National Assembly I Balochistan Provincial Assembly of The: □ Punjab ! Si,An []]Khyber Pakhtunkhwa ! No

National Assembly I Balochistan Provincial Assembly of The: □ Punjab ! Si,An []]Khyber Pakhtunkhwa ! No

FORM-33 1See rule s6(1)l LIST OF CONTESTING CANDIDATES ヽ Bvc / Elcction to the : Na● 日 onal Assembly Provincial Assembly of the: □ Puttab □針ndh □ Khyber Pakhtunkhwa □ Baお Chヽ・ n No. and Nnme of Constitucncy: NA-l Chitral S e r ‐ Name ofthe Contesting candidates Address of the No. arld nanre of N 。 in the Urdu Alphabetica1 0rder Contesting Candidates symbolallocated AFrlliation,lFany 1 4 Pakistan Muslim Leagu( 1 lftikhar ud Din Tchsil and District ChitraI Villagc Tiger (No.284) Seeldur Kalkatak Drosh (N) ● レタ1 / `リ 2 Taqdira Ajmal Musiim Abad P/o Banda Jat Chirali Cap oヾ o59) Independent Thana Bandttat Teh● l Batkhda ちメ 0ソ JIタ 〆 ィ District Malakand Rah-e-Haq Part Saeed Ur Rehman Tehsn MastuJ Dlstrict Chital Iron (No.l47) Pakistan ノ′ ψillage Shagram Weよ htlP P/o び/1 〆 ィ Shagraln Peoples Party 4 Saleem Khan Tehsil and Dristrict Chitral Villagc Arrow (No.l2) Pakistan ¨ Kandoxhal Caramchashma / Parliamentarians υじrレ o Tchsil and District Chitral 鋪n Ho…r鵬 Independent 5 Shahzada Muharamad Taimur Khis● ′ノノノ V‖ lage Droshp QHla p/0 :ン ノ/ ル ''ア Carumchashma を Pakistan Tehreek-e-lnsaf 6 Abdul Latif Tehsn MastuJ Dお tHct Chl● l Bat(No 19) vilHage Nichag Ovecr P/。 ツ|′ Shonogush " Lantem(No 162) 熟 ami National Pa靭 7 Eid ulHussain Tchsil and Distict Chitral village MustaJapandch 」 υノ|′ ノ (No.93) All Pakistanヽ 4uslim Amjad House No.2l Street 25 Sector Eagle Mohammad League F-6/2lslamabad. ノ|ノ ―レ Tehsn and District Chitral Duck(No 92) “ lndependent Mttalnm“ Yahya rノ ι Village Dawashish Jughoor MuT「 HIDA MAJLIS― E‐ District Chitml village B00k(No 31) Moulana Abdul Akbar Chitrali Tehsil and J AMAL PAKISTAN Broze Goldeh. ・ 1)r7/. ut.4vttr Independent TehsH Drosh District Chitral Pcncil(No 196) 11 Nisar Dastageer vinage Kcssu Dhap P/o Drosh 出 ノf多,ノ ` veen thc hOurs Notice is hcarby give1lthat thC poli shaH bc taken beヽ 07-2018 Or 08:00 AM 10 06:00 PM On(date) 25‐ 乙____ 幣灯 ら7`クζ多― `く 《 FORDI-33 1See rule 56(1)l ´ LIST OF CONTESTING CANDIDATES Bye/Election to the: National Assembly I Balochistan Provincial Assembly of the: □ Punjab ! si,an []]Khyber Pakhtunkhwa ! No. and Name of Constituency: NA-2 Swat― I m a name of Par" Name of tlre Contesting Candidates Address of the No, and N 。 symbol allocated AfrlliatiOn,if any ・ in the Urdu Alphabetical Ord€r Contesting Candidates 3 4 5 1 2 Tehsil Klwazakhela District Arrow(No 12) Pakistan Peoples Party 1 Attad Ali Khan Babo / ” Parliamentarians ctvt lt Swat Tiger (No.284) Pakistan Muslim League 2 Chagam Post Omce Aloch Tehsil “ Amir Muqam / Puran District Shangla (N) rレ/1 Khwazakhela Bat(No 19) Pakistan Tehreek-e-lnsaf D Haider Ali Khan Kuz Kalay Tehs‖ ttvt.,t District Swat | Office Khwazakhela Battery (No.2l ) lndependent 4 Said Qamar Faqera Post Tehsil Khwazakhela Distlict Swat. ノィ び″ Cricket Stumps(No 73) Independent 5 Ibadunah Khan Chagam Tehsil Puran District Shangla ブ υじ力 ンつ 'ば ´ 0 Tree(No 295) Pashtoonkhwa Milli Mukhtar Binkat Fatehpur Tehsl Muhammad Avvami P汀 Khwazakllela