mm MONDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 1949 » n . Thfl WiBthar ATongo ^Blly N#t Prafla Boa retsMBt of 0. B. Wsattat latafiB tan. Individual aeouU wlU raeaiva psr esnt of tbs msn at Wsthsn- The executive committee of tte fisld did not rscMve thq proper dls- Fa* Ilia Moatt af Oetohar, 1949 merit badges, and the Important Prison Parson Bala and wnnnar Ufis afisr- Nathan Hale Parent-Teacher Aaj To Celebrate Scoutere Award will be presented dpUns in their bomea during their [m u t Town aodaUon will meet thla evening at to Camping and Activities Chair- 'younger days. naon; Mearing and not 00 eali 9^ MV6II o'clock lit the library of _the m a n 'l^ e a t Irwin Who has servsd A gifted speaker. Rev. Oates 9 W H an fljp atp r lEuPtuttg m praln nighti WedaSadny fair Qad eaa> Kiwanis Guest ■aid ne had talked’ bM oi« clubs Nathan Hale achooL Charter Night diligently In vsrtoua offices In the 100 tlnuad nfild. ^^•'-M rt- • !«»■ • M ohrt»cb«r in Connecticut during the past Maaihat af tts Aailt nenpaonvlU* K*v« » P*pf**®J “ interests of Manchester fkoutlng. Baraaa af Otealattma WllUam Bloodgood, Jr., chair­ A Tenderfoot Inveetituce cere­ year. Rev. Oatee la also in charge Manehastar^A CUy of VOioga Charm vocal aod accordcon mualc, Satur­ Rev. Gates Gives Club of the library at Wetherafleld and * . • 4 • _________________________ _ man of the Down Homera enter­ Boy Scout Units to Meet mony w ill be conducted, to Induct day avenin* at the Memorial Hoa- told of many of his every day ex­ tainment and dance tonight «n about 16 new Soouts into Troop 35. Bital Annex, made posalble by a Membeirs Interesting periences with the men at the In­ (FOURTEEN PAGES) PRICE FOUR CENTS ’ d f t of money from Chapman Orange hall, for the benefit of the At the Center Qiurch AdvavtMag aa raga^U) MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 1949 Orange building fund, announcea The charter for Cub Pack, No. 4 Discourse ou Work stitution. Sourt. Orde^ of Amaranth. Mra. This Evening will be offered by Rev. Dorothy The speaker was brought to ths Mbbtbeohcr will give a program that everything polnta to a moat enloy^le Ume, and hopea for a Peace to the Pack committee, club through the efforts of Ormsnd o f Chriatmaa mualc at the Annex Rev. Bernard Oetea, chaplain at large turnout of Orange membera Charles Lynn, Manchester Dis­ which conalsts o f John Bengston, West. Mark Hewitt won the at­ the weeK before Chriatmaa. P 50— h'^auregerd, ISden Kinga- and frienda. The program is scheo- trict Chairman of the permanent the Connecticut State Priaon In tendance prise which was donated uled for eight o'clock with round bury, Theodore Welse and W . Q. Wetherafleld, waa the guest speak­ by Thomas Ferguson. An Important meeting of Mian Camp-site committee, and former Morton. Den motbens will receive 28 Persons Killed Agreement Reached President Russell Raul reported tanomah Tribe. 68, Independent and square dancing. district chairman, will be master of er o f the klwanls Club's luncheon Identification carde from the cub- that a committee will be named In Order of Red Men, will be held at ceremonies this evening when the meeting at Cayey's ResUurant to­ The Army and Navy Auxiliary master. Elmer Gibson. day. the near future to work with the aigbt o’clock tonight In Tinker Boy Scout unlU sponsored by Cen­ Robert Potterton will show mov­ $259.95 will hold Its monthly meeting tc- * The speaker atreased discipline schools in an effort to provide Hell. Nomlnatlona will be made ter Church meet in Woodruff hall ies as the entertainment feature for offlcera for next year. Election morrow evening at eight o'clock at In Ms Interesting massage to the presents fo r the needy children at Installed As Plane Crashes; to celebrate Charter Night. of the evening. Christmas. o f offlcera will take place at the the clubhouse. The business will District Commissioner Julius gathering. Rev. Gates ssld that 80 On Aid for Schools; flrat meeUng in December. include the election of officers. Strong will convey charters to the Miss Barbara Hubbard, daugh Rev. Clifford Simpson, who will IMOen D4-I4D) Group D of Center Church The Oreat Books Discussion present them to Committeemen ter of Mr. and Mra. Charles Hub­ Two Buildings Hit Wonan, Mra. Jamea £lllott, leader, group will meet this e\’enlng at 7, Kenneth Leslie and Austin Schll- bard, of 181 Main street, a junior will meet tomorrow evening In at the Mary Cheney Library, arid llnger for Squadron 25 and Troop at Ohio State Uidveralty, apent Practical Gifts Make Center church houae. the beginners group will meet at 25. The meaning of the