L'ùo.GUE OF NATIONS (Communicated to the Council.) C.324,1935. Geneva, September 5th,1935. NUMERICAL LIST OF DOCUMENTS DISTRIBUTED TO THE COUNCIL. No^3 (August 1935) Part I Official number SUBJECT 0.462(b).M,198(b).1934.XI @ Estimate5 world requirements of dangerous drugs in 1 9 3 5 S^fccnd "supplement to the statement . of the Supervisory Body. C.482.M.209.1934.VIII,Addendum. Enquiry on national public works.- Further replies from Governments. 0.169.M.93.1935.II.A,Corrigendum 34th Report of the Commissioner in Bulgaria,- V . Erratum. C. 251.M. 123.19 35. VI Permanent Mandates Commission (27th Session, June 1935. ) Minutes and report. c.257.(j).M.129(j).1935.VII and war material Supply, of-arms/to Bolivia .and Paraguay.- ..Communications from Venezuela, the Netherlands, Australia, Irish Free State, and India, C.257(k).M.129(k).1935.VII Communication from Belgium. 0.268. M.136.1,935. II.A Committee of Statistical Experts (4th Session, June 1935).- Report. @ Confidential- document. French text-only. C.276,M«143.1935.VIII Permanent Committeo on Road Traffic.{9th Ses­ sion, June 1955 ).- Report. C.278.M.145.1935.XII International Institute of Intellectual co­ operation (12 th SesslonT July 1935).- Repôrt by the Governing Body, Budget for 1936 , Accounts for 1934 and report by the Auditor, C.289. M.153.1935. Council, League,(88th Session, September 1935) Provisional agenda {August 9,1935). C.292.M.155.1935. Numerical list of documents distributed to the Members of the League ,- No,7 (July 1935). C.293.M,156.1935.VIII Permanent Committes for transpcr t by rail (8th Session, May 1935).'- Report. C.294.M.157.1935,VII ; Dispute between Ethiopia and Italy.- Draft - resolution No. 1 by President of Council, C.295,M.158.1935,VII Dispute between Ethiopia and Italy.- Draft resolution No, 2 by President of Council. C,296,M.159,1935.VII Dispute between Ethiopia and 'italy.- Tele­ gram from the Ethiopian Government (August 4,1935), ' * . * C.298.M.160.1935,II.A Foreign trade statistics.- Letter from the Government of U.S.S.R. (Tune 11,1935) and principal points of a convention relating to the unification of customs statistical - returns. C.303.M,161.1935.II,A Danzig State loan of 1927.- 8th annual' report of the Trustee (July 1,1934- June 30,1935), C.309„M.162,1935,VI and Annexes. Permanent Mandates Commission (27th Session, June 1935)Note by the Secretary-General, Minutes and report of the Session and annual reports of Mandatory Powers on Palestine and Transjordan (1934)0 ,Syria and Lebanon (1934)@@ Tanganyika (1934)®, New Guinea (1933-1934)®, Nauru (1934)®, South West Africa (1934)® English text only, one copy only distributed to each Member of the League, French text only; one copy only distributed to each Member of the League. - 3 - C, 310.M *163.1935«V Nationality of Women.- 2nd report of the Secre­ tary-General . • ■ C.312.M. 164.1935.VII Dispute between Ethiopia and Italy.- Letter^ f^Œâ”thë"Ethiopian* Government (August 12,1935) C.323.M.166.1935.V Death of M. Schucking, Judge of the Permanent Court of international Justice.- Letter from the Registrar (August 26,1935). A.2(1).1935. 'Assembly, League, (16th Session. September 1935) Agenda and supplementary list of items.(August 19,1935). A. 3(b).1935.X Grants of the Rockefeller Foundation towards the budget of the Health Organisation.- Accounts for 1934 and report by the Auditor. A,4(c).1935.X Nansen International Office for refugees.- Budget for 1936. A.4(d) .1935.X .Finances League.- Supplementary budget for 1936. A.5(a).1935.X Supervisory Commission 2nd report to the 1935 Assembly, A.15.1935.X Contributions in arrear.- Report to the As- - sembly by the Committee for settlement of contributions in arrear. A.16.1935, Committees of the League of Nations. Report by the Special Committee, A.18,1935.X Partial renewal of the Supervisory Commission. Report by the Secretary-General, G.L.121,1935,II,B Convention providing a uniform law for bills of exchange and promissory notes.Convention for the settlement of certain conflicts of laws in connection with bills of exchange fc promisso- ry notes and Convention on the stamp laws in connection w ith bills of exchange & promissory note's (June 193oT . - Application to the Nether­ lands Indies and Curacao. - 4 - C.L.122.1935.II.A and Annexes @ C.1.122(a).1935.II*A, and Annexes. @@ Privileges to be granted to the B^nk for Inta?- ûational Settlements.- Note by- the Secretary^ General, Decision of the Chinese Government (May 6,1935) and Declaration of the Norwegian Government (July 13,1935) C.L.123.1935.Y Optional clause provided in the Protocol of signature concerning the Statute of the Perma­ nent Court of International Justice (December 1920)»- Ratification by Greece. C.L,124.193 5.VIII Convention concerning the unification of road signals and Convention on the taxation of foreign motor vehicles (March 193l).- Acces- sion of the U.S.S.R, C.L.125,1935,IV @@@ C.L.125(a).1935 »IV.