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Berlin Not In P U IS FMt K IW IU L nan. mioti or wna A Happ^ Mood nOSPITjll lUOE PUBLIC M EANFUIDI ^ ■ » * Berlin, via London, May 9.— Ber­ lin is in a pessimistic mood over the Handsome BsRdug With treaty terms which have been re- I two o n wimii at WOMAN SUFFRAGE BILL ceived here from Versailles. Modd Arrai$$meiit Oiaracterizes Terms, as Ger­ WILL PASS U. S. SENATE The conditions, it was stated in Paris, May 9.— That * the semi-official elrcles, “ surpassed the and EqmpmieBb many’s Death Sentence— woman suiTrage bill . amend­ Germany Not Beaten, Declares TronUe Widi (Kl P m p ment will pass in the United worst anticipations.” States Senate was assured to­ r % '^ Opinion differs over the tenor of ; » ■ ^ Tn Present Counter Gaims day when S«iator William J. Speaker, She Is^ Only Checked Forced Her to Drop bis Harris, of Georgia, promised the speech delivered by Count von W H l ACCOMMODATE President Wilson that he would Brockdorff-Rantzau, head of the Water Near Tip of Cape — Says Terms are Con­ furnish 4he needed vote. Amsterdam, May 9.— A defiant “ Germany is morally worthy -to / The Senator conferred for German delegation. It is felt here FORTY PATIENTS some time with President Wil­ speech was delivered at Hamburg, have colonies despite lies in the trary to Principles Enun­ that the foreign minister. was com­ British blue books.' I am convinced C od-W iU Go on to Halifax son at the “ Paris WTiite Germany, today by Herr Stresemann, House.” pelled to take a reserved position that we shall have colonies once To Have All the Conveniences of the ciated by Wilson—“WiD Senator Harris also assured who addressed the Peoples’ Party. more. as Soon as Pomp b Re­ President Wilson that he had and, could not make any definite Most Modem Hospitals— Locatilion “ We were not beaten, but only “ Germany will again be great be­ made a personal canvass which pledges. SighUy and Central. convinced him that the peace checked, owing to the lack of home cause the world cannot do without paired. Fight to the Last” There was another meeting of the treaty will be ratified by the support,” Stresemann was quoted as our strength and products.” Senate in whatever form It National Assembly peace comniittee saying. A resolution demanding the re­ . Berlin, Via London, May 9.— is presented by the executive. The plajns selected for Manches­ Chatham, Mass., May 9.— United this morning. "The most hopeful sign now Is a turn of the colonies was carried af­ States seaplane N. C-4, missing since Premier Philip Scheldemann an­ _____________ ter’s memorial hospital from several break among the allies,” he contin- ter which the assemblage sang, nounced today that the German » she was forced to abandon the first sets submitted, by different archl-^ued. “ Deutschla^id uber Alles.” peace envoys at Versailles have been leg of the trans-Atlantic flight— nstructed to present a reply to the tects ar^ those prepared by Smith Rockaway Beach, L. I., to Halifax lilies, pointing out the divergences & Bassette of Hartford. The front Harbor, N. S.—was safe on the MISTIiNS’ CASE 1$ NEir TO ( M IIP beach near the naval air station here Taetween the peace terms and Presi- elevation of the proposed structure POES. WaSON CAllS W in ilN S BRimiEIIS today. '4 dent Wilson’s fourteen principles and is shown herewith and the descrip­ . to try to start oral negotiations. When the oil in one of her four tion follows. The German plenipotentiaries 5 STATES TO GET PART OF HER lAND A l TRUST CO. TO NATION TO OELP LOAN motors became overheated late yes­ ■ |iave been instructed, also, to re- The preliminary plans had been terday afternoon the giant plane slid 'I Quest the reason for the “ hard con­ so carefully thought out by the hos­ down 2,000 feet Into the water. The plai^ took the water at a point ir ditions” which are said here to be pital committee aided by the coop- MOVE IIP TOWN Italy, Poland, Rodmania, MOBS LED BY MAlllACS I ’ m ake It a Great Thank Offer­ about 100 miles northeast of Race unacceptable to Germany. eration of local physicians that all “ Pitilessly Abandoned.” Point, the tip of Cape Cod. SLAY 1,800 IN RUSSIA the architects who submitted plans The terms as outlined at Versailles Jngo-Slavia and Czecko- ing” He Says in The N. C-4 first experienced trou­ “ pitilessly abandon Germany to the conmented upon the thorough Boy