PRSRT ST D. U.S. I 'o. 1*<ii( 1 Si mil x • . 1 1 1 'nil itl •'-•.'. ; 1'<>s|,il I' <ili< )ll Since 1 5M> I „ •, -, , , r,™ . Ki/r«vi Nvlsan photo Sunday, S eb. 2 - The sun rises on a community m mourning. We remember Flight Commander Rick Douglas Husband, Co-pilot William C. McCool Payload Commander Michael Anderson, Might Surgeon Laurel Clark, Mission Specialists David M. Brown, Kalpana Chawla and Qan Ramon a colonel m Israel's Air Force - all lost on the Space Shuttle Columbia on the morning of Saturday, Feb. 1 2003. ' 2 • Week of February 7 -13, 2003 • Islander Sanibel promotes officers By Kate Thompson said City Manager Judie Zimomra, draw- Staff writer ing a laugh from the crowd. "With our re- deployment, the command staff will be With their families and a standing- working the same time the criminal ele- room-only crowd, five Sanibel police offi- ment is most active." cers were sworn in as command officers. The promotions were made based on a The five promotions are part of the depart- competitive process that included written ment's iviiiLMiiiAilinii ultii.li will make cvimiu.ilioiis. oi:il hoards ,nnl internets, iimiitiimd ullk-eis a\aikihlc ihuui.'.'hoiii /imnim.i addressed some ICIU.III.S ID ihe the day. childien nl' the new command ollicers, 1 In tliL- |>;i<ii. [In departments deputy telling them lo remember lliis d.i\ "ifuui chiel and .idmiiiisii;iii\e .seifieain. .is well live lo be 100. .is ihe chiel. worked Monday tluniigh "'Your Inlhen is mil mil\ .i police olli- I riil.iv, 9 (o 5. ••Uiil'oriumiid). nuisl ol the cei." she said. "He's a \LT\ JI«HKI police iil clement wasn't working y in 5." uflicei. I'll.ink you lor leilins: us s;i\e \oui dad a proniolioii U)d.i\." Pmiuoled were: • Michael I1 rands Murray, a ll»-\ear veiei.in ol ihe ilepaiinieni. was1 piomoied lo major. "Aloon."" as he's best knoun. became a ilispalchei in ll)S-l, an ollicer in iys."i, was |iroinoteil lo seiyeaul in 1988 and became aeiiiij1. coiiimaiidei in 2002, lie atleudi'd I lamiiiL'hain Slate College, is trained as a iial'lic homicide investigator, a delensi\e tactics instructor and a.s a crime prevention practitioner. Mm ray is also responsible lor the city's enieitieiuv response and disaster pre- paiedness prugiam. In 200.2. lie leceived a \aloi awaid. Moon and his wile, Alex, live in I oil Myers with two sons: .lay. 10. and Nicholas. 1-4. • James li. Phillips, a 25-ycsir veteran of Ihe police department, was promoted lo lieiiieii.iin I liii-.l in I""7.1! Phillip, h.i- OlTii-crs, st'«' |>age 6 DINE l:t;!i,/-\.L\ ii Vi^yli ovirs Mwl /••;- tivcel the lew i\l tlvr island Cow. NOL4 TliWMB p, 'Feb. 9 m 4 • 6 PfVl .STEVE BROWN --, WK 1! ^ § • S PM * 7:00 AM - IO PIV1 2I6S Periwinkle Way SanTbel 472-O6O6 Islander • Week of February 7-13, 2003 • 3 TMMUCHI COLUMNISTS AND THE The Metastatic Life Dave GOOD UGLY Lisa Pierot Horton — page 5 Profile Lee Nancy Santeusanh Horton — page 14 B ' ' miscoPE -f *•< he ('olumbia tragedy uni- American public is concerned, discovered with the loss of Challctn'vr. fies our iialion in grief as and we all feel pride in the We will stay focused on it for some accoinplislmii til1, V. .1 romitiy, time to come. T 1 V*w, &epleuiber 11 wtu> vuch aw we h.r • .i •) ii-li pi i; '.. Yi>. .ii L , J .i • i.ii"il. .: ,< in lll.i! i\\ e\eu(. hul Ihiit sadness was pitable. inviting uih.-r IMIUTII iw iepn"-:Ti(-. list- verv bi-si iw li.in- accompanied by mm age and to send then .IMUMUIIK up unli lo olli'i. I he.M" |K:H|>IL> ,ue au,»ci. This time I he soirow is OU1S. Wi- 11.1•*• ' I .1' IKIIIIII \\.! -. i-uri'iiii'K uell i-diii-.-ilfil. i undiluted. to work with oiu loiuiei Itiliet dedicated... the superlatives seem mad We are brought together in rivals and build a truly inlcrna- Ki \N\ equate and incomplete. part by our attachment to fron- tional space station. It feels as if we have lost lamil\. tiers and the conquering there- Executive We have always regarded They may not have been household of. It's a big part of our history Editor space as belonging to everyone names before liftoff, but they weu- -.till and our culture. First it was the and no one. But the process of heros - - our heros. New World, then the west. Now it's getting there is very much ours. So. when And now, while numerous «i!'i"iu-ii---. space. something like the Columbia loss hap- look back to try to guess what aciu.dU Other nations have challenged this pens, it hits us in a place that is uniquely happened, we also look ahead, seeiiu- in frontier and still others will again in our own •— a place that is beyond