THE CITY RECORD. Vol.. XLVII. NUMBER 14064. NEW YORK, TUESDAY, AUGUST 19, 1919. PRICE, 10 CENTS. Brighton ave., and Michael J. Sullivan, July 21; John Vti. Johnston, 56 Morning- THE CITY RECORD. 73 Cleveland st., S. I., Extra Drivers at side ave., at $1,800 per annum, July 22; $1,095.50 per annum, July 21. Louis Baumann, 72 Sand st., S. I., at cr1 ,4 Salaries Fixed—Clerk: Vincent P. Gilli- $1,420 per annum, July 25. OFFICIAL JOURNAL OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK. gan, 20 Stuyvesant st., at $600 per annum, CALVIN D. VAN NAME, President. Published Under Authority of Section 1526, Greater New York Charter. by tbs BOARD OF CITY RECORD. DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE. JOHN F. HYLAN, MAYOR. WILLIAM P. BURR, COIPOIATION COUNSEL CHARLES L CRAIG. Coxniou.n. WARRANTS MADE READY FOR PAYMENT IN DEPORTMENT OF FINANCE PETER J. BRADY, Surravisot. MONDAY, AUGUST 18, 1919. 13elow is a statement of warrants made ready for payment on the above date, Supervisor's Office, Municipal Building, SO floor. showing therein the Department of Finance voucher number, the dates of the invoices Published daily, at 9 a. m., except Sundays and legal holidays. Distributing Division, 125 and 127 Worth st., Manhattan, New York City. or the registered number of the contract, the date the voucher was filed in the Subscription, $20 a year, exclusive of supplements. Daily issue, 10 cents a coot. Department of Finance, the name of the payee and the amount of the warrant. SUPPLEMENTS: Civil Lis. (containing names, salaries, etc.,. of the City employees), $5; Where two or more bills are embraced in the warrant, the dates of the earliest Official Canvass of Votes, $1; Registry Lists, 10 cents each assembly district; Law Department Sup- and latest are given, excepting that, when such payments are made under a contract, plement, $1; Assessed Valuation of Real Estate, $2 each section; postage extra. ADVERTISING: Copy for publication in the City RECORD must be received at least TWO (2) the registered number of the contract is shown in the place of the second invoice date. days before the date fixed for the first insertion; when proof is required for correction before Where the word "final" is shown after the name of the payee, payment will not publication, copy must he received THREE (3) days before the date fixed for the first insertion. be made until thirty days after the completion and acceptance of the work. but all COPY for publication in the corporation newspapers of Brooklyn must be received at least of the other warrants mentioned will be forwarded through the mail unless some THREE (3) days before the date fixed for the first insertion. reason exists why payment is to be made in person, in which event written notice will Entered as Second-class Matter. Post Office at New York City, be promptly given to the claimant. In making a written or verbal inquiry at this office for any of the above men- OF CONTENTS. TABLE tioned warrants, it is requested that reference be made by the Department of Finance voucher number. Assessors, Board of— Notices to Bidders at Sales of Old Build- CHARLES L. CRAIG. Comptroller. Completion of Assessments 4431 ings, etc. 4432 Official Directory 4425 Bellevue and Allied Hospitals— Invoice Received Proposals 4429 Parks, Department of— Finance Dates or Proposals 4426 in Depart- Board Meetings Voucher Contract ment of Name of Payee. 4426 Plant and Structures, Department of— Amount. Bronx, Borough of The— Proposals 4429 No. Number. Finance. Proposals 4427 Police Department— Brooklyn, Borough of— Board of Aldermen. Proposals 4430 Owners Wanted for Unclaimed Prop- erty 4426 Changes in Departments, etc 98550 7-16-19 8- 7-19 Malcolm & Hayes $30 00 4425 Public Service Commission— Correction, Department of— 98548 7-24-19 8- 7-19 M. B. Brown Ptg. & Bdg. Co 6 50 Weekly Calendar of Hearings Com- Proposals 4429 mencing Aug. 18, 1919 4423 Armory Board. Docks, Department of— Purchase, Board of— 97975 6-20-19 8- 6-19 Cavanagh Bros. & Co 75 30 Proposals 4429 Proposals 4431 Education, Department of— 97976 6-24-19 8- 6-19 Metropolitan Hardware Co 88 70 Queens, Borough of— 97949 6-28-19 Proposals 4429 Proposals 4431 8- 6-19 Cavanagh Bros. & Co 50 10 97956 7- 1-19 Elections, Board of— Richmond, Borough of— 8- 6-19 Patterson Sargent Co 26 00 Proposals 4429 98773 7-24-19 8- 8-19 Cavanagh Bros. & Co Proposals 4429 17 50 Finance, Department of— Report for Week Ended July 26, 1919 4423 98777 6-30-19 8- 8-19 Cavanagh Bros. & Co 42 80 Confirmation of