\(/FJEEL CLICKS ALAMEDA CORRIDOR TRAFFIC INCREASING The Alameda Conidor continued to be a key Southern Califomiaintermodal route last year. A total of 19,924frains - an averageof 55 per day - usedthe 20-milecorridor, a I S-per- cent increasecompared with 2005 data, accordingto the AlamedaConidor TransportationAuthority (ACTA). ln addition,tains movingthrough the corridor in 2006 hauled about5 million, 20-foot containerequivalent units (TEUs),up 32 percentcompared with 2005's 3.75 n{llion TEUs, On average,tains move 14,000 TEUs through the Alameda Corridordaily. A recentlyreleased tade impactstudy by ACTA andthe ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach,which are servedby the corridor, showsthe ports handlemore than 40 percentof the nation's total containerizedimport traffic and 24 percentof exports. Since the Alameda Corridor opened in April 2002 as a RAILOUIz byJornvPrrnos freight-railexpressway between the ports and downtownL.A. Identiff the actiontaking placein the accompanyingphoto- rail yards,the route'scargo volume has increased 106 percent, gaph. ACTA said. The corridor is operatedby a uniquepartrership A Gandydancers on a binge. "Railfest" betweenthe Portof Los Angeles,the Portof lnng BeacbBNSF B on the Fillmore& Western. andUnion Pacific Railroad. C New rolling stockfor the NortheastConidor. [nfo. from BNSF Todayvia CharlesVames] Seeanswer on Page3 . CALIFORNIA HIGH-SPEEDRAIL by DtcxFrnlov Barcelona.A five-miletunnel is plannedthrough the Pyrenees Public scoping meetingswere held along the conidor to mountains,with costsrecouped over a 50-yearprivate franchise provide membersof the public with an opportunityto learn operation.Construction for a high-speedline from Madrid to aboutthe projecq ask questionsand provide feedback.Betweeir Toledois alsoincluded. April 4 and 17, 2007, five meetingdays were held in Los . Francecelebrated the 25th anniversaryof TGV recentlywith AngelesCounty involving the L.A. to PahndaleSegmenl or the completionof its eastemline that crossesthe vineyardsof I,.A, to OrangeCounty Segmentor both segments.For more Champagrre.About 400,00 people use the TGV for daily questions,call the CaliforniaHigh-Speed Rail Authorityat(877) commutingto jobs throughoutthe countryand Europe. 724-5422. For a month last fall in France,two TGV fains were put The PreliminarySchedule 2007-2009 (rounding off quarters) throughextensive operational lesting at speedsbetween 198 and Scoping- SecondQuarter (Q2),2007 224 mphon the Mediterraneanline to measurethe effects of Engineering& EnvironmentalStudies - Q2-Q4,2007 sustainedhigher speed on braking,enerry use,track mainten- Draft EnvironmentalImpact Report/ Statement - Q4, 2007,Ql' anceand passengercomfort. TGVs have been operatingat Q4,2008,and Ql,2009 speedsup to 198mph on this line since2004, PublicCirculation/Comment - Q2, 2009 o The United Kingdom will introducea new expresscommuter FinalEIR/EIS - Q3-Q4,2009 servicebetween London, St. Pancras,Ashford and the Kent Notice of Determination/Recordof Decision- Q4, 2009. coaston the high-speedChannel Tunnel Rail Link (CTRL) in News aboutHigh-Speed Trains around the world - 2009. The fains, adaptedfrom the Japanesehigh-speed . Argentina is to begin constructionto link BuenosAires, Shinkansentrains, will pick up passengerson the existinglocal Rosario,and Cordoba in2007. The $800million project,with linesand then tie into the CTRL line to speedinto London. a first phaseof 3l I miles,will allow speedsbetween 155 and TheCTRL is the frst majornew link to be built in the UK in 186miles per hour. over a century,and when completewill cut an hour offtravel o Mexico is seekingbids on a $12 billion high-speedtrain line times for both regionalcommuters and internationalfravelers from Mexico City to Guadalajara. betweenLondon and Brussels and Paris. o Spainhas plans for a high-speednetwork, with the govem- o TheNetherlands will open shortly a new high-speedlink, ment fundine new rail infrastructureto serveMadrid and [continuedat HIGH-SPEED on Page3] Page2 Sats Day:2,16: Extra day:9,23,30. Committee Meeting:16. June8 MembershipMeeting, T:30 p.m., Alhambra Room Fri. at JoslynCenter.2l0 N. ChapelAve., Alhambra. "A June9 Trip to TehachapiPass" leaves San Dimas, 8:00 Sat. a.m.and returns 7:30 p.m. via LAUS & Glendale. WHEELCLICKS "Rocky June I I Exc. 528 Mountain Traveler" leavesSan MAY2OO7 VOLUME71, NO.2 Mon. Bernardinoon motor coach. June22 Exc. 528 returnsS. Calif. on SouthwestChie/. EDITOR .... DICKFINLEY TECHNICALEDITOR . CHARLESVARNES Fri. MAILER ...... FREDKNOX EXCURSIONDIRECTOR ...... BARBARASIBERT MEETING PROGRAMS by Rt'ssDAvtEs May I I - More of Harvey Laner's unique, original video! Publishedmonthly by PacificRailroad society, lnc., P. O. Box 80726,San "Winter Photo Marino,Califomia 91118-8726. The Society is a Califomiachartered, nonprofit