© [Regd. No. TN/CCN/467/2012-14. GOVERNMENT OF TAMIL NADU [R. Dis. No. 197/2009. 2016 [Price: Rs. 13.60 Paise. TAMIL NADU GOVERNMENT GAZETTE PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY No. 21] CHENNAI, WEDNESDAY, MAY 25, 2016 Vaikasi 12, Thunmugi, Thiruvalluvar Aandu – 2047 Part VI—Section 4 Advertisements by private individuals and private institutions CONTENTS PRIVATE ADVERTISEMENTS Pages. Change of Names .. 1197-1229 NOTICE NO LEGAL RESPONSIBILITY IS ACCEPTED FOR THE PUBLICATION OF ADVERTISEMENTS REGARDING CHANGE OF NAME IN THE TAMIL NADU GOVERNMENT GAZETTE. PERSONS NOTIFYING THE CHANGES WILL REMAIN SOLELY RESPONSIBLE FOR THE LEGAL CONSEQUENCES AND ALSO FOR ANY OTHER MISREPRESENTATION, ETC. (By Order) Director of Stationery and Printing. CHANGE OF NAMES 17286. My Grand son, P. Kishore, son of Thiru S. Prabhu, 17290. I, Y. Arifa Begum, wife of Thiru A. Yousuf Sulthan, born on 9th April 2000 (native district: Dindigul), residing at born on 9th October 1982 (native district: Madurai), residing No. 37, Viswanatha Nagar, K. Pudur, Madurai-625 007, at No. 35, Ramraj Nagar, Avaniapuram 5th Merku Kurukku shall henceforth be known as P. KISHORE KUMAR. Street, Meenakshi Nagar, Madurai-625 012, shall henceforth N. SETHURAMAN. be known as Y. ARIFA BANU. Madurai, 17th May 2016. (Grand Father.) Y. ARIFA BEGUM. 17287. I, H. Jahir Hussian alias Zahir Hussain, son of Thiru Madurai, 17th May 2016. M. Hyther Hussain, born on 4th February 1965 (native 17291. My daughter, S.M. Yazhini, born on 23rd December district: Madurai), residing at No. 1E, Royal Street, 2011 (native district: Madurai), residing at No. 45/5, Jeeva Thaimoogambigai Nagar, S. Alangulam, Anaiyur, Madurai- Nagar 1st Street, Madurai-625 011, shall henceforth be 625 017, shall henceforth be known as H. ZAKIRHUSSAIN. known as S.G YOGA NAAYAGI. H. JAHIR HUSSIAN alias ZAHIR HUSSAIN. K. SURESH. Madurai, 17th May 2016. Madurai, 17th May 2016. (Father.) 17289. My daughter, Mirthula V. Harini, daughter of Thiru 17292. My son, E.R. Jaikaushikkumar, born on R.K. Vaithiyanathan, born on 15th June 2002 (native 26th September 2001 (native district: Madurai), district: Madurai), residing at No. 5/192D, Sabari Nagar, residing at No. 24/44, Chelluka Subbiar Lane, Makkinampatti, Coimbatore-642 003, shall henceforth be South Veli Street, Madurai-625 001, shall henceforth be known as MATHANGGI. V. known as E.R.K. JAI KAUSHIK. S. SUMATHI. E.V. RAMKUMAR. Coimbatore, 17th May 2016. (Mother.) Madurai, 17th May 2016. (Father.) D.T.P.—VI-4 (21)—1 [ 1197 ] 1198 TAMIL NADU GOVERNMENT GAZETTE [Part VI—Sec.4 17293. I, R. Karthik, son of (late) Thiru Ramachandran, 17302. I, Thangavelu, son of Thiru Subban, born on born on 10th May 1991 (native district: Madurai), residing at 1st January 1963 (native district: Pudukkottai), residing at No. 2-304, Keezhadi Manamadurai, Thiruppuvanam No. 82, Chithirambur, Thiruvakudi Post, Avudaiyar Koil Taluk, Sivagangai-630 611, shall henceforth be Taluk, Pudukkottai-622 204, shall henceforth be known as R. KARTHICK. known as S. THANGAVEL. R. KARTHIK. Madurai, 17th May 2016. THANGAVELU. Pudukkottai, 17th May 2016. 17294. My son, J.K. Saran Pranavv, born on 27th January 2004 (native district: Madurai), residing at No. 25B, Moovendar 17303. My son, K. Sri Harihara Sudhan, born on Nagar Extension, Viswanathapuram, Madurai-625 014, 30th January 2012 (native district: Madurai), residing at shall henceforth be known as K. SARAN PRANAVV. No. 454, Kamarajar 2nd Street, B.B. Kulam, Madurai- J. KARTHIKEYAN. 