VOLUME 43 NUMBER 4 DIOCESE OF RAPID CITY, Diocesan Website: www.rapidcitydiocese.org SOUTH DAKOTA Serving Catholics in Western South Dakota since May 1973 Planned Parenthood, 2, 15 & 16 Human Trafficking, 4 The Healing Power of Silence, 10 Year for Consecrated Life: Br. Joe Fleischman, SJ, 11 Catholic radio hits the air By Laurie Hallstrom Real Presence Radio has begun limited broadcasting in the Rapid City area. On July 31 the company purchased KQFR Terra Sancta Guild names, 89.9 (soon to be KJRC). Aug. 12-14 3 broadcasts began with a sig- Healing Retreat, 22 nal strength of 2,300 watts. To cover a greater portion of the diocese, station owners plan to Bishop’s Golf Classic upgrade the signal to 25,000 The Western South Dakota Catholic Foundation teamed up with Catholic Social Services and the Rapid City Catholic School System to host a fundrasing golf tournament on August 13. The 1st flight, 1st net watts in a couple months. winners were (not in order) Sean O’Connor, Mike Roddis, Dave Riemenschneider and Scott Fredrich. Steve Splonskowski, execu- There were 111 golfers registered. In addition, a Bunco social was held for those who did not wish to tive director of RPR, said, golf. (WRC photo by Becky Berreth) “Real Presence Radio was formed on Dec. 12, 2000, by Drexel Award four men who were frustrated Red Cloud Indian School, Pine Ridge, by the erroneous explanations received the St. Katharine Drexel Evangelization Award from the United given about the teachings of States Conference of Catholic Bishops’ the Catholic Church by radio Black and Indian Mission Office, media. They began by renting Washington, D.C. Executive airtime and airing some Mailing label Director, Fr. Wayne Paysse, presents the EWTN shows on a local sta- award to Fr. George Winzenburg, SJ, school tion and they started searching president, at the National Tekakwitha for stations to buy.” Conference, which was held on July 22-26 Discussing programming, in Alexandria, La. The award recognizes he said, “We have looked at all on-going evangelization, faith formation of the Catholic radio program- and encouraging Native Catholic identity. More news on the Tekakwitha Conference ming options over the years on page 17. (Photo by Lawrence and found EWTN to have the Chatagnier, Bayou Catholic) RADIO, CONTINUED ON 3 2 WRC Columns August 2015 ‘Isn’t it time to defund Planned Parenthood?’ The videos are shocking, sickening, heart of God, and for this reason “each facts: During fiscal year 2013-2014, appalling and deeply disturbing. The of us is the result of a thought of God. Planned Parenthood reported receiving videos to which I am referring are those Each of us is willed, each of us is loved, a record $528.4 million in taxpayer released by the Center for Medical each of us is necessary” (LS #65). funding in the form of government Progress revealing how Planned Par- Therefore the right to life is the grants, contracts, and Medicaid reim- enthood employees admit that they har- first and most fundamental principle of bursements. It is important to note that vest and sell fetal tissue and body human rights that leads Catholics to taxpayer funding consists of almost half organs from aborted babies for profit. It actively work for a world of greater of Planned Parenthood’s annual rev- is a fact that a 17-week-old baby has all respect for human life and greater com- enue. for society and America? Should tax- its body parts and can be seen sucking mitment to justice and peace. People In 2013, Planned Parenthood per- payers continue to fund such an organ- its thumb in an ultrasound. Therefore, can pretend that babies in the womb are formed a record high 327,653 abor- ization? one of the most disturbing parts of one just blobs of protoplasm. But it is God tions. During the years 2009-2011, Perhaps Senator James Lankford video entails Dr. Deborah Nucatola who reveals the truth. As science Planned Parenthood performed nearly (R-Okla.) said it best, “You can’t say in speaking about the retraction of a 17- advances in this field, it is becoming one million abortions (995,687). In one moment that’s not a human and week-old baby in a certain way so that much harder for any American to 2014, abortions made up 94 percent of then sell it in the next moment as a her heart, liver, lungs and brain can be ignore what their conscience already Planned Parenthood’s pregnancy serv- human organ and say now suddenly it useful to the buyer. How can this type tells them, life begins at conception. ices, while prenatal care and adoption is. It was a human all the way through. of an abortion at 17-weeks not be called The Supreme Court decision on referrals dropped 14 percent and 