Etn1961 Vol07 22 NCAA

Etn1961 Vol07 22 NCAA

),C '-< l \ 11· t I ' A 1. \. ' !~ \ . I . 1 J I I '~/,_ '.: . also K\'\ownas . · • 1R&tlfN'1ts11:TrER ~,..~ , ! 1 (Omc,.t Pueuc1<r100OF -rRPO< l\lSfS.;. TuE """-co,.,..c.) . '~ , , I I , Vol. 7, No. 22 , Jurie21, ,1961 Semi-Monthly $,6 pet .year by first class ma~l Edited by ~a~ Bateman ' Page 171 \ NATIONAL 'NE\~S · SOlITHERN PACIFIC AAU, Los Angeles, June ·,9: HT _Connolly (Striders) 201'; Pagani \ (Cal Poly, SLO) 200'ff'; Pryde (UC, Santa Barbara) 1,90'5~10, 000,Robertson (S~ders) 1 31:59.8. 400H.,Fa~me .r (Oxy) 5,2,.;4:; Polkinghorne (USC) 53.4; Randall (Striders) 53)_\!7, 1500, , ); , Neal (Fullertoµ JC) 3:48. 9; Seaman (Striders) 3:48. 9; Hudson (Arizona) 3:49.1; Holland , (Striders) 3:49. 1. l00m, James (Striders) 10. 4; Smith (Oxy) 10. 5; Beaty ~Glendale Hoover ', l, 1 ·' H~) 10. 5. SP Long (USC), 64'7r'; Branson (UCLA) 57'10"; Lewis (Oxy) 57 7¼''; Conkle (La- . , ' Verne) 55~'. 400, Williams (Compton HS) 46.5; Hoga~ (USC) 47.0; Haas (Oxy) 47.5. llOHH,- " Pierc 'e (USC) 14. l; 'Lucky (Arizona) 14. 2j Wells (UCI!.A) 1 14. 5. I!{ Sil~~rsky (C~mp Pendleton) r .';- ti• 237'5"; Stuart (Striders) 235'6"; Conl~y (una) 234'5½"; Sbordone (USC) ·232'1Q½"/3000SC, , , ' Peck (Oxy) 9:29. 4. 200t, Turner (Burbank Burroughs HS) 21. 0; Beaty 21. o; James 21. 2. 800, , Dahl (UCLA) 1:50. 3; Walters (Striders) 1:51.1; Underwood (una) 1:51. 2; Oakley (unaJ 1:51. 4. 11 J, !:!,k Faust (Striders) 6'9"; Fehleo (Camp Pendleton) 1 6'7". BJ, Van Kirk (Striders) 23'11". ' . ,1 220LH, Pi~rce 23. 2; Wells 23. 5. s. 000, Fer (USAF) 14:53.1.DT ,Bab,ka (Striders) 1186'6½"; , Humphreys (Sttiders) 180'4"; Putnam (UCLA) 174'2½"; Carr (UCLA) i69 1 l". PV, Mortis ,.i · 1 1 (Striders) 15'; Helms (Oxy) 14!8"; Rose (Arizona St) 14'8~'; Tor~ (Camp Pendleton) 14'8' • ✓• HSJ, Johnson (una) 51 '1½"; Thomas (LA St) 48 1½";Andrews (Striders) 48'½'.". MIDDLE ATLANTIC AAU1 Villanova, _Pa.~ -June 11: 440 1 Webster (Philn. Pioneers) 47. 5. 3000SC, (no water j4mp) Traynor (Villanova) ,9:16. 9, .~ Joe(Vlll~p.ova) 51'7.½"• .IL: . 1 1 . Schwab (Penn St) 217.'7½ '. ]L_ R,oberson (P~ila. Pionecrs) ~25' ~ • 100, Budd (Villanova) 9. 3 ." ' (ties world record); Robersoni. 120HH, Hammock (Villa) 14. 4, PV, C~uz (Villanova frosh) ..... 15'4''. ; HSJ, Sharpe (Phila. Pioneers) 52'1". 3 Miles,Norrnan (Penn St) H:36. 3. 880, Dant~ - (Villanova) 1: 51. 8. 220, Budd 20. 3; Drayton (Villa) 20. 4. 220LH, Roberson 22, 7. · .. i \ . MIPWEST AAU, Ft. Wayn,e, Ind., June 10: 220t.Jackson ,(UCTC) 21.1; Wiebe (uua) ' l 21.4. !!lt.ti-e, Li~lcjohn ~. Mich) and Oliphant r,v. Mich) S'·B¾lliA. LeCrone (Ill) 6'6f". ·,. ~0, · Bork Cll. Mi£h) 1:50, 0; Kerr (una) 1:50. 3; puprce (Salukis')' 1: 51,, 0. PV, tie, Jphnson I ' . urdue) and \Vclboum (Ohio TC) 14'6". HSJ,Boston (Terui. A&l) 48'1": Mile~ Salukis 3:12.6. SP, Siefert (Ft. Wayne) 53'9½", DT, Harper (IvlilwaU:keeTC) 164'4½", 400H, on Styron . , (Salukis) 52.4. 