738 May 21 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2008 President’s signature, but my action today is formed with skill and valor. And on behalf not without precedent. In 1956, President of a grateful nation, welcome home. Eisenhower stood firmly on principle, citing I thank General Dave Rodriguez for his high crop subsidies and too much govern- service to our country. I thank Pete Geren, ment control of farm programs among the Secretary of the Army, for joining us today. reasons for his veto. President Eisenhower I appreciate Brigadier General Art Bartell, wrote in his veto message, ‘‘Bad as some pro- Colonel Victor Petrenko. I want to thank Ser- visions of this bill are, I would have signed geant Major Tom Capel. it if in total it could be interpreted as sound I’m honored to be here with the military and good for farmers and the nation.’’ For families. I particularly want to say hello to similar reasons, I am vetoing the bill before Maureen McNeill, wife of General Dan me today. McNeill. I know he’ll be pleased that I recog- nized you here at this event when I see him. George W. Bush [Laughter] I want to thank all the families of the para- The White House, troopers from the 82d Airborne Division who May 21, 2008. are here today. I welcome the families of the fallen heroes here today. It’s such an honor to see the veterans of the 82d Airborne Divi- Remarks at a Division Review sion and other veterans who have joined us Ceremony at Fort Bragg, North today. Carolina I want them—to pay a special tribute to May 22, 2008 the wounded warriors from the 82d Air- borne. Thank you for your courage. The President. I want to thank you for I welcome the State and local elected offi- the warm welcome to Fort Bragg. It is good cials and members of the Fort Bragg commu- to be at the home of the Airborne and Special nity. Thank you for supporting these troops. Operation Forces. This is my fourth visit to Looking out on the units this morning, I Fort Bragg since I have been honored to be see why the 82d Airborne is known as Amer- the President. Somehow I always find my ica’s Guard of Honor. In your ranks, I see way back to the ‘‘center of the universe.’’ And the strength of the greatest military the world every time I come, I look forward to saying, has ever known. And in the families of Fort ‘‘Hooah!’’ Bragg, I see the love and support that makes Audience members. Hooah! your service possible. The United States of The President. I’m pleased to be with the America owes our troops in uniform a debt paratroopers of the all-American 82d Air- of gratitude, and we owe our military families borne Division. You know, you and my dad the strong support necessary to make sure have something in common: You both enjoy that they understand that we appreciate their jumping out of airplanes. [Laughter] He’s sacrifices. jumped with the Golden Knights at Fort Every trooper in the 82d is a triple volun- Bragg six times. Dad is America’s only sky- teer. You volunteered to join the Army; you diving President, and that’s a distinction he’s volunteered to attend jump school; and you going to keep as far as I’m concerned. volunteered to undertake some of our mili- [Laughter] Speaking of which, he has a mes- tary’s most difficult missions by joining this sage for all of you—of those of you jumping elite division. Each of you is proud to wear tomorrow: ‘‘Airborne, all the way!’’ the all-American patch of the 82d. And I am This is the first time since 2006 that five incredibly proud to be the Commander in brigades from your division have assembled Chief of such noble, courageous men and together. Most of you recently returned from women. extended 15-month deployments to the As members of the 82d Airborne Division, frontlines in Afghanistan and Iraq. We’ve you belong to a storied military tradition. asked a lot of you. You’ve achieved difficult When Allied forces landed in Normandy, objectives in a new kind of war. You’ve per- their—paratroopers of the 82d were among Administration of George W. Bush, 2008 / May 22 739 the first boots on the ground. When Saddam viders’’ of the 82d Sustainment Brigade, and Hussein invaded Kuwait in 1990, this division units of the Combat Aviation Brigade. was among the first units to deploy to Oper- When Operation Iraqi Freedom began, ation Desert Shield. When our Nation an- members of the 82d Airborne helped remove nounced that the 82d Airborne was flying to- Saddam Hussein from power. The decision ward Haiti in 1994, the country’s oppressive to remove Saddam Hussein was the right de- leader began to make plans to fly out. Across cision at the time, and it remains the right the world, the 82d has come to represent decision today. the vanguard of freedom. And we salute all With Saddam gone, our job was to help the brave veterans with us today who have the Iraqi people defend themselves against ever marched in your ranks. the extremists and to build a free society. In At the beginning of a new century, the 2006, that mission was faltering. I knew a men and women of the 82d Airborne have victory was essential to our security, so we once again stepped forward to advance the implemented a new strategy. Instead of re- cause of liberty. Since the attacks of 9/11, treating, we sent in more troops. And the you have deployed on more missions than first troops in as part of that surge were the any other division in the United States Army. troops of the Falcon Brigade of the 82d Air- You’ve taken the battle to the terrorists borne. Together with the Panther Brigade abroad so we do not have to face them here and other units of the 82d Airborne, you pur- at home. And you’ve shown the enemies of sued the enemy in its strongholds, you de- freedom that the 82d Airborne will never nied the terrorists sanctuary, you brought se- give any ground and will always fight all the curity to neighborhoods that had been in the grip of terror. And across Iraq, violence is way. down, civilian deaths are down, sectarian From the frontlines in Afghanistan, we killings are down, and attacks on American welcome home the 4th Brigade Combat forces are down. You did the job we sent Team, which brought ‘‘Fury from the Skies’’ you to do. You have returned home on suc- to America’s enemies. We welcome home cess. And all of America is proud of the 82d units of the Combat Aviation Brigade, which Airborne. flew on ‘‘Pegasus Wings.’’ We welcome home When I was looking for a commander to your Division Headquarters, your Special lead the surge, I turned to a former com- Troops Battalion, your commander, Major mander in the 82d Airborne, General David General Dave Rodriguez—‘‘all-American Petraeus. He’s done a brilliant job leading Six.’’ our troops in Iraq. And when it came time During your deployment in Afghanistan, to name a new leader for Central Command, you served under NATO commander and he was my first and only choice. The United longtime Fort Bragg resident General Dan States Senate must give him a fair hearing, McNeill. Under his leadership, and because and they must confirm him as quickly as pos- of your courage, you took the fight to the sible. enemy. And thanks to you, the Taliban no General Petraeus has reported that secu- longer controls the Sangin Valley. And thanks rity conditions have improved enough in Iraq to you, the Taliban’s stronghold in the town to return by the end of July to the pre-surge of Musa Qala has fallen and a flag of a free level of 15 combat brigade teams. So far, Afghanistan has risen. Thanks to you, hun- three brigades, including the Falcon Brigade, dreds of insurgents have been captured in have redeployed without replacement as part eastern Afghanistan; many others have been of this drawdown. Two more brigades will killed. And thanks to you, a nation where Al follow in the months ahead. When we com- Qaida once plotted the attacks of 9/11 is now plete this drawdown, we will have reduced a democracy and an ally in the war against our combat brigades in Iraq by 25 percent these extremists. from the year before. General Petraeus and From the frontlines in Iraq, we welcome our commanders will continue to analyze the home the ‘‘Falcons’’ of the 2d Brigade, the situation on the ground and report back to ‘‘Panthers’’ of the 3d Brigade, the ‘‘Pro- me with their recommendations for future 740 May 22 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2008 troop levels. But my message to our com- fight to the enemy. And as they do, they can manders is this: You will have all the troops, count on the United States of America. you will have all the resources you need to The second condition for success in Iraq win in Iraq. is a country that can support itself economi- Often I’ve been asked, what will success cally. Iraq’s economy has made tremendous look like in Iraq? So I want to share some strides since the beginning of the surge. In- thoughts with you.
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