List of Appointed Sector Officers of 14 Nos Acs Under West Tripura District in C/W Lok-Sabha Election, 2019 No of PS No & Name No of PS Sl No

List of Appointed Sector Officers of 14 Nos Acs Under West Tripura District in C/W Lok-Sabha Election, 2019 No of PS No & Name No of PS Sl No

List of appointed Sector Officers of 14 Nos ACs under West Tripura District in C/W Lok-Sabha Election, 2019 No of PS No & Name No of PS Sl No. Polling Station Number assigned Name & designation of the proposed Sector Officer Sector Head Quarter Station Contact details of A/C Location assigned 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 S.N. Salka Jamatia, Asstt. Engineer (SDO), PWD 1 44 to 50 Patni T.K 7 6 9436121339 (DWS) Sub-Division,Hezamara. 2 18 to 22, 27 & 29 Ajit Debbarma, SA, Hezamara BDOs Office, Hezamara 8 4 7005753977 3 1 to 6 , & 12 to 15 Binod Debbarma, JE, Hezamara RD Block Sundartilla Police Outpost 10 6 8787785193 4 7 to 11 & 16 & 17 Amit Debbarma, JE, Lefunga RD Block Ishanpur H.S. School 7 4 9485429009 51-Simna (ST) 23 to 26 & 30 to 34 Kaushik Debbarma, JE, Mohanpur RD Block BDOs Office, Hezamara 9 7 9774188642 6 35 to 43 Anjan Debbarma, JE, PWD (DWS), Hezamara O/o the Barkathal VC 9 8 9436540317 Sushanta Debbarma, Asstt. Engineer (SDO) 7 1 to 9 Mohanpur T.K. 9 8 9612176895 PWD(R&B) Sub-Division,Mohanpur. 8 26 to 33 Sri Tapas Paul, SDO, PWD(DWS) Mohanpur. Gopalnagar HS School 8 3 9436453708 9 10 to 16 Gopal Malla, SA, Mohanpur Jagatpur High School 7 6 9436125190 10 17 to 25 Swapan Das, JE, Mohanpur RD Block Mohanpur Class-XII School 9 8 8794268587 11 34 to 38 Raju Rabi Das, Agri Officer, SA, Mohanpur Fakirmura J.B. School 5 4 8974431993 12 2-Mohanpur 39 to 44 Sushanta Debbarma, JE, PWD(DWS), Mohanpur Dainmara High School 6 4 9436566018 13 45 to 50 Tapan Sen, SDO, PWD (WR), Mohanpur Lefunga R.D.Block 6 6 9436450388 14 51 to 56 Manab Roy, Supdt. Of Fisheries, Mohanpur Lefunga H.S. School 6 5 9436485542 Kunal Debbarma, Asstt. Professor, College of 15 1 to 10 & 12 Berimura HS School 11 6 8414931133 Agriculture 16 36 to 40 Sujit Ghosh, JE, Mohanpur Gandhigram T.K. 5 3 9612549209 17 11, 13 to 20 Richard Chakma, JE, Mohanpur RD Block Kamalghat HS School 9 3 9612683462 18 27 to 35 Subhendu Debbarma, JE, Bamutia RD Block Narsingrah HS School 9 6 9862275135 Premangshu Chakraborty, SDO, PWD(R&B), North 19 21 to 26 & 41 to 43 Gandhigram HS School 9 5 9436168628 Sub-Division Gandhigram 3-Bamutia(SC) 20 44 to 49 Soumitra De, Agri Officer, O/o the SA, Mohanpur Lembucharra Police Out Post 6 5 9436944441 21 50 to 53 Abhijit Gupta, JE, PWD (DWS), Mohanpur Damdamia Girls SB School 4 4 9436138511 22 Reserve Dr. Durga Prasad Awasthi, College of Agri, 9862274967 23 Sub- Reserve Sukanta Das, Asstt. Prof. TIT 9436589793 Division Mohanpur 24 Reserve for Reserve Juthika Debbarma, JE, PWD (WR), Mohanpur 9612304218 Biswajit Das, EE, O/o the EE. PWD, Jirania Sub- 25 1 to 12 DC Para ICDS Centre 12 6 9436459277 