This is a reproduction of a library book that was digitized by Google as part of an ongoing effort to preserve the information in books and make it universally accessible. http://books.google.com POST OFFICE. PRlNCIPAL STREETS AND PLACES IN LONDON AND iTS ENViRONS, AB DIVIDED ШТО "=--L DISTRI0T& BY COMMAND OF THE POSTMASTER BENERAL. December I856. "PO, LONDONl PRINTED BY GEOBGE E. EYRE AND WILLIAM SPOTTISWOODE, PBIKIKB8 TO THE QUEER'S MOST EXCELLENT ШЛЮТ. ¡856. Priee One Penny. Genoí;! Libícíy System Unive:sity oi Wisconsin - Madison 7р1Ч С 'о О irr- \-',-d:Gon, Wl 53705 1494 U.S.A. PRINCIPAL STREETS AND PLACES IN LONDON AND ITS ENVIRONS, WITH THEIR POSTAL DISTRICTS. l67. The Postmaster General, anxious to promote rapidity and eorreetness in the delivery of Letters, has, for postal purposes, divided London and its environs into Ten Districts, each to be tre&ted, in many respeets, as a separate town; and, to render this arrangement effeetual, he earnestly requests that every means may he taken by the Publie for eausing Letters to be direeted aeeording io the Distriet for whieh they are intended. The initials of the distriet, as shown in the following list, will suffioe ; and in the direсtion of a Letter these initisls should he legibly written in a separate line, and should in all eases end the address, thus (the Eastern Central distriet being taken as an example) : — James Thompson, Esq., 300, Cheupside. JE. G or, when the Letter is from the eountry, thus : — James Thompson, Esq., 300, Cheapside, London. E.C. l68. Among other means of induoing this praetiee, it is suggested that, when onvenient, eaeh Resident of a London District should add the name of the Distriet, or the initials, to his own Address inside his Letters when writing to Correspondents, and on his Address Card. Also that, if in business, he should give the name or the initials in the heading of bills or invoiсes, in advertisements or plaeards, and on any artitle of manufaeture whieh may bear his address. l69. Any eorrespondent who may not attend to the above arrangement, should be :equested to observe it. If the initisl letters be thus regularly appended, the Post Offioe Department will be materislly aided in its endeavours to ensure a rapid and eorreet delivery, and the Publie will derive a eorresponding advantage.* TABLE OF DISTRICTS. NameB. InitialB. Names. InitialB. South Eastern Distriet S. E. Western Central Distriet ... w. c. N. South Western Distriet S. W. N. E. E. North Western Distriet N. W. * Further information, if d< l^e^fouij^^pn^a^d 40 of the Seсond Report of tne Postmaster General. m UNIVERSITY Of WISCONSlN MEMORlAL IJRRARV Postal Distriets, [ABB-ARÎ Names of Streets, Names of Streets, Names of Streets, Plaees, &e. Plaees, &e. Plaees, &e. "5 s.E. AI her t-rd., Queen Vrd.,D als tn. Allerton-st.,East-rd., City-rd. Abbey-lane,AbbeyHill, Halfway Kilburn -st.,Bexley n.w. Albert-square, Clapham-road A I lhallows-whf ,Up. Thames -st. E.C. N. Abbey-lane, Wert Ham Б. Albert- sq., Com mereial-rd.,Ea. Allington-st.,\Allington-st.,Horsefy-rd,West. anxhallBdg-rd. s.W.S.W. Abbey-road, St. John's Wood N.W.¡s.E. Albert-st.,Baek-rd.,Albert -square, Islington Shadwell ЛIIsoр-plaee, Upper Baker-st. B.w. Abbey-street, Bermondsey - N.E Allsop-terraee, bew-road B.w. Abbey-st.,Betbnnl Green- road N.E.I Alhert-st.,Albert-st., Buxton-s-t.,MileII amtierst on - E. Alma-rd.,Canonbury,Islington AbbeyAbbey-wood, Wood-rise, Kriib, Kent Bo«tle- Albert-st.,Camden-rd.,Cam.T. n.wN.E. AIma-r"ad, Dslston N.E.n. heath, Plumstead Albert-st., East India-road - Alma-rd., Warwiek rd-Kensatn Abbott-street, Kinoland Albert-st., Mornington-eres. - Alma-street,Alma-street, Kentish/TownNew North-road - Abehureh-la.,KingWilliam-st. Albert-st.,Albert-st., vietoria-sq.,Pimiieo St. George's-road - Abereorn -plaee,- Edgewaie-rd . Albert- ter Al be rt-rdjlgnt's-ph Alperton,Al pha-pl . ,Park-rd.Aeton, Middlesex ,0. Kent-rd. - Aberdeen-plaee,Aberdeen pk.,Highbury-grove Edgeware-rd. Albert-terraee, Camden-road Alpha-rd., Park - rd., Rc nt's-pk. Aberdeen Steam Wt., Wapping A l bert-ter.,Hyde-pk. ,Knghtsb. Alpha-st.,Park- rd.,N. Peekham s,E. Abeideen-terr.. Uxhridge-rd. Albert-terraee, Islington AAlwyne-road, melia-street, CanonburyOld Kent-road - N. Abingdnn-st., Westminster - Albert-terraee,Albert-terraee, London-roadOld Kent-road - Amelia-etreet, Walworth B.E. Abney-park,Abingdon -villas, stoke Kensington Newfngton - Albert-terraee, Kentish-town Amen-eorner, Paternosier-row B. Aeaeia-rond.St. John's Wood Albert-ter,RoyalRoad,Walwrtb Ameriea-sq.,John-st. JMinories E.C. Aeeountant-General's Olliee, Albert-town, StokeNewincton Amersham-pk. , New Cross- rd. B.E. Court of Chaneery, Chan. -la. Albion-grove, Barnsbury Amherst-plaee,Amherst-road, ShaeklewellShaeklewell -- N.E. Aeorn -street, Bishopsgate-st. Albion-pl., Earl'sBlaeklriars-bridge Court.-road Amherst-road.. East, Haekney N.E, AeAere-lane, re -square. Brixton Clapham - - Albion-pl., Hyde Park-square Ambers t-terraee, Shaeklewell N.E,N.E. Aere - terraee , Clapham - Albion-plaee, King's Cross Ampthill-sq., Hampstead-road Aeton, Middlesex Albion-plaee, London Wall - Ampton-pl., Gray's Inn-road W.C.N.W. Aeton-green, Middlesex Albion-plaee, St. Jolm's-lane Amwell-st.,Ampton-st. , Claremont-squareGray's Inn-road - W.C. Aeton-pl., Bagnigge Wells-rd. W.C. Albion-road,Albion-road, ClaphamDalaton - Amwell-terr.. Gt. Perey-st. - E.C. Aeton-plaee, Camden-road - N.W. Ablion-road, Hammersmith - Anehor-bay, Erith W.C. Aeton-plaoe.Aeton-street, Kingsland-road Gray's Inn-road - N.E. Albion-road, Islington - Anehor-lane.Mile End-road. - B.E. Aeton-street, Kingsland-road - W.C,N.E, Albion-road, King«dand - Anehor- st, Limehouse-tields - Adam-street, Adelphi W.C. Albion-road, St. John's Wood Anehor-ter.!SouthwarkBd<i-rd. B.E. Adam-street, New Kent-road s.E. Albion-road, Stoke Newington; Anebor-whl.,Upp. Thames-st. E.C. Adam-street, Rotherinthe B.Б. Albion-road, Woolwieh - Anderson's-bldgs.,Anderson-st., Sloane-square City-road - B.W. Adam-st.East,Maneliester-sq. Albion-sq.,Queen's-rd.,Dnl«ton Angel-eourt, Throgmorton-st. E.C. Adam-st.West, Bryanston-sq. Albion-st.,Albion- street, Caledonian-road Bayswater-road - Angel-pl.,New-rd.,Pentonville E.C. AdamAdam's-row, '.s-eourt.OldB Hampstead-road road -street Aleot, Bexley,' Kent Angel road, Brixton N. Addington, Surrey - Aldborongh Hall, llford, Es?ex Angel-st.,St.M artin 's-le-Grand E.C, Addington-square,Camberwell