cities of the sun Introduction «\S Min Dhousai 44 How to Use this Book J*f RJftiarvMgh 43 The Land 4 Ofhti iSomains 45 The People {-> Part IV- "me Island States 48 Part I: The Plains States 12 Isle of the Serpent 50 Ariya i; The Magian 52 Binsada bumcne 54 The Sphinx C ihamoura 56 Aftane 20 MairacJa 57 Sendoure 2[ Maze g£ Maalvar 58 The Tarvan Waste 22 59 Zikala 23 '.Domains 60 Other Domains 21 Part \ • Personalities 62 Part II: The Zhainge Valley 2b Part \ I War and Trade by Sea 66 Mesire and the Direwood Nasal Movement 66 The Basilisk 10 Ships 8?d the Domain Turn 70 The Black Spear Tribes and Djira. i! Vnal Battles 72 Innishiere 32 Adwntuec: Coils of the Serpent 76 Kozlovnyy 5 ! \ihenture Format 76 Other Domains 54 I n -.t Action Round 77 Part III: The Docandragh 36 Seuind Action Round 82 Djafra 58 Ihird AcllOn Round 95 Khourane and Mour el-Sirad . 40 The Iron Hand Tribes •42 The Lamia WritteSamplen by Rich Bake filer Editing by Sue Weinlein Proofreading by Carrie A. Bebris and Anne Brown Creative Direction by Roger E. Moore and Karen S. Boomgarden Cover and Conceptual Art by Tony Szczudlo Interior Art by John Dollar and Les Dorscheid War Card Art by Doug Chaffee Art Coordination by Debbie Day and Bob Galica Naval Battle Mat Art by David Martin Page Background and Frames by Dee Barnett Graphic Design by Dee Barnett and Shan Ren Cartography by Diesel Graphics Coordination by Bob Galica Typography by Nancy j. Kerkstra Electronic Prepress Coordination by Dave Conant TSR, Inc. TSR Ltd. 201 Sheridan Springs Road 120 Church End Lake Geneva Cherry Hinton WI 53147 U.S.A. Cambridge CB1 3LB 3103XXX1901 ADVANCED DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, DUNGEON MASTER, and AD&D are registered trademarks owned by TSR, Inc. BIRTHRIGHT, MONSTROUS MANUAL, and the TSR logo are trademarks owned by TSR, Inc. All TSR characters, character names, and the distinctive likenesses thereof are trademarks owned by TSR, Inc. ©1995 TSR, Inc. All Rights Reserved. This material is protected under the copyright laws of the United States of America. Any reproduction or unauthorized use of the material or artwork contained herein is prohibited without the express written consent of TSR, Inc. Printed in the U.S.A. Random House and its affiliated companies have worldwide distribution rights in the book trade for English-language products of TSR, Inc. Distributed to the toy and hobby trade by regional distributors. Distributed to the book and hobby trade in the United Kingdom by TSR Ltd. "For two days the clashing fleets had littered the sea Also included are 107 new War Cards reflecting with the burning hulks of wrecked ships. As the second the unique armies and navies of Khinasi, new rules day of battle drew to a close, rising smoke muted the for navies and trade by sea routes, and an expan- brilliance of golden sun. At sunset, the Anuirean line of sion to the War Card system to let PCs fight sea battle broke: In his magnificent flagship, the Sehare el- battles. Finally, the six loose card sheets offer Resheir, el-Arrasi led his fleet to grapple with Admiral details on Khinasi troops and armaments, the Caercuillens vanguard. ships of Cerilia, Anuirean fleets, and helpful maps "As far as one could see, ships closed menacingly, and rules summaries. and warriors swarmed across enemy decks. Smoke tint- To use this campaign expansion, you, the DM, ed red by the dying sun shrouded the misty sea. The need the DUNGEON MASTER® Guide and Player's attacking seamen raised an unholy clamor, and the Handbook, the MONSTROUS MANUAL™ accessory, stench of flaming pitch stung the eye. and the BIRTHRIGHT boxed set. You might find the "Through it all, el-Arrasi stood proudly at the helm. When the Sehare el-Resheir drew alongside Caercuillens vessel, he was first to leap to the enemy decks, sword drawn. In the fight that followed, none could stand against his relentless onslaught. And as the sun slipped introduction beneath the waves, el-Arrasi placed his scimitar at the admiral's throat and forced his yield. El-Arrasi had at last Blood Enemies sourcebook helpful for more details defeated the Anuirean Empire's great armada, breaking on awnsheghlien and their domains. the Iron Throne's power over the Basarji people." In many ways, Khinasi is a land quite distinct —Boran el-Dussein, in Victories of el-Arrasi from Anuire. For instance, while Anuireans call their domains kingdoms, Khinasi realms are more commonly known as states. Cities have increased proud, honor-bound race of seafarers and importance in this land, and urbanites and provin- magicians inhabits the broad Cerilian lands cials alike often refer to them as city-states. A city- Aeast of the Chimaera's mountains and south state plus its surrounding provinces makes up a of the ancient forest called the Coulladaraight. Cities state. Don't be surprised if you read about a city- of the Sun, an expansion to the BIRTHRIGHT' campaign state and a domain having the same name; states setting for the ADVANCED DUNGEONS & DRAGONS® often adopt the name of their most important city. game, explores the lands of these people, the Khinasi. Before you read further, you may find it helpful From the Sea of the Golden Sun to Samplethe wild frontier sfileto review the Atlas of Cerilia in the BIRTHRIGHT of Vosgaard, all the way to the Sea of Dragons, the campaign setting for a refresher on general Khinasi Khinasi city-states struggle by sword, spell, and trade background and the Rulebook for guidelines on for supremacy and the right to rule. domain statistics. Note: If no game statistics appear for a figure mentioned in this book, consider that NPC a 0- how to use this level, unblooded character. 4 book domain descriptions Just like Ruins of Empire, Cities of the Sun presents ike Ruins of Empire in the BIRTHRIGHT cam- detailed information on the realms of the Khinasi in paign setting, Cities of the Sun outlines states a standard format by region. At the beginning of each L for player characters to govern, explore, and chapter, a map of the region shows details on each conquer. The adventure Coils of the Serpent in this state: its provinces, ratings, holdings, and terrain. book sets the stage for campaigning in Khinasi. The Following the map you'll find a description of each color poster in this box contains a map domain. Generally, realms have one-page sketches, of Khinasi on one side but the most important states feature expanded two- and a naval battle page descriptions. Domains with these longer write- /"*^ mat for war at ups are recommended for player use (or belong to * sea on the major NPCs) and include the following sections: other. Alignment: What is the domain's general align- ment? A lawful evil realm is an oppressive police state, while a chaotic good domain places the rights of its citizens first. Status: Is the state recommended for player char- Description: What does the landscape look like? acter regents or not available for PCs? Are the locals insular, or do they welcome strangers? What towns should visitors seek out? Domain Chart: Each state's chart lists its • Capital: What's the name of the domain's capital? provinces along with their ratings and holdings. Is it fortified? • Trade goods: What are the state's major imports, Provinces/Holdings: Details regarding the state's exports, and trade routes? (Establish your own sea provinces and their corresponding law, temple, guild, trade routes for coastal states, according to the and source holdings are summarized in this section. new naval rules in Part VI: War and Trade by Sea.) Regency Generated/Accumulated: How many Allies: With which neighboring states does the Regency Points does this domain generate in a domain seek (or maintain) alliances, both formal domain turn? What does the regent have available? and unofficial? (PC regents don't begin with any accumulated regency.) Note: Regents receive their Domain Enemies: Who wants to harm the state or its Power score or their bloodline score—whichever is regent, and why? lower—in RP each domain turn. Of course, these descriptions cover only political Treasury: As above, but referring to Gold Bars domains: states one can find on a map. Networks of (GB), calculated by taxation and trade. guilds, temples, and sources are often just as powerful as nations defined by borders and armies. The domains Army: What constitutes the regent's military of priest, merchant, and wizard regents are addressed (naval forces as well as land troops)? in ,the Other Domains section in each chapter. Regent: Who rules the state? The regent's description includes a line of character statistics. For example, describing Gerad ibn Farid el-Arrasi, lord of the state of Ariya and of the Ariyan Temple of Avani, you'll find: he lands of the Khinasi, which span nearly (MKh; P7; Ba, major, 36; LG) 1,000 miles east to west, range from sun- ive tells us that the regent is a male, Khinasi, T drenched coastal hills to foul swamp to 7th-level paladin with a major bloodline of Basaia deep forests undisturbed by the hand of man. Arid (which gives him 36 bloodline points). He is lawful savannahs, broad river valleys, and sheer, jungled good. mountains all He within the borders of the Khinasi Abbreviations used in these people. The climate is generally warmer and drier Samplethan anywher filee else in Cerilia. Once this region was home to an ancient, mysteri- Bloodline Class Race ous people: the Masetians, a race of sailors and explor- An: Anduiras B: Bard A: Anuirean ers who navigated the seas of the world of Aebrynis Az: Azrai F: Fighter Aw: Awnshegh when other peoples were just learning to use iron.
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