Research Journal of Fisheries and Hydrobiology, 5(1): 32-38, 2010 © 2010, INSInet Publication Age, Growth, Mortality and Exploitation Rates of Round Sardinella, Sardinella aurita from the East Mediterranean Sea (North Sinai Coast) 1Salem, M., 2El_Aiatt, A.A. and 3Ameran, M. 1Suez Canal University, 2GAFRD Abstract: Age, growth, Mortality and exploitation rates of Sardinella auritawere estimated from 6591specimens ranging from 7 to 22.9 cm as Lt, while the mean total weight ranged from 4.3 to 75 gm. The relationship between length and weight was described by the power relationship: W = 0.0267 L2.524. Growth in length and growth in weight at the end of each year was calculated. Age was determined by scales and age groups 0 to 4 years. Obtained von Bertalanffy growth parametres (L4 = 25.83 cm, !1 ! k = 0.299 year and t0 = 0.878 year). The growth performance index was calculated (ö = 2.29). Total (Z: 1.49 yr!1 ), natural (M: 0.73 yr!1 ) and fishing mortality (F: 0.76yr!1 ) were obtained. The maximum allowable limit of exploitation (E max) was 0.87 and maximum economic yield was 0.71. The estimated values for the total mortality and the exploitation rate (E = 0.51), show that the round sardinella stock in the east Mediterranean Sea, North Sinai coast is balanced position. Key words: Sardinella aurita; growth; mortality;east Mediterranean Sea; Egypt. INTRODUCTION boat with mesh size 8 mm. The measurements as total length to the nearest millimeter and total weight to the Sardine fisheries was highly important before the nearest one gram of the fish were recorded for each construction of Aswan High Dam. Before 1966, the specimen. For age determination, the scales samples Sardine accounted for about 40% of the total landed were removed from the left side of each fish behind catch of the Egyptian Mediterranean waters. By that the tip of the pectoral fin for 3131 specimens[21]. time, fisheries of Sardine was mainly operated during autumn[7] . The sardine is a major catch which are 2.1. Length-weight Relationship: The relationship average 90% of the total catch in the Mediterranean between length and weight was described by the coast of Sinai fishery during 1989 to 2009. Sardine is potential equation (W = aLb,[24]), where W is the total the first in its importance to the Mediterranean coast of weight (g), and L is the total length (Cm), a and b the Egypt however during the last 39 years a drastic constant. The coefficient of determination (r2) was used decline in sardine landing along the Egyptian as an indicator of the quality of the linear regression[25]. Mediterranean coast has been observed[33]. The round sardinella, Sardinella aurita is commercially exploited 2.2. Scales Preparation and Age Determination: In in several southern Mediterranean countries such as the laboratory, the scales were cleaned and stored dry Egypt[35]; Algeria[3] and Tunisia[10]. In spite of the round in envelopes for the subsequent study. Later on, scales sardinella, S. aurita is the most important (about 85% were soaked overnight in 10% ammonia solution. 5-7 of total catch) in Mediterranean coast of Sinai fishery, scales were placed between two glass slides, and there is little information on fishery biology of this examined by a projector with 33 x magnifications. On species. The main objectives of this work (1) estimate the clearest scale from each batch, the total scales the age and growth from scales (2) estimate the radius as well as of each annulus were measured to the mortality rates and (3) estimate the exploitation rates. nearest 0.01. The relationship between total length and total scales radius was calculated for all fishes. MATERIALS AND METHODS According to Whitney and Calendar, 1956, the best regression to use the fish length and average scale The study was carried out in North Sinai in the radius using liner regression: major landing site of Mediterranean coast (EL-Arish Port). 6591 both sexes combined of Sardinella aurita Lt = a + b R were collected monthly From January to December, 2007. Samples were collected from the purse - seine Where: Lt is total length of fish in cm; R is magnified Corresponding Author: Mohamed Salem, Faculty of Environmental Agricultural Sciences, EL-arish, University of Suez Canal. 