politics, the knowledge that our exploration of Music Review the near future. The. wake-up call of beyond terrorism, beyond any other -isms. this particular frontier will not be Harold Luibennan Sputnik galvanized our entire nation A train wreck can kill dozens of peo- derailed by this accident. We will learn and we have been looking upward ever ple and we are horrified... briefly. As from it and put that knowledge to good — page 6 B since, making space our own special we shake our heads over the evening use because that's the way we do mission. news, we are sad and concerned, but we things, that's the way we forge ahead. At the same time, space has been move on. Moving on from the Our heros will not have died in reasonably non-political, as far as the Columbia loss takes a lot longer, as we vain. CMC 0(1 fl(tei yum Wink Out ONE BITE AND ««LUNA CAPE.. Refreshment Center YOU'RE HOOKED Smoothies Protein Shakes SEAFOOD • SPORTS • SI'IKITS Coffee Drinks FOR LUNCH! A Lifestyle Enhancement Center Grouper /Tuna / Swordfish / Newly Expanded CARDIO CENTER Authorized Mahi Mahi /Salmon /Dolphin and WEIGHT ROOM Dealer of Polar Shrimp / Oysters / Clams / Scallops / Tilapia Featuring: Spinning Classes, Step Classes, Aerobics, Heartrate "We serve it Body Shaping, Seniors Classes Monitors .,.orwe don't and Much More. it fresh... serve it at all! Plus: M- * 'lyhen Weight Fquipment Preo Weights I'l.-acimnia and Stairmasters Don't forget a Trip To our Fish Market 395-2639 YOGA FREE TO MEMBERS Corner of Sanibel-Captiva Rd. and Rabbit Rd. Wed., 11:15 am 703 Tarpon Bay Road • Sanibel • 395-CRAB 4 • Week of February 7-13, 2003 • Islander Broder at BIG ARTS Nobel Prize nominee HAPPENINGS Caldicott speaks Feb. 9 Nobel Prize nominee Dr. Helen The tiiuclidafes Night Forum, originally scheduled for I eh. 12 Caldicott, world renowned author, envi- lias been cancelled. There are no plans to reschedule. ronmentalist and peace advocate, will speak at the Unitarian-Universalist registration is $10 for Chamber members Church of Fort Myers at 3 p.m. on Board Candidates Forum at and guests; call 472-1966 or e-mail Sunday, Feb. 9. [email protected] by Friday, In "Solutions for the 21st Century," Chamber Box Lunch Feb. 11 Feb. 7 p.m. to register in advance. The Caldicott will discuss the dire conse- At the Sanibel & Captiva Islands lunch is $14 without advance registration. quences of nuclear war and other threats Chamber of Commerce Box Lunch on to human survival. Tuesday, Feb. 11, there will be an Open A physician in her native Australia, Forum for Candidates for the Chamber Caldicott was on the staff at Boston's Board: Donations being accepted Children's and a faculty member at David S. Broder Harvard Medical School. In 1980, after The once-a-year Junque and Treasure Pulitzer Prize winner David •Jean Baer,* Interstate Hotels and Sale will be held on Saturday, March 1, from leading the opposition to France's testing Broder, a national political correspon- of nuclear devices in the Pacific, she re- Resorts; 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. Donations are being accept- dent for the Washington Post, will be ed for the event through Feb.l. Clean usable directed her energies to nuclear and envi- •Mike Billheimer,* Lighthouse Cafe; discussing the 2003 Political ronmental issues. She is president of the clothing, new shoes, household goods, work- Overview on Feb. 13 as part of BIG •Rick Flanagan, Parrot Nest; . Nuclear Policy Institute and founded ing small electronics with instructions, jew- ART's Forum. Broder has covered Physicians for •Cathy Gerasin, VIP Realty Group; elry, books, toys, pictures, collectibles, every national campaign and conven- Social lamps, furniture and other saleable treasures tion since 1960. Winner of numerous •Robert Gould, Private Condo Owner; Responsibility are being accepted in the lower level of prestigious awards, Broder was rated as well as •Malcolm Holtje, Private Condo Sanibel Congregational United Church of as "Washington's most highly regard- W o men' s Owner; Christ at 2050 Periwinkle Way. For satiety ed columnist" by both editorial-page Action for •Jack Lomano, Beach Road Inn; reasons, mattresses, box springs, baby equip- editors and members of Congress. ment, hide-a beds, plumbing, building mate- Nuclear •Gilda Sitarez,* Executive Title rials, or exercise equipment are not accept- Disarmament, Insurance; able. Please make sure the items are saleable A widely pub- •Ron Urkovich,* Attorney at Law; before leaving them.
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