E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 104 CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION Vol. 142 WASHINGTON, MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 9, 1996 No. 122 House of Representatives The House met at 12 noon and was PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE S. 1972. An act to amend the Older Ameri- called to order by the Speaker pro tem- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Will the cans Act of 1965 to improve the provisions re- pore [Mr. COBLE]. lating to Indians, and for other purposes; gentlewoman from Colorado [Mrs. S. 1970. An act to amend the National Mu- f SCHROEDER] come forward and lead the seum of the American Indian Act to make House in the Pledge of Allegiance. DESIGNATION OF THE SPEAKER improvements in the Act, and for other pur- Mrs. SCHROEDER led the Pledge of PRO TEMPORE poses; and Allegiance as follows: S. Con. Res. 14. Concurrent resolution urg- The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the ing the President to negotiate a new base fore the House the following commu- United States of America, and to the rights agreement with the Government of nication from the Speaker: Republic for which it stands, one nation Panama to permit United States Armed under God, indivisible, with liberty and jus- Forces to remain in Panama beyond Decem- WASHINGTON, DC, tice for all. ber 31, 1999. September 9, 1996. I hereby designate the Honorable HOWARD f The message also announced that COBLE to act as Speaker pro tempore on this MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE pursuant to the provisions of Senate day. Concurrent Resolution 47 (104th Con- NEWT GINGRICH, A message from the Senate by Ms. gress), the Chair, on behalf of the Vice Speaker of the House of Representatives. McDevitt, one of its clerks, announced President, appoints the following Sen- f that the Senate had passed with ators to the Joint Congressional Com- amendments in which the concurrence mittee on Inaugural Ceremonies: The PRAYER of the House is requested, a bill of the Senator from Mississippi [Mr. LOTT]; House of the following title: The Chaplain, Rev. James David the Senator from Virginia [Mr. WAR- H.R. 3666. An act making appropriations Ford, D.D., offered the following pray- NER]; and the Senator from Kentucky er: for the Departments of Veterans Affairs and Housing and Urban Development, and for [Mr. FORD]. We are thankful, O gracious God, for f all the gifts that brighten our days, sundry independent agencies, boards, com- missions, corporations, and offices for the SPECIAL ORDERS that encourage our spirits, and are the fiscal year ending September 30, 1997, and for marks of Your blessings in our daily other purposes. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under lives. For friends whose loyalty sup- The message also announced that the the Speaker's announced policy of May ports us and encourages us, for col- Senate insists upon its amendments to 12, 1995, and under a previous order of leagues who help point the way, for the bill (H.R. 3666) ``An act making ap- the House, the following Members will family whose love and concern accepts propriations for the Departments of be recognized for 5 minutes each. us when we walk the road of success or Veterans Affairs and Housing and f know the valley of grief or pain, and Urban Development, and for sundry PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE DOLE above all for Your Word that directs us independent agencies, boards, commis- NEEDS TO LEARN A FEW NEW in the way of truth and righteousness sions, corporations, and offices for the TRICKS and peace. May the gratefulness we feel fiscal year ending September 30, 1997, in our hearts, O God, cause us to be and for other purposes,'' requests a The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under a specially aware of the needs of others conference with the House on the dis- previous order of the House, the gentle- so that we will share with them the agreeing votes of the two Houses there- woman from Colorado [Mrs. SCHROE- blessings of our hearts and the gifts of on, and appoints Mr. BOND, Mr. BURNS, DER] is recognized for 5 minutes. Your creation. This is our earnest Mr. STEVENS, Mr. SHELBY, Mr. BEN- Mrs. SCHROEDER. Mr. Speaker, I prayer. Amen. NETT, Mr. CAMPBELL, Mr. HATFIELD, come to the floor today because this f Ms. MIKULSKI, Mr. LEAHY, Mr. JOHN- weekend reminded me of several STON, Mr. LAUTENBERG, Mr. KERREY, things. First of all, there is an old say- THE JOURNAL and Mr. BYRD, to be the conferees on ing about you cannot teach an old dog The SPEAKER pro tempore. The the part of the Senate. new tricks. Having a very old dog Chair has examined the Journal of the The message also announced that the named Woofie myself, I know that is last day's proceedings and announces Senate had passed bills and a concur- true. But this weekend we found a new to the House his approval thereof. rent resolution of the following titles saying that also fits. That is, you can- Pursuant to clause 1, rule I, the Jour- in which the concurrence of the House not teach an old Dole new tricks. We nal stands approved. is requested: saw Presidential candidate Dole go out b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. H10109 H10110 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð HOUSE September 9, 1996 and slamdunk family leave. He made families to invest in their community, taken from the Speaker's table and, all sorts of statements about how fam- invest in their children, and so forth. under the rule, referred as follows: ily leave was antibusiness, and he was Mr. Speaker, I do not know what to S. 1970. An act to amend the National Mu- opposed to it. say except that it shows the very seum of the American Indian Act to make I would like to set the record bright line that is continuing to be improvements in the Act, and for other pur- straight. As one of the authors of fam- drawn in this presidential race. Today poses; to the Committee on House Oversight, ily leave and one who worked 9 years I understand presidential candidate and in addition to the Committee on Re- to get that brought into law, I want to Dole is going to be in St. Petersburg, sources, for a period to be subsequently de- termined by the Speaker, in each case for point out that his criticisms did not FL, talking about these issues. consideration of such provisions as fall with- come to pass. When that bill passed in Eight years ago I went to St. Peters- in the jurisdiction of the committee con- 1993, there was a lot of dissent, and burg, FL, with Dr. Barry Brazelton, the cerned. there were many people very concerned pediatrician from Harvard, with Gary S. 1972. An act to amend the Older Ameri- about it. It obviously had taken 9 years David Goldberg, the producer of ``Fam- cans Act of 1965 to improve the provisions re- to get it signed into law. It had been ily Ties,'' with his wife, Diana Meehan. lating to Indians, and for other purposes; to vetoed, all sorts of things had hap- We were traveling around with the the Committee on Economic and Edu- pened. cational Opportunities; and Great American Family tour. St. Pe- S. Con. Res. 14. Concurrent resolution urg- So when President Clinton signed it, tersburg was one of the places we lis- ing the President to negotiate a new base there was a commission appointed, a tened to the American people, where rights agreement with the Government of bipartisan commission of Republicans they told us how desperately they Panama to permit United States Armed and Democrats, that studied the appli- wanted a bill like the family leave bill Forces to remain in Panama beyond Decem- cation of the act and came forward that happened. ber 31, 1999; to the Committee on Inter- with this very weighty document on So it is going to be very interesting national Relations. what family medical leave really did in to see what candidate Dole hears in St. f this country. Petersburg today, and whether the peo- BILLS PRESENTED TO THE I certainly hope that Presidential ple who came to his listening events PRESIDENT candidate Dole gets a copy of it. It was are real people, or they are all Mr. THOMAS, from the Committee immediately sent to his colleague, Sen- preselected, prescripted, and it is all on House Oversight, reported that that ator KASSEBAUM, and it was distributed kind of an act. committee did on this day present to all over to Senators and Congressmen But I do think that Americans are the President, for his approval, bills of when it came out. It was a report to very tired of rhetoric about family the House of the following titles: the Congress on family and medical policies, and want real protections for leave, and it came out showing 90 per- their family. We know we cannot roll On September 5, 1996: cent of America's businesses now sup- back progress, we cannot change it. We H.R. 3754. An act making appropriations for the Legislative Branch for the fiscal year port family leave. Why? are going to have to live in this global Do Members know what they found ending September 30, 1997, and for other pur- economy.
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