Distict Swat け ノウノ ==′ " Loud Speaker(No 169) lndependent 7 Min Mllllammad Kuz Kalay Madyan Tehsil Bahrain District Swat ノ』じ∫リ ノι/ `′ Abad Tehsil Bahrain Apple (No.l I ) Independent 8 Malak Muhammad Didar Khan Malよ Distrct Swat c)U+:iJ イ Lantem(No 162) A、valni National Paw 9 Mumtaz Ahmad Habib Abad Tehsil Bahrain Distict SWat 」 /りP 〆 MuTTHIDA MAJLIS‐ E― 4ohallah Chum Charbagh Tehsil B00k(No 31) Naveed lqbal ヽ AMAL PAKISTAN Charbagh District Swat 「」 14ノ the hours Notice is hearby given that the poll shall be taken between on (date) 2$07-2018 of 08:00 AM TO 06:00 PM FORDI‐ 33 1See rule 56(1)] LIST OF CONTESTING CANDIDATES Bye / Electior to the : National Assembly I BabClllStan Provircial Assembly of the: □Puttab □割ndh [二]Khyber Pakhtunkhwa □ No.and Name of Constituency: NA-3 Swat― H ~ Address Ofthe e r i No. and name of Name ofthe Contesting Candidates N allocated Afflliation,iF any 。 in the Urdu Alphabetica1 0rder Contesting Candidates symbol 5 3 4 1 2 Muhallah Dawiat Kheil,Charbagh Newttaper(No 183) Independent l Aftab Shahid ン Swat ノ‐7 ″tお _晰 Muhalalh Chena Landaykas, W‖ 腕 lndependent 2 HulJtt U‖ ah し Ming∝ a Swat “1世写, 」 |ン Bat(No 19) Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf Saleem Rehman Shahdara Mingora,Tehsil Babuzai ‐″/ District Swat υL/ノ 卜 r嘔 " Jamiat Ulmae― Islam Kheil Guna , Tehsil Takhti(No 274) 4 Shakeel Ahmad Qambar Nattati Pakistan ノ|ル Matta District Swat ♂ Pakistan PeoPles Party Amlrzeb HOuse,Saldu Sharlf, Arow(No 12) 5 Shahryar Amrzeb ι Parliamentarians Swat ノイ _ル イ ルげ Lantem(No 162) A■vaml National Party 6 Abdul Kanm Muhalalh Nasir Kheil,Odigram Mingora Swat ノ 」 〆/■ノ Swat' Fan(No 101) lndependent Ali Khan Amir Khan Kheil Gogdara, 薩 υレ〆 Tiger (No.284) Pakistan Mugim Lettue Shahbaz Sharif House No. 96 . H Block Model 8 Mian Muhammad (N) Town Lahore ノイ -r!,Y^iJO\:/ between the hours Notice is hearby given lhat the poll shall be taken on (date) 2$07-2018 of 08:00 AM TO 06:00 PM Plac←三≦〔i聖 L整生J42 _2乙 」EL_____ Dat:L……1lL`≧ 』[=2≧ζl三二 `セ `2」 FORDI‐ 33 ⌒ 1See rule 56(1)] ` ■ = LIST OF CONTESTING CANDIDATES じ Bye′ Election to the: |l riatiOnalAssembly Balochistan 、 ・ Provincial Assembly ofthe: ! eunjab ! sinan [二]Khyber Pakhtunkhwa I No. and Nam€ of ConstituencY: NA‐ 4 Swat-111 Serial of the Contesting candidates Address ofthe No. and name of Affiliation, if any No in the Urdu Alphabetical Ord€r Contesting Candidates symbol allocated 4 5 1 2 -Nanre Chair(No 55) Allah‐ o― Akbar Tehreek l lbrahim Hazara. Kabal Swat Fレ | Watan Party 2 Tal Havat Khan Drtlshkhela Mata Swat Chira帥 (Lamp)(No 58) Qaumi c)l;e?J ιl′ Trcc(No 295) Pasht∞ ■фwa Milli ・‐ Khurshaid Ali Totano Bandai. Kabal Swat Aνvami Pttυ ノジ ″ ノ よ′ ' 4 Shahzad Gharib Abad,KanJu Swat Jeep (No.l49) Independent ,ア ″ (No.284) Pakistan Muslim League 5 Feroz Shah Damghar Kanju, Kabal Swat Tiger “ ,:. ! / (N) DV)tl 6 Mahmood Senpora, Mafta Swat Book(No 31) MUTTHlDA MAJLIS‐ E‐ Qari AMAL PAKISTAN )f O )19 Arrow(No 12) Pakistan Peoples Party 7 Qamar Zaman Menz Palo Kherarrai, Matta Swat / ” Parliamentarians υしグ Tehrcck Labbaik Pakistan Muhammad Raza Khan Kanju Township, Kabal Swat Crane (No.71) ノ Muhammad Salim Khan Drushkhela. Matta Swal Lantem(No 162) Awami National Party ,)6tJ ノ」 Muhammad Mosa Khan New Kalonai, Matta Swat Fan(No 101) lndependent υじび/ノ 所 Pakistan Tehreek-elnsaf Murad Saeed ヽ4ohana Sher Abad,Kabal Swat Bat(No 19) な つ1/ 1 Noticc is hearby given that the po‖ sha‖ be takcn betヽ vccn the hours Of 08:00 AM T0 06:00 PM On(date) 25-07-2018 H“_幽饉∠_____ D漬←‐3ユαい出 生_____ “ FORM-33 _ ` ISee rule 56(1)l ‐ : ` LIST OF CONTESTING CANDIDATES B二 /ELc/1o慟 e:‐ 識111:蛉 翼翼‖IlyOfthα □Punlab □Shdh ぶhyber Pakhmnkhwa □8abchヽtan No and Name of Constituency: NA-5 Upper Dir Party Name ofthe Contesting Candidates Address of the No. and name of AFrlliatiOn,if any Ⅶin the Urdu Alphabetical Order Contesting Candidates symbol allocated 3 4 5 1 2 MAIDAN KHAWAR BARANヽ L Match Box(No 172) Independent l HANIF ULLAH KHAN h-i-b υ c)t; `t (No.l83) Independent , RIAZULLAH Vlし LAGE KASS DIR Newspaper )t,jy., AH Pakistan Muslim SUBHAN ALl VILLACE SHACAI NlHAC Eagle (No.93) DARA WARI Lcaguc まυr ―レ Bat(No 19) Pakistan Tehreek-elnsaf 4 SAHIBZADA SIBGHATULLAH VILLAGE KOTKAY SAHIB ABAD WARI ルにジイo,アレ " V:LLAGE REHANKOT DIR B00k(No 31) MuTTHlDA MAJLIS― E‐ ヽ SAHIBZADA■ ヽRIQULLAH J” ・ AMAL PAKISTAN 勁t/1ノ し レ ''1ノ Lantcrn(NO 162) Awami National Party 1ヽ4RAN KHAN VlLLAGE KAKAD WARI /」 υじυ/ VARI Tractor(No 292) Pakistan Muslim League 7 UMAR ZAIB KHAN VlLLAGE JATGRAMヽ 乃 υじ‐ ル′ V Dolphin (No.85) Pak Sarzameen Party 8 INAPιべTUL HAQ VILLACE SORI PAヽ ノlン REHANKOT DIR ♂′; Pakistall MuSlim Lcaguc VILLACE PANAKOT DIR Tiger (No.284) 二 9 MUHAMMAD NISAR KHAN / (N) cり じノ0ノ VILLAGE KASS DIR Arrow(No 12) Pakistan PeoPles Party NAJMUDDIN KHAN / ¨ Parliamentarians Ot;cl-)tl the hours Notice is hearby given that the poll shall be taken between on (date) 2907-2018 of 08:00 AM TO 06:00 PM ,,,"*-P-E---IJB-e9-R- ス お6赫 Ⅲm蝙 備け …Setumii,X O$rco Dat←‐ aニコ【:=22_18___ … `う NA-S L'pp* Di FORM‐ 33 lSee rule 56(1)] LIST OF CONTESTING CANDIDATES Bye′ Election to the: 層回Natlonal Assembly p/xnyber Balochistan Provincial Assembly of the: □Puttab □sndh raxrrtunkhwa E No and Namc oF Constituency: NA-6 Lower Dir-I name of Scrial -Nifre of the Contesting Candidates Address ofthe No. and AfrlliatiOn,iF any No in the Urdu Alphabetical Order Contesting Candidates symbol allocated 5 1 2 Tchrcck Labbaik Pakistan Bazar. Asbanr, Tehsil Cranc(No 71) 1 Ihsan UHah Asbanr Adenzai Lorver Dir 刑 υレ | AFOW(No 12) Pakistan Peoples Party 2 Ahmad Hassan Ziarat Talash Tchsil Timcrgara / ¨ Parliamentarians ′ しowcr Dir υ ノ | MuTTHIDA MAJLIS― E‐ Khall Barkalay Tehsil Khall BoOk(N。 31) Asad UHah AMAL Rへ KISTAN Lower Dir Jノ /1 (No.55) A‖ ah― o― Akbar Tehrcck 4 Aln」 ad A‖ Bandagai Talash Timelgara Lower Chair Dir よィ| Pakistan Muslim League Karz ina Paito Dara PO Khungi Tiger (No.284) 3 Javcd Akhtar / (N) Bala Tehsil Timergara Lower Dir ,7t+:V Toonnang Eagle (No.93) All Pakistan Muslim 6 Habib Unah QaziAbad PO Kha‖ League Tehsil Timcitta Lowcr Dir ツレ 力1字ィ Tehsil Bat(No 19) Pakistan Tehreek-e-lnsaf 7 l14chboob Shah Kotigram Bala, Kotigram, ルッ/ Adenzai Lower Dir " Awami National Party Post Office Odigram Lantcm(No 162) 8 Muhammad Zahid Khan Village and Tehsil Balambat Lower Dir.

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