440 2 M~lls JPurd-ye) ,46. 5. 100, Davd Styron (Salukis-) 9, 4; Murchison (UCTC) Y 9. 5. Mile,Kozar Cvv,Ill) 4:09. 5; Cornell (Salukis) 4:10.1~ 120HH, Jones (una) 13. 7; Ash- more (UCTC) 14.0 •.fil,_Boston 24'7"; Taylor (Ill) 23''5½". -~ ' , OXFORD-CAMBRIDGE 7 AT PENN-CORNELL 8, June 10: Brandeis (P-C) 1:5~. 6; ,i Batdo (P-C) 163 110", 54 110-i"; Murray (P·C) 1,1'6"; Mo.chooka (P-C) 4:10. 8; Bria\J-lt (O-C) , 4: 12. 8n. / \ , • , t ' , ,\ ' l t \ I, _ SOUTH A l'LANTIC AA U, Baltimore, Md., June 10: Jackson (Morgah St. frosh) 9, 6, \ ·~ ''1 21, lt; Smart (Morgan St) 23. 1,' 51. 4 (440H). , OXFORD-CAMBRDIGE 4 AT YALE-HARVARD 11, June 13: Stack (Y-H) 1:50. 6; Elliott l; (O. ..C) 1: 51. 7n; Howarc,i (Y ·H) 1: 51, 9n; Boulter (O-C) 4: 11~9; Mullin (Y·H) 4,: 12. 5n; Luck (Y·H) 23.4; Hallas(Y-H) 225'1''; Livingston ('(-H) 221"4½": Metcalfe (O-C) 47,7;Cohen (Y­ Hf5f8½"; Andrews (Y·H) 14'1¾'', '), 1 ' ALBUQUERQUE INVITATIONAL, June 17: 440H Don Styron (Salukis) 50.4; Cushman ' (una) 51. O; Washington (SCVYV) 51. 8. Mile, Turn~alukis) 4:09. 5; Walters (Striders) 4:09.9; Cornell (Salukis) 4:10.5; Neal (una) 4:12.4; 440, Webster (Kennet Sq~ Pa) Ll6,5; . ,_ : 1 Mal Spence (Arizona St(46. 7; Thomas~en · (S<;:VYV)46. 9; La~rabce ~triders), 47.'6 • .IT.t._ .. • Sik9:rsky (US~9) 249'42''; Cantello (wia) 240'q½"; Fromm (una) 239'11½''; Quist (New Mexico ' , . \ 1 ~ j ·>: / ; \' . ', f '1 I I· ,';•1 t ' ) I ./ '( . ' . • . ) • Page 172 ' .· . 1 June 21, 1961 TC) 235'5". SP, O'Brien (Striders) 62'1¼"; Silvester (USA) 59'11¼"; Burke (Arizona) 55 '3". 1 filiBoston (Tenn. A&l) 27 '¼'';Watson (una) 24'6"; Blanks (New Mexico) 24'?½". JOO, James .,.. (Striders) 9. 6;,Dave Styron (Salukis) 9. 7; Tidwell (una) 9. 7. 120HH, Jones (una) 13. 7; Wash- ,, i ngton (SCVYV} 14. O; Don Styron (Salukis) 14. 5. 880 1 Dupr~ee (Salukis) 1:50. 7; Underwood (una) 1: 52, 8; Mel Spence (Arizona St} 1: 54. 2 • .!:!1.Fehlen (USMC) 6 18¼";tie, Gardner (USMC), and Wyatt (S'CVYV) 6 16", PV,Clark (una) 1.5'¼"; Jeisy (Arizona St} 15'¼"; tie, Tork (USMC} and Shirey (fexas Tech) 14'6"; Schwarz (USMC) 14'. 220t, Dave Styron ·21. O; James 21. 4; Thomassen 21. 6. 2 Miles, Thomas (Salukis) 9:28. 2; McCalla (una) 9:32~ 6; Robertson (Stri­ ders) 9:33. 3. DT, Silvest~r 191'11½"; Babka (Striders) 187'6½"; O'Brien 178'9"; Burke 174'8". NC.AACHAMPIONSHIPS, Philadelphia, June 16-17: 100, Budd (Villanova) 9. 4; Jerome (Oregon) ·9, 5; Jackson rM. Ill) 9. 5; Cook (Oregon) 9. 6; Brown (Penn Stf D. 6; Smith (Oxy) 9. 6; Poynter (San Jose St) 9. 7; Smalley (Baylor} 9. 7; Dunn (Arizona) 9. 7. 220t, Budd 20. 8; Dray­ ton (Villa) 21. 2; Dunn 21. 2; Smith 21. 4; Alspaugh (Texas); Smalley; Poynter ·. Munn (USC) did not finish. 440, Plummer (New Mexico) 46. 2; Young (Abilene Christian) 46. 2; Johnson (North Carolina College) 46. 4; Monroe (Oregon St) 46. 4; Wedderburn (NYU) 46. 8; Baker (Missouri) 46. 9; Heath (Colo) 46. 