. A r r;VF N FRY SPORTS CLASSIFIED APVERTlfilNG 6 4 3 -2 7 1 1 l i m i i m s H Im b I Rttf toKcaW t Odyw itMvto KfT ‘If CAHLYtl Umry Wrtsht W iy Id g w e m f cinefi on roMf • p ^ t d M o n 1 -^ a a §$4 L-..,■^'..1 I,. ~asg*a m boww4f6dme im o f .cdFiifW dir cdrWlttatiMg- ,Mrgg itathg raam dtntng drdd and ktroiidn. raspsxw.LdurWkv^MdK-uM, i car “"sssr" ohM raQutr6d,Ma8d plus IJd Pdta, 643- KBNNBLI TM Town of MMCMIfW M Ve|Wf _OPPwrTV9TfTT iHaufliriitrr HrralJi 3 and 4 room dodrtawnts, ) V , -p :-,i- i f r)l J- iqp ' ' . d O ^ F l T w o bodppom dporhwont Old fbrmt, owns end mecHt- for ronf. Dtshwoohor, dii- ^ e n s ere evoneew et iw 2 S C « n f 8 oosdl, pool, fm nis courts. oenerei Servicer itaee. 84. C oll m m t t im r 7:00 pm. or x4aM days. etoee Immodtoto Oecuponcy. 4 U.S. rejects R a c e s room dpdrtmonf near bus line. AArifi. n o pets, i car porklng, security. 649- 1265. U i m s N 8< Monchosfer-1 bedresreom - 16 toot Mod Rivor conoo, Soviet offers ,flrst floor, no pen,staye poddios rnctadid. usod B) ond refrigordtar. Leoto. Sales - Michaels Jewelers four timoo. Excoftint con- E 8400 por month plus ufin- dltfpn. 88W. FlooM con hos 0 full time sales tl4t. 646-1379. fe a ftv e position open. Retoll ex­ $4l-494iW4r itthorW - posure a plus. Great be­ 9946 8:30 5:38. A sk tar Monchosfer - 2nd floor 2 Bob. on Daniloff The S8tb ranningottheBlanclMg' nefit packooe. Apply In Oriver/Warehouse clerk bodroom, hoot and op- wilt he person Tuesdov-Prlday 2- tor South Windsor wholes­ plloncos, no pots. 8975 plus ter Hoad Pace m arked vrtth 5pm. Michaels 95$ M a in aler. Permanant full time security 646-3979. a week ot festivities, inctadfiM a Street Manchester 606. positions, pood benefits Ay Sorry Sdiwtld downtown parade, a dance,snee, a free with repular overtime. Mission at about 7:18 p.m., but Ttig Agggpfdfgd Frees dedfned to comment on those sports and fitness exposition, a Host or Hostess. New car Call 520-9624. $tud1a type oparfmont. fasMon show and lancheon, a dealership, full or pari Fortly tarnished. Work­ tana. V H f n S D NATIONS - Detntte symphony performance and a P time dovs, 7:30 to 12 or Interrlor landscaplnp de­ in g sin gle m ole preforrod. Shevardnadze told reportera, Kittont troo to good homo. dgtlndstfp Soviet commenti oMot blood drive. 12-5. N o selllnp. C all Dan livery and Installotlon of Lorao. Security. No pets. 3 molot. 8 weeks old, "There are good chances tor or Jerry ot Bob Kelly tropical plants, some 643-2880. LHtor box trolnod. Coll (atki on American reporter Nlcho- solving (Ms problem. Vve m ade a ll The biggest crow6pleaser, ot O ldsm oblle 649-1749. plant maintenance, and 646-7151. lat Oonflott, a fteagon administra­ my proposals, my conscience Is coarse, will still be the race Itaelf. show room work In­ tion otfldal ooid today tiw Sovleta c le a r." The race is sebedofed to start on An experienced relloble cluded. 6xcellent benef­ had not mode any acceptable Sot In WasMngton, an adminis­ T h a n ksgivin g D ay, Nov. 27, at 18 women wanted to core for its, 242-2554. brapoaala that would allow the a.m. in front ot St. James CMircb adorable 1 veer old In my tration oftMal who spoke on wWBT"" jaurnalltt to return borne, condition ot anonymity said today, on Main Street. The 4.77-mlle Bolton home. (Close to I Part time housekeeper for f B « r “ co n d itio n Is expected to attract a 384) 1 or 2 days per week elderly housing apart- the 81-year-oM U.8. News ft "Thore hasn’t b ^ anytMng ac­ 0:00-3:30 P M . 643-0557. menf building. 20 hours Narftitleld Green. Availa­ World fteport correspondent has ceptable to us (hot (be Sovleta have fie ld of more than 8,080 ninnera, per week. Salary depend­ HOMED ble November 1st. 2 bed­ Spa shells- teetory st- been coinined' t oto MoscowMOSC< on inchiding national and interna­ room end unit wHh poflo conds or damaged In prapaaed ye t." Delivery Drlver/Malnte- ing on experience. Coll HELP WANTED FOR SALE esplanaie cbargM that (be United He aald the two aides bad offered tional stars such as John Treacy. Betty, 659-0009. ^ ^ tronsparfotign. n___ b o ia.. In good weather, about 80,080 none clerk-entry level ca­ I 1 Stirtea Inalsta are (be result ot a 6434671 offer 9pm. 8800 Of Is. Coll evenings or several proposals but that the reer advancement spectators tarn out. $o,fadfgmpcierlcai - Full Located at the bose of weekends. 