■-flt e i s . - -J \ J x u y 74th ye\iear. No. 76 T w in F alls, IIc d a h o SSaturday, c March.i l 7 , 1 9 7 9 --------------------— '•••rT*:?— ...........— - Sadaat warming L testssof pe^^Lce V-' t , X ' ' ; will G:omel later CAIRO. Egypt (UPl)I - President u,e treaty■ i ty and he expjcted Israeli Anwar Sadat KriUay saiiaid tlie p c a c e p r |„ ,o juinfclinister Menachoiii Begin to treaty with Israel .shouliuid Iw signed bea toughJl bargainer.b: ^ V- only In Washington, ass a tribute to "iknowBiw Begin will be raising hell as President Carter, bul heh cautioned always but,]lul, by (3od, I shall be raising that would merely beginn thI e re a l te s ts hell (o r him im oi ls o ," S a d n ts a ld . o( p e ac e. B e fo re Sadat’sSad statem ent wos made Sadat said the issue of Palestinian public, BeglBegin postponed Uie Israeli autonomy in Uie occupie<ied territories- - Cabinet’sse<5 se co n d a n d fin al vote on th e would decide thc succc.ssss or failure of treatvfromfyn^iindnyiojaomlay, ______________ • The Israeli•aeli Parliam ent's considera- ' • tio n o f Uielhe treaty — the expected Big tasks5 • a ffirm o llvive e vote is the final step b e fo re aI signingsl ceremony — is I sc h e d u le ddto lol begin Tuesday. lie ahead‘ S a d o l's> in£insistence that Washington must bc UieUiG single the site of thc no treaty cere:eremony conflicted with 4 ■ • w . y i for envoy Begin, who#ho wants Uiree signing WASHINGTON (U Pl)--T he White ceremonies-es - in Uie United SUites, House I'riday dispatch;hed' special Jerusalemnand ar Cairo. envoys’to"seeK'-Saudl nncnd -Jordanian ' But the! EfEgypUan leader appeared — support— for—the- -Israeaell-Egyptlnn adamantonto n Uie p o in t. “ J im m y C a r te r peace, treaty and madiIdc tentative =!<>ne IIIt arand Uie show Is his show,” Dianne plan-s to hosl a trcaly-slgngoing summit repo■eporters nt his Nile Delta R u p e rtt VW a te r D ep a rtm e n:nt i workers plug theB ssewer lagoon dikee w ith tru c k e d -in ddi irt F rid ay a w eek f ro m M onday. home villogelogo, Mit Abul-Kom, where. Authoritative sources s;said officials, heprayf^ati at Uie grove of his broUier, are “aiming at” the Marclrch 2G date for s^ohi In lhehe 11973 w a r w llh th e Je w ish ____ UiC- historic-, curcmony--I------ .4eaving_sy% ------------ enougli tim e to work outIt multibilllon Sadot sold,aid he e.xpecled problems In dollar aid packages whlimie trying to post-^alymty ne goU altons wlUi Isra e l on ■^Wast<te^piU[sfr i o m[R i u p egr t l a go<OTZZZ “ and^oraan~«®*°D"Shmhmeirt-'of- Palestinian --------^ tirssuacI(rSoudi'''ArahTa ; •ab b a c k la s h au to n o m yf In Uie Jordan West Bank "ByRAYSULLIVLIV AN then becau:ause most wells are between1 because many officialss ■couldn’t at- residents nonot to flusli their toilets in from Joining any Aral a n d G az a. _ T lm e s-N e w s writerwiri • 200 and GOO500 fe e t deep a n d it w ill lake te n d . th e fu tu reI to prevent an overflow^ _*‘ _ ag.'iinst E g v p t.a n d th e w es - DW Is that the peace proces.s ' - R U P E R T -------A n-csUUroated-100.000_the-wateLt] ro r_that lDng.ta^cep.dowru-lLlI—t— —HowevtHV-he-salti-lliiil;it givc.s th e m - - - T h c c ityy -h -h ad .re p e a te d lrbubk>-last-*-^;;i.‘_ :_ In -a -m o v c -o ffic ia lly -dlisclosed is only _ _ “My_view 1 eal’lest of'il will’slart afler gallons of partly treated;ed waste water docs, more tim e to gather Infoiformation and fall and wlnt'Inter with Uie hlgh-pro.s.sin e liDurs before its departulure, a high- “"3 Uie rea_^ It Friday Ior JcslBnlnB.BIg. B ut.lt h a s a lw a y s been m y spread over farmlandid in e a r R u p e r t W hlltomm declined comment on lhe2 esimale the- cosl of dadamages and line to lhe! lalagoons that alone cost S2.J,j . powered delegation left -dan, In that Uicoiy: Ictus!t us sig n o n d s t a r t th c p c a c e before a Friday momin(nlng break In