PROMISE& PROGRESS T H E S I D N E Y K I M M E L C O M P R E H E N S I V E C A N C E R C E N T E R AT J O H N S H O P K I N S SPECIAL COMMEMORATIVE ISSUE of PROMISE & PROGRESS THE LUDWIG CENTER at JOHNS HOPKINS “The elimination of cancer will surely rank as one of man’s greatest and uncontroversial achievements.That day may be long delayed. How long we cannot tell. But I do not doubt that it will surely come.” —Daniel K. Lud wig 2013/2014 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 Director’s Letter 2Daniel K. Ludwig 4The Gene Team 14 A Cancer Revolution 17 Headline Makers 28 Global Scientists 32 Honors and Awards 34 Q&A with Dr. Bert Vogelstein 36 Q&A with Dr. Ken Kinzler VID E O O N T H E W E B— get inside the Ludwig Center at Johns Hopkins www.hopkinskimmelcancercenter.org THE LUDWIG CENTER at JOHNS HOPKINS 1 D ir e c t or’s L e t t e r A Ludwig-Johns Hopkins Partnership TODAY, WE HEAR FREQUENTLY about the promise changes discourages investigators from pursuing novel and of personalized cancer medicine. However, what many do challenging ideas. Mr. Ludwig understood the relationship not realize is that the reason we can talk about it, the reason between risk and reward. The Ludwig funding allowed the it exists, is primarily due to the pioneer- Vogelstein/Kinzler team, some of the best scientists in the ing work of Drs. Bert Vogelstein and world, to take risks and swing for the fences. The payoff has Kenneth Kinzler and their team. When been huge. It is the model for how a partnership between it comes to cancer genetics, their work private philanthropy and science can and should work. is on the cutting edge of the cutting edge. They led the world to understand that In that regard, Daniel K. Ludwig accomplished exactly what he cancer is a disease of genetic defects and set out to do in bringing the best minds and resources to bear in then became the first laboratory in the the fight to conquer cancer. Mr. Ludwig said, “The true value world to reveal what those defects are. But they didn’t do it will not be measured until the clinical potential of discoveries alone. Of equal importance to their accomplishments is are realized and they are impacting human suffering.” the funding that made these discoveries possible. The Ludwig Center at Johns Hopkins is home to the laboratory It has already begun to happen. In the Ludwig Center, the of Drs. Vogelstein and Kinzler and the site of these revolu- Vogelstein/Kinzler team’s cancer gene research is poised to tionary cancer discoveries. It is not an exaggeration to say change cancer medicine. They are developing tests that find that their research—the most commonly cited in all of cancer DNA in a small sample of blood or bodily fluids and medical science—would not have been possible without can be used to detect cancer, personalize therapies to combat the support of Ludwig Cancer Research. the unique genetic alterations within a tumor, and to monitor cancers’ response to treatment. Perhaps the greatest promise The genius of Drs. Vogelstein and Kinzler led them to prove will be realized through prevention and the ability to intervene more than two decades ago that cancer resulted from errors and change the fate of cancer cells before they can cause harm. in cells’ genetic instructions. In the last decade, with Ludwig funding that allowed them to purchase and take We at this great institution have a common goal. Cancer is advantage of automated gene sequencing technology, they among the most complex of diseases, and the discoveries of could begin to envision ways this new understanding of the Vogelstein/Kinzler team are nothing short of amazing. cancer could be used to benefit cancer patients. They now This example of ingenuity and progress in the face of what had the capacity to look at all genes in the cancer genome often seemed like insurmountable odds is why Ludwig Cancer simultaneously, and for the first time in the history of Research and other donors invest in Johns Hopkins. The medicine, could reveal the genetic mistakes driving a Ludwig commitment and our leadership’s willingness and cancer. Research that once took years could now be desire to apply what we have learned here to improve the health completed in months. Ludwig support truly represented and well-being of humans has brought us to this historical a critical turning point in cancer discovery and the moment in time, where we can begin to alter the course of opportunity to bring about unprecedented changes in cancer in ways we could only imagine before. how cancer