625 002, shall henceforth be known as K JEYAHARI. Madurai, 17th May 2016. (Father.) T. KARUPPASAMY. 17295. My daughter, Zenith Jenima, born on 14th October Madurai, 17th May 2016. (Father.) 2004 (native district: Virudhunagar), residing at No. 2, 17304. I, M. Babu, son of Thiru C. Moseskumar, Zass Villa, Pandiyan Nagar, Kosakulam, Madurai-625 017, shall henceforth be known as A SHERLIN. born on 1st February 1989 (native district: Sivagangai), T. ARUL SELVAN. residing at No. 10-6-2/NA, Bharathi Nagar, Madurai, 17th May 2016. (Father.) Singampunari, Sivagangai-630 502, shall henceforth be known as M. NIRANJAN BABU. 17296. My son, Madhubala, son of Thiru Ramamoorthi, M born on 5th October 2005 (native district: Theni), residing at . 𣹠No. 19, Sedapatty, Sithayankottai, Dindigul-624 708, Sivagangai, 17th May 2016. shall henceforth be known as R. SRISHANTH. 17305. My daughter, B. Mahalakshmi, daughter of Thiru JEYABHARATHI. P. Balamurugan, born on 23rd December 2005 (native Dindigul, 17th May 2016. (Mother.) district: Dindigul), residing at No. 29, B.P.L.S. Nagar, 17297. My son, S. Dhurkesh, born on 4th September 2000 Chinniyampalayam, Coimbatore-641 602, shall henceforth (native district: Madurai), residing at No. 158, Manikandan be known as B. BRINDHA. 1st Street, Aruppukottai Highways Road, Villapuram, Madurai- B. SUDHA. 625 012, shall henceforth be known as S. DEENA. Coimbatore, 17th May 2016. (Mother.) P. SEKAR. Madurai, 17th May 2016. (Father.) 17306. I, E. Muniyasamy alias Anand, son of Thiru M. Esakky, born on 4th October 1989 (native district: 17298. I, Renuha, wife of Thiru S. Ramesh, born on 29th May 1968 (native district: Madurai), residing at Madurai), residing at No. K-17, Mill Colony, New Jail Road, No. 5-422/1, Anjal Nagar, Athikulam, K. Pudur, Madurai- Madurai-625 016, shall henceforth be known as E. ANAND. 625 007, shall henceforth be known as K. BAMA. E. MUNIYASAMY alias ANAND. RENUHA. Madurai, 17th May 2016. Madurai, 17th May 2016. 17307. My daughter, P. Jasmitha, born on 8th October 17299. My daughter, Nishalini, daughter of Thiru Kannan, 2008 (native district: Theni), residing at Old No. 20, born on 29th October 2011 (native district: Sivagangai), New No. 19, Shekizhar Main Road, Bibikulam, Madurai- residing at No. 1488, Peranipatti, Keelappungudi 625 002, shall henceforth be known as P. JUSMITHA. Post, Sivagangai-630 561, shall henceforth be known as K. NISHALINISRI. PARTHASARATHY. K. SASIKALA. Madurai, 17th May 2016. (Father.) Sivagangai, 17th May 2016. (Mother.) 17308. My son, Rudra Prasad, born on 23rd August 2012 17300. My daughter, Nithyasri, daughter of Thiru A. Kannan, (native district: Theni), residing at Old No. 20, New No. 19, born on 12th March 2015 (native district: Sivagangai), residing Shekizhar Main Road, Bibikulam, Madurai-625 002, at No. 1488, Peranipatti, Keelappungudi Post, Sivagangai- shall henceforth be known as P. JAI VIVEKAN. 630 561, shall henceforth be known as K. NIVASHINISRI. PARTHASARATHY. K. SASIKALA. Madurai, 17th May 2016. (Father.) Sivagangai, 17th May 2016. (Mother.) 