Journal of the American Association of Textile Chemists and Colorists January 1972/ Vol. 4, No.1 ((X) Some Thoughts and Information On Nonflammable Products By ERNEST R. KASWELL, Fabric Research Laboratories, Dedham, Mass. N December 14, 1967, President position that I, as a textile technolo- O Johnson signed into law a new gist and as a citizen, take concerning Flammable Fabrics Act. Its purpose this controversial Flammable Fabrics was "to amend the Act to increase the Act. protection afforded consumers against The first part of my address will injurious flammable fabrics." The Act deal with the problem, and the actions ABSTRACT became law one year later, and since which I believe our industry properly December 1968 the textile, apparel should take, and eventually must take, This paper recognizes the need for and home furnishings industries have probably by Government fiat if they fabrics that are less flammable and been in ferment about its significance, do not come voluntarily, in develop- describes criteria normally employed to particularly with respect to the need ing safer textiles. evaluate flammability characteristics- for and establishment of new or re- The second part of my talk is more ease of ignition, rate of burning, ease vised test methods and standards of technical and recounts some of the of extinguishment, types and amounts of smoke and toxic gas generation, flammability, and their ability to meet studies in which my associates and I thermal shrinkage, thermal insulation such standards with their present tex- have been engaged in the development ability, and integrity of material at and tile products. Moreover, the industry of some of the newer protective, fire- during the time of heat and fire is concerned about its future technical resisting materials. Most of this work exposure. and economic abilities to produce less has been sponsored by the Air Force flammable and thus less hazardous Materials Laboratory, the NASA Fire-resisting properties of Nomex, fabrics. Durette, Fypro, FRL-T-fibers, Kynol and Manned Spacecraft Center, 'and the PBI fiber are reviewed, and the Those of you here today who are U.S. Army Natick Laboratories. The performances of some of them exposed active in the textile industry surely objectives of such work are to produce in garment form to a burning jet fuel need not be reminded of the plethora materials which give better fire pro- fire are reported. Regular and modified of technical and trade meetings, sym- tection to military personnel and to the PBI fabrics and the modified aromatic posia, workshops, hearings, papers and astronauts. One by-product of such polyamide fabrics are reported to show policy statements made by people in research, which all of you as taxpay- great promise for use in protective our industry relative to the Flammable ers sponsor, should be the utilization clothing. Their potential for general Fabrics Act. In fact, tomorrow at this of such information and materials in apparel and home furnishings is also considered. Golden Jubilee Conference four timely improved consumer goods to protect papers on the subject will be pre- all people against unnecessary fire sented. Therefore, my initial remarks risks. KEY TERMS probably present nothing new to my Consumerism knowledgeable colleagues regarding Greater Consumer Protection Fire Resistant Fibers the flammability problems that the Flammability textile industry has been facing in the It seems clear to me that both the Nonflammable Fibers past three years. U.S. Government, and many indivi- Organic Polymers However, part of my audience to- dual state governments, are rapidly Oxygen Index day is not necessarily technical, and moving in the direction of greater con- Polymers so I would like to tell them some of sumer protection. I think we all like my thoughts on the subject and the the philosophy of consumerism, pro- 1/33 Olney Medal Address vice that they get from the TV re- once ignited burns rapidly and catas- pairman. trophically, and which consequently Nonflammable Products If you stop to think about it, there's was outlawed in the early 1930's. Our a little bit of solace in this reciprocal long term goal should be the develop- retribution. It reminds me of a cartoon ment of essentially nonflammable ap- in a recent issue of the New Yorker. parel and home furnishings, but which A lady seated in her car is asked by have all of the other attributes that the service manager at the local gar- we as consumers want: attractive ap- age, "Do you want our usual, incom- pearance, a wide range of colors, com- petent, sloppy engine tune-up, or do fort, proper performance, durability you want our Ralph Nader Special?" and low cost. vided it's in somebody else's area and Why Not Fire-Safe Textiles? 