CMC Women's History Week Martial Arts General Barrow A salute to Black belt teaches addresses House committee service women Marines the art on state of the Corps and their contributions of karate See Page A-4 See Page A-8 See Page B-4 HAWAII MARINE Voluntary payment for delivery to MCAS housing/$1 per four week period. VOL. 12 NO. I KANEOHE BAY. HAWAII. MARCH 16, 1983 TWENTY-FOUR PAGES, Official mail New metering system eliminates mailbox deposits "There are still some people who and all official mail chargeable to before using metered postage. official mail metered," said are putting official mail in the mail the U.S. Marine Corps will be All official mail articles may be Delonay. boxes, and if they do this the mail metered, according to Brigade presented for metering and Effective March 14, another will be returned to sender," said Order 5117.1, dated Jan. 12. mailing only at the Brigade/ change will be implemented Master Sergeant Gordon Delonay, The order states that the Station Parent Post Office located concerning operation hours for Brigade Postal Chief. metering program is being at Building 835, according to the Unit Post Office #1, located at Official mail chargeable to DOD implemented to reduce the annual order. Building 1090. 317 may no longer be deposited for cost of postage and fees charged by Metering of official mail is not Stamps/Registry hours are from mailing into mail boxes or at civil the U.S. Postal Service for official applicable for activities located 8 a.m. to 4 p.m., and Money Order post offices. mail which uses indicia DOD 317, here which use indicias.DOD 314 sales hours are from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. and to provide for accurate billing. (U.S. Army), DOD 315, (U.S. Air These hours are in effect Monday Effective Jan. 1, the use of For mass mailings, the Force), and DOD 316 (U.S. through Friday. indicia DOD 317 envelopes by all Brigade/Station postal officer Navy). activities here, while in a non- should be contacted for assistance "Eventually, all military All postal facilities are closed deployed status, were discontinued in obtaining bulk mail permits services will be required to have Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays. TOWERPUNCH' tests Brigade reflexes Story and photo Colonel James Mangan, brigade handled. aforementioned figure was by Sgt Pepper Davis inspector. "We provided the However, not all drills required higher, but at least 200 tasks were stimulus, and then watched the the action of one section alone. accounted for. The reflexes of the 1st Marine response," Mangan commented. Many times the task warranted Moore commented that Headquarters sections the coordination of two or three POWERPUNCH went well, and it Brigadewere recently tested during The TECG constructed a headquarters elements for laid down the ground work for "POWERPUNCH," Command realistic "enemy" and a scenario, completion. more such exercises in the future. Post Exercise 1-83. which in this case was the Mangan said that the brigade He said the goal is to conduct two It had been almost two years equivalent to a North Korean headquarters was bombarded per year. since the headquarters conducted army division with air support with approximately 200 events, "We accomplished what we a CPX. Bellows Air Force Station capabilities. The TECG assigned which he called a conservative wanted, and established an in Waimanalo was the site then, a certain event to a respective staff amount. He explained that some experience level with the new but this maneuver was held section, and graded it according to events were often branches of people in the brigade head- literally in the brigade the way the assignment was others, which meant that the quarters," he said. headquarters' backyard. According to Major David Comm Support supplies CPX Ph: Moore, CPX coordinator, POWER- communications PUNCH was designed to test the "Most people expect tactical everything worked properly. its training missions that require abilities of not only the brigade communications to be like the Miles and miles of wire were tactical communications. headquarters, but those of the 3d telephone at home. They pick it up, laid, transmitters and teletypes Asa unit, the company conducts Marines; Marine Aircraft Group- and it always works." installed, and almost every communication exercise quarterly 24, and the Brigade Service But First Lieutenant Al Hunt fashion of telephone including for about five days. Support Group. Together, these emphasized that the tactical net is single channels, multi-channels, Hunt said, that although they staff sections responded to certain far more complex than that. Hunt and high frequency long haul. are a company, they maintain a preplanned situations under is the executive officer of Commu- Once into full swing, the battalion-size staff, "Which