9; McKennon (Abilene Christian) 46. 9. 880, Bork rvv.Mich) \ ~ 1:48, 3; Ohlemann (Oregon) 1:49, 7; Leps (Mich) 1:49. 8; Hagan (Kansas) 1: 50.1; Brandeis (Cor- . nell) 1:50 • .l; Durant (Drake) . 1:50.4; Hoffman (Oregon St) 1: 53. 8. Mile, Burleson 4:00. 5; Dot­ son (Kansas) 4:02.9; Forman (Oregon) 4:05.1; Dahl (UCLA) 4:06.0; Paranya (\Vesleyan) 4:07.0; Larson . (Qregon) 4:07.2; Almond (Houston) 4:07.2; Mullin (Harvard) 4:11.2; Kozar r;v.Ill) 4:13.1; Deardorff (Penn St) 4:13, 1. 3 Miles,Clohessy (Houston) 13:47. 7; Cl rk (San Jose St) 13:51. 6; Ashmore rvv.Mich) 13:53. 2; Norman (Penn St) 13:56. 5; Macy (Hou~ton) 14:02. 9; Tckesky (Miq.mi, Ohio) 14:06. 2. 3000SC, Lawler (Abilene Christian) 9:01. l; raynor (Villa) 9:01.6; Martin (Mich) 9:07.5; Moorhead (Penn St) 9:12~0; Tretheway ~V. Wash); Davis (San Jose St) 9:17. 9; Mack (Yale) 9:24. 5; Peck (Oxy) 9:24. 7. 120HH, Tarr (Oregon) 13. 9; Pierce (USC) 14. O; Lindgren (Utah) 14. O; McRae (Mich) 14. 2; Bernard (Texas Christian) 14. 4; Hooker (Kansas -St); Cunningham (Texas); Green (Arizona St) did not finish. 440H, Farmer (Oxy) 50. 8; Staten (USC) 51, 4; Smart (Morgan St) 51. 9; Ablowich (Ga, Tech) 52.1; Luck (Yale),52.1; . Cephas (Mich) 52. 1; Nelson r,N. Chester St); Toomey (Colo} 52. 5, !?1Meyers .(Colo) 25 '; Hayes (USC) 24'9"; Taylor (111)24'8"; Moore (Winston-SfllCQl) 24'7¼"; Akpata (Mich, St) 24'4; Bird (Mich) 24'2"; Moore (Stanford) 24'1¾'', HSJ, ljayes 5l'2¼"; Cooper (St. John's) 50'11¼"; Jack­ son (Los Angeles St) 48'3"; Krow (Albright) 47'10"; Doby (UCLA) 47'3½"; Jackson (USC) 47'1½"; . White (Villanova) 4,{318f'; Azikiwe (Harvard) 46'8½". HJ, Thomas (Boston U) 7'2"; Avant (USC) 7'; tie, Olipfiaht <W.Mich), Costa (Brigham Young), Davis (Morgan St) and Jones (Cal Poly, SLO) 6'8"; Upton (Texas Christian) 6 16", PV, tie, Davies (Okla." St), Gear (San Jose St) and . Brewer (USC) 15'4"; tie, Cramer (Wash), Kimmell (San Jose St), Chase (San Jose St), Hansen (Rice) and Martin (Okla) 15'; tie, Wilson (Wash, St), Elkins (SMU), Helms (Oxy) a.nd Stevens (Kansasf 14'8"; tie, J-fein (USC), Murray (Cornell), Rose (Arizona St) and Johnson (Purdue) 14'4". SP, Long (USC) 63'3½"; Smith (Missouri) 58'3½"; -Branson (UCLA) 58'2£''; Joe (Villa) 57'4¾".; Maggard (Calif) 56'6½"; Cohen (Harvard) 56'4"; Brown (Navy) 56 12". DT, Passey (Utah 1 11 St) 176 8 ; Johnstone (Arizona) 175'10"; Weill (Startford) 175'5"; Crane (Auburn) 174'3½"; · Mickle (Brigham Young) 170'5½"; Putnam (UCLA) 167 16"; Lewis (Oxy) 166'6t', HT, Pagani (Cal Poly, .SLO) 194 1 10½''; Doten (Harvo.rd) 191 1 1"; Sage (Navy) 180'81"; Bailey (Harvard) 1 179'9'\McCarth{',(Army) 176'11";·Schenker (Cor:ncll) 170'1"; Clark (Pitt) 167 , Jr, Wilkinson (Redlands) 247'8'2'; Likens (Oregon St) 244'9"; Crawshaw (Conn) 240'11"; Sbordone (USC) 234'9½"; Devereaux (Brigham Young) 230'9"; Studney (San Jose St) 229'1½"; Batchelder (Stan­ ford) 228'.

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