Aldborongb Hateh, Ilmrd.Essex Angel-ter.,NAnglers-la. , Kentish e w -rd.,Penton Town villird. N. Aditington-street, Lambeth - Aldenham Common, Elstree - Ann-street, Pentonville N.W Addimrton-terr.,East India-rd. Aldenham-st.,Aldenhám Grove, Bedford Elstree Nw Tn Ann-street, Spa Fields - N. Addiseombe,Addieon-plaee, Croydon Kennington - AIdenham-ter,O.St.Paneraa-rd Ann-street, Waterloo -road - W.C. Addison-road,Notting Hill Aldeiiham Wood, Elstree Annerly, Norwood - Addisnn-terr., Kensington Aldei manbury, London Wall - Anthony-st.,Apotheearies' St. HallAYater-lane George's Ea. Addle Hill. Doetors' Commons Alderman'sAldermary Cburehyd,Walk,Iiishopsiit-«t. Bow-la. Apperton, Aeton, Middlesex - AdelaideChmb,GraeeehurehAddle-st.,Wood-st.,Cheapside st. E.C. Aldersbrook, Ilford, Essex Appleby-street, Kmgsland-rd. Adelaide-pl., London Bridge - E.Cex. AbkTspite-street - Arabella-row, Pimlieo - Adelaide -plaee, West Strand - W.C, Alderton Hall, Longhton AArbour-st. rbour-sq., E.,Commer.-rd. Commereial- rd.Ea E. Adelaide-rd., Haverstoek Hill N.W. Aldgate - Arbour-st.W.,Commer.-rd. É. Adelpbi,Adelaide-street, Strand Strand w.o. Aldhous-ter.,B,irnsbury-pnrk. Arbour-ter.,Commereial-rd. E. AdjutantGen.Offiee,HorseGds. W.C. AldreAMinfCham., l-road, Walworth Paternos ter-ro - Vf Areher-st., Bond-st,, So. Lbth Admiral-ter.,VauxballBdg-rd. s.w.B.W Alexander-pl., Fulham-road - Areher-st. ,GreatWindmill-st. Admiralty, Somerset House - W.C. Alexander-square, Brompton Areher-st., Kensington -par k - Admiralty. Whitehall B.W. Alexander-.st^Westbourne-pk. Arehway-road, Highgate N. Adult Orphan Institution, St. Alfred Club Ho., Albemarle -st. Ardle-ness, Lessness Heath - B.E. Andrew's-pl., Regent's pk. N.W. Alfred- me ws,TottenhamCt.-rd. Argyle-sq.,New-rd.,St.Argyle-plaee, Argyle-square Paneras - Aga r -street, Strand W.C. AAlfred-plaee, lfred plaee, Bedford-square Blaek Iriars-road - Argvle-st., Argyle-square Agnes-street,Agar Town, St. Waterloo-road Paneras N.W. Argyll-plaee, llegent-street - Agra andUnited Service Bank, Alfred-plaee,Alfred -pl., Southwark Old Keitt-road B.-road - Argyll-street, Oxford-street '- Old Jewry Chambers - Alfred-plaee, Thurloe -square - Arlington-sq., New North-rd. N. Air-street, Regent-street A l fred-pl . , York-r<l .,CamdenTn Arlington-st.,Arlington -street, Mornington-eres. Pieoadilly - N.W. Albany,Aland-road, Pieeadllly Kentish Town - Alfred-Alfred street,street, Mill-wallCity road -- Arlington-st., Sadler's Weils - й W. Albany-pl.,Commereial-rd. Ea. Alfred street, South Lambeth Army & NavyClub-ho.Pall-mll. B.W.E.C. Albany-road, Barnsbury-park Alired-st., Tottenham Ct.-rd. Arnold-terr., Bow, Middlesex K. Albnny-road, Old Kont-rond - Alfred -st., Vauxhall Bdg-road Arthur-street,Art Jl.0f.,Lnnenster-pl.,Strand Chelsea W.C. AlbanyAl'nany-st.,Albany-rd.,O.Kt-rii -st.,New-rd., Rent's pk. Alfred-st., Whiteehapel-road - Arthur-street. New Oxford-st. 9.ЛУ. Alhany-ter.,New-rd.,Rgnt's-p. Alfred-terraee,AIfred-st.,Whitehorse-la.,M.E. Baneroft's- Arthur-st., Old Kent-road W.C. AHiemarle-street, Pieeadilly - nlaee, Mile End-road - Arthur-st., St. Leonard'a-rd. - S.E. Albemarle-street, St. John-st. E.C.
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