742-6469. (ram 6U p . Soviets still were Insisting Danilott opportunity retail chain Is Rapidly Growing east of cose mountain sits this Soviet Foreltai Minister Eduard Eamon Flanagan, festival coor- lookinp for Individual to the river oil company time clerlcol/sales posi­ be traded tor Gennadiy Zakharov, tion open on T-S. Good pristine 3 bedroom Dutch Jack J, happen A. Sbevardnatue and Secretary cl a Soviet U:N. employee who was dlnator, said all proceeds will do deliveries and pickups looking for good office Colonial. Front to Back benefit muscular dystrophy to variou s units across the help. 6xperlence a plus telephone skills, light N p - State George P. ShuHs met twice charged In New York with tpylng Ing and light bookkeeping living room, formal din­ Tuesday lu New Y o rk two boura research. sfote. Alo must perform but not necessary. Call ing room, 1st floor family Really. far one week betore DanHotfs arrest Boland Brothers 649-2947. experience required. Coll E a st H artford - bedroom One Golden Eagle com­ and 48 mtautes (a discuss Danl- Aug. M. AFsfwte Here's the rundown^ department clerical du­ for appointm ent at 633- room with fireplace, 16-t Elast Center Street 2 pound bow, one York ties. Candidate must be atrium door to deck and house, oppllonced, fire­ loffs ease. State Department spo­ Thithe United States Insists the two it. S. SBorBfary of SfatB QBorge Shultz Satarday, Nov. tt: Waitress/Banauet. Must 0000. Bvans Floor Manchester, CT place. 8525 per month, compound center shot kesman Bernard Kalb said. Eduard Shevardnadze addresB the g A free sports and fitness expo dependable, drive a stand­ Covering. covered entry I 2'/i boths, bow. Roger M-77, 7mm cases are not comparable and has Al ard, have a paod driving be able to work lun­ ovalloble October 1st. 643- "No resolution, not resolved," (iBft) and U.N. Am bastador Vernon United Nations Qeneral Assembly on at Manchester High School's ca­ 2 car garage and o reol N oU fy Public 643-4263 'nog, Leopold 4-12 seopg. ruled out a trade. record and be able to do cheons, nights, and wee­ attractive lot with tower­ 7263. Coll otter 6pm. Kalb said tallowing the flrst Walters listen to Soviet Foreign Mlnlatar Tuesday. feteria and gym. 11 a m. to 8 p.m. T( lifting. Pull time $5.00plus kends. Hourly rote plus Bstlm otor A ssistant - Gen­ Coll 6494875 otter 7 p.m. The Washington Post, citing eral contractor has full ing evergreen. $109,900. Amour Amor A more Llebe meeting, held at (be United Na­ unldentltled sources, said today • A dinner-dance, "The Turkey at to start with benefits some gratuities. Apply Man­ “We Guorontee Dur tions. He later said the two Goose and Pig Ball." at 7 p.m. at Saturdays may be neces- chester Country Club, time opening for a person the Soviets had ^p«ised that they T l with typing skills, math Houses". Blanchard ft diplomats met at (he Soviet U.N. Manchester Community College. sory. Call Leslie 202-0651. 10am-2pm, Monday Rossetto Real Bstote 646- Love release Danilott, then release at through Friday. 6464)103. aptitude, telephone expe­ ACE For tickets, at ISOeach. call Denise rience, purchasing or con- 2402.D least one Soviet dissident In ex­ Accounts Payable clerk - No matter which language Brand new hospital bed change fat Sa kha ro v Scope of talks negotiated P rin d ville , 648-0026. entry level. Bast Hartford Needed I Before Dctober structlon experience, (tad wheel chair tor sale. hfanSay, N av, 84: knowledge of building Vernon, by owner, lovely 8808. c o ll 647-7646 afttr Kaftih retused to comment on the office, Aldin Associates. 20th, 1906, 12 G 6 0 or high Ranch on Cul-de-sac. New you speak. Love is love! report. U.S. oHlcials ^prevlousH___ ju sly • A performance by the fda6 school graduates. Ages materials. If you possess 2 Condidate should hove carpet and tioars through- Nuclear have said that the State DepaH- ^ ste r Symphony Orcheatra and general bookkeeping or 17-27, m eeting qualifica­ one or more of these Office Space- on busy MEA and town to meet on reopening rulee quolltlcatlons, send re­ aut, finished basement, ro ute 83. M o n c h e ste r- ment has proposed Daniloff be OlOffiHr at I p.m. at Manchester I retail experience, be de­ tions for training, educa­ screened porch, 2 car If you’d love to buy a home David Lee Roth concert High Schoora Bailey Auditorium. pendable and organlied. tion, and health benefits. sume to The Manchester Vernon town line.
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