17309. My son, P. Anish, born on 11th May 2013 17301. My daughter, S. Rakkaee, born on 11th February (native district: Theni), residing at No. 3-340, W-3, Theatre 2013 (native district: Madurai), residing at Old No. 2/330, Street, Surulipatty, Theni-625 516, shall henceforth be New No. 2/448, Kannanenthal, Thiruppalai Post, Madurai- 625 014, shall henceforth be known as S. MAHESHWARI. known as P. ARUNESH. K. SANJEEVI. S. PANDEESWARAN. Madurai, 17th May 2016. (Father.) Theni, 17th May 2016. (Father.) May 25, 2016] TAMIL NADU GOVERNMENT GAZETTE 1199 17310. I, Ravimalayandi, son of Thiru Karuppa Thevar, 17319. I, K.S. Muthukumar, son of Thiru M.K. Sambandam, born on 10th May 1961 (native district: Madurai), born on 26th May 1971 (native district: Madurai), residing at Old No. 22B, New No. 45, Johnson Illam, Jeeva residing at No. 39, Kurusamy Kovil Street, Vannarapettai, Nagar, 2nd Street, Madurai-625 011, shall henceforth be Usilampatti, Madurai-625 532, shall henceforth be known as MK SAMBATHKUMAR. known as R.K. RAVI. K.S. MUTHUKUMAR. RAVIMALAYANDI. Madurai, 17th May 2016. Madurai, 17th May 2016. 17320. My son, K.D. Harisri, son of Thiru K. Durairaj, born on 5th August 2010 (native district: Madurai), residing 17311. I, Andiappan, son of Thiru Manjan, born on at Old No. 83/D, New No. 1-1/50-1, North Street, Kallanai, 6th July 1955 (native district: Pudukkottai), residing at Vadipatti Taluk, Madurai-625 501, shall henceforth be No. 2-28, Melur, Thirumayam Taluk, Pudukkottai-622 507, known as D. HARISRI. shall henceforth be known as M. ANDI. D. SHANMUGAPRIYA. ANDIAPPAN. Madurai, 17th May 2016. (Mother.) Pudukkottai, 17th May 2016. 17321. I, V. Charles Mathew Lloyd, son of Thiru 17312. I, Yogapriya, wife of Thiru P. Murugesan, born on A. Thomas Jason Vijayasingh, born on 27th July 1994 6th April 1991 (native district: Sivagangai), residing at (native district: Thoothukkudi), residing at Old No. 5/174, New No. 5A/320, 3rd Street, Caldwell Colony, No. 2-139, Melur, Thirumayam Taluk, Pudukkottai-622 507, Thoothukkudi-628 008, shall henceforth be known shall henceforth be known as A. YOGALAKSHMI. as T CHARLES MATHEW LLOYD. YOGAPRIYA. V. CHARLES MATHEW LLOYD. Pudukkottai, 17th May 2016. Thoothukkudi, 17th May 2016. 17313. My son, N.R. Vimal Pranesh, born on 8th December 17322. My son, Shanmuga Velayutham, son of Thiru 2002 (native district: Dindigul), residing at No. 1/678, S. Venkateshan, born on 7th November 2011 (native Govindaraj Nagar, Balakrishnapuram Post, Dindigul- district: Sivagangai), residing at No. 19-8, Muniyandi Kovil 624 003, shall henceforth be known as S.R. VISVA PRANAV. Street, Avaniyapuram, Madurai-625 012, shall henceforth be known as V.N. DRUVAN. M.A. RAJENDRAN. V. NAGALAKSHMI. Dindigul, 17th May 2016. (Father.) Madurai, 17th May 2016. (Mother.) 17314. My son, S. Dishaam Hari, born on 27th November 17323. I, Faritha Banu, M.K., wife of Thiru Anwar Batcha, 2010 (native district: Coimbatore), residing at Old No. 66, born on 27th March 1964 (native district: Ramanathapuram), New No. 64, Thatchan Kattu Valasu, Arachalur Post, Erode- residing at No. 8/10, Sathiram East Street, Lakshpuram, 638 101, shall henceforth be known as S PRASITH BALAJI. Ramanathapuram-623 504, shall henceforth be N. SENTHIL. known as M.K. BAREEDA BANU. Erode, 17th May 2016. (Father.) FARITHA BANU, M.K. Ramanathapuram, 17th May 2016. 17315. I, M. Thiruvasakam, son of Thiru P. Mariappan, 17324. I, P. Kamala, wife of Thiru Periyasamy, born on 10th July 1978 (native district: Karur), residing at born on 1st January 1980 (native district: Madurai), No.
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