Division 26 13 to 23 Sujit Das, CDPO, Mandai AMC Ward Office, Kashipur 11 5 70058117106 Sudipta Chowdhury, SDO, PWD (R&B), Khayerpur O/o the SDO , PWD (R&B) , 27 24 to 30 7 3 9436458641 Sub-Division Khayerpur 28 31 to 40 Pankaj Dalal, IS, Jirania Old Agaratala Block HQ 10 4 7005467141 5-Khayerpur 29 41 to 46 Debasish Deb, ASO, O/o the SA, Mandai Lembu chara SB School 6 4 9436138502 Rambahadur Reang, SDO, PWD O/o the SDO, PWD Purba Noagaon Gram 30 47 to 57 11 8 7005295714 (DWS), Jirania Panchayet Office Ranirbazar Municipal Council 31 1 to 4 and 10 to 13 Manish Das, Asstt. Director, O/o the SA, Mandai 8 5 8416013133 Office O/o Electric Call Office, 32 14 to 19 and 24 to 28 Pradip Das, SA, Mandai 11 8 8837409087 Mohanpur Subal Das, AE, O/o the SDO, PWD (R&B), Jirania Sub- 33 5 to 9, 20 to 23 and 31 to 32 Harijay Chowdhury Para GP 11 8 9612041941 Division 34 33 to 44 Litan Das, JE, O/o the SDO, PWD (R&B), Jirania Jirania Nagar Panchayat 12 7 7005517780 10-Majlishpur Pintu Debbarma, SDO, PWD(R&B), Jirania Sub- 35 29 to 30, 45, 53 to 56 Mandai Block Office 7 4 7005245696 Division 36 46 to 52 and 57 to 58 Biswajit Das, SA, Jirania Jirania RD Block 9 5 9436457754 Upendra Debbarma, PO, Social Education, PO 37 3 to 6 and 9 to 13 Laxmipur T.K. 9 5 9436124498 Building, TTAADC 38 1 to 2 , 7 to 8, 15 to 18 Nirmalendu Chakma, SDO, PWD (DWS), Mandai Ramchandra Nagar VC Office 8 5 9436990859 39 14, 19 to 27 Natya Kr. Jamatia, SDO, PWD (R&B), Mandai Shib Nagar TK 10 6 7005344544 Jugal Debbarma, E/E, O/o the E/E, PWD, West Zone, 40 43 to 49 Jirania Khola VC Office 7 7 8837242566 TTAADC Rati Ranjan Debbarma, Asst Engineer , SDO , PWD 41 30 to 34, 38 Mandwi RD Block HQ 6 6 9436181887 (R&B) , Khumulwng Kabiray Debbarma, Asstt. Director, O/o the PO, Agri, Purba Debendra Nagar GP 42 11-Mandai (ST) bazaar 50 to 62 13 8 8787563170 Khumlung Office 43 28 to 29, 35 to 37, 39 to 42 Ashis Das JE, (Gr-I) O/o the Mandai RD Block Mandai RD Block 9 7 7005816725 Subindra Debbarma, Sr. Manager, TSECL, Mandai 44 Reserve 9612285102 Division 45 Reserve Dilip Debnath, PEO, BDO Old Agartala RD Block 8732898407 Division Reserve Reserve for 46 Jirania Sub- Reserve 47 1 to 8 & 19 to 20 Shyamal Banik, E.E, PWD, Store Div, Agartala Sukhamoy H/S School 10 5 9436121181 Sajal Chakraborty, Estate Officer, PWD (R&B), Netaji Nutan Nagar HS Balika 48 9 to 14 & 16 to 18 9 5 9436455019 Chowmuhani, Agartala Vidyalaya Partha Sarathi Datta Muhuri, EE, PWD, Capital 49 21 to 26 & 29 Lankamura H/S School 7 4 8787782110 Complex Division, Agartala Moulindu Debbarma, Scientific Officer, Deptt. of Madhyabhubanban Uccha 50 27 to 28, 30 & 34 4 3 9436450761 Science & Technology Vidyalaya Dilip Debnath, EE, O/o the Addl. CE, Planning and 51 (SC)4-Barjala 31 to 33, 35 to 36, & 39 Barjala HS Vidyalaya 6 4 9436476590 Design Unit PWD (WR), kunjaban 52 15, 37 to 38, 40 to 44 Laxman Goswami, EE, CE, NH-44, PWD Sri Krishna Mission HS School 8 4 9436457435 53 45 to 49 Tushar Kanti Choudhury, EE, CE, PWD, PMGSY Chanmari Uccha Vidyalaya 5 2 9436476246 Acharya Prafulla Chandra 54 1 to 5, 9 to 10 Surajit Bhattacherjee, EE, CE, RD, Agartala Smriti Vidyamandir, New 7 3 9436123359 Kunjaban , Township Sujay Datta Choudhury, DDH, Dir of Horti & Soil 55 8, 11, 32 & 40 to 41 Henry Derozio High School 5 3 9612242892 Conservation Abhoynagar Najrul Smriti HS 56 28 to 31, 33 to 35 Pritesh Das, EE, O/o the Directorate of FW & PM 7 3 9436501404 school (old complex) Bhati Abhoynagar SB Girls 57 12 to 13, 21 to 27 Narayan Prasad Chakraborty, EE, DWS, Div No.I 9 4 9436137788 School Kasem Ali Smriti Bhati 58 6-Agartala 14 to 20 Sitangshu Chakraborty, EE, SE, DWS Circle Abhoynagar Hrishi Colony JB 7 4 9436128196 school 6 to 7, 36, 38 to 39, 42 to 44, 50 59 Ajay Jamatia, EE, Agriculture West Industrial Training Institute 9 4 9862520598 to 51 Dilip Chowdhury, EE, O/o the CE, PWD (R&B), 60 45 to 49 Nandannagar HS school 5 3 9436457085 Secretariat Complex Nikhil Debnath, EE, O/o the Addl. CE, Planning & 61 37, 52 to 55 Chandrapur JB School 5 2 7005647883 Design WR, Agartala Manimoy Debnath, DDH, O/o the Director, 62 1, 5, 13 to 14, 17 to 20 Dakshin Ramnagar S.B School 8 4 9436465168 Agriculture Swapan Mitra, Manager, O/o the Directorate of 63 2 to 4, 6 to 9 Rampur SB School 7 5 9436503974 Industry & Commerce 64 10 to 12, 15 to 16, 21, 31 to 32 Khokan Ch Das, EE, PWD, WR, Div No.II Vivekananda Vidyalaya 8 5 7005768891 65 22 to 30 Dilip Kumar Roy, EE, AMC Rajnagar High School 9 5 9436131244 7-Ramnagar Shishubihar Ucchatara 66 33 to 36, 41, 43, 47 to 49 Subir Das, EE, SE, DWS Circle, PN complex 9 6 9436186312 Madhyamik Vidyalaya Sajal Paul, EE, O/o S.E, PMGSY, Netaji Chowmuhani, 67 37 to 40, 42, 44 to 46 Pragati Vidya Bhaban 8 3 8794495561 Agartala Bidyut Datta, Joint Director, Directorate of IT, 68 1 to 9 Bani Vidyapith Girls HS school 9 4 9436455930 Agartala P.P Ghosh Adhikari, EE, O/o S.E, 4th Circle, Netaji 69 10 to 17 & 20 Maharani Tulsibati HS school 9 6 9774130330 Chowmuhani 70 18 to 19, 21 to 23 & 51 to 56 Partha Pratim Bhattacharjee, EE, CE, PWD, PMGSY Directorate of ICA 11 5 9436453381 Swasata Sen, Jt. Director, Director of Tribal Welfare, Vivekananda Vidyamandir 71 45 to 49, 37 to 39 & 50 9 2 9436582463 Gurkhabasti High School 8-Town-Bardowali Joydeep Chakraborty, EE, Agartala Municipal Sankaracharya Vidyaniketan 72 33 to 36, 40 to 44 9 3 9436122536 Corporation HS School Sudip Debbarma, District Insp. Of Social Education, 73 24 to 32 Dr. BR Ambedkar High School 9 2 9402353640 West Tripura Madhusudan Debnath, Sr. Scientific Officer, Tripura 74 1 to 7, 12 to 13 & 16 Prachya Bharati H.S School 10 5 9436453852 State Council for Science & Technology Swami Dayalananda 75 8 to 11, 23 to 25 Kanai Lal Dey, EE, O/o the SE, WR, Circle-1 7 2 2356469 Vidyaniketan HS school Shri Dulal Chakraborty, DGM (Civil), O/o the Addl.

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