Dissociating Hippocampal versus Basal Ganglia Contributions to Learning and Transfer Catherine E. Myers1, Daphna Shohamy1, Mark A. Gluck1, Steven Grossman1, Alan Kluger2, Steven Ferris3, James Golomb3, 4 5 Geoffrey Schnirman , and Ronald Schwartz Downloaded from http://mitprc.silverchair.com/jocn/article-pdf/15/2/185/1757757/089892903321208123.pdf by guest on 18 May 2021 Abstract & Based on prior animal and computational models, we Parkinson’s disease, and healthy controls, using an ‘‘acquired propose a double dissociation between the associative learning equivalence’’ associative learning task. As predicted, Parkin- deficits observed in patients with medial temporal (hippo- son’s patients were slower on the initial learning but then campal) damage versus patients with Parkinson’s disease (basal transferred well, while the hippocampal atrophy group showed ganglia dysfunction). Specifically, we expect that basal ganglia the opposite pattern: good initial learning with impaired dysfunction may result in slowed learning, while individuals transfer. To our knowledge, this is the first time that a single with hippocampal damage may learn at normal speed. task has been used to demonstrate a double dissociation However, when challenged with a transfer task where between the associative learning impairments caused by previously learned information is presented in novel recombi- hippocampal versus basal ganglia damage/dysfunction. This nations, we expect that hippocampal damage will impair finding has implications for understanding the distinct generalization but basal ganglia dysfunction will not. We tested contributions of the medial temporal lobe and basal ganglia this prediction in a group of healthy elderly with mild-to- to learning and memory. & moderate hippocampal atrophy, a group of patients with mild INTRODUCTION responses (Sommer, Grafman, Clark, & Hallett, 1999; The medial temporal (MT) lobe and the basal ganglia Daum, Schugens, Breitenstein, Topka, & Spieker, are thought to play distinct roles in learning and 1996), probabilistic classification (Shohamy et al., memory. Traditionally, the MT lobe has been associ- 2002; Knowlton, Mangels, & Squire, 1996), and cate- ated with declarative memory function in humans, gorization (Maddox & Filoteo, 2001; Reed, Squire, while the basal ganglia are associated with procedural Patalano, Smith, & Jonides, 1999). Together, these or habit learning in animal and humans. Humans with findings suggest that the basal ganglia, but not the damage to the MT lobes, including the hippocampus, hippocampus, play a critical role in stimulus–response- are often spared on a variety of tasks, which seem to based habit learning (e.g., White, 1997; Knowlton & involve incrementally acquired learning of habits or Squire, 1993; Mishkin, Malamut, & Bachevalier, 1984). skills. For instance, individuals with MT damage can However, while the hippocampus may not be critical learn as quickly as healthy controls in paradigms for learning simple stimulus–response-based learning, it ranging from delay eyeblink classical conditioning (Ga- does appear to be critical for some forms of more brieli et al., 1995; Woodruff-Pak, 1993) to category complex learning, such as the ability to transfer when learning (Maddox et al., 1999; Squire & Knowlton, familiar stimuli are presented in novel recombinations 1995). By contrast, humans with damage to the basal (e.g., Myers et al., 2002; Eichenbaum, Mathews, & ganglia often show deficits on these forms of habit Cohen, 1989). For example, in one recent study, non- learning. For example, Parkinson’s disease (PD) devas- demented elderly individuals with hippocampal atrophy tates dopaminergic neurons in the substantia nigra (HA) revealed by neuroimaging were able to learn an compacta, disrupting basal ganglia processing. Parkin- eight-pair concurrent visual discrimination as quickly as son’s patients are slow to acquire conditioned eyeblink nonatrophied controls, but were selectively impaired when challenged by a transfer test in which familiar stimulus features were presented in novel recombina- 1Rutgers University, 2City University of New York, 3New York tions (Myers et al., 2002). This suggests that the hippo- University Medical Center, 4Fordham University, 5Hattiesburg campus and related MT areas may be important for the Clinic ability to generalize learned information. D 2003 Massachusetts Institute of Technology Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 15:2, pp. 185–193 Downloaded from http://www.mitpressjournals.org/doi/pdf/10.1162/089892903321208123 by guest on 27 September 2021 Table 1. Acquired Equivalence Paradigm in Humans (Collie et al., 2002) Acquisition Acquisition Acquisition Transfer Phase: Stage 1: Shaping Stage 2: Equivalence Training Stage 3: New Consequents Equivalence Testing A1!X1 A1!X1 