treatment could be imagined and delivered. Cancer research funding is limited and highly competitive, William G. Nelson, M.D., Ph.D. and we are fortunate at the Kimmel Cancer Center to have Marion I. Knott Professor and Director talented faculty who do well in this process. However, lim- The Sidney Kimmel Comprehensive ited funding that is affected by economic and governmental Cancer Center at Johns Hopkins 2 SPECIAL COMMEMORATIVE ISSUE of PROMISE & PROGRESS THE LUDWIG CENTER at JOHNS HOPKINS 3 Daniel K. Ludwig Shipping magnate DANIEL K. LUDWIG was a self-made Mr. Ludwig died in 1992 at 95, but his legacy continues through billionaire. He built his shipping empire from the ground up, the pioneering cancer research he has funded. Through a trust working as a machinist, marine engineer, and ship handler created under his will, two professorial chairs in cancer research to learn all elements of the business. His understanding of were endowed at six prominent United States academic institu- how the industry worked allowed him to grow his business, tions designated by Mr. Ludwig. In 2006, the trust established and he became one of the most successful and wealthiest Ludwig Centers at each of the six institutions and funded them businessmen in the world with operations spanning 23 coun- with an initial $120 million split evenly among the centers. In tries. Yet he remained private and humble, devoting much the winter of 2013, an additional $540 million was divided among of his wealth to cancer research through the Ludwig Institute, the centers. To date, Ludwig Cancer Research has provided a global research enterprise, and a trust that established $900 million in funding to the six institutions for the Ludwig Ludwig Centers and professorships at six research institu- Centers and endowed chairs. tions in the United States. Ludwig Cancer Research, on behalf of Daniel K. Ludwig, has committed $2.5 billion to Cancer genetics pioneers Bert Vogelstein, M.D., and Kenneth research to alter the course of cancer. The most recent gift of Kinzler, Ph.D., are directors of the Ludwig Center at Johns $540 million, is reported to be the largest cancer research Hopkins. Mr. Ludwig’s vision of bringing together the best contribution worldwide from a single private source. minds and best resources to tackle cancer has been realized through their work and the work of the talented young In 1971, Mr. Ludwig began applying the same prin- investigators who have trained with them. It was in ciples that made him successful in business this laboratory that cancer was defined as a genetic to cancer research. In shipping, he gained $540M disease. Like Mr. Ludwig, their influence far and used his knowledge of the industry to T H E M O ST R E C E N T GIF T O F exceeds their name recognition. Drs. Vogelstein $540 MILLIO N , IS R E P O RT E D succeed. In the same way, he understood that T O B E T H E L A R G E ST C A N C E R and Kinzler are not household names, but their to make progress against cancer, the extraor- R E S E A R C H C O N TRIB U TI O N research in deciphering the genetic causes of W O RL D W ID E F R O M A dinarily complex disease must first be under- SIN G L E PRIVAT E cancer is considered among the most relevant in stood. Through the Ludwig Institute and Ludwig S O U R C E . the field of cancer research, having set the paradigm Centers, known collectively as Ludwig Cancer for how modern cancer research is conducted. With Research, he assembled the greatest scientific minds in the support of Ludwig funding, their team has cracked the the world and provided them with the resources and genetic codes of more forms of cancer than any other research freedom to do their jobs. In doing so, he created a global team in the world. “The Ludwig Fund gave us the tools to com- enterprise focused on cancer discovery and, ultimately, plete these comprehensive genetic studies,” says Dr. Vogelstein. ways to prevent and cure it. “It takes more than good ideas to drive discoveries, and the Ludwig bequests have revolutionized what we’ve been able to “Success in any complex enterprise consists in bringing the accomplish. Because of this funding, we have pursued some of best minds to bear on each problem, in providing the best the most important questions in cancer research.” resources possible, and in putting each concept into practice whenever and wherever the opportunities are most favor- Displaying humility similar to that of his benefactor, when asked able,” said Mr.
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