Fall Book Issue THE [IVING CHURCH AN INDEPENDENT WEEKLY SUPPORTING CATHOLIC ANGLICANISM • OCTOBER 12, 2008 • $2 . 50 - --::::=------==-=---= - • • I i I qI.u ,.......- THE LIVING CHURCH Christmas Book and Gift Issue November 16, 2008 Have a Chr istmas book or new title to sell for the holidays? TLC is a must for promoting new titles , children's books, holiday CDs and gifts. Reach more than 10,000 readers Promote special events, programs or conferences for 2009 Closing Date: October 1 7 Artwork Due: October 21 Color advertis ing ava ilable For more information , contact Tom Parker [email protected] (414) 276-5420 ext. 16 www.livingchurch.org ;,~M(~D~f!litt~~ -r~:tr~iutt~. dr ,~!-lia,1:16r.ff[~9s}[(~~r;;~~-ist~~,!i_9r{:'.(~-~y~f!l fl?lLC2.g;T~. January 4. Be sure ;to book ~our advertising now, as space is limited. Closing is pecember 3 . THELIVI NG CHURCH magazine is published by the Living Church Foundation, Inc. The historic mission of the Living Church Foundation is to promote and support Catholic Anglicanism within the Episcopal Church. THIS WEEK Features News 13 Prairie Bridge Builder 10 Anglican Covenant Could Be BYJOHN SCHUESSLER Operative by May Opinion OtherDepartments 17 Editor's Column 4 Sunday's Readings Too Much to Explain 5 Books 18 Editorials Anglicans in th e Literary World 25 Short & Sharp 19 Reader's Viewpoint 27 People & Places Wisdom for Our Times BY WILLIAMGE ISLER Onthe Cover 21 Letters A depiction of St. Matthew from the Book of Kells. Camp Clarificat ions OCTO BER 12. 2008 · T H E LIVING C H URC H 3 80-tid O~l SUNDAY'S READINGS CHOIR CHAIR ExaltingOur God 'For many are called but Jew are chosen' (Matt. 22: 14) The 22nd Sundayafter Pentecost(Proper 23A), Oct. 12, 2008 BCP: Isaiah 25: 1-9; Psalm 23; Phil. 4:4-13; Matt. 22: 1-14 RCL:Exod . 32 :1-14 and Psalm 106:1-6 , 19-23; or Isaiah 25:1-9 and Psalm 23; Phil. 4:1-9; Matt. 22:1-14 There is good reason to exalt our The psa lmist tells us that God pre­ God, for as Paul's Letter to the Philip­ pares a meal for us in the presenc e of pians points out, we are not to worry our enemies - a promising sign of his with FIBRE RUSH SEAT about anything. We are to make care of us, and an accurate reflection Since 1877 known our requests to God, and the of his providence. peace of God, which surpasses all And the prophet Isaiah speaks of a R.Geissler-l Inc. understanding , will guard our hearts heavenly banquet where only the best 2641 E. Greystone Ct. and minds in Christ Jesus (Phil. 4:4). of food and wine will be served, a Eagle, ID 83616 This a comforting thought. Episco­ measure of how much God values his Phone: (800) 862-3159 palians and other Anglicans who hear whole creat ion, and how much love he www. rgeissler. com it are likely to be reminded of the final has for it. blessing of the Eucharist. Eating together, when it finally Paul elaborates a bit about not wor­ occurred , was taken seriously. When rying when he writes that he has an invitation was received and a learned to be content with whatever response made , a commitment was he has, whether it is little or plenty, for created. he has exper ienced both . Some of us It was in this context that Jesus told can identify with this. During a time of the parable of the king who gave a econo mic prosperity , we lacked noth­ feast, which is the gospel for today. No ing. But in recent weeks , as the econ­ one could take an invitation from the omy turned sour, and hurricanes king lightly or casual ly. If you were strnck parts of this country and the invited, you appeared at the right time Caribbean, more of us could identify and in the right dress . The appear­ with Paul's words, "being in need." ance, after all, was a sign of the impor­ There is additional encouragement tance of the relationship. We shou ld to be found in these lessons in the not take this relationship lightly. stressing of the importan ce of meals . LookIt Up Luke's version of this gospel story (14:16-24) has a different emphasis. ThinkAbout It While the parables in this gospe l focus on a wedding banquet, it is fairly obvi­ ous to see their connection to God's kingdom. NextSunday The 23rd SundayAfter Pentecost(Proper 24A), Oct. 19, 2008 BCP: Isaiah45:1-7 ; Psam96 or 96:1-9; 1 Tress. 1:1-10; Matt. 22:15-22 RCL:Exod. 33: 12-23 and Psalm 99; or Isaiah 45: 1-7 and Psalm 96: 1-9 (10-13); 1 The ss. 1: 1-10; Matt. 22: 15-22 4 T II E I IVING CHURCH· OCTO I\ ER 12. 