A1!X1 A2!X1 A2!X2? A2!X1 A1!X2 B1!Y1 Downloaded from http://mitprc.silverchair.com/jocn/article-pdf/15/2/185/1757757/089892903321208123.pdf by guest on 18 May 2021 B1!Y1 B1!Y1 B2!Y1 B2!Y2? B2!Y1 B1!Y2 Note that transfer phase interleaved trials with the previously learned information as well as the novel pairs. If so, then we would expect similar patterns of Thus, patients with basal ganglia dysfunction due to PD spared initial learning but impaired generalization in may be expected to show slower learning of the initial individuals with HA on a range of learning and transfer associations in the acquisition phases—but, once this tests. For example, acquired equivalence is a phenom- information is acquired, there may be normal or near- enon in which prior training to treat two stimuli as normal transfer. equivalent increases generalization between them— If these predictions hold, acquired equivalence may even if those stimuli are superficially very dissimilar be a paradigm that allows double dissociation, within a (e.g., Bonardi, Rey, Richmond, & Hall, 1993; Hall, Ray, single task, between the qualitative pattern of learning & Bonardi, 1993; Grice & Davis, 1960). In one such impairments following damage to the hippocampal study, Bonardi et al. (1993) demonstrated acquired region versus the basal ganglia. equivalence in pigeons. First, the pigeons were trained To test this proposed dissociation, we used a com- to peck at a keylight, where stimulus orderings A1–X1, puter-based acquired equivalence task, shown in Table 1 A2–X1, B1–Y1, and B2–Y1 all predicted food avail- (Collie et al., 2002; Myers, Shohamy, Schwartz, & Gluck, ability. In effect, antecedents A1 and A2 were ‘‘equiv- 2000). In this version, there are three acquisition stages, alent’’ in terms of their pairing with X1, while B1 and antecedent stimuli are represented on the screen as B2 were also ‘‘equivalent’’ in their pairing with Y1. cartoon faces, and consequents are represented as Next, the pigeons were trained to peck to A1 but not different colored cartoon fish. Two antecedent stimuli B1; finally, the pigeons were tested for response to A2 A1 and A2 were associated with the same consequent and B2. The birds tended to respond strongly to A2 stimulus X1, while two antecedent stimuli B1 and B2 but not to B2. Apparently, the birds had learned were associated with consequent Y1. Next, A1 was equivalencies between stimuli with identical conse- associated with a new consequent X2 while B1 was quents: Given that A1 was rewarded and A2 was associated with a new consequent Y2. Finally, a transfer ‘‘equivalent’’ to A1, the birds expected that A2 would phase tested whether patients would show acquired also be rewarded. Similar effects have been shown in equivalence and associate A2 with X2 and B2 with Y2, humans (Spiker, 1956) and rats (Honey & Hall, 1991; even though these particular stimulus pairings had Hall & Honey, 1989). never been trained. This type of acquired equivalence task seems to We administered this acquired equivalence task to a require flexible generalization, of the kind hypothe- group of nondemented elderly individuals with HA sizedtodependonhippocampalregionmediation documented on neuroimaging (n = 12), a group of (Myers & Gluck, 1996; Eichenbaum et al., 1989). Sup- individuals with PD (n = 12), and appropriate matched pose that an individual learned the A1–X1 and A2–X1 controls (n = 24). We expected to find spared acqui- pairings, but this learning was hyperspecific—applying sition, but impaired transfer, in the individuals with HA; only to the trained pairings, without any equivalence conversely, we expected slow acquisition, but spared being formed between A1 and A2. Then, although transfer, in the Parkinson’s patients. initial learning may look the same, subsequent learning about A1 should not transfer at all to A2. This would suggest that hippocampal damage or atrophy might RESULTS spare learning during the acquisition phases but impair the ability to transfer. Behavioral Results: Acquisition Phase Conversely, although basal ganglia damage may im- Figure 1 shows the total errors to criterion in the pair the ability to acquire simple stimulus associations, acquisition phase for each group. Analysis of variance it should not directly affect hippocampal processing. (ANOVA) confirmed a significant effect of group, 186 Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience Volume 15, Number 2 Downloaded from http://www.mitpressjournals.org/doi/pdf/10.1162/089892903321208123 by guest on 27 September 2021 Behavioral Results: Transfer Phase Transfer performance was evaluated only in those par- ticipants who successfully mastered all the initial dis- criminations (i.e., who reached criterion in Acquisition Stage 3). In the transfer
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