neprblir oI lDe Fbitilsin.i Dwsrtmeil ot €tumtion R.8ion IY'A SCHOOLS DIVISION OF QIJEZOI{ PRO4NCE 08 February 2021 DIVISION iiEMORAT{DU D[t o. }!3_, s. 2o2t iIONITORI G OF RESEARCH AI{AGEUENT PROGRA AND VALIDATION OF RESEARCH ACCOUPLISH EI{T REPORT CU TRAI ING t'lEEDs ASSESS ENT SURVEY To: O|C-Asll3tant Schook Division SuporintsndentE, SGOD Chief, CID Chiet Educa0on Progaam SupervEors and SpEcialists, Publk Schools Distiqt SuporYiaoB, School Heads, District R€oarch CoordinatoB, and All OtltoE Concqrn€d 't. DepEd OrderNo. 16, s.20'17also known as "Resoarch anagcmont Guidelino!" slipuletes that the D€partment shall continu€ to promoi€ 8nd slrengthen the culture of r€search in basic educstion. The policy is built on the gains in evidenca'based decision making from various educalion reiorms or initiaiives thal will continue to endch lhe culture of research in lhe Depertmenl. 2. ln respon8e to thi6 ord€r, this Office announces the conducl of Monitoring of Resoarcfl Management Program, Validation ot Re6sarch Accomplishment Repon and Conduct of Training l.leeds Survey to be facilitated by the Schools Govemance and Operalions DiviEion - Planning and Research and in partnership with tie Congr$sional Distict Research Committees. 3. Participants to this acliyily are three (3) representiatives per district the Public Schools Di8tricl Sup€rvisors, School Head ln-€harge of Resea.ch in the Disbicl and District TeactBr-R€soerch Coordinator. DEPEDOUEZOiI-TU-SOS-04-@9{O3 "Creoting Possihilities, lnspldng lnnovotions" Address:5 tio For, Brgy. Talipan, Pa8bilao, Quezon (o42) (042) (042)784-0121 HE r.untline l: 784'0366, {042) 784 0164, 784 0391, Email Addressr quezon@dep€d.sov.ph web!it€: www.depedquezon.com.ph lsguflir oa Us PlrililpinEi tse$tmart ot Gluntion Regon lV-A SCI.ICOTS DMSION OF QUEZON PROVTNCE 4. The date and venue of the aclivity i8 as follow: Dale Participatng Districls Venue February 15, 2021 PagbilgoI&2,Lucban, Paaralang Elementarya ng (CluEter'l) Sampaloc, Mauban North & Lucban 1 Distric{ Museum South Lucban, Quezon February 17, 2021 REal, lnfanla, Gen. Naka 1 &2, Real Csntral Elementary (Cluster 2) Panukulan, Burdeos, Polillo, School Palnanungan, Jomalig Real, Quezon February'19,2021 Sariaya East E Wesl, Bukal Sur Elementary Sur (Cluster 3) Csnd€laris Esst & West, Tiaong Candelaria. Ouezon 1 & 2, Dolores, San Antonio Februery 22, 202'l Padre Burgo6, Agdangan, Catanauan Nelional High (Cluster 4) unisan, Pitogo. Macalelo., Gen. School Luna. Catanauan 1&2 Catanauan, Quezon Febnrary 23,2021 Mulanay 'l & 2, San Narciso 1 & Mulanay Cenlral School (Clusler 5) 2, San Francisco 1& 2, San Mulanay, Quezon Andres, Buenavigta 'l & 2 Febflary 24,2021 Lopez East & West, Calauag Calauag East centrsl (CluBter 8) East & west, Guinayangan School Norlh & Sorth, Tagkawayan 1& Calauag, Quezon 2 February 26, 2021 Atimonar '1 & 2, Plaridel, Perez, Gumaca West Cental (Cluster 7) Quezon, Alabat, Gumaca East Elementary School & WeBt Gumaca. Quezon Each districl iB exp€cted to prepare their Resea,ch Accomplishmeri Report (9lea8s see Aftachment I lor the format). Also, plea86 find Altaciment 2 ior th€ progrem of ectivities. Since this aciivity is on a limited fac+.teface basis and duly approved by the local IATF, participents sre expected to stricily adhere to the heallh and Eaf€ty prolocols. l\lec€ssary travel permits must be se€ured trom the place ot origin. Participants fro.n Cluster 2 coming from the islends will be provkled with rooms for their stay (if in case they will 8ni\.e prior to lhe date of meeting). DEPEOOItE?Oi+TM-SDS-04-00+003 'Oeotlng Posslblllties, lnspi ng tDnototiom" Brgy. gE Addrers: Sitio Fori, Talipan, Pagbilao, Que.on Truntline t: {042) 784-0366, (042) 7844154, (M2)784.0391. (042) 784{321 Emall A.ldre$: [email protected] Websitei www.depedque!on com,ph lrDlrbli. ot tle Flitrtlin., Derrtmert ot G!ffntior ReElor lY-A SCIOOI.S DMSIOT{ OF QUEZOI{ PROVINCE 7. Travel expenses and other incidental cxpenseg shall bo cfiaQpd to Division/School MOOE subjed for usual accounting and auditing ruh8. L lmm€diate and wllest dissemination of this Memorandum is desired. ELIAS A. AUCAYA, JR., EdD4 Assistant Schools DivisioldupGrintenAent Officer- ln.Charg8 Ofiice ofthe Schools DMsion Suparintendelt DEPED ol.tEirji ICI UNII UPLOA D EO Dare/ri," -!lllu_lisgar *dC601/18120.21 B" l{,u aq n" !I@1{ to>t DEPEmUEZOI+TiilSDS-04-0@fi 3 " crcn I i n g Potsl b il itJes, l ns p h I ng I n novatlo n t" Address: Sitio Fori, gr8y. Talipan, Pagbilao, Quezon rrunklin€fi: (042) 78a-0356, (042)784.0164, (042) 7844391, (042) 784'0321 Ha Emall Add r€5s: q uezon @ deped.Eov. ph webrile: www.depedquezon.com.ph x.Irbli( ol rb? FDfihpift, De$rtment of Gluution Regtotr Iv-A scltooLs DMslot{ oF ouEot{ Pf,out{cE Atbchmont I - Progr.m of AcdYitos Part l. PEliminsrio! PrEon ln-Chalfa . l{atonalastic Sonos . ODonino Prrver AVP r CALABARZO HY N . qUEZOI{ HYMN + Roll Call of Parucipants Hoet Oislrict (School H€ad ln-Charge of Research * Welcome Remrrks Hosl District (Public Schoob District SuoerviBor) $ R.ton.la CDRC ChairDerson + PrEsntaoon of Resoarch SDRC Prcoram + ProYision of TA lo Reaoarchos SEP$Plannino and Research + Presontation of CDRC Action CDRC Chairperson Plen Part ll. Lunch Part lll. Wrtb Shop a Wort3hop on Crafting Dilbict CDRC OfficeE Reaaerch Action Plan + Prcs€ntrtion of Distsict By Distric{ Ralearch Action Plan And District Research Accomollrhinent Reoort * Pr6!.nirtion of Rosoerch CDRC Mce-C hairperson Needi Arlellment Survay DEPEDOUEZOil-Trr'SOS-0I|-O@OO3 "ke dfi ng P ossi b llit ie s, h, p ii n g I n nov,lti ons' Address:satio Fori, BrEy. Talipan, Pa8bilao, Quezon g6 Trunkllne*: (042) 784-0355. (042)784-0154, (042) 7844391, 1042i784-0321 Emall Address: [email protected] webslte: www'depedq!ezon.com.ph H :r E,! lE,g} F-{ i!O -{ s I tiral Pe G .fl ia [i frFil!?- = o :r=l.ar Bg Lg 9P oI GI GI o I + E f iE o FsJE E *grg- * [ [s I3IE e t; 8E d*=E I L ralr+<r G o ;53i -o-'B a a3 sf, 5 d ga i; ! s E gc 5 0- -airSo' {E 6't o o i = =D 9S.s*4e= o- o * 3 ='7 f ,i.- 5 P I' ! t8 9:;8 E ! ;+ : qzE o o Co I .sp * o o I o- o Unl E5 I I rE =: 6 A F si xm s EI BE E9 oI qQgooo ? :i o a !t oa5 z ts o o ! 8 e*E I E C' E !-- E' td o- E6g E 'n -J o'- o- l. N E'6 5_U= a = o = 3 Eo t!Ie." ta I z B i'S o E 5 ai o I 3t s C' o E 9!r z .A o 5 0r B o.o D:iQ o aL q- €E=l to P. o^ o EcE o, Q'a!. tc-' d o o o F EL 8z o ooD, aro te. a o 6o 6' :, E rflE oa !i9E = o E,- ! st -{ E= o 3C- rE I Eq o o lgo c 9.Bv^ e3!!o ggi o i, o D= EB- o i rEfl a idf 7 o BE o ro I o f F d V-, 8 t9. t E 5= .E i+6 i q u 6|D0EE!' o I o la*nE f,s.. D !4 e t Q: t c! to E€Bs.s g o o. de*EE3 o u il o =: g a f| 9o 5-" D c ! o 9: J6 E E a;t o o B; S EE o :6t .L o@ U ECF tIt o= E F +d m o 89 o s* @ 4 !a a5 e. & o a E C' 'ta a ? It ! t €l 6 n o a ,E 5 E f,g* g to E o 6 t o u, to e E; o Ea fle$ +' a a Ez D=oa ilsoo 6 o o aq Efm cI !ier o: tr o t o ! o ril ^ o P9:lIe= 9.dy HI :t 5= o I o E IEfl IT e',t u 9'; o E8= 5 i o 0 ET E gi = F P H $e FiE=U Ii n E; -e9FEd 8"xHdB ;:;ECE *" BS H Bt = I a tsta Eqi 6 rE p dl I E PE zlldF i 8. o9 t9 E o< TE frt Efe 2o g E oF z ta H !ieiEI[E .lI -t m 't! (o m I\, o |- q. - o o z m e it ! = o t .A r ! :} o I D m €a o o 3 .D , - o 3 o t or o ! o o c, 0 Ci o 6 o= = 6 D5 o D ! o|- o ! I 1 r I D 0 F5'dE to ;t G = E !D o T t o. dliU D a i, oD E : F+:! E !- o :ffei o D o o l ! e {'- g ? E .r Fx d . 3-.EHl$ - : H:-!-€ s t:. i e t* E G- til lsql 3 o o a o G I st s a o I U ^6! o Eo EsE a. I 5 6 aEI F .tD o SE o s tl 86 oa o o z arD ab, o zI .no I I] te E' I N t €i 6 o af €c z }F E ge. o Hffi [[ 2 tr qr. n 8€ EF -FF} -{ o o 5 l o= 0- a EItrlE a !ier ! o I z z c E o 3 : q Ef o o o ? o o 1 h o o o I o= x a o *iiE c qEJff go or o ! I d*ri tlI { l9r P; o tt o *€q "3 o o tl Pii0R-3A !: a o ! c o ! z ! 3 o o 5r-Br3 o o P H:..E 6 e.
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