1941 _CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE 9649.' for printing and reference to the proper sage of Senate bill 860 and House bill 4000; S. 501. An act for the relief of Lt. Col. calendar, as follows: to the Committee on Military Affairs. Gordon Smith; 2146. By Mr. ROLPH: Resolution of the S. 1244. An act for the relief of the Ken• Mr. SABATH: Committee on Rules. H. Res. Board of Supervisors of the city and county nelly Furniture Co.; 382. A bill for the consideration of H . R. of San Francisco, No. 2261, memorializing the S. 1338. An act for the relief of James Ros• 6128, a bill to amend the act entitled "An proper governmental officials to put into well Smith; act to expedite the provision of housing in effect a plan of priorities or allocations as S.1363. An act for the relief of Sioux Sky• connection with national defense, ~nd for recommended by the San Francisco Chamber ways, Inc.; _other purposes," approved October 14, 1940, of Commerce; to the Committee on Military S. 1429. An act for the relief of Wllliam as amended; without amendment (Rept. No. Affairs. Corder; 1490). Referred to the House Calendar. 2147. By the ·sPEAKER: Petition of the S. 1430. An act for the relief of Ivan Mr. NICHOLS: Committee on Rules. New York State 4-H Extension Federation, Richard Witcher and Nellie Witcher; House Resolution 262. Resolution for con­ petitioning consideration of their resolution S. 1479. An act for the relief of Mary s .. sideration of S. 1544, a bill to provide for with reference to House bill 4530; to the Com­ Gay; cooperation with Central American republics mittee on Agriculture. S. 1550. An act for the relief Of Carl in the construction of the Inter-American 2148. Also, petition of the International Chalker; Highway; with amendment (Rept. No. 1491). Congress of the People, New Rochelle, N. Y., S. 1581. An act for the relief of George Referred to the House Calendar. petitioning consideration of their resolution Wells and Mamie H. Wells; Mr. LANHAM: Committee on Public with reference to foreign affairs; to the Com­ S.1650._An act for the relief of Joseph V. Buildings and Grounds. H. R. 6135. A bill mittee on Foreign Affairs. Broderick; and to authorize the appropriation of an addi­ 2149. Also, petition of Elvi Kahkonen _and S. 1870. An act for the relief of John Paul tional $150,000,000 to carry out the provisions James V. Grove and others assembled at Murray. of title II of the act entitled "An net to ex­ Cleveland, Ohio, petitioning consideration of -pedite the provision of housing in connection their resolution with reference to foreign The message also announced that the with national defense, and for other pur­ affairs relative to Finland; to the Committee House had passed the following bms and poses," approved October 14, 1940, as on Foreign Affairs. joint resolution, in which it. requested amended; without amendment (Rept. No. 1492). Referred to the Committee of the the concurrence of the Senate: Whole House on the state of the Uni.on. H . R. 329. An act for the relief of Lulu Mr. MAY: Committee on Military Affahs. Heron; H. R. 6195. A bill removing restrletions on SENATE H. R. 331. An act for the relief of the the use, and terms of service, of units and Mount Whitney Power & Electric Co.; members of the land and naval forces of the THURSDAY, DECEMBER 11, 1941 H. R. 691. An act for the relief of Richard Jrnited States, including selective trainees of Bove; the United States; without amendment The Very Reverend Z~Barney T. Phil­ . H. R. 962. An act for the relief of Multno­ (Rept. No. 1493). Referred to the Commit­ lips, D. D., Chaplain of the.Senate, offered mah County, Oreg.; tee of the Whole House on the state of the the following prayer: H. R. 1535. An act for the relief of the Union. estate of John J. Murray; 0 Father of Mercies and Lover of men, H. R. 1755. An act for the relief of c. M. -deepen and quicken in us by the in­ Sher:rod and Daisy Mimms, administratrix PUBLIC BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS of the estate of Arthur Mimms; dwelling of Thy spirit such a sense of H R. 1903. An act for the relief of Reuben _ Under clause 3 of rule XXII, public Thy presence as will enable us to meet Owen; bills and resolutions were introduced and all difficulties and temptations with · H. R. 2120. An act for the relief of John severally referred as follows: steadfastness of heart, that we may pass H. Durnil; By Mr. MAY: this day tlhankful for