Ferris Brotliers’ Entire ble with one of the oil pumps on the deepest fall in history,” according to Slavokia -to Gain— fixin g Bolsheviks Open Insane Asylums and groimd work which had been laid Cablegram. motor. The pump became “ gummed Preniler Scheldemann. He declared Liberate Inmates— Many Buried for them.N It will be seen from the Holdings, Including up” , naval officials explained. ’Then that the terms are contrary especial­ Frontiers to be Trouble­ Alive. accompanj^g elevation that the the oil in the motor became over­ ly to the fourth, fifth, seventh and building is designed for practicality Brick Block heated. Oil ceased flowing freely ^eighth principles enunciated \)y Pres­ Geneva, May 9,— Eighteen hun­ while at the same time it has grace­ HIS APPEAL TO CITIZENS through the motor and a bearing was ident Wilson, some. dred persons were massacred by ful proportions. There are plenty burned out. Automobiles often ex­ ■ Will Fight to Ijast. Russian Bolsheviks, led by maniacs of windows, and sun parlors at either perience the same trouble^ ^ “ The German people will fight to ■ Paris, May 9.—The allied dele­ in the Perm District after a num­ end of two floors, an elevator, a fine HALE CO. TO DOUBLE “ Sustain tho Honor and Credit of There has been much speculation the lOTt in the struggle for peace gates have already begun considera­ ber of insane asylfims had been operating room, wards for both men Our Country and Pay Tribute to' as to what N. C-4 stands for. It :>«ihd will use all of their strength,” tion of the peace terms that wllUbo opened and the Inmates liberated. and women, a maternity ward and a STORE’S FLOOR SPACE 'Valdr and Sacrifleos of bur Fight* mb ■’ns, naval Curtiss — the 'Raid Herr Scheldemann. Imposed upon Austria. It Is under­ Some of the lunatics became number of rooms of varying size to (^Ing Men.” planes being a naval aircraft made “ In the meanwhile the Gorman “ leaders” of mobs and carried out meet the needs and preferences of by the Curtiss Company. stood that five different states will Bonk to Build Dignified Btructure delegates have been notified to tell acquire territory that was formerly indescribable excesses. patients. Tired and Hungry. for Its Own Use. Washington, May 9,— Preaklqnt the allied plenipotentiaries that Ger­ This Information was received The building- is to stii^nd on the Tired, and himgcy ’from .a tpng within tho confines of the old Dual Wilson today called upon the nation many's counter claims will be pro- here today along with some of the highest point of the hill ikrlng Main night on the sea Lieutenant Com­ Empire, Real estate deals were closed fate to make the "Ylctorf Loan a “ great Mntod within the fixed time— two They aro Italy, Poland, Roumanla, details. street across tho old baseball lot, mander A. C. Read, of Lyme, N. H., yesterday afternoon which will re­ thank offering.” sleeks. One of the Bolshevik loaders at The entrance, for visitors will bo on and his five men aboard the seaplane Jugo-SIuviu and Czocho-SIovakia. sult In Important building opera­ In a cablegram to Secretary of the The German premier characterized Ossa ordered a score of hostages this side of the building, approached were undaunted by the mishap. Im­ l<Vonti4‘rH to CuuMi Trouble. tions In tho most active huslnoBs Treasury Glass the President said: the terms as “ Germany's death sen­ shot and then wont into a cemotery by a drive and walk. The ground mediately after breakfast they be­ Troublesome frontier questions section of Main street and will in­ “ Through you I appeal to my fel­ tence.” He continued: whore ho committed cuiclde. slopes to the rear giving a basement gan the work of repairing the dis­ are bound up in tho Austrian situa­ fluence the trend of retail trade for low citizens on the eve of the con­ . “ We must discuss this ddcumont tion, hut the Big Four are confident Many persons were burled alive. story on the west. A carriage porch abled motor. They will fly back to in the center of tho western front many years to come. Tho opera­ summation of a vicforlous peace, to Rockaway Beach for complete re- of hatred and madness with political they can ho quickly settled in a way Afterwards the bodies were disin­ will receive carriages and ambu­ tions will center around the corner sustain the honor and credit of our ipairs on the motor.
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