Flora of the Carolinas, Virginia, and Georgia, Working Draft of 17 March 2004 -- ACANTHACEAE ACANTHACEAE (Acanthus Family) A family of about 230 genera and about 3450 species, herbs, shrubs, vines, and trees, largely tropical. References: Wasshausen (1998); Long (1970); McDade & Moody (1999). 1 Leaves in a basal rosette. 2 Leaves glabrate, to 20 cm long and 8 cm wide; calyx lobes 8-10 mm long; corolla 0.8-1.3 cm long; capsule 8-10 mm long; stamens 2; [plants of moist to wet swamps] ................................................ Elytraria 2 Leaves pubescent, to 7 cm long and 3 cm wide; calyx lobes 15-30 mm long; corolla 3-4 cm long; capsule 12-18 mm long; stamens 4; [plants of dry upland pinelands]................................................ Ruellia ciliosa 1 Leaves cauline. 3 Stamens 2; corolla distinctly 2-lipped. 4 Calyx subtended by 2 ovate, leaf-like, partially fused bracts, borne in subsessile axillary clusters or on peduncles to 8 cm long; stems 6-angled ............................................................ Dicliptera 4 Flowers subtended by very small, distinct bracts, on peduncles; stems subterete or slightly 4-angled . Justicia 3 Stamens 4; corolla not distinctly 2-lipped, the corolla lobes of nearly equal size (except distinctly 2-lipped in Hygrophila). 5 Corolla distinctly 2-lipped............................................................. Hygrophila 5 Corolla not distinctly 2-lipped, the corolla lobes of nearly equal size. 6 Calyx lobes linear-aristate; anther sacs awned or pointed at the base . Dyschoriste 6 Calyx lobes lanceolate or linear; anther sacs blunt . Ruellia {add genera - Stenandrium and Yeatesia - to key} Andrographis Wallich (False Water-willow) Andrographis echioides (Linaeus) Nees is reported for VA by Kartesz (1999). {Chrome mines ...} [= K] Dicliptera Antoine Laurent de Jussieu (Dicliptera, Foldwing) A genus of about 150 species, largely tropical, but extending into warm temperate regions. References: Wasshausen (1998)=Y; Long (1970)=Z. Dicliptera brachiata (Pursh) Sprengel, Dicliptera, Branched Foldwing. Cp (GA, NC, SC, VA), Pd (GA, NC, SC): bottomland forests; uncommon. August-October. Se. VA south to c. peninsular FL, west to TX, and north in the interior to c. TN, s. IN, s. IL, MO, and se. KS. [= RAB, C, F, GW, K, Y; Diapedium brachiatum (Pursh) Kuntze -- S; Dicliptera brachiata var. brachiata -- Z] Dyschoriste Nees (Twinflower, Snakeherb, Dyschoriste) A genus of about 65 species, of tropical and warm temperate regions. References: Wasshausen (1998)=Y; Long (1970)=Z. 1 Corolla 10-15 mm long (including the 3-5 mm lobes); capsule 8-10 mm long; [plants of floodplain forests] . D. humistrata 1 Corolla 25-27 mm long (including the 5-10 mm lobes); capsule 10-14 mm long; [plants of pinelands] . D. oblongifolia Dyschoriste humistrata (Michaux) Kuntze, Swamp Twinflower, Swamp Dyschoriste. Cp (GA, SC): bottomland forests, especially on soils over limestone; uncommon, rare north of GA (SC Rare). April-May. SC to c. peninsular FL, west to panhandle FL. [= RAB, GW, K, S, Y] Dyschoriste oblongifolia (Michaux) Kuntze, Blue Twinflower, Pineland Dyschoriste. Cp (GA, SC): pine savannas, flatwoods, and sandhills; uncommon. April-May. SC to s. FL, west to panhandle FL. The basis of Small's (1933) attribution of this species to VA is unknown. [= RAB, K, S, Y; Dyschoriste oblongifolia var. oblongifolia -- Z] Elytraria Michaux (Elytraria) A genus of about 17 species, of tropical and warm temperate regions of the Western and Eastern Hemispheres. The placement of this genus in the Acanthaceae is uncertain (McDade & Moody 1999, McDade et al. 2000). References: Long (1970)=Z. Elytraria caroliniensis (J.F. Gmelin) Persoon var. caroliniensis, Carolina Elytraria. Cp (GA, SC): swamp forests over coquina limestone ("marl"); rare. June-August. Var. caroliniensis ranges from se. SC south to c. peninsular FL, west to panhandle FL and sw. GA. Var. angustifolia (Fernald) Blake is restricted to s. FL. [= K, Y, Z; E. caroliniensis -- RAB, infraspecific taxa not distinguished; E. carolinensis var. carolinensis -- GW, misspelling; Tubiflora carolinensis J.F. Gmelin -- S, misspelling] 66 Flora of the Carolinas, Virginia, and Georgia, Working Draft of 17 March 2004 -- ACANTHACEAE Hygrophila R. Brown A genus of about 25 species, of tropical regions. References: Wasshausen (1998)=Y; Les & Wunderlin (1981)=Z. Key based on Y. 1 Leaf blades 5-12 cm long; calyx segments ca. 5 mm long, glabrous; flowers borne in axillary clusters . H. lacustris 1 Leaf blades 1-3.5 cm long; calyx segments ca. 2 mm long, pubescent; flowers borne in terminal and axillary spikes . ..................................................................................... H. polysperma Hygrophila lacustris (Schlectendahl & Cham.) Nees. Cp (GA): shallow water of swamps