Jacksonville State University JSU Digital Commons Chanticleer Historical Newspapers 1987-04-16 Chanticleer | Vol 34, Issue 21 Jacksonville State University Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.jsu.edu/lib_ac_chanty Recommended Citation Jacksonville State University, "Chanticleer | Vol 34, Issue 21" (1987). Chanticleer. 939. https://digitalcommons.jsu.edu/lib_ac_chanty/939 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Historical Newspapers at JSU Digital Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in Chanticleer by an authorized administrator of JSU Digital Commons. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Sports: IGamecocLs breeze in Cassiano displays Turnout small for opener, lose second Whoopee. Igame to VSC. I See story P. 13.I I See story D. 18.1 The Chanticleer Jacksonv~lleState Un~vers~ty+ Jacksonv~lle.Ala. 36265 Am. 16. 1987 McGee sees a bright future ahead of JSU By ROY WILLIAMS tional accreditation. grant. Chanticleer Senior Editor The College of Commerce re- The Marching Southerners were For JSU president Dr. Harold ceived a national award for ex- asked to make a special appearance McGee, the 1986-87 academic year cellence. in the inaugural parade of Governor began as one of the biggest Self Hall underwent a multi- Guy Hunt. challenges in his lifetime. He was a million dollar renovation, and be- The College of Criminal Justice new president, faced with leading a came one of the best communica- provided training for Gov. Hunt's university operating on a substan- tion facilities in the state. bodyguards, and received a special tially smaller budget. Looking back Sigma Delta Chi, the Society of visit from the governor. on his first year as president and Professional Journalists, was estab- The University had a good year into next year, McGee sees a bright lished on campus. athletically and had an excellent future ahead of JSU. Dorm renovations have begun. drama season. "It's been a good year, in light of The University received good These ape not aH the achieve- our financial problems. We over- visibility in the state, when Soviet ments the University inad5 mis past came a tremendous budget cut due and political leaders held a press year, McGee said. He feels that JSU to proration. I'm excited about next conference on campus. is moving in the right direction, and year," McGee said. The Southern Studies program expressed his appreciation for all McGee listed the following as was a success since it provided the support he has received in his examples of the many achievements excellent speakers and recognition. first year of presidency. the University has made in the past Former British Prime Minister "I appreciate all the student and year: Harold Wilson spoke on campus faculty interest in the task forces, which resulted in media attention surveys and programs this year. My JSU had its most productive for JSU. family and I also appreciate the year in the raising of private funds. JSU received an Eminent Schol- warmth and hospitality we've re- The College of Nursing and the ars fund, after raising the million ceived. I'm looking forward to next music department both received na- dollars necessary to receive the year," McGee concluded. ' Maj. John Turner Dr. William J. Calvert . Long-time professor passes away 'l'urner to retire By STEVEN ROBINSON in quality education. Chanticleer Senior Editor Before coming to JSU, Calvert from JSU Mavd 3 1 On Tuesday, April 7, Dr. William taught at Washington and Lee Col- J. Calvert, a long-time English pro- lege, the University of Southern BY FELECIA SIGL~ Turner says he has been planning fessor at Jacksonville State Univer- California and Williams College. Chanticleer Staff Writer this retirement for quite a while sity, passed away at the age of 85. After moving to Jacksonville, he As of May 31, Jacksonville State now. He is the person mainly re- Calvert was born in the small soon married Palmer Daugette, University will lose one of its better sponsible for formulating and start- rural town of Pittsburg, N.C., and daughter of former JSU President faculty members. Communication ing the communications department reared in Portsmouth, Va., whose C.W.Daugette, in 1938. instructor Major John Turner will here at JSU. residents he called "ardently patri- Well liked by his colleagues, he be retiring from the University af- Throughout his career, he has otic Americans." will long be remembered for his ter giving 19 years of dedication. (See TURNER, Page 2) Having received his doctorate contributions to this university. degree from Harvard College, "Dr. Calvert was a whole person. Calvert came to JSU in 1933. He was He loved life - people, his wife, his Graduation ceremonies then named chairman of the English son, his granddaughter and his stu- department in the mid 1940's. dents. He maintained a balance When Jacksonville grew from a between the intellectual and the state college to a university, Calvert physical sides of life. He was an to take place May 2 was named chairman of the Human- intellectual and a scholar and he University of Alabama Law of Alabama and a master's in law ities and Fine Arts Division. He was also loved nature, particularly School Dean Charles Gamble, who from Harvard University. later appointed dean of the College birdwatching. He and Mrs. Calvert received his undergraduate degree He was a partner in the Anniston of Arts and Sciences. were a part of the scene on their ~al~ert at JSU in 1965, will deliver the law firm Lybrand, Sides and Calvert retired in 1972 with the long daily walks years before physi- colleague of Calvert's said. commencement address before ap- Hamner for many years before join- statewide reputation of an outstand- cal fitness became populgr," Opal His teaching career spanned 39 proximately 500 graduating seniors ing the faculty of Cumberland Law ing teacher who was very interested A. Lovett, a former student and (See CALVERT, Page 2) and graduate students on Saturday, School where he taught for ten May 2, at 1Q a.m. in Pete Mathews years. He has served as law school "He was a much loved adminis- Coliseum. dean at the University of Alabama trator and a very well respected ''I admired him as a scholar 2nd "He was a fine scholar-teacher for the past five years. teacher and scholar." --Dr. Clyde loved him as a man. " --Dr. Mary with a heart. "--Mrs. Opal A. Lovett Gamble, who majored in English He and his wife, Gail, who is also Cox McMillan and history at JSU, holds the Juris a JSU graduate, have two sons, Doctor degree from the University Marnie and David. Task forces complete review, provide useful information By ROY WILLIAMS areas of student life and made rec- more attracive. Chanticleer Senior Editor ommendations relative to the * Provide a kitchen area in each The ten task forces established by strengthening of the quality of stu- residence hall facility, JSU president Dr. Harold McGee dent life on campus. They made the Judicial programs and services have completed their evaluations of following recommendations: Develop and implement an hon- the University. Their recommenda- Career Planning and Placement or system at JSU by fall 1988. tions, in the words of McGee, could and Counseling Services Review and amend University prove to be extremely helpful to Increase CDCS staff to approx- disciplinary policy as appropriate. JSU in the future. imate a counselor Recreational sports "I'm very pleased with the task student ratio of 1:1000. Currently. Renovate Stephenson Gym for forces. They developed good ideas there is only one counselor for over intramural sports and recreation. and suggestions which I will review 6000 students. Improve intramural field to with the board at our Trustee meet- Secure at least three small include irrigation system, restroom ing May 1, and with the University rooms to be utilized for placement facilities, fitness trail, lighting and vice-presidents later in May. I want interviewing and individual testing. construction of softball complex. to use the task forces' recommenda- Secure a large room for group Install lighting system at tennis tions to achieve 'new horizons for testing, workshops and conferences. courts at coliseum. excellence' and enable JSU to de- Develop a coordinated model of * Resurface University tennis velop into an institutional model for utilizing other campus resources, courts, track and basketball courts. the future," McGee said. such as the psychology clinic, coun- Implement a wellness program. Some of the recommendations of seling lab and campus ministries, in Student activities, college unions, the task forces are short-range, providing mental health services. student auxiliary services and stu- while others are long-range sugges- Foreign student programs and dent informational services tions that would take years to com- services, minority programs and Establish an ofice of student plete, he said. Since the state legis- services, disabled student services, activities with a full-time director lature does not convene until April commuter student programs and reporting to the vice president for 21, McGee said that the University services, and religious programs. student affairs. budget for next year will not be Provide a special orientation Establish a college union pro- finalized until this summer. and informational program for all gram to include seminars, mini- "The recommendations that have entering foreign students. courses, informational services, high price tags will take longer to Provide an office designated to meeting facilities, snack barldeli, complete. Some of the task forces serve commuter student needs after recreational activities and movies. established ideas that we'll look into normal campus hours. Renovate the Theron Montgom- next year. But all the task forces Explore the possibility of pro- erylstudent Commons Building to are not complete; some of the viding campus shuttle services.
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