@@@@ Annual reports of Governments on traffic in women and children and annual reports,on obscene publications,- Note by the Secretary General. C.L.126.1935.VIII Convention relating to the transmission in transit of electric power (December 9,19'£3) Accession of Iraq. C.L.127.1935.VIII Convention concerning the unification of road signals (March 1951),- Application to Algeria, C.L*128.1935.XII and Annexes. Draft international law of the sale of goods and Draft uniform law respecting the liability of innkeepers.- Note by the Secretary-Gene­ ral and texts, C.L.129,1935,IV International Convention for the suppression of the traffic in women of full age,"(October 1933).- Ratification by Czechoslovakia, @ Distributed to thibse Members and Non Members .represented ' at Monetary and Economic Conference non pasties to Hague Agreement of January 20,1930,except Siam and Switzerland, @@ Distributed to those Members parties to Hague Agreement of January 20,1930 and to Switzerland. @@@ Distributed to those Members not having forwarded annual reports either on traffic in women & children or on obscene publications. Distributed to those Members having forwarded an annual report on traffic in women and children but not on obscene publications. C.L.130.1935.Ill Inter-Governmental Conference on biological standardisation (October 1955).- Note by the Secretary-General and provisional agenda. C.L.131.1935,7 Convention concerning the marking of weight on jieavy packages transported by vessels (June 19g9l adopted by the Internatlonal Labour Conference (lgtïT Session) .- Ratification by France. C.L. 133.193 5. IV International Convention for the suppression of the traffic in women of full age (October 1935).- Ratification by Hungary.' " • C.L.134.1935,V Convention concerning the marking of the weight on heavy packages transported by vessels (June 1929) adopted by the International Labour Conference (12th Session).- Ratif1ca- tion.by Austria. C.L.136 »1935*V Convention concerning the age of admission of children to employment in agriculture, Conven­ tion concerning the rights of association and combination of agricultural workers and Con­ vention concerning workmens compensation in agriculture (November 1921) adopted by the International Labour Conference (3rd Session) Ratification by Cuba. DOCUMENTS ISSUED BY THE PERMANENT OPIUM CENTRAL BOARD. N.L*5 @ and Annex N.L.5 (a) Notifications provided for under paragraph 2 of Article 14 of the Convention of July 1931 for limiting the manufacture and regulating the distribution of narcotic drugs.-Motification (August 30,1935^ Distributed to States parties to 1931 Convention 3 Distributed to Stâtes non parties to 1931 Convention with N.L.5. - 6 - SPECIAL DOCUMENTS. C/87th Session (Extr.)P.V,l(l) C/87th Session (Extr.)P.V»2(1) Official Journal,' 16th Year, No.6 (June 1935) Official Journal, 16th Year, No,7 (July 1935) World production and prices.- 1925-1934. Annual Epidemiological report for 1933.- E .1,18. Monthly list of books catalogued in the Library.- 8th Year, Nos. 6-7 (June-July 1935)® Monthly bulletin of statistics, Volume XVI, No.8 (August 1935). , Chronology of international treaties and legislative measures, 6th Year, Nos. 7-8 (June 16-Aûgust 15,1935).© Registration of treaties, No, 166 (July 1935) ■ Treaty Series^ Volume CLII, Monthly Summary, Volume XV, No.7 (July 1935) @ Distributed to those States"only which have requested copies. - 7 - Part II 0.288.1935,IV A ssessor to the Child Welfare Committee.- Note by the Secretary-General, 0,291.1935.1 Minorities in Roumania.- Supplementary petition @ by Count Bethlen, on behalf Of the Hungarian Party in Roumania (May 1,1935) and relevant letter @ from the Roumanian Government (July 23,1935). C.292.1935, Numerical list of documents distributed to the Members of Council.- No.7 (July 1935)» C.297.1935.II.B Definition of terms "importer” and "exporter" and Compulsory notification of contemplated changes in"customs tariffs.- Report by the Polish Representative, C*299.1935*IV Representation of Japan on the Advisory Com­ mission for the protection and welfare of children and young people,- Letter from the Japanese Government (May 31,1935), 0*300,1935.XI Representation of Japan on the Advisory. Com­ mittee on traffic in opium and other dangerous drugs.- Letter from the Japanese Government "(May 29,1935). C.301,1935. Appointments made in the Secretariat since the last session of the Council List by the Secretary-General. 0*302.1935. Financial situation of the League on July 31, 1935o- Memorandum by the Secretary-General. P.304.1935.X Expenses of the Committee of Thirteen on measures to render the Covenant more effective in the organisation of collective security.- Letter from the Acting Secretary-General to the President of Council (July 31,1935) and reply (August 2,1935).
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