4 per- There was never a time that wasn’t a murder, the destruction of human life? Roe v. Wade is perhaps the worst, most cent, respectively. For every adoption child, never a time that wasn’t a human, Every decent minded American should tragic and evil decision ever made in referral made, Planned Parenthood per- and it seems the ultimate irony to me be outraged by these activities of the history of the United States. Statis- formed 174 abortions. Planned Parent- that we spend time talking about hu- Planned Parenthood. This activity is tics show that 55 million babies have hood reported $127 million in excess mane treatment of animals being put evil as is all destruction of human life, been aborted since that Supreme Court revenue, and more than $1.2 billion in down and a lion being shot illegally ... a gross manifestation of sin, and decision. Abortion is a violation of net assets. These are statistics from and we completely miss children being entirely against the will of God. human rights incomparable in magni- 2013-2014. Year after year, government ripped apart in the womb and their body As a gift from God, every human tude and an atrocity for the whole subsidy (your tax dollars) and abortions parts being sold.” life is sacred from conception to natural human family. We must find a way to are the lifeblood of Planned Parent- On their website, Planned Parent- death. The life and dignity of every per- end these atrocities. hood. Are they really a non-profit hood claims to be an altruistic health son must be respected and protected at In the aftermath of these videos organization? Isn’t it time to defund care provider for women and girls. It every stage and in every condition. going public, Planned Parenthood pres- Planned Parenthood? says, “Care. No matter what.” But Sacred Scripture affirms this moral ident Cecile Richards tried to downplay Despite this massive taxpayer sup- when one looks at their annual report, truth. In Psalm 139 we read: these videos by blaming the “militant port, Planned Parenthood is a highly when one views these disgusting “You formed my inmost being; you wing” of the anti-abortion movement. political organization as well. During videos, it seems that their bottom line is knit me in my mother’s womb. I praise Perhaps it is always easier to blame oth- the 2012 election, Planned Parenthood not about women’s health but about the you, because I am wonderfully made; ers when getting caught in a scandal as spent $15 million on advertising and destruction of human life and selling wonderful are your works! My very self horrendous as this. In the end, this get-out-the-vote activities, according to body parts for profit. Those who partic- you know. My bones are not hidden organization has absolutely no respect the Washington Post on November 14, ipate in such activities have completely from you, when I was being made in the sanctity of human life and the 2012. Planned Parenthood and its affil- lost any moral compass. The real secret, fashioned in the depths of the dignity of the human person. iates lobby at both the state and federal Planned Parenthood has revealed who earth. Your eyes saw me unformed; in Following the revelation of these level to block any legislative proposals they really are. your book all are written down; my practices of Planned Parenthood, the regulating abortion. They spent $33.6 Do we, as taxpayers, really want to days were shaped, before one came to Obama Administration’s Department of million lobbying elected officials in support such an organization that com- be. How precious to me are your Justice announced plans to investigate 2013-2014, opposing legislation to put mits such heinous crimes against hu- designs, O God; how vast the sum of the group that produced the videos in place simple commonsense safe- manity? Please contact your them!” (Psalm 139:13-17) instead of investigating the alleged guards, including laws that would congressmen and legislators, demand- Or as we read in Pope Francis’ En- criminal activity in harvesting and sell- inform parents before their minor ing an end to Planned Parenthood fund- cyclical Letter Laudato Si, The Creator ing baby parts. daughters obtain abortions as well as ing. They should not receive our money can say to each one of us: “Before I Planned Parenthood claims to be a safety standards in abortion clinics to for their immoral activity, but our formed you in the womb, I knew you’ non-profit organization. Yet they take in protect the women receiving services prayers for their conversion. This is (Jer 1:5). We were conceived in the enormous revenues. Here are a few there.
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