32 Res. J. Fish. & Hydrobiol., 5(1): 32-38, 2010 scale radius in cm; a & b the constant representing the M is the natural mortality, K is the body growth intercept and the slope of the straight line respectively. coefficient and E is the exploitation rate. The relative biomass per recruit (B`/R) = (Y`/R)/F where,(Y`/R) is 2.3. The back-calculated: The back-calculated total the relative yield-per-recruit and F is the fishing length were determined from scale measurements using mortality.The optimum exploitation rate which produces Lea’s equation, 1910 as L x = L p(S x/S P) Where: L x maximum yield was found from the yield-per-recruit equals length of fish at age (x), L p equals the fish and biomass-per-recruit model (E m ax). The exploitation length at capture S x equals the scale length at check (x) rate at which the marginal increase of Y /R is 0.1 and Sp equals present scale length. The back- (E0.1), the reduced to 50% of its unexploited biomass calculated weight at the end of each year was (E0.5) and zero exploitation (E = 0) were estimated. estimated by length-weight equation. 3. Results: 2.4. Growth Parameters: The von Bertalanffy models, 3.1. Length – Weight Relationship: The observed -k(t – t ) 1934 and 1949, (L t = L4 (1- e 0 )) was used to total length of 6591 Sardinella aurita caught from the describe growth in size, where Lt is the length at age Mediterranean coast (Sinai) from January to December, t, L4 the asymptotic length, K the body growth 2007 ranged from 7 to 22.9 cm (fig. 1) and the coefficient and defines the growth rate towards L4 and observed total weight from 4.3 to 75 g. The length – t0 the hypothetical age at which a fish would have zero weight relationship (fig. 2) was described by the power 2.526 2 length. The values of L 4, K and t0 were estimated by equation as: W= 0.026 L (r = 0.93), the negative [8] [34] plotting L t vs L t+ 1 using the Ford, , Walford allometry was established. procedure[14]. The growth performance index was calculated by using the phi prime test (ö') = 3.2. Body Length – Scale Radius Relationship: 3131 logk+2logL4 (Munro and Pauly, 1983) which can be specimen were collected for ageing and growth used to compare growth rates among species and to analysis. Age estimated ranged between 0 – 4 years, evaluate growth performance under environmental age - length keys were calculated (Table. 1). The mean [22] stresses . The maximum length (L max) was obtained fish length and the average scale radius per each length from extreme value theory[9]. group are given with the ratio of fish length to scale size in fig. 3. Data for S. aurita between fish length 2.5. Mortality Rates: Total mortality (Z) was and scale radius show a linear trend on their scatter estimated by a method of Beverton and Holt[2], as diagram where described by this equation: L =- 0.484 +2.089 R. – – Z = K*(L4 – L ) / (L – L') 3.3. The Back – Calculations: The average back – where, K is the body growth coefficient (year-1),L4 is calculation lengths and annual increment of the the asymptotic length, L' is the length for which all combined sexes (Table. 2) are 11.1, 14.7, 18 and 19.8 fish under full exploitation and L– is the mean length cm for ages 1, 2, 3 and 4 respectively. The highest of fish at and above L'. Natural mortality coefficient annual increment occurred during the first year of life, was estimated by using the equations of Pauly,[20]. while a noticeable decrease is observed in the second log M = [ - 0.0066 – 0.279 log L 4 + 0.6543 log K + year, reaching its minimal value during the fourth year 0.4634 log T ] of life. Fishing mortality coefficient (F) was estimated Back–calculation weights at the end of each year directly by subtracting the value of the natural of life for S. aurita were estimated by applying the mortality from the value of the mean total mortality as length – weight relationship and the results are given F= Z-M. in Table (3). The results in the table show that the maximum 2.6. The Relative Yield and Biomass per Recruit: value of annual weight increases successively and The model of Beverton and Holt, 1966 as modified by reaches its maximum at the end of third group of life. Pauly and Soriano,[23] incorporated in FiSAT program[11] was used to predict the relative yield-per-recruitment 3.4. Growth Parameters: The parameters of von and the relative biomass per recruit as Bertalanffy growth were calculated as L 4 = 25.83, K = -1 0.299 yr and t 0 = -.878 and the obtained equation was M /K 2 -0.298(t – (-0.878)) Y`/R = EU [1- (3U/1+m) + (3U /1+2m) – (Lt = 25.83 (1- e )). The asymptotic length (U3/1+3m)] is higher the maximum observed length. The growth where, U = 1- (Lc / L4), m = (1-E)/ (M/K) = (K/Z): 33 Res. J. Fish. & Hydrobiol., 5(1): 32-38, 2010 Fig. 1: Length frequency distribution of S.
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