charter the holiday week-end aa gueat of Town Will Benefit the same time and place tomor­ will be explained by Harmon Smith her roommate. Miss Barbara Olda, 14 Olhew in Hospitals i RuggianS Told row evening. of Charter Oak Council headquar- of Dearborn, Michigan. The Most Welcome Gifts And One Missing as j ^ House Estimates Man* Temple Chapter, O.B.fi.;, wiU 3,Hears toRy-Stop inToday conduct a card party Wednesday Hangar and Chemical | P o U c Y N e e d e d Asks All Reds Use of New rliester Will Receive evening at 7:30 In the Masonic Betmtiful Chenille ^ Plant Struck in At*' n ...tndsbtttvtd Temple, for the benefit of the En Gift Suggestions 1 0 % DoWn--*-No Payxneuts Until March To Help Oust Drug Brings About $450,000 in *,h*ppUj tvtr sfttt dowment fund for the Masonic tempt to Land at To Get Peace Cost of Present and Home In Wallingford. A variety Bath Mat Sets tvUk tht of card games will be played, with Dallas, Texas, Field Quick Cures ! Immediately Projected prises for the winners and refresh­ United Sutes Urges Tito’s Regime ^ Combination ments. It is suggested that those Dallas, Nov. 29.—<^P)— An New Btiildiugs; Cau* planning to play pinochle bring $2.98 set American Airiines plane *Live and Let Live* STEAM AND DRY WON their own playing cards. Cominform Calls Upon Doctors at Pennsylvania cuses Held Prelimin­ crashed into buildings on the Stand . After Vishin Two smart patterns. SoUd color with diamond pattern In punch- border of Love held early to­ ary to Assembly Action All SalnU Mother's Circle will work. Multi-color floral deaign on colored grounds. Blue, malxe, sky Renews Charges Communists to Aid Yu* Hospital Report Neoo meet tomorrow evening at eight, green, grey, yellow, rose and peach. day and burned. Twenty- .1 l i : at the honoe of Mrs. George Hus­ Aa oxplodlag boiler did tMe to the Sobo Cfleaaers and Dyers plant In Detroit yesterday. T t e l w ec- I goslav Peasants and mycin Administered to Agreement between con- > OTHER SETS TO 14.98 eight of the 46 aboard were New Yoilt, Nov. 39—(P) — The cupaat of the bnlldlnx at the t lw . Essley RmlUi, n nicintenance employe^ crawled from tte debris aod sey, 93 Woodland street. killed. Fourteen persons were ! Workers in OverthroRr Humans First Time feiTi'ng state and legislative United States told Ruesls today to WM nwlirtl to A boEpUat for of first bnniBa officials on the vital school Winners In last Friday's How­ in hospitals and one was miss­ adopt a “ live and let Uve" policy If JVeic Nylon ing. Three others left hospi- Moscow, Nov. 29 - (F) - The Philadelphia, Nov. 29 —iiP)— aid issue was announced this ell movement, duplicate bridge ■he really wants peace. tournament were: William Kirk­ telz. Cominform called upon all Com­ Doctors at Pennsylvania hospital afternoon, and Senator U. B. Delegate Warren R. Austin Shanks Tells patrick and H. J. Rockel, 109; Mr. *ntc big DC-S w u cn route to Dairymen Will Accept i munists in the world today to help reported today one of science's Charles S. House, questioned and Mrs. Ernest Ungerer, ; Don General Electric Mexico d t y from New York and addreiaed the United Nations As- 88 Dresser Scarfs Yugoslav pessanU and workers newest '‘wonder” drugs—neomy­ as to what the agreement, it Gustafson and Georga Fiensen, Waahlngton, aembly Immediately after Russia's About Checks overthrow Premier Marshal Tito's cin—has been given to humans for adopted, might mean to Man­ 86H ; William Bennett and Robert Plows la te Ohemleal Pleat Andrai Y. Vlahlnsky had declared the Soviet foreign policy la based regime. the first Ume. chester, estimated that this Wiley, 83H. Another tourna­ It struck s hsngsr snd plowed Drop In Price of Milk UPf at tha iranlng baard is a ment will be held Friday evening and Doilies A U T O M A 'n C on a struggle for peace. Vlshlnsky, The Cominform (Communist In­ Two male patients suffering town atonda to benefit by ab04|t In Tinker hall. how-.v%T Government Reveals Pay ternational Information bureau) from uninary tract IWectiona were 3450,000 in the coat o f Its present ’siM|»" wMi this naw Oanaral Wash'Them Any Way You Like—Will Wear For Years after.msooplng over the field that the United S U te. and Britain b y adminiaterea the drug, the hospital and immediately projected new aa attempt to land. A crew mem­In I 1 p^awn Three Wom- lias held its first meeting, the offi­ Msclris STIAM iRON. are preparing for war, Vi^iU Raise No Serious ' '' cial press and radio sai^ since it ■aid, with complete cures eftecte schools. BOASTER $38-95 ber. who staggered daxed and Austin said ths U.
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