PORTLAND DAILY PRESS. ~ ESTABLISHED JUNE 28. 1863* VOL. 12. PORTLAND TUESPAT MOBNING. NOVEMBER 25. 1873. TeBMS «8.«oVekASNmi IN iMum THF PORTLAND DAILY PRESS REAL ESTATE. WANTS, LOST, FOUND. TO LEI. INSURANCE. Published every day (Sundays excepted) by the _MISCELLANEOUS. THE PRESS. K. Ie ternl France in PORTLANB PUBLISHING CO., Guardian’s Sale ofKeal Estate House lor Rent. 1862, after the “Couo TUESDAY NOf 1873. (I htat. 1 missedagain the VIRTUE of a license from the No. 1 M unroe Place. Fix HORNING, 25, At 109 Hon. Judge of Cloak Makers Congress Street, iniurredion of 1851. Exchange St. Portland. for ^^ATLANTIC Great I had a ByProbate Cumberland Countv, 1 shall sell at Fifty HOUSErooms, cemented cel'ar, Sc., at $30! per an- Financial Crash. At Cayenne men 1 name I Bernaru private sale at the otHce of the Marshal of Port- num Apply to F. G. Fluent months Terms: Eight Dollar* a Year in advance To City PATTERSON, 13 [For the Press.] a tailor. Six alter I left tor land. on Friday, Nov. 28th, A. D„ at 10 o'clock WANTED 1 Block. noStdlw France’ mail subscribers Seven Dollars a Year if in ad- 1873, Bernard died. I went to see his paid A. M., the following described Real A lot of and Bankers Ruined 1 “Blue Blood of Canaan.’’ widow’. vance. Estate: — — Importers situated ou AT and 1 land Hauover sfrees In Portland, with a She was poor married her. We hail a two house “Let not Ser Martin or Dame story standing thereon, and is No. 17 on TO LET. Goods Sacrificed in New Bertha say s: n in 18o4. You will eon p eheud at once THE MAINE”STATE PRESS said street, lately bv Daniel DWIGHT C. GOLDER & CO.’S, MUTUAL York! (Seeing one steal—another sacritice—) occupied Gary. why I to you of my wife and GEORGE W. PARKER. Small Tenement. Call at 19* That they have looked into the judgment day; speak son; Is Morning at $2 50 a 4 Oc that to published every Thursday Guardian of Daniel Gary. 5 FREE STREET. Newbury Street. GO TO For still the one may fall—the other rise.” only you ought understand that an year, if paid in advance, at $2 00 a year. dlw no20 the Portland, Nov. 20,1873. ^ dt29 no22_ tf —Dante. insurgent who married widow of an in- would not be to make his chil- Rates of Advertising: One Inch of space, Abbi Gail Hamilton (may the tribe decrease surgent likely For Sale WANTED BOARDERS. To I^et. F. L A T N E dren engtli of column, constitutes a “square.” INSURANCE R, Of those 'oyalists. 75 cents not strong enough to h Id the r peace,) $i 50 per square first week; per No. 42 Pleasant Street, at Good BOARD can be had at 49 of a HOUSE to be let to a small family. Under the to do. The daily Inquire the Rushed in empire, nothing po w *ek after; three insertions, or less, $1 00; coutinu- House from 2 to 5 o’clock P. M. APART at 405 Street. SI. one day where angels fear to tread, HOUSE Enquire Congress ¥. lice had the upper hand. We were ng every other day after lirst week, 50 cents. Portland. Oct. 13th. Wilmot Street. no20 *lw BRANCH, Heard Esau's doom and Jacob's iead. scattered, ocl3dtf no22 blessing Half square, three insertions or less, 75 cents; one »lw AND BUY YOUR disarmed. I worked—1 brought up my chil- week “How all unjust!” said Abbi—“I not so week. $1 00; 50 cents per after. tlien in the ideas my lather had given me. Special Notices, one third additional. Wanted. To Let, Should between them.” One who more For Sale in the Town of West- Goods judge spoke The was Gam- of COMPANY almost 50c. 0.1 the Dollar. interregnum long. Rochefort, Under head “AMUSEMENTS,” and “AUCTION GIRL to fit LADIES CUSTOM BOOTS. A Small Family, the second floor of House No. low 00 brook. bet'a, the reui iou—all these put us SALF6”, $2 per square i»er week; three insertions None but the best Stitcher need TO4 Carlton Street, with Gas hard and soft water. public A apply. But full as brave, replied, “And can you then, in or less $1 50. FINE residence one-lialf mile from the Railroad G. Apply on the premises nolLtf aga'm action. Advertisements W.DAVEE, R I R~R~0 W S More than the inserted in the “Maine State A Depots, Post-office, good Schools and Churches, no22*3t 41 Middle St. Lord, dbctrn the hearts of men? A' the first «eriou3 movement 1 was one of Press” (which has a large circulation in six miles fr>-in Portland; House and Ell two stories OF every part NEW YORK, of all kinds and Kay, Abli—blush and hear—when angels tell that liitlu band who assaulted the firemen’s of the State) for $1 00 per square lor first thirteen finished rooms, double parlor," with marble TO LET! newest shades. insertion, Wanted. The names of those who of mortals barracks at a mis- and 50 cents per square for each subsequent inser- mantles, Wood-house and Stable connected—all in judge well, Vi.ette. Only we made tion. Pleasant Rooms With Board. good repair, painted and blinded, Barn 40 x 60 on tbe BARRELS and VINEGAR BARRELS They who the Judge of Heaven to judgment call take there—we unnecesarily killed a fireman. Address all communications to contain excellent wanted at 8 Market nolOeodtf At 30} High St., S. S KNIjHT. SILK WEB premises; grounds 15£ acres, land, RUM Street, Portland. VELVETS, May find their names the last and least of all.” I was taken and thrown into prison but the PORTLAND PUBLISHING CO. well fenced, 30 apple and pear trees, } acre choice no21dlw D. K. PETTENGILL. Black and in all new Colors. government of the 4th of set roe strawberries, three good wells of water upon the place Booms to Let. INSURES AGAINST September and cistern in the cellar under whole f.ee, when 1 came to the coi elusion that we good cellar, furnished rooms to without board in fine cement ornamented Boarders Wanted. let, Gossip and Gleanings. hail done weU to attack House, bottom; grounds central of the that barrack aud kill BUSINESS CARDS. with line shade trees. This is one ol the finest resi- GOOD part City. Turquoise Silks, Velveteens, MEN, good Board, Washing, Mending nolldtf Apply at this Office. that fireman, even without necessity. I set dences in the county. Terms easy. Euquirc ol 3. R. Done for Five a STEADY Dollars week, at 97 Oxford St. Hats, real Ostrich Feathers. out to fight the Prussians with the Davis & Co., Portland, or Otis Brown, Westbrook. ! no20 #1W Tips,and long Sitka has a public debt of $150, and only against j. mar21lf To Let. moblots of the out at the ol uTlaIsoi, cents in its fund. suburbs, camp PARLOR and room over or Marino Risks seventy public House Wanted. square it, with Only REAL MALTA, YAK, Chalons the epaulettcd authority displeased without smaller rooms. A board; also, — me. ALSO — We revolted obedience, FOB SALE! one having a good HOUSE pleasantly locat- no7dtf No. 4 Cotton Street. ft against passive PHOTOGRAPHER, ANYed worth Irom thiee to five thousand dollars A waggish phi autbropist suggests rostrums and they sent us back to Paris. The siege LOT of vacant situated on the west side —on— Machine made land, that they wish to for Lares, Gimps, I ias once more the of between Pleasant anil Sts. exchange good personal prop- Room to Let with Board. in the ocean—for whales to from. This began. against govern- Mo. 152 Middle Street. A High, Danforth, erty, ou a cash basis, may address P. O, Box 1232 Fringes and Pasamenties. spout This lot has a front of about 61 feet and is about 194 ment, with tbe Commune. 1 inarched giving location, &c. nol8tf front ROOM with at 38 State is a want he affirms. against feet and have been drawn b for a price, board, long felt, PORTLAND, HIE. deep, plans How, Street, corner oi no4dif 500 dos. Pairs of best French & German the City Hall, tire 31st ot October, and 'he block of seven or FURNISHED Gray. nine genteel and convenient resi- & Vessels ui iikk Wanted Cargoes, Freights .Mmuuy. revou lor iisen. x and to dences, and adapted for the same. Enquire of Immediately. Copying enlarging done order. To Let. K IDS. A circus at said to you In the tba' 1 was an in- EDWIN CHURCHILL, a Gentleman and wife, aKOOM with BOARD elephant, wintering Louisville, beginning am an All the new Medallion No. 4 Portland in a surgent—I I cannot know styles, Berlins, Rembrants, Pier, BY private family where there are no other well built Brick House sttnated en the wes- by the Year. Also Bnckskin and Kid is on the watch for the man who tossed him insurgent. he or Mezzotint and the retouched mar28 From 12 to 2 o’clock. P. M. Gauntlets, of a club Porcelain, card, Boarders. Should prefer a central part ot the city, THEterly side and near the toot of Pearl street. without becoming a member of it, which new we rid of freckles Corsets, Handkerchiefs, an full oi catarrh snuff. card, by process get l References exchanged. Address Enquire of EMERY, WATERHOUSE & CO. Hosiery, apple an insurrection without it, a barri- tnoles,wrinkles and all imperfections of the skin. Call nol3d2w* “F.
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