means simulated tactical conditions. nications Support Company. His company was capable of rendering that our Marines, especially the unit was integral in the recent any communication assistance corporals and lance corporals, take "It (the exercise) was designed success of POWERPUNCH 1-83, from normal telephone service, to on a lot of extra responsibility, to keep us at a proficiency level to the brigade headquarters' sending and receiving messages. and generally hold more than one enable us to deploy at any time, Command Post Exercise. Comm Support, which inci- job." He added that the company with the least amount of difficulty According to Hunt, preparing for dently is not associated with the puts a wealth of stock in the and confusion," Moore comment- a commitment such as Power- 1st Radio Battalion, performs two talents of its leathernecks and 1 ed. punch 1-83 required a multitude of functions. Hunt said their primary that when it comes to providing extensive coordination. Several purpose is to provide communica- the best of communication Each section was tasked with days before the CPX began, the tion for the commanding general support, the communicators are ANY "CLIMB" OR PLACE - Corporal Richard Probst checks a commitments and evaluated by company was tasked with setting and his staff when deployed or on `blue chip.' telephone wire he installed. Probst, a wireman, is one of the the Tactical Exercise Control up the headquarters' communica- field manuevers. The other is to "If we couldn't count on them, communications from Communications Support Company, who Group, headed by Lieutenant tion system, and making sure support the rest of the brigade with we'd be lost," he concluded. is capable of setting up a telephone system just about anywhere. Marines assist Lebanese mechanics garage appears by SSgt R.C. Bernal much like any combat those villages, there is a lot of stop and motor-pool. Noisy work goes on, as go. It rains a lot here and sometimes BEIRUT, Lebanon (Delayed) - mechanics spash through rain that holds us back in repairing the Marines have crossed many obstacles puddles showing a rainbow of oil on vehicles," he added. since their arrival in Beirut. Most have their surface. Here, only boots and "We all know that we have to keep been negotiated in jeeps, trucks, tanks grease-stained cover-ails are more these vehicles rolling," said Corporal and amtracs which have been battered common than helmets or flak-jackets. Antonio Frescas of El Paso, Texas. by the city's shell-shocked streets and The repairmen wield weapons in the Frescas and his fellow mechanics keep roads. Still it's vital for the form of wrenches, fighting a secret them rolling by giving what they call multinational peacekeeping forces to battle that goes unnoticed until "110 percent." keep this stock rolling. All that puts an something breaks down and comes to "We are always learning out here, extra heavy burden on the 24th a grinding halt. Frescas added. "We are testing the Marine Amphibious Unit, who repair "Sure we are back in the shadows, mission of the Marine Corps and so the various suspensions, engines and but then again we are a support unit," far we are passing. This has to he one frames that have been folded, spindled said Corporal Ken Lange of Darien, of the best training exercises that the 1.7 or mutilated by Middle East roads and Ill. "That's what. we are here for, not to Marine Corps could offer us. traffic. be in the lime light. When something Not only do 15 hard-pressed goes down and we know it has to be mechanics maintain about 160 Marine done, we'll work our tails off to get it vehicles, they also service vehicles done." from the other peacekeeping forces. The shop chief of the Truck Platoon "We have worked with, trained and sat on a three-foot air filter for a five helped the LAF (Lebanese Armed ton truck. He leaned against his Forces) and Italians," commented homemade dinner table, clustered Master Sergeant George Jenkins with nuts and bolts and a lone piece of NCOIC of Marine Service Support C-ration chocolate candy. "It's worth Group-24's maintenance platoon. it," he added. "I enjoy working with "They are not that well trained and I my hands and just getting them in think we have really helped them," he there. Of course, my fingers and added. knuckles sometimes don't enjoy it; "We have worked on about 40 of they tend to get a little worn-out after their vehicles. The LAF had no idea eight hours." what first echelon maintenance was Truck tires also take a beating. and as a result they had a lot of Marine drivers have logged more than problems. They are learning, though."; 35,000 miles, going through 84 tires The real problem with foreign and setting a record for a deployed vehicles is preventive maintenance, truck unit.
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