Retail at the Heart of Hemisfair 2 “THE HEMISFAIR VISION IS to BECOME ONE of the WORLD’S GREAT PUBLIC PARKS and URBAN Convention Center NEIGHBORHOODS”

Retail at the Heart of Hemisfair 2 “THE HEMISFAIR VISION IS to BECOME ONE of the WORLD’S GREAT PUBLIC PARKS and URBAN Convention Center NEIGHBORHOODS”

Retail at the Heart of Hemisfair 2 “THE HEMISFAIR VISION IS TO BECOME ONE OF THE WORLD’S GREAT PUBLIC PARKS AND URBAN Convention Center NEIGHBORHOODS” Hemisfair is moving forward to serve San Antonio and the world with three distinct districts activated by world class public spaces and vibrant, mixed-use 1 commercial development. Designed to serve both locals and visitors alike, the park will be where San Antonio meets, plays, lives, and works. With Phase 1 3 almost complete and Phase 2 breaking ground in months, Hemisfair is on its way to becoming at truly remarkable place for generations to come. $640 MILLION PUBLIC AND PRIVATE INVESTMENT OVER 1 MILLION SQUARE FEET OF COMMERCIAL SPACE DELIVERING BY 2021 1,000,000+ VISITORS TO DATE 1 Yanaguana Gardens is already welcoming over 615,000 visitors a year to its award winning play park, splashpad, local restaurants, and residential development. HEMISFAIR PARK MASTER PLAN » Voted “Best Park in San Antonio” 2 Civic Park will feature a nine acre “Great Lawn” surrounded by mixed-use development. It will be the place that San Antonio gathers for celebrations, concerts, and festivals. » Breaking ground 2018 » 9 acre Great Lawn—a public meeting place for all of San Antonio » Surrounded by 760,000 square feet featuring office, multifamily, retail and a full service hotel 3 Tower Park is currently in master planning and is centered around the Tower of the Americas, built for the 1986 World’s Fair. RENDERING OF CIVIC PARK CONTACT DREW SMITH 210.393.8382 | [email protected] “GREAT CITIES HAVE GREAT DOWNTOWNS. GREAT DOWNTOWNS HAVE GREAT PARKS” PHASE 1: YANAGUANA GARDEN: 2015 Office With over 1,000,000 visitors to date and 651 events in 2017 alone, Yanaguana Space Garden is where San Antonio goes to play. The parks first residential P3,The ‘68, is under construction and delivers late 2018. » PLAY: Award winning MIG designed play park featuring interative playscapes, game areas, and splashpads Park HQ » LIVE: 151 residential units at The ‘68 under construction » EAT/DRINK: Dough Pizzeria, Commonwealth Coffee, Paleteria, Con Safos » TEXAS’ 2ND BUSIEST PARK per acre 3000 SF » SF 248 public parking spaces 2816 1000 SF SF 720 2100sf Hemisfair Lofts 1400sf SF 1240 CONTACT DREW SMITH 210.393.8382 | [email protected] GROUND FLOOR RETAIL AVAILABLE Developed by AREA Real Estate, The’ 68 is under construction in Yanaguana Garden. In addition to 151 residential units, the project features ground floor retail with abundant dedicated outdoor patio SEEKING UNIQUE, HIGH QUALITY RETAILERS for seating and events. The location gives retailers the unique opportunity to serve residents, Suite A: 3,506 sf park visitors (615,000 expected in 2018), convention center attendees, Suite B: 2,178 sf and the visitors and residents of greater San Antonio. Suite C: 2,573 sf Delivering 248 public 4,000 sf of dedicated Suite D: 720 sf (Historic Smith House) 2019 parking spaces patio available A C B D HEMISFAIR BLVD. CONTACT DREW SMITH 210.393.8382 | [email protected] GROUND FLOOR RETAIL AVAILABLE - CALL FOR PRICING Suite A: 3,506 sf Suite B: 2,178 sf Suite C: 2,573 sf Suite B: 720 sf (Historic Smith House) A B C D HEMISFAIR BLVD. CONTACT DREW SMITH 210.393.8382 | [email protected] A SIGNIFICANT HISTORY, San Antonio entered the world stage when it hosted the 1968 Fifty years later, San Antonians are transforming Hemisfair park into World’s Fair, known as HemisFair ‘68. The fair was held on 90 acres “one of the world’s great public parks and urban neighborhoods.” AN INFLUENTAL FUTURE in downtown, which became HemisFair Park. Over 30 countries The new Hemisfair will be a world-class civic, cultural, and participated in the celebration of the “Confluence of Civilizations” commercial mixed-use destination, with 18 acres of parkland in the Americas. Once HemisFair ’68 closed its doors, 6.3 million and over 2 million square feet of commercial development. With visitors from around the world had experienced San Antonio for Phase 1 almost complete and construction is underway on Phase 2, the first time. Hemisfair is on its way to becoming “Where San Antonio Meets.” 1962 1964 1965 1966 1968 2008 2009 2015 2016 2017 2018 2021 U.S. Rep. Henry A 90-acre site Secretary Mexico becomes HemisFair Mayor Mayor Castro Yanaguana Part of AREA Real Civic Park opens Civic Park B. Gonzalez meets in downtown of State the first of ‘68 opens on Hardberger and city leaders Garden at the Convention Estate begins to the public expected with William San Antonio is Rusk sends 23 foreign April 6th, 1968, convenes task make decision southwest zone Center construction on in time for San completion. Sinkin to discuss selected and invitations to governments welcoming 6.3 force to explore to relocate complete. demolished to 151 unit mixed- Antonio’s 300th a “Fair of the approved. 114 countries to to announce million visitors, the future of part of the clear way for use P3. Birthday. Americas” to participate in participation. and closes on Hemisfair. Convention Civic Park. celebrate the 250th HemisFair. October 6th. Center to make Anniversary of the way for Civic founding of San Park. Antonio. CONTACT DREW SMITH 210.393.8382 | [email protected] SA TECH DISTRICT THE ALAMO 1.3 MILLION VISITORS/YEAR THE CENTER OF DOWNTOWN CENTRAL BUSINESS DISTRICT 13,500 HOTEL ROOMS SAN ANTONIO 8.5 MILLION SF OFFICE RIVERCENTER MALL THE RIVERWALK LA VILLITA HISTORIC DISTRICT CONVENTION CENTER 700,000+ ANNUAL VISITORS 1/4 1/2 MILE MILE S. ALAMO ST. LOW COUNTRY EL MIRADOR ALAMO BATALLION STREET HEADQUARTERS STATION CAFE EAT BAR E. CESAR E. CHAVEZ BLVD. AZUCA NUEVO LATINO BAR AMERICA ALAMODOME I-37 LA FRITE SOUTHTOWN LA FOCCACIA GRILL STEEL CITY POPS THE ROSARIO’S FRIENDLY SPOT HOT JOY CASCABEL FEAST CONTACT DREW SMITH 210.393.8382 | [email protected] ! 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