10,000Deaths A Year not in ours. All of us are for Truth in Lending, or Truth in Packaging. I If we as consumers want other prod- U.S. Public Health statistics (1) show that in the U.S. there are about don't like to buy a box of tea bags ucts to be reliable and safe, why not containing 8.8 ounces. As a consumer fire-safe textiles? 10,000 deaths per year due to burns I want to be protected so that when I The case can be made for the need and thermal injuries. This is at a rate buy that television set I have a war- for a proper, reasonable fabric flam- of about 5 deaths per 100,000 popu- ranty that is reasonable, equitable and lation. The frequency of burn injuries mability law properly implemented, has been estimated at about 2 million contains no weasel words. and intelligently controlled, for here You as a consumer expect the auto- we are not talking about consumerism per year, resulting in the hospitaliza- mobile that you buy to be a safe, re- as it influences only our comfort and tion of about 100,000 people. Now liable vehicle, reasonably free from pocketbook. Here there is the very maybe these are not high rates, and I major and minor defects. If it doesn't vital point of product safety, and this am not saying that all of these burn meet these standards, you want pres- surely transcends most other consumer accidents resulted directly from the sure put on, by government if neces- demands. flammability of textiles. Nevertheless, no matter how small the rate and the sary, to get what you believe is coming Now I know the philosophy and absolute number of burns and deaths, to you. Perhaps (nay, hopefully) that position of many of our perfectly re- TV repairman and his wife are just spectable, ethical textile scientists and we must take every means at our dis- as aggravated at the inept, incompe- posal to try to reduce or eliminate engineers who feel that the Flammable them. tent, indifferent and expensive service Fabrics Act, and particularly the new rendered by the automobile dealer who standards that have been promulgated, Concomitant with the passing of the serviced their car as are the auto dealer for example for children's sleepwear, amended Flammable Fabrics Act, an and his wife who are exasperated at is an unnecessary harrassment to an organization was created with which the same kind of unsatisfactory ser- industry that already has plenty of most of my technical colleagues are trouble trying to get along in the well acquainted: the Information United States. The contention is made Council on Fabric Flammability. All that many of the proposed new stand- persons and organizations interested ards are ridiculous, impractical, un- in reducing the hazards of flammable necessary and expensive; that, con- fabrics are eligible for membership, sidering our population, only a rela- and most of our textile companies tively few textile fire injuries and fa- belong to it. Its purpose is: "to work talities occur each year and therefore for the reduction of morbidity and there is little need for improvement in mortality from burns caused by flam- the flame-resisting characteristics of mable fabrics and related materials, clothing and home furnishings, assum- by encouraging the exchange and dis- semination of all pertinent technical ing that the most dangerous articles, information. " like those notorious brushed rayon sweaters, are kept off the market. Unfortunately, most of the textile The Cure Is Prevention materials that we use in our everyday activities will burn. From a practical, Dr. George Crikelair, professor of economic viewpoint we obviously can- surgery at Columbia Presbyterian not rule out all such materials as being Medical Center, is one of the founders hazardous or dangerous. We all know of the council. In an article (2) en- that most of the apparel and home fur- titled "Medical Aspects of Clothing nishings that we buy are reasonably Burns," he states: safe, but this is because they are rarely "A burn is a most unpleasant ex- exposed to fire. The homemaker by perience. We doctors see too many of experience, education and intuition them. We cannot get the severely knows that her ruffled curtains will burned patients to survive. We earn burn if exposed to flame, and she sees good incomes by caring for these pa- to it they are not so exposed. In public tients. We are anxious to lose this buildings we all demand, and the law business. The greatest advances in requires, that decorative materials be medicine have been through preven- Ernest R. Kaswell, the twenty-eighth re- fire resistant in order to eliminate this tion. Think only about smallpox, cipient of the Olney Medal, AATCC's kind of public hazard. diphtheria and poliomyelitis. The cure highest recognition for technical and Cotton is an example of a widely for massive burns is in prevention.
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