Wednesday, Marcn 14, 1962 THE PRESS Page D-S Automobiles for Sal* 200 Automobile for Sal* 200 Automoblltt for Sal* 200 Automobiles for Sal* 200 Automobiles for Sal* 200 Automobiles for sal* 200 Automobiles for Sal* 200 Automobiles for Sal* 200 Automobiles for Sal* MO EXPERT GLEDHILL CHEVROLET^ Offers These IS PROUD TO ANNOUNCE THAT BUICK '62 SENSATIONAL BUYS HAS BEEN AWARDED WINNER OF THE COVETED MOTOR TREND "CAR OF THE YEAR" AWARD AUTO REPAIRS Home Run "OK" Guaranteed Used Car Buys Whenever your engine needs repairs, bring your car to us. Our experts 40 CHEVROLET '60 CHEVROLET Impale Sport Coupe. Radio and heater, automat! leor. On Mv<n« overdrive, radio, heater. Sharp quickly, efficiently cor­ V-l, power steering. Local one owner. Like ne :an car. rect any motor ailment for your complete driv­ ing safety! SEE US FOR ALL '59 CHEVROLET '59 CHEVROLET vt Parkwood Station Wagon. Power steering in* AUTO NEEDS Impala Sport Coupe. Automatic, radio, heater, pow brakes, automatic, electric tail gate. All wild*. er steering, 2 tone. Real nice. Local car. Popular Mechanics Says: '58 CHEVROLET '57 CHEVROLET ..,._._ Sport Coupe. Automatic trantmittlon, Sport Coupe. Radio ana heater, automatic, x rfttfte BUICK All white exterior. Nice car. vi heater, power steerlnt, power brakes* 1-fone sh. Real »harp. Weekdays, 8-5 V-6 Saturday, 8-12 A DEFINITELY SUPERIOR ENGINE NOW 16001 SO. VERMONT AT ALONDRA u ON DISPLAY '62 BUICKS 1395 DA 9-1184 FA 1-0434 All Mod«l> «nd Colors to Choos* From BUY FOR LESS FROM LES T Skylark Special Aluminum V-8 '58 CHFVR0F >,f 20 Miles p«r Cation V-8 4-DOOR. Automatic, radio, h«at«r, whittwalU. ALL NEW V-6 Ktal nlco ...................................... 995 L 25 Miles per Gallon Gledhjll Chevrolet March Clearance on Used Cars '60CORVAIR Service Specials DELUXE 4-DOOR SEDAN. Automatic, radio To make room for more Trade-ins and htartr. Out it go** .................. Have Your Car "Winterized" Now! E Butler Buick 1495 Chevrolet Owners Check These: 400 SO. SEPULVEDA LET GLEDHILL CHEVROLET Complete SCOO FR 4-8968 SP 2-1431 '57 CHEVROLET Optn 7 Days to 9 P. M. HELP YOU WITH YOUR FINANCING BRAKE JOB T3mo. R STATION WAGON. Economy stick shift, rMli» ind PROBLEMS h»at*r. &» first on this on* ................. MOTOR S1C7R We Will Pap Top Dollar OVERHAUL 710 mo. Reclaimed Units FOR ANY STUDEBAKER CAR '41 Talcon future IN GOOD CONDITION Swing into one of these round-trip values Buy now at pre-season low prices PAINT $jrnn '60 Dodge JOB .......__..........................:..................__.7i) 'M Ford Wagon SEE mo. '60 Ford Falcon Rauly Mortinez Expert '40 Plymouth Wagon Sales Manager '60 Valiant '3» Chevrolet Convertible Beach Cities Lark '5» FOrd $34 So. Pacific Coast Hwy. BODY AND FENDER 'S« Ford RedondO Beach FR 6-8888 Repair '58 Metro CHEVROLET '!? Chevrolet IMS CHEVY 4-dr. 'Sf podge V-l, Open Open All Work Guaranteed '57 Ford radio and healer. Very cleen. '5* Chevrolet Private owner. 11195. FA 8-8955, Evenings Sundays '5* Ford Eves. 5-7 p.m. 'M Dodge NO MONEY DOWN '3« Oldsmoblle '$* Chevrolet Wagon '!