a amount of damage lo neighboringB repairs and present Itt at Tuesday mililon off tthc total price. One airIr Saudi Arabia and Jordi s e w e r la g o o n cou ld b e plugged.plu farmlandd aand crops because of possi-'■ night’s regular council meneeting. "release valvalve alono malfunctioned inin 'order, with the 'sensltl'Itlvc task ol , L being asked, Sadat men- T he cause of the 2C>-fooifool-wide break blelitigallollion in th e future, He said at thal time he e will ask city Decemberr f<for the lllh lime, accord-;i- .selling th e U.S. view Uiatt thI is tr e a ty Is id will lay the Uon^ Beginjgin's proposal to sign the _ I In.the lagoon cell nearir cdawn Friday Clly offlifflclals said the^reak oc- public works employees5 rand officials Ingtocityofioff Icials, not a separate peace and r) the soulh bank of cell 1, the fniindallon for a comprehehensivcMId- English venversion of the trealy In has not been determinedled yel, accord- curred In U from HamUlon and Voel!dler Inc., the. And tor a wv hile, in 1978, it a p p e a re d imost of the three lagoons, d ie E a s t se tU em e n t. Washington,on, the Hebreyi'-copy- In j • Ing to Rupcrl Mayor-'ir-W.F. "Bill” northemmi ^... city’s . engineers . for 11llK troulilc- th e E P A w;a as s going to re fu s e to p a y fo r lhe concrcle dlvcrson. box .. , The leam consisted1 ol national n “and the Aratic versloh-ih ; W h ltto m .. around ihi ^ p la g u e d S6 m illio n -se;w w c r p ro je c l, 5„„,es,20,(KK,000 in de.slt;n c h a n g e o rd e rs .. Before clly crews pluggedplui up the leading to the third cell. A nearbyy whai they Uiink causedlht _ security advisor Zbigniew!W BrzezinskI, ™ ™ - •he b re a k . issued during•ingconslructiortinl‘J77. 4ild he had "no objection" to ........ •' 'broken dUce wall Frida;Iday. aflem oon,.., resident wlwho noticed the w ater on his Deputy Secretory of SLStatc Warren Sadat said ^ _ In addition, Whiltom>m s a id —tliL* )avld Jones, Eolng lo JenJerusalem or hosting Begin . the treated effluent flowlowed for three land callod,ed R u p e rt pollco a t 8 a.m .- noted Ihcre is stiil some:k:- Christopher, Gen. Da . c o u n cil m n y c ell on ;iii for oUier purposes. "But I • , miles over farmland soulsoutheast of Uie W hittoitom commended cii> 3ver whether a constructionin ' 'c i'iairm a n of Uie J o in t CliChiefs ol Stall ^ ™ ;l th ir d p a rty firm lo invti v S ' i r - s ■ sign Uie whole Uilng In Uiis three lagoons, located'flvifiv e m ile s n o /th c r e w m en, n ,'county highway personnel tailed the conlracted-forjr and — in a symbolic persersonal touch- prc'crloslB j problem, “We’re nol'-in.’;i ’a posiUon to J ........ ..................c e re m o n yy l(In Washington). with ....... • of Rupert. • - “ and.prlvaU'ale contractors who'diverted friprap on Uie lugoon site.e. Ihepresltlent’s son; Chip. - poini fingers today,” he at a rte r. k-e no knowledge heavy eqiequipment to tho slle^ .for , :aid that question will bc)c "We bellve it-impcrtirtant (or thc JlmmyCarte ",At th is p o in t w c ha v e r 3 - The m ayor^id he will of what caused thc failurilu're. Our basic working nonstopnc from 8:15 o.m, to 3 : jp this spring. The firm':n ' p o w ers in Uie reg io n to urnin d e rs la n d th e . ^ lagoons and flooded ata re a i t h a _______ concemJ3-to.pcotecLllieple p e o p lG iu -th a l___p . m ^ l ddajLto a ; p lu g lh e h o le -------------------- did not put all the riprap_oa_in American poslUon on Ithe treaty," ___i. H ^— professional photographer,crtochcclton-g“^';^^^“ ^ ^ € i = - j a r e a j i s b e s t w e c a n a nid d tto control lhe An Amirmy Corps of Engineers 1 cell walls bul spread someic Slate Department spokeikesmari- Torn ^ 0 0 Uiedamaiie. ' effluent as best we carcan," WhiUom employee,fe, doing field Inspections for . alo n g ro a dis s tto the slle. Res'tonsaid.
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