2008 BOOKS Feed My Lambs Making the Scriptures and Lectionary Come Alive Disciplesof All Nations for Young Children Pillarsof WorldChristianity Volume 1, 122 pages By Lamin Sanneh. Oxford University Press. By Beverly Easterling Pp. 384. $19.95. ISBN 978-0195189612 . Feed My Lambs sets a special place at God's This latest work by Lamin Sanneh Table for the Church Present: Our Childr en. offers a compelling historical analysis Following the three-year lectionary cycle of the shift in Christianity from a large ly Western phenomenon to a in one well organized volume, Feed My Lambs truly global religion. The greatest connects children ages 4 thru 11 to the scriptures strength of Sanneh's approa ch resides in short but exciting presentations. in his willingness to challenge domi­ Each Sunday 's lesson includes the scripture used for the presentation, nant readings of church history. For a short synopsis, supply list and questions and answers. instan ce, while Sanneh readily admits Excellent for: Episcopal clergy, youth ministers, school chaplains, the sins and short­ Sunday school teachers and parents! comings of Western missionaries , he "The concept is an excellent one, and the ideas are do-able seeks at the same within a five minute time frame. A useful education tool!" time to show how The Rev. Dr. Arno ld W. Klukas, Assoc iate Professor of Liturgics the modern mis­ and Asce tical Theology , Nashotah Hous e Theological Seminary sions effort was not simply a hegemonic $30 (plus s & h) force, but con­ Available at www.WinterTreesPublishing.com tained within its or contact us: thomson @WinterTreesPublishing.com message the seeds (318) 880-4215 of political resistan ce and liberation Winter Trees Publishing, P.O. Box 14053, Alexandria, LA 71301 that would eventually flower into the powerful Christian witness that we are seeing in Africa, Asia, and Latin America today. WRESTLINGWITH Disciples of All Nations represe nts LIFE'S TOUGH ISSUES almost a kind of apologia for contin­ What Should a Christian Do? ued Christia n mission among unreached people groups. If I had one CLAIRE DISBREY complaint about the book, it would Facedwith making moral decisionsinformed by have to be Sanneh 's occasional ten­ the Bible,Ch ristians can oftenbe torn between dency to paint in too broad strokes. As "keeping the law" and "doing what lovedemands'.' an examp le, Sanneh demonstrates a ClaireDisbrey suggests that Scripturesupports fervent bias against ecclesiast ical lan­ both perspectivesand offers a biblicallyba sed guages in worship . As he goes about "virtue ethics"g uide for believers. detailing the many varied benefits of "vernacular religion," Sanneh never The author provides helpfulcase studiesof brings into view evidence in favor of peoplecaught in complex life situations­ remarriage,su icide,comprom ise, abortion, social the opposing viewpoint. justice, generosity. Alignedwit h relevantNew If he had wanted to offer a more bal­ Testamentpassages concern ing righteousness, anced approach , Sanneh might have freedom, wisdom,l ove,peace, a nd grace,these touched briefly on, say, the impor­ realisticsce narios shed light on the difficult tance of eccles iastical Latin for the process of decidinghow best to applybiblical Roman Catholic Chur ch as it truths to specific personald ecisions and painful attempted to maintain coherency in $16.95 retail ethical dilemmas.Includ es a studyg uide for theology and worship during a turbu­ ISBN 978-1-59856-314-6 Paper • 185 pages individuals or small groups and suggestions for lent time in its history. This is a minor Available through Hendrickson Publishers further reading. complaint , though. All in all, Sanneh's only in the U.S. and its dependencies treatment is fair and immensely read­ and Canada able. I would recommend this book enthusiasti cally to both lay people and clergy who are intereste d in the AVAILABLE THROUGH YOUR LOCAL BOOKSTORE (Continued on next page) FOR MORE INFORMATION , VISIT US AT WWW .HENDRICKSON.COM OCTOBER 12. 2008 · TH E LIVING CI IURCH 5 BOOKS (Continued from previous page) look it up," this autho r admits. changing shape of world Christianity, Brown is a skilled interviewer and AN OWI, espec ially as this topic will only grow editor. He provides a welcome AM ONG in importance in the years to come. reminder that "secular " writing can RyanJ. Marr "raise more intriguing religious ques­ THE R UINS St. Lou is, Mo. tions than do many of the books sold in so-called Christian bookstor es." (The Rev.) Steven R. Foret Conversationswith American Tempe, Ariz. Writers The Doubt,the Faith,the In-Between By Dale Brown . Eerdmans. Pp. 317. $18. ISBN Surprisedby Hope 9780802862280. RethinkingHeaven , the Resurrection, Dale Brown believes that contem­ andthe Missionof the Church porary novelists can be as powerful By N.T.
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