the er; 4. Norman Logren, Gwynne. Rose Lynn school on Tuesday ev­ Alvin Owens of Patricia a fittin' arks committee states that side- on a wild eyed bangtail.-^He was Bareack Bronc Riding: 1. Gene |alks are not included. However, ening May 29 fox the regular Gunderson, Calgary; 2. Alvin Ow­ meeting of the FUA Local No. literally all over his horse at one told the Herald that plans are time, but spectacular as R was,ens , Patricia; 3. Jack Tyler, Han­ lay new asphalt sidewalks over 1151. Three tabled motions from na; 4. Bob Fraker, Colorado. last meeting were brought for- Alvin's ride was only good for sec­ lie cement waite, The P.W. chair- - d ft Professional JgaddlsLlBro-g^Rid*; THE NEAT, ottractiye _-...-»• **j|.^fii brie Rotltaa-on-^^ ______^___.__• * ** -_A '**L considerable discuss ond money, feno r,.nrin.fnn .- is. •sap. EK>ifU*ed ,out tbat Jtg remov« > tMll iH| WRWIf nyiajj ci. AisasH gathered Tor the ceremony whiefi sow thm school solenvijy iSlassed by His EpcceUmncy Biahop •tfKMfS? con ''.ctn? curi *nt cram- ' * ^ ^tonni«atwc. -m Se •present tsMtewrtttfcs woiiTO ne a was set aside for the present tune, tbis event Sank.; 9. George Myriwf Tlking; ^Cmtrrotl, D.D., R.C, Bishop of Calgary, bit the towerphoto Hts excellency is smmn approach­ costly aftair and that they* in inattons for The* Royal Conserva- A resolution with regard to Time in the chuck wagon races 4. Bill McClean. Hughenden. ^their IM-MWIJT state would be an tory df Music of. TJcvn't) -in Iian­ ing the mmtattcb^lb the building, whose doorway fs flanked by merrbtmbof the ROMP, m? hunters trespassing' without per­ was tte closest ever staged at the Amateur Saddle Bronc Siding: 1. guard of honor. The Sisters of St. Benedict will teach in the school. j"y§gF exceptionally good base for the na on June 29f Mr. Rollinson has mission was drawn up, also anoth­ Hanna Round Up with Dale Flett Ken Pickett, Gem; 2. Neil Skorie, isphalt walks. Mr. Kennedy did written sev-erui texts on theory er regarding vehicle safety equip-, winning first in a time of-1.066 Kinsella; 3. Mervin Thorsen, Cay­ lot say when the new sidewalks and harmony, and his been the ment. These resolutions are to be seconds. He was closely followed ley; 4. Kid Garstad, Consort. ^ould be laid, but it is presumed presented at the district conven­ author of numerous articles on tion in Hanna on June 19. by three other outfits, Orvil % Mile Race: lst heat: 1. Ken liis work would be done shortly music. He is the editor of the Can­ Strandquist Imperial Ranch, 1.087, Buxton; 2. Bill Matiers; 3. Clar­ 4-H Calf Club DISTRICT II FARMERS' UNION OF W If ter the paving job is finished, An enquiry some time ago re­Tom Dorchester, Jack Schecter ence Peters; 2nd heat: 1. Clarence (ind at a time when the paving adian College of Organists' Year JBook and a past-president. garding farm record books reveal­ outfit, 1.092 and W. J. Newman, Peters; 2. Doug Matiers; 3. Harry equipment is in town. ed that none are available. It was 1.093. Gooch. Members Have ALBERTA CONVENTION IN HANNA moved and passed that members Only one injury marred the day, Cart Race: 1. Clarence Peters; of this local report future machin­ that being when John Bell, elder­ 2. Orvil Strandquist; 3. Orville ARMERS, FARM WOMEN, FAMILIES, ery sales to CCIL. ly gentleman from Drumheller Flett. Wind Up Picnic NEXT TUESDAY; MANY TO ATTEND Orders were taken for Junior was struck by a bronk in the in­ Cowgirl Race: 1. Mrs. Anne FUA farm gate signs. Five mem­ field. He was removed to hospital Buxton; 2. Mrs. Babe Buzzard; 3. Complete Successful Sessions Commence 10 a.m.; Executive "CUT CAPERS" AT PICNIC JUNE 8; bers were appointed to attend the for medical attention. Mrs. Myrt Peters. Year; Club Awards Meeting Gelled for 9 a.m.; Prorinaiol district convention in Hanna. The Presented to Members meeting also discussed a livestock President WiU Address Gathering I0LIDAY ALSO HAS SERIOUS SIDE marketing board, and further dis­ The Hanna-Craigmyle 4-H Calf cussion on this question will be STEER RAFFLE WON New Legion Hall Club completed a highly success­ The most important meeting of formers in this pert -nf Saskatchewan Speaker Addresses Group held at a future meeting. Several BY WATTS LADY ful season, with a "round up" ih Alborta.during the summer will be the annual convention nf new ideas on weed control were the form of a picnic at tte home On "Change in Rural Life;" Farmers' Mrs. Sally Hartwick of of Mr. and Mrs. N. Alspach on District II Farmers' Union of Alberta, to be heW th Honnc, obtained from a pamphlet read to Af Delia May Be June 5.
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