and shores; rare (GA Special Concern). Sw. GA south to FL Peninsula, west to e. TX; West Indies. [= GW, K, S; Hygrophila costata Nees et al.; Ruellia lacustris Schlectendahl & Cham.] * Hygrophila polysperma (Roxburgh) T. Anderson. Cp (VA): lakes, doubtfully established but frequently reintroduced; rare, native of the East Indies. Grown for the aquarium trade, and sporadically introduced to bodies of water, apparently well-established in FL (Les & Wunderlin 1981). [= GW (footnote), K, Y, Z] Justicia Linnaeus (Water-willow) A genus of about 600 species, herbs and shrubs of the tropics and warm temperate North America. References: Wasshausen (1998)=Y; Long (1970)=Z. Key based in part on Y. 1 Spike densely flowered; seeds verrucose; primary leaves averaging 6-8× as long as wide; [plants of the Piedmont, Mountains, and Coastal Plain]........................................................................ J. americana 1 Spike loosely flowered; seeds smooth or minutely muricate (with very fine, sharp projections); primary leaves either ca. 2-6× as long as wide or more than 8× as long as wide; [plants of the Coastal Plain]. 2 Corolla purple, 18-30 mm long; leaves averaging more than 8× as long as wide; cystoliths parallel to the midvein of the leaf; [plants of s. GA south into FL]. 3 Upper leaf blades 4-7 cm long, not channeled, tough but not fleshy; calyx segments 5-7 mm long, <1 mm wide . ................................................................................ J. angusta 3 Upper leaf blades 8-13.5 cm long, channeled, fleshy; calyx segments 11-15 mm long, ca. 1 mm wide J. crassifolia 2 Corolla pale lavender to white, 8-13 mm long; leaves averaging 2-6× as long as wide; cystoliths parallel to the secondary veins of the leaf. 4 Leaves averaging ca. 5× as long as wide; spikes lax, the flowers usually borne singly, secund; seeds smooth . ...................................................................... J. ovata var. lanceolata 4 Leaves averaging ca. 3× as long as wide; spikes somewhat congested, the flowers borne in opposite pairs; seeds minutely muricate (with very fine, sharp projections) . J. ovata var. ovata Justicia americana (Linnaeus) Vahl, American Water-willow. Pd, Mt (NC, SC, VA), Cp (NC, VA): river and stream beds, in shallow water, often rooted in rocky shallows; common. June-October. W. Québec west to MI and WI, south to GA, TX, and KS. [= RAB, C, F, G, GW, K, W, Y, Z; J. americana var. subcoriacea Fernald -- F, G; J. mortuifluminis Fernald -- F; Dianthera americana Linnaeus -- S] Justicia angusta (Chapman) Small, Pineland Water-willow, Narrowleaf Water-willow. Cp (GA): roadside ditches, savannas; rare (GA Special Concern). Se. GA (Camden County) (Sorrie 1998b) south to s. FL. [= K, Y; J. ovata -- GW, in part; J. crassifolia (Chapman) Chapman ex Small -- S, in part; J. ovata (Walter) Lindau var. angusta (Chapman) R.W. Long -- Z] Justicia crassifolia (Chapman) Chapman ex Small. Cp (GA): flatwoods, cypress ponds; rare. S. GA to the FL Panhandle. [= GW, K, Y; J. crassifolia – S, in part only)] Justicia ovata (Walter) LIndau var. lanceolata (Chapman) R.W. Long. Cp (GA): swamps, marshes; uncommon. May. GA west to TX, north in the Mississippi Embayment to s. IL, s. IN, w. KY. [= K, Y, Z; J. ovata -- GW, infraspecific taxa not distinguished; J. lanceolata (Chapman) Small -- S] Justicia ovata (Walter) Lindau var. ovata, Coastal Plain Water-willow, Loose-flower Water-willow. Cp (NC, SC, VA): swamps, marshes; common. May-July. S. VA south to Panhandle FL and se. AL. [= C, K, Y, Z; J. ovata -- RAB, F, GW, infraspecific taxa not distinguished; J. humilis Michaux var. humilis -- G; J. ovata (Walter) Lindau -- S, in the narrow sense; J. lanceolata (Chapman) Small -- S, misapplied] Pseuderanthemum Radlk. Pseuderanthemum variabile (R. Brown) Radlk., Night-and-Afternoon, has been reported as a greenhouse weed from SC (Nelson & Kelly 1997). It is not included as a regular member of the flora of this region because “it is unlikely that it could persist anywhere in South Carolina outside a greenhouse environment” (Nelson & Kelly 1997). [= K] Ruellia Linnaeus (Wild-petunia) 67 Flora of the Carolinas, Virginia, and Georgia, Working Draft of 17 March 2004 -- ACANTHACEAE A genus of about 150 species, of the tropics and temperate North America. References: Wasshausen (1998)=Y; Long (1970)=Z. 1 Principal leaves linear-lanceolate, >10× as long as wide (8-27 cm long, 0.7-2 cm wide); [plant alien, cultivated and naturalized] ........................................................................................R. coerulea 1 Principal leaves elliptic, ovate or broadly lanceolate, 2-5× as long as wide (2-16 cm long, 0.5-7 cm broad); [plants native]. 2 Calyx lobes narrowly linear-lanceolate, flattened
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