a i —w w • On Page 3 : On Page 4: On Page 8: Readers crticize John Bruno "Everything on my Mind" iBaseball sweeps Clarion Student government election results Will Wheeler Nicole Acquilano George Pay d o c k . MSG President Kristin Hurd, MSG Vice-President .odfellHi ti 9 r*** I Presidential . 4 V>n j^r ^^ft ''J&%*'f M L ^ »*>. percentages ifu 4A ^N»V^^ Vice-Presidential and vote count Heather Held. MSG Treasurer Jessica Cuffia, MSG Secretary percentages VOL. 66 NO. 20 MERCYHURST COLLEGE, GLENWOOD HILLS, ERIE, PA. 16546 APRIL 22,1993 Korcinsky urges recycling crackdown CHECH By Anne L. McNeils cardboard should not be cut into pieces. 1200 distributed to students, he received A&E and Features Editor All materials should be placed in clear 55 replies and 128 responses from ap- plastic bags for disposal in the white proximately 500 given to faculty. The Senior Mark Korcinsky has chosen dumpsters. Korcinsky said materials such surveys questioned respondents concern- OUT earth consciousness as the topic of his as plastic wrap, yogurt containers, plas- ing what materials they w o u l d b e willing senior research project Korcinsky is tic silverware, egg cartons and other to recycle and how frequently they cur- Friday, April 23 currently at work for the Erie County foam containers and plastic trays from rently use i their recycling containers. Courthouse in the Recycling microwave able meals cannot yet be re- Korcinsky pointed out mat although re- Senior Dinner Dance. Coordinator's office as an intern. He cycled in this area so people should avoid sponse to the survey was low, there are 7 and 9 p.m. Zurn Recital Hall also belongs to Mercyhurst Student placing them in the white dumpsters. He students making an effort to recycle. He Movie: All a d in. Government's (MSG) Recycling Com- said these regulations should be in effect said two Baldwin Hall residents brought mittee. Because of h i s involvement in all at least through next fall. him a bag of recyclable materials be- Satu r d a y , April 24 of these activities, Korcinsky is particu- Korcinsky also distributed surveys to cause they did not know w h a t else to do larly concerned about how the students and faculty earlier this year. Of Continued on page 2 9 a.m. Athletic Center. Men's Mercyhurst College community fulfills Volleyball Tournament its obligations to recycle and reduce War Games. waste. He has devoted a great deal of 8 pan. Student Union. North time to investigating this issue and com- Hurst builds new housing Neville Blues Band. ing up with suggestions concerning an 11:30 p.m. Midnight Bowling. effective recycling plan for the College Beginning in early May, construction of two new apaitment buildings to provide Buses leave from Baldwin Hall. community. housing for 96 additional students will get underway on a location just south of the A recent state mandate will require all maintenance building and west of the current Briggs Apaitment buildings. The area Sunday, April 25 municipalities and institutions to recycle selected for t h e s e new apaitment buildings is the lower end of the Big Weber parking 25 percent of the waste they generate by lot J ! 9 a.m. Athletic Center. Coed the year 1997. According to Korcinsky, The Budget and Finance Committee of t h e College Board of T r u s t e e s approved this Volleyball Tournament at the current rate at which Mercyhurst new constructions at their April 21 meeting. They had been authorized by the College increases its percentage of rccycl ing each Boa rd of T r u s t e e s at their February 18 meeting to proceed with the *be st a rrange me nts\ Monday, April 26 year, the community will be recycling to meet additional housing needs as determined by their committee and the college approximately 10 percent of its waste in administration. 8:30 p.m. Government Cham- 1997.{ Korcinsky pointed out that The new apartment construction will be two 3-story buildings joined together by bers. MSG Meeting. Mercyhurst will be subject to state pen- common laundry facilities and will be designed and furnished similar to the Mercy alties if this problem is not remedied. Apartments, except for improvements in the size and arrangement of the apaitment Tuesday, April 27 "Mercyhurst really has to get on the ball rooms, which will be larger and more functional. about recycling," he saidv The additional housing facilities ate necessary to accommodate the growth of MSG General Elections. The current recycling program at Mercyhurst students seeking college housing. Last fall, 1023 students resided in Mercyhurst involves the white dum psters college, housing. This fall, the number of returning students who have submitted Wednesday, April 28 located near the regularbrown dumpsters housing contracts to date is 100 ahead of last year's housing requests, and the total on campus. A number of materials can student housing needs is expected to be between 1113 and 1130 students, which will MSG General Elections. be recycled in these dumpsters. They almost fill the new apartment capacity. Blood Drive.' include: high grade office (copier) pa- Construction will take 120 days and the contract has guaranteed to have the new Mercyhurst Squares. per, soda bottles, beer bottles, all food apartments ready by September 1. jars, ketchup bottles, wine and liquor In addition, a parking deck will be constructed on the upper end of the Big Weber Thursday, April 29 bottles, plastic milk and juice j u g s , plas- parking lot to replace current parking lost due to the Housing construction. The deck tic soda bottles, plastic laundry and dish will create an additional 50 to 75 spaces. * 7 pan. Student Union. Ping Pong soap bottles, soda and beer cans, soup According to Dr. Gary Brown, students wishing to sign-up for t h e new building can Tournament cans, metal food containers and card- do so as long as they are a group of seniors with no "write-ups" (32 points). More board. Cans, bottles and other containers information will follow in the next Housing Newsletter on Friday. Students who should be rinsed both inside and out and | requested the "new" building as their first c h o i c e will be assigned to the new facility. » . PAGE 2 THE MERCIAD APRIL 22,1993 Mercyhurst archaeology acquires national status The Mercyhurst Archaeologi- pology department priorities, Adovasio said. "Mercyhurst will "The evolution of MAI into one seaport o f Caesarea and Mezhirich cal Institute (MAI) has acquired SMU officials decided that, lack- benefit in many ways from this of the" largest archeology pro- in Southern Ukraine," Adovasio the contract archaeology program ing resident faculty with interest relationship with one of t h e major grams in the country is a tribute to said. at Southern Methodist University in contract archaeology, the de- graduate programs in anthropol- the vision of Dr. Garvey and the A native of You ngstown, Ohio, (SMU) in Dallas, Texas. pendence of ARP on "part-time ogy in the United States." Mercyhurst board of trustees," Adovasio achieved international According to MAI director Dr. adjunct researchers placed an un- Mercyhurst President Dr. Will- Adovasio said. recognition in the 1970s with his J. M. Adovasio, the acquisition, necessary burden on the iam P. Garvey said the develop- The director of M A T s new w e s t - excavation of the Meadowcroft • which includes the contracts for university's resources and was ment of a world-class archaeol- ern division is Kevin Shaunessy, Rockshelter 30 miles southwest the archaeological work at the impractical from a cost-benefit ogy program at Mercyhurst has who served as assistant director of Pittsburgh. site of the Super Collider and other standpoint," Bhat said. been a possibility since Adovasio of the SMU program for the past Meadowcroft is widely re- major sites in Texas, makes MAI "It seemed in the best interest of came to the college in 1990. two years. Twenty other mem- garded as the oldest well-dated one of the largest archaeology all concerned to transfer the pro- "Dr. Adovasio's activities since bers of SMU's contract archaeol- archaeological site in the West- programs in the United States in gram to another institution where coming t o Mercyhurst have made ogy staff have also been hired by ern Hemisphere, with evidence terms o f p e r s o n n e l , equip ment and it fit more appropriately with in- the college a presence on the in- Mercyhurst. of human habitation dating to scope of operations. stitutional priorities," Bhat added. ternational archaeology scene, The program will continue to 16,000 years ago. The former SMU operation is "Mercyhurst College provides an and we're confident that the ex- be housed at SMU until June 1, While chairman of the Univer- now the western division o f M A I , ideal base for ARP." panded Institute, under his direc- when it will relocate to perma- sity of Pittsburgh's anthropology to be known as the Archeology f£ Adovasio will continue to be an tion, will be one of the leading nent facilities in De Soto, Texas, department, fromj 1980-89, Research Program (ARP) of the adjunct faculty member of the archaeology programs in the a suburb of Dallas.) Adovasio founded that Mercyhurst Archaeological Insti- SMU anthropology department country," Garvey said. Adovasio said there are no lim- university's Cultural Resource tute. and will participate in teaching Kurt Carr, senior archaeologist its to where the expanded Management Program (CRMP).
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