He'll feature recent steam action of the organizationof thosewho sharean interestin railroadoperations, travel and Freights" on the Nevada Northern, includingthe 1909 HomePage: http://www' history. Telephone(562) 692-4858. INTERNET Alco Consolidation and l910 Baldwin Ten-wheeler. pacificrailroadsociety.orgForexcursion informaton, phone (626) 570-865 I . We'll alsosee the Heber Valley ex-UP 1907Consolidation arethose ofthe editorialboard, and do Opinionsexpressed in unsignedarticles performingin ProvoCanyon. Much snow! Be there and not necessarilyreflect the opinionsof the Society'its officersor directors Opinionsin signedarticles are those of theauthor only. All rightsreserved. bring slidebriefs! ISSN:00434744. A2007 BY PACIFICRAILROAD SOCIETY, INC June 8 - The Santa Fe owned and operatedonly two RDCs, MembershiPDues: $35'00 Per Year DC 191 and 192. The DC l9l is a survivor,and eachof PACIFIC R{ILROAD MUSEUM is operatedby PacificRailroad Society at you are part owners! PRS owns 191,and it's at Saunders glTT3 (909) 210 W. BonitaAve., SanDimas, CA Telephone 394'0616 Yard. Member Ed Saalig has been doing research,and e-mail:[email protected] Open Saturdays. l0 a.m-4 p m.; Museum gatheringimages for a book about thesetwo RDCs which Wednesdaysl-5 p m. preview MUSEUMCOMMITTEE CHAIR LINDSAY SMITH he plansto publish. The June presentationwill be a Ed's book We'll seeimages, and hearEd's narrativeof BOARDOF DIRECTORSOF PACIFICRAILROAD SOCIETY' INC. of VIC CARLUCCI ., ... ' PRESIDf,NT the historyof thesetwo interestingcars' includingthe tragic VINCE CANfARRANO .. VICE-PRESIDENT wreck in Los Angelesin the 1950s.Be there, and bring . SECRETARY BILL SMITH slide briefs! KEITHOGLE TREASURER MARTr ANN DRAPER(2007-2010) ..... DIRECTOR DTCKFTNLEY(2005-2008) .'.... DIRECTOR MEMBERSHIP by Vlnctt.lla GRITPP CHRISPARKER(2006-2009) .... DIRECTOR At the Board Meeting on April 6, SteveJ. Biffar was voted (2005-200s) .. ' DIRECTOR LTNDSAYSMITH into PRS. WILLWALTf,RS(2007-2010)......................'. DIRECTOR PRSNEWS - ARRIVALSAND DEPARTURES BOARD COMMITTEE MINUTES -MARCH 2,2007 May4 Boardmeeting,T:30 p.m., Valencia Room at by BtI-l SuIrs [Ed.- Selected for generalinformation] Fri. JoslynCenter, 210 N. ChapelAve., Alhambra. MUSEUM - Director Lindsay Smith reported he went to May 5, 6 Visit our tableat FullertonRailroad Days at Fuller- Hesperiato seeChard Walker, who will donatehis collectionto "When Sat.,Sun. ton Depot,Pomona & SantaFe Aves.' Fullerton Pacific RailroadMuseum I'm through with it." Slides May 5, 12, PacificRailroad Museum work party,l0 a.m.to 4 are being transferredto DVD. The Bill Farmerslide collection 19,26 p.m.,Bonita & MonteVista Aves., San Dimas. is being gone through. There has been good check reccvery Sats. Committeemeeting:26. from the recentthefts. The contractwith the currentbuilding May 5, 12, RollingStock repair day, 6:30 a.m. to ?, Saunders maintenancefirm has been canceled,with no more thefts as a 19.26 Yard,Noakes & HerbertSts.' Commerce. Regular result. PRM will have a booth at the PomonaValley Model Sats. Day:5, l9; ExtraDay:12,26. CommitteeMeeting: RailroadClub. If the SanDimas Historical Society moves to the 19. Moreinfo., phone WillWalters: 714-6374676. Walker House,PRM will haveaccess to its former space' Mayll Membershipmeeting, 7:30 p.m., Alhambra Room ROLLING STOCK - Chair Will Walters reporteda flurry of Fri. atJoslyn Center,2l0 N. ChapelAve., Alhambra. visitors at SaundersYard. Most repairshave been done on the May l8 SlideNight - SaundersYard, 7:00 p.m., Noakes & National Forum. Its windows are being addressedwith the Fri. HerbertSts., Commerce. Everyone welcome. Bring arrival of new window rubber' The issueof windows fogging up slidesand refreshments is a trial-and-enoraffair. The ex-ATSF Hi-Level transitioncar June I BoardMeeting,T:30 p.m., SAUNDERS YARD' is still at the LAUS gardentracks, and will be eventuallymoved Fri. Noakes& HerbertSts., Commerce' to SaundersYard. Restorationof the UP cupola cabooservill be June2,9, PacificRailroad Museum work party,l0 a.m.to 4 historically accurate. overhaul of tn-rcksof the ex-SParticulated 16,23,30p.m.,Bonita & MonteVista Aves., San Dimas. chair car will start again. Water has accumulatedin the piston Sats. Committeemeeting: 23. well of one of the locomotive's two engines, which can be June2,9, RollingStock repair day, 6;30 a.m. to ?' Saunders repaired. An exploratorytest will be undertaken' It was the 16,23,30Yard,Noakes & HerbertSts., Commerce. Regular consensusof the commifieethat the Hi-Level car can be brought WHEELCLICKS MAY 2OO7 Page3 to SaundersYard in regularfreight service at an estimatedcost Answerto RAILOUIZ fromPase l. "Railfest" of $I 500. B. Speederride at on March25,2007, in Fillmore, PUBLICITY- ChairJohn Ulloth
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