-•^ - Jii^Li^' t-iMii&i^ Hi.OAKi.N IffiUOiaj.L LlBhi.iiY ?, .rT It..VF,ll, CT. WHAT EAST HAVEN BOOSTS BOOSTS EAST HAVEN! MAKE EAST HAVEN A BIGGER, BETTER, BUSIER COMMUNITY olljp lEast Batif« 5 Combined With The Branford Review VOL. VI—NO. 52 EAST HAVEN, CONNECTICUT, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 7, 1950 B Conlj Por Copy—Two Dollart A Yoar TOWN- THIRTEEN ONE FAMILY Overcrowding TOPICS HOMES LISTED AMONG Marks School Biidget Hearing We've just gotten our hands BUILDING ACTIVITIES Opening, Here on a mid-August Issue of The ProTincetown (Mass.) Advocate Thirteen permits to build thli- Date Unset Ais Routine classes for npproxlmnlcly in xvliich we read the followine; teen one tanTlly houses wore grant­ Five Guardsmen 2375 pupils started In East Ha­ about Post Office personality ed In East Haven by the Building ven lodav after an abbrlcvlaled Barney Gebcrsky and his family Department during the month of Depart Next Week opening day on Wednesday and as "Seven-year-old Bobby Geber- August, it was announced today by usual over the past several yearti sky, of 476 Thompson Ave., East Building Inspector Arthur Rlcclo. Five East Haven men will be overcrowding Is still evident despite 9loai*cl Uises; Axe Kaven, who Is staying with litis Additional construction permits included in the roster of Com­ new changes which brought two re­ folks at George Barnes' Crows for twelve garages, additions and pany D, 102d Infantry R,eg;nicnt modeled scliools back into the Nest is being treated with the various other improvements were of the 42d .Division when it system. The prcsure ot business on tho respect he rates from veteran noted in the statement which In­ leaves tor Camp Pickett, Va. Yesterday's sessions, .were cur­ Buard or I'lnanco lins not allowed fishermen including his dad dicated that $90,000 would be spent next week. tailed early to allow tor Important NEW HAVEN CONCERN us 10 call a pubnc hearing on tho who thought the boy old en- in construction improvements.' They are Lieutenant Frank meetings among the faculties of the new buagci. requests, as yet. Fust ougTi to try his hand at deep While the sum Is somewhat lower A, Barker Jr., of 45 High Street; system at their schools and then Selectman Frank S. Clancy said sea fishing. Wiien the "Caro­ than in oast months, new building Corporal William H. Augur, 14'o tor a single large meeting with Supt. MAY SEEK SITE, HERE yesterday. line" docked that evening Bobby is currently slower bicause of the Hemingway Avenue; Private William E. GllUs in the high school 'I'no Board is in session each week hauled ashore a 19-pound and fall season!. It was explained, that David B. SantoKl, 248 HcmiUig- midway through the afternoon. The M-B Mnnutacturlng Com­ night paring corners so as to avoid a 16-pound haddock as well as person.s' who Intend to be housed way Avenue; Ret. John Cucurel- Transportation of school chlidicn Dan PariUa Named pany of New Haven may be consid­ a lax increase. It was said. a two-and-a-half pound hake, In new homes before winter sets In lo, 193 North High Street and will continue to ibe one of the ering East Haven as a possible Originally a total request ot topping the total caught by all would have already had their per­ Ret. Frank Stoddard, 1C3 North school board's most vox'ng prob­ To Public Safety lid. site tor Its new home, the tiicory $8;ia,4u7.2b to run tno town's de­ others in the party. As for dad, mits previous to August. High Street. lems this venr arid there was talk was expressed hero today. partments was asked ot the Finance well, he wrapped his M-ouncc The sum is higher that in Company D was inducted Into yesterday that the Superintendent Dan A. Pnrilla, nialn Sttcct While town otilelals were mum group but advance IndloalionS. hake up in a piece of- paper proportionate months over the U.S. Army service last Tuesday of Schools may seek the purchase Mcrcliunl, was appointed tills on the situation. It is known that poini, to a general cutting In all and brought it home." past five years, however. morning at one minute after of a station wagon with which to week to fill an unexpired term the Planning Commission lias been aepartmcnts to avoid an eight mill The construction costs did not midnlglit. Tile above men arc avoid long bus waits by children of the Board of Public Safety. working for months to induce now increase which would have to bo es­ Two of the big catches recently include the estimate to be spent currently stationed at the Goffc of the town particularly in Parilla, a rcgistcrad Republi­ industries Into tlio town. tablished it all requests were grant­ noted In local waters were the re­ Tor 83 electrical changes In the Street