VOLUME Y. WASHINGTON CITY, D. C., JULY 11,1875. NUMBER 19. impulsiveness for which he was always distin- ARMY AND NAVY. The United States steamer Powhatