SPEND THE HOUDAY BARGAIN HUNTING. SEE OUR CLASSIFIEDS! •:• Greater Newark's Hometown Newspaper Since 1910 •:• 87th Year. Iss · :l 30 c 1997 .. August 29, 1997 Newark, Del. • 50¢ TI-llS WEEK Main St. IN SPORTS parking LOCAL FOOTBALL TEAMS GFAR UP open later FOR THE By MARY E. PETZAK FALL. 18 NEWARK POST STAFF WRITER . T LEAST ONE PERSON in Newark wi11 sleep better now that city council has voted A to a1Jow parking on Main Street after 9:30 IN LIFESTYLE p.m. "This has been a longstanding problem," said Mayor Ronald Gardner. "I know, becau e I'm the one who got all the call s from people who were towed." , The Mayor added that he was happy about the BEEKEEPING( change, not because of the phone call , but becau e of all the "increased busine s out there at night" dri ~ ClASS AJill See PARKING, 5 ..,_ AT THE UNIVERSITY Watching IN THE NEWS water use summer of Jess than average rainfall has NEWARKERS • Newark scrambling to maintain water supplie . "Here come the students and still no rainfall ," said city water and wastewater director Joseph CAUGHT IN Dombrowski on Wednesday. "We're going to volun­ tary restrictions now in case we need to impose mandatory ones." GMDRUG The mandatory restrictions could come almost immediately. "The demand will jump on Sunday BUST. 2 when the first wave of freshman move on campus," said Dombrowski. "If the voluntary measures do not reduce con umption by approximately 20 percent, ltlk..,., 11ncy Troup was the queen of the hive recently when she participated In U.. we will have to impo e mandatory water restric­ ,.... Elltlm Apicuftural Society conference. The one-week session here drew Hilt tions.'' ..,.• apertencetl beekeepers c from as far away as Panama and Uruguay lnsltllllato UD TUITION ON lit wlrlll af lleel. Troup, a master beekeeper, was an Instructor. See Lifestyle, 11111 I. See WATER,·4 ..,_ THE RISE ONCE AGAIN. 3 INDEX NEWS 1-5 POLICE BLOTTER 2 OPINION 6 LIFESTYLE 8 THE ARTS 9 DIVERSIONS 10 CROSSWORD PUZZLE 11 SPORTS ·18·21 PEOPLENEWS OBITUARIES ct.MIIF.RS Visit us on the World Wide Web 1,\t~t ~ • 1 't:W.\RK PosT • Al't;L'ST 29, 1997 ~ l ,\ 'I ' P( I' ' •:• POLICE BLOTTER r • Police Blotter is compiled each the window of an apartment in A complaint wa~ called in on this time. •rt•t•k ji"rm1 the files of 1he Newark Town Court Apartments. Aug. 19 that playground equipment . Polia Departmem. the New Castle According to police reports the at West Park Elementary had been Entered by the roof Newarkers County Police Department and the resident of building 31 was walking defaced. IJC'immre State Police hy staff his dog and noticed a person look­ According to Newark Police Newark Police report that uTit£'1" Julia Samp.wn . ing into the window of his apart­ reports between Aug. 12 and Aug. between midnight Aug. 16 and 9: 15 ment. Inside his apartment was a 19 unknown persons wrote several a.m. Aug. 18 unknown persons caught in Police investigate female roommate. The resident words and phrases on new play­ entered Suburban Liquors in went back into the apartment to con­ ground equipment at West Park Suburban Plaza. GM drug death on S. College tact police without confronting the Elementary with black perman~nt According to police the suspects peeping tom. Officers responded marker. are thought to have gained entry Newark Police are currently and checked the area to no avail. Police have no leads at this time. from th~ roof of the shopping plaza. investigating the death of a 30-year­ The police have no further informa­ SuspectsJ also exited the same way. bust old Newark man. According to tion on the identity of the suspect. An undisclosed amount of cash and r\!pom. police were called to the Apartment entered liquor were taken. Newarkers Dennis .~00 block of South College Aven ue Office Burglarized Police are continuing their inves­ Bladen, 51, and Steve Aug. 25 about 2:45 a.m. by a neigh­ According to Newark Police a tigation. _ MciLvaine, 27, were among bor who reportedly heard a gunshot Newark Police report that resident at Center Street Apartments the 15 men arrested fo ll ow­ in a nearby residence. between Aug. 18 about 6 p.m. and reported that between Aug. 16 Car stolen ing a 16-month investigation The body wa\ pronounced dead Aug. 19 about 8 a.m. unknown per­ around II p.m . and Aug. 22 arou nd into suspected illegal drug at the ~ccne and was turned over to sons burglarized the office of Town 12:30 p.m. unknown persons were Newark Police report that sales at the General Motors the medical examiner\ office. Court Apartments. suspected of entering said resident's between 8:30p.m. Aug. 18 and 9: 30 Newark Police detectives and the Boxwood Plant. According to the report a mainte­ apartment. a.m. Aug. 19 a vehicle was stolen Others arrested include medical examiners office are con­ Upon returning to the apartment nance worker at the Apartments from the 300 block of Old Oak Steve Anderson, 32, Jay tinuing to investi gate the incident. found the office ransacked and a Aug. 22 the resident noticed a rip in Road . Hawthorne, 24, Otis which poli ce believe appears to calculator and copy machine dam­ the screen in the kitchen. The vehicle, a 1990 Oldsmobile, Henderson, 38, Raymond have been se lf inflicted. aged. Items missing include a According to police on Tuesday, was stolen from the owners drive­ Motorola pager, several master keys Aug. 19, a friend of the resident way. Police are unable to provide Acton, 39, John DuVall , 38, and a roll of postage stamps. drove by to check on the apartment further description of the vehicle. Luke lsom, 42, Merrill The case has been turned over to and noticed a light on at the address. No evidence_was left at the resi­ Stanton, 37, Kenneth Dietz, Peeping Tom detectives for further investigation. The resident reported that noth­ dence. The vehicle has not been 36, Jerome Lynch, 47, and It was reported to Newark Police ing appears to have been taken and recovered as of press time. Gary Wasno, 34, all of the on ly ev idence of forced entry is that ~ m Aug. 18 about 5:40 a.m. an Playground defaced Police are continuing thei r inves­ Wilmington; Van Calloway, unknown person was looking into on the window. tigation. 41, and Glen Johnson, 37, Police have no further leads at both of New Castle; and James Dennison, 49, of American Elkton, Md. Hawthorne. Lynch and Appliance Mcilvaine are not employed - byGM. The investigation came to caught again a close on Aug. 2 1 as New Anorney General M. Jane Brady hac; Castle County police detec­ announced the filing of a comprehenc;ive tives, county police K ~ 9 enforcement action in the Superior Court teams and county paramedics Starting next Friday, August 22nd, stop by one of in and for New Castle County, against assisted by supervisors and American Appliance Inc., and itc; owner security officers from the advertisers listed below and pick up your Free and President William C. Rowland. General Motors, executed American Appliance, a New Jersey Grand Jury indictment arrest based retailer, sells home appliances ~\ Copy of Chesapeake Publishing's Bridal Guide warrants. ( i electronic product<; and computers in "" and Register To Win ... Delaware, Pennsylvania and New Among the 60 criminal Jersey. charges were possession of This lawsuit caps the Attorney marijuana and drug para­ Oeneral 's long running investiga­ phernalia, delivery of mari ­ tion of American Appliance's juana, cocaine, phencyclidine alleged "bait and switch" merchan­ and methamphetamine, dising practices in Delaware. The unlawful delivery of a non­ complaint alleges that the defen­ controlled substance and of a About Town Limousine , Inc. Crystal Inn Osani 's Deli & Catering dants have willfu lly, consistently prescriptive drug, and main­ 753 Hances Point Rd . At. 272 North 1809 Conowingo Ad and unabatedly engaged in illegal North East, MD North East, MD Conowingo, MD "bait and switch" practices in. its taining a vehicle for drugs. Ambassador Travel Delhaven Peak Printing three retail stores located in Other related charges were Newark Shopping Center 50 East Main Street 214 W. Bel Air Ave. also filed. Newark, DE Delaware. "Bait and switch" is pro­ Newark, DE Aberdeen , MD Police seized approxi­ 222 Delaware Avenue hibited under Delaware's Consumer Annie 's Bridal Shop Picture It Framed 120 W. Main St. Wilmington , DE Fraud Act. mately one quarter pound of 118 E. Main St . Elkton , MD 490 Peoples Plaza Elkton, MD Consumer complaints and indi ­ marijuana, six grams of JB1 Glasgow, DE cations of bait and switch originally coca ine and sma ll amounts ~lh~ Bay Country Rentals US Route 40 at Route 22 Elkton Florist Poor Jimmy's led to an investigation by the State of crystal methamphetamine Aberdeen , MD 132 W. Main St. 2360 Pulaski Hwy. North East, MD of Delaware, Departmen t of and PCP. Catering By Christine Elkton, MD Community Affairs' Division of :~~]] Books at Rising Sun Banquet Hall Edward's Men's Fashions Woody's Crab House Consumer Affairs in I 988. 116 W. Main Street 300 Biggs Highway Main Street Rising Sun, MD North East , MD Elkton, MD 41 0·398-7007 Steppingstone Museum Cecilton Vol. Fire Co. Formal Affairs 461 Quaker Bot1om Rd . Books at Biggs Texaco Havre de Grace, MD Servicenter 201 Loockerman , Corner of 213 & 282 Dover, DE Stiles Florist Cecilton, MD Can we help? 129 E.
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