Armor)', Momauguin. can, succeeds Lyman Goodrich, The New Haven concern oper­ ed. sults of Ted Weed and Fritz Mlg- town. Nor for the probable costs Tlie date of actual departure wim recently resigned because ated a branch office here during ' Clancy has cbnsistantly maintain­ dalskl. Weed recently hooked a Actual figures on opening day the war, of plumbing changes, oil burner In­ has been set for September 14. enrollment will riot bo available of the pressure of his own per­ ed that ho was opposed to nny seven pound, seven ounce bass and stallations and costs of excavations. Tile company will move by sonal business. The firm yesterday withdrew an raise In the • tax rate and ap­ the assistant hlBh school coach is until Friday, Gillis said yesterday. otter made to tho City ot Now The Inspector said that the one train. The new teachers on the faculty Tile new comniissionor is parently tho Board of Rlnanco wlU still beamlnK oyer the 3 lb., 5 oz. family homes to be erected are widely known throughout East Haven In which It would buy a go along' with his wish. • pickerel he. lilted from Its habitat of .the East Hayen schools were portion of Blake Field to extend When tho date is set for the scattered throughout the town and taken on a visit jto the town hall, Haven wilicre ho ha.s been en­ its operations. 485 people are cur­ are not oart of any private hous­ library and olhericentral points by gaged in business for the past heormg (and It probably wlU bo Mr. and Mrs. James' Thomson Clancy Lauded rently employed by tlio concern. bofoi'o Soptember 20th) heads ol tho and sons, Scott and Kent of ing projects. Supt. ot Schools .William E. aiUls 26 years. He is a mcnilicr of tho The company plans to add about Radburn, N. J. are holiday In addition to the 25 building Tuesday atternon to acquaint Rotary ciul) licrc and is its 250 new workers to its iiersonnel. various town dopanmonts will bo visitors at the Thomas Thomson permits: other permits granted in­ them with the town. Yesterday former president. He likewise In withdrawing tho bid, Treas­ asked lo oxplalti publicly why they home, ForI)esPlacc. cluded 27 for oil burners. 16 excava­ For Generosity there was a joint teachers' meet­ is prominent in Gliamhcr of urer George Mettler said that the need tho funds and to explain Just tions, 63 tor electrical changes, 22 ing and al.so scporate high school Commerce affairs firnx was studying one or two what is expected lo bo done with Earl Thomas, Elm Court, return­ sentlc tanks and 22 plumbing per­ arid elementary: teachers' meeting area sites. Speculation hero Is that tho money, it granted, ed trcyn 10 day flshlnR cruise to mits. By Businessman In the high school. Schools opened East Haven is one of the areas. Tlio s.vstem Is in use In many 1 W Block Island. Reported quite rough Four oil burner licenses, 8 yesterday morning with large en­ One ot the reasons for the with­ towns and cities throughout the sailing and " plenty inclemeni electrical licenses and .5 plumbing First Selectman Frank S. Clancy rollments and after registration Regan Council drawal ot the offer to purchase state and is consistant with a weather. licenses w6re Issued. this week received a letter from a and assignments closed for the af­ Mettler said, was tho time needed campaign promise made^by Clancy prominent local business man, ternoon. Regular sessions will be- to complete tho transaction. Enab- a .voar ago. Shades of Xmas!—The Ray Frank Messina, expressing gratitude •gin today. The high school caf­ Block Dance ling legislation from the General In asking tor $820,407,25, an In­ . Langlois family from Momau- tor his recent action in sending 36 eteria, will also open for the first Assembly is necessau' before pub­ crease ot $100i027,57, over last ycn;r's guin made special trip to North Beach Day Fete of East Haven's youngsters to New time today. lic park lands can bo sold. granted budget ot $723,370.68, Pole last week. North Pole, N. Y. York for a baseball game. Set^pt. 23 Opposition to tho plan was cry-Schools made the biggest individual —that is—situated in town of The letter follows: slallzed by Bartholomew Gulda, bid for ttddillonal,funds. Tile Polloo Wilmington—high up on White Wins Approval Words can not express my feel Edw, Griswold/ Father Regan Council, No. 3300, Democratic alderman from the and Fire Departments came next. Face Mt. Saw Old Kris himself Ings in the way you unselfishly Knights of Columbus is planning a 14th Ward, where the M-B plant Both tlio latter have the view ol and missus, Plus working elves undertook to reward the boys of giant block dance for Main Street is located.
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