Assessments 4426 Street Cleaning, Department of— 98774 7- 8-19 Interest on City Fonds and Stock 4426 Proposals 4429 8- 8-19 Geo. T. Johnson Co 6 50 Sureties on Contracts 4426 Supreme Court, First Department— 98767 6-24-18 8- 8-19 Agent & Warden Clinton State Prison 6 50 Vouchers Received Aug. 18, 1919 4424 Application to Court to Condemn Prop- 98765 4-28-17 6 32 8- 8-19 Agent & Warden Auburn Prison Warrants Made Ready for Payment, erty 4431 98764 3-14-17 8- 8-19 Agent & Warden Clinton State Prison 7 77 Aug. 18, 1919 4423 Filing Preliminary Abstracts 4431 Instructions to Bidders for Work to Be Supreme Court, Second Department— 98776 6-24-19 8- 8-19 Agent & Warden Clinton State Prison 11 75 Done or Supplies to Be Furnished., 4432 Application to Court to Condemn Prop- 98778 6-25-19 8- 8-19 Cavanagh Bros. & Co 12 00 erty 4432 Manhattan, Borough of-- Supreme Court, Second Judicial District— Bellevue and Allied Hospitals. Proposals 4428 Application to Court to Condemn Prop- 98336 7- 8-19 69 00 Municipal Civil Service Commission— erty 4432 8- 7-19 H. Gold Notices of Examinations 4426 Transit Construction Commissioner— Municipal Courts. Proposed Amendment to Classification 4426 4429 Invitation to Contractors 99136 7-31-19 8-11-19 Union Towel Supply Co 4 95 99135 8-11-19 Tony Losquadro 2 00 PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION, FIRST DISTRICT. 99134 8- '4-19 8-11-19 James Bozzone 2 20 99133 7-31-19 8-11-19 Thomas McCabe 200 49 LAFAYETTE STREET, NEW YORK CITY. Court of General Sessions. Weekly Calendar of Hearings, Commencing August 18, 1919. 99425 8-12-19 Perry M. Lichtenstein 25 00 Tuesday, August 19, 1919-11 a. m.-12th floor—Formal matters. 99424 .15 8-12-19 Frank A. McGuire 25 00 Thursday, August 21, 1919-10.30 a. m.-12th floor—Case No. 2405—Brooklyn Edi- 99430 /1-2 8-12-19 Frank A. McGuire 25 00 son Company, Inc.—"Complaint of John A. Manning as to minimum charge for elec- 99431 8-12-19 Perry M. Lichtenstein 25 00 tric current to be supplied at 3052 Emmons avenue, Sheepshead Bay." Department of Correction. Friday, August 22, 1919-11 a. m.-12th floor—Formal matters. 97855 8- 5-19 Henry Lorand 412 20 97853 8- 5-19 J. F. Herbert 431 25 Borough of Richmond. troller — Payroll, $21,947.49; contract, 97835 7-18-19 8- 5-19 Dept. of Correction 144 00 $53,884.58; open market order, $366.74; 97831 7-18-19 8- 5-19 Dept. of Correction 275 00 Report for Week Ended July 26, 1919. miscellaneous, $906.38; total, $77,105.19. Board of Estimate and Apportionment. Moneys Received—Restoring and repav- Contracts Awarded—Engineering: Re- ing, special fund (fees), $385.10; sewer paving with bituminous pavement the 98989 6-30-19 8-11-19 Lithoprint Co., Inc 6 37 inspection and repair, special fund (fees), space between the rails, etc., on Richmond Department of Education. $80; special security deposits (materials rd. south of Clove ave., and Amboy rd., 86552 7- 1-19 Henry Morgenthau Co. 92,266 00 on streets, etc.), $30; miscellaneous, maps etc., July 21, $33,295.50—Joseph Johnson's 86552 7- 1-19 Henry Morgenthau Co 40,234 00 and lithos, $0.30; total, $495.40. Sons, West New Brighton, S. I.; repairing Fire Department. Permits Issued—To open street pave- with wood block pavement the roadway 98740 7- 1-19 50919 8- 8-19 Texas Co. 6 75 ment for all purposes, 55; to place build- of Richmond ter., from York ave. to 98744 50580 8- 8-19 National Carbon Co., Inc 30 63 ing materials on streets, 6; special and Sailor Snug Harbor Dock, etc., July 25, Department of Health. miscellaneous, 41; total, 102. $6,040—Joseph Johnson's Sons, West New 97611 8- 5-19 Allied Window & House Cleaning Con- Vouchers Forwarded to the Comp- Brighton, S. I. tractors, Inc. 132 00 Laboring Force Employed. 97636 8- 5-19 Bligh & Engel, Inc 147 85 (Eight Hours Constitute One Working Day.) 97637 6-26-19 8- 5-19 Daarf Contracting Corp 138 00 97621 6-30-19 8- 5-19 Richman & Samuels 101 50 Bureau 99172 6-29-19 8-11-19 J. M. Horton Ice Cream Co 19 50 Bureau of Bureau of Bureau of of Public Bureau of 99174 6-17-19 8-11-19 Wm. Ladew Feed Co., Inc 67 18 Highways. Sewers. Street Buildings Engineering. Total. 8-13-19 Thos. Cook & Son 17 08 Cleaning. and Offices. 99868 6-10-19 99021 6-17-19 51405 8-11-19 S. D. Woodruff & Sons 13 16 No. Days. No, Days. No. Days. No Days. No. Days. No. Days. 99167 2-26-19 8-11-19 F. N. Du Bois & Co 64 00 Miscellaneous. Foremen 15 90 4 28 12 84 1 7 2 12 34 221 Laborers 91 514A 22 108A 20 125 17 108 6 24 156 880% 17013 2- 6-14 Ella C.
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