« FORD Squire Wagon 7.nke over Specials Include All Parts and Labor '53 Ford Victoria with no cash. Instead pay $19 '4f monthly and assume net balance Cadillac of S7J5. Call Mr. Brag, credit Take Over With Small mgr., FR 5-5M8. Dlr. 304 E. Anaheim St. GLEDHILL Monthly Payments '59 PEUGEOT. Take ever with no cash. Instead pay $28 monthly and assume net balance of $1050. CHEVROLET Pacific Call Mr. Brag, credit mgr., FR 304 E. Anaheim Wilmington 5-5088. Dlr. FORD convertible. Take over '41 FORD V 8 Wagon. Takt over I '57 PLYMOUTH Sport Coupe. Tr.Vw Acceptance Co. with no cash, instead pny (36 wltn no cash, Instead pay S4? over with no cash, instead pftv '51 CHEVROLET «4 ton pickup. monthly and assume net balance monthly and assume net balance TE 4-3491 Come in Today MR. JOHNS FR M77« $34 monthly and assume net b*i- Radio, heater, new paint, $295. of $1425. Cay ~AArv Bras, credit of (1975. Call Mr. Bra*, tredlt PRESS WANT ADS DA 5-1515 ance of 96*5. Call Mr. Brato. 1552 W. 219th St. FA 8-M37. mgr., F* f-MN. 6lr. mgr., FR 5-5088. Dlr. credit mar., FR 5-5088. Olr. Now Is Your Opportunity To Make a Good Car Buy PRE-SPRING SELL-A-BRATION Brand New Cars or ftnranNd Ui*d Tars BE A HAPPY DRIVER ... CHECK THESE BARGAIN CAR BUYS TODAY AL ORTALE RAMBLER WILL ALLOW NEW 1962 J300 r.. '300 FOR ANY JALOPY ON A NIW VALIANT '62 RAMBLER CLOSEOUT IN OUR STOCK NOW All 1961 All '61 Models Must Be Sold $250 IP YOU TOW IT IN PONTIACS and VAUXHALLS Fully LONO-LOW BANK RAtlS Equipped 1899 SAVE $ $ $ As Low as Delivered Plui Tex end Llcentt AL ORTALE RAMBLER 1860 Here 1885 TORRANCE BLVD. PA 8-9222 CARL'S MOTORS GLEDHIIL 20611 HAWTHORNE BLVD. PR 1-1244 FRANK RtlMAN 1200N. Avalon Wilmlngton NOT! t PONTIAC CENTER 304 Ea if Anaheim Wilmlngton Com* In »M Mntf tn your coupon for thence on new Membler. 412 West Anaheim Wflmington TE 5-3131 Open Eres. Til 9 p.m. TE 4-3491 Open Evenings and Sunday 2 BIG WINNERS Open Evenings and Sundays A trendy ( Lwrhv Al Ortnl* Humbler LIMITED TIME! (SAVE $85) Now In Progress! OUARANTEID 1?,«M MILKS OK 4 MONTHI BIG LES ARKENBERG'S REBUILT EXPANSION SALE EXECUTIVE CAR Outstanding savings on every car in stock. MOTOR $150 RAMBIERS-WE HAVE 'EM BUY NOW AND SAVE MONEY ALL V-8, '54 TO '39 SALE CHlVtOLlTS, fOKDS, PLYMOUTH}, DODOES, OLDSMOtlLtS, ITUDCBAKRftS, PONTIACS, 1TC. '59, '60 and '61 Sedans and Wagons MOTORS ARE REBORED, NEW PISTONS, NEW PINS, NEW RlNOS. NOW IN PROGRESS Ford MICRO FINISHED CRANKSHAFT, NEW RODS, MAIN AND CAMSHAFT BRARINOS, SOFT PLUOS, NEW CHAIN OR GEARS, SEALS. THI Low as *|295 Ful1 Prict flNIIT PARTS AVAILABLE. GARDENA FORD DEALER ALL 6 CYLINDERS AT $120 16001 So. Vermont Aye. •UDOET TERMS ARRANGED — LOAN CARS VEL'S FORD Action Automotive 1420 Cabrillo Ave. Buy tor J.fis from "L»t" 402-500 West Anaheim Wilmington 24200 Hawthorne Blvd. Torrance TE 5-6646 TE 4-6383 DA 9-1187 OPEN EVENINGS A SUNDAY! FA 1-0434 Torrance FA 8-5014 FR 8-5271 Open Evenings and Sunday First With The Most-Tor ranee Press DA 5-1515.
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