the privilege of H. R. '2192. An act authorizing and· direct­ H. R. 6202. A bill to amend section 125 ot serving Thee as Thou deservest. Pro­ ing the Secretary of the Treasury to reim- . the National Defense Act of June 3, 1916 tect and assist, we humbly beseech Thee, burse Carrol D. Ward for the losses sustained (39 Stat. 216), as amended, so as to author­ all those who are serving our beloved by him by reason of the negligence of an ize citizens of foreign countries who are employee of the Civilian Conservation Corps; graduates of Air Corps advanced flying schools country at home or abroad, by land, by H. R. 2419. An act for the relief of Chan and Air Corps service schools to wear avia­ sea or in the air, and grant that, being Tsork-ying; tion badges; to the Committee on Military armed with Thy defense, they may be H. R. 2428. An act for the relief of G. F. Affairs. preserved · evermore in all perils, and Brown; By Mr. SMITH of West Virginia: being filled with Thy wisdom and girded H. R. 2436. An act for the relief of Hjalmar H. R. 6203. A bill authorizing the Secretary with Thy strength, they may do _their M. Seby; of War to sell and convey to the town of duty to Thy honor and glory, serving H. R. 2460. An act for the relief of Ruth' Marmet, W. Va., two tracts of land to be Thee without reproach. · Steward, administratrix . of the estate ot used for municipal purposes; to the Commit­ Luther F. Steward; tee on Military Affairs. Upon these Thy· servants, leaders of H. R. 2545. An act for the relief of Chin our Nation, we invoke Thy blessings with­ Hoy; out measure; grant to Thy people the H. R. 2922 . An act for the relief of Albert PRIVATE BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS gift of undivided loyalty; restrain us Edward Whiteside; H. R. 2967. An act for the relief ·of August Under clause ·1 of rule XXII, private from uttering any untrue or unkind Svelund; bills and resolutions were introduced and word, and keep us often silent, that, with H. R. 3087. An act for the relief of Ethel severally referred as follows: hearts attuned to Thine, we may speak Cohen; · By Mr. NORRELL: to Thee and hearken to Thy voice saying H. R. 3091. An act for the relief of Martin J. H. R. 6204. A bill for the relief of C. S. within us, "this is the way, walk ye in it," Price; Hobson; to the Committee on Claims. when from Thy path we are wont to H. R. 3225. An act for the relief of Dale r •. By Mr. O'TOOLE:' stray. We ask it in our Saviour's name. Barthel and others; . H. R. 6205 (by request). A bill for the re­ Amen. H. R. 3398. An act for the relief of Gerhard lief of Erminia Alleva; to the Committee on THE JOURNAL R. Fisher; Claims. H. R. 3433. An act for the relief Of Bessie On request of Mr. BARKLEY~ and by Pearlman and George Roth; H. R. 3966. An act for the relief of Estella PETtTIONS, ETC. unanimous consent, the reading of the Journal of the proceedings of Wednes­ King; Under clause 1 of rule XXII, petitions H. R. 4099. An act for the relief of Onie day, December 10, 1941, was dispensed Martin and Betty Martin; and papers were laid on the Clerk's desk with, and the Journal was approved. and referred as follows: · H. R. 4355. An act for the relief of Bella MESSAGE FROM THE HOUSE Cosgrove; 2144. By Mr. KRAMER: Petition of the H. R. 4436. An act for the relief of Mrs. United Federal Workers of America, Veterans' A message from the House of Repre­ Bertha M. Smith; Facility Local No. 44, West Los Angeles, Calif., sentatives, by Mr. Chaffee, one of its H. R. 4537. An act for the relief of H. D. Urging that Congressman RAMSPECK, Of reading clerks, announced that the House Bateman, Henry G. Conner, Jr., executor of Georgia, hold hearings on House bill 5730, had passed without amendment the fol­ the last will and testament of P. L. Wood­ which would provide for a decent living wage ard, and J. M. Creech; for Federal employees; to the Committee on lowing bills of the Senate: H. R. 4626. An act for the relief of the Jegal the Civil Service. 8.138. An act granting a pension to Mary guardian of Jane Hawk, a minor, and J. L. 2145. By Mr. RAMSPECK: Petition of H. M. Jane Blackman; Hawk; · Rogers and a number of other citizens of S. 201. An act for the relief of Henry H. R. 4665. An act for the relief of HarrY. Atlanta, Ga., and vicinity, opposing the pas- Kotila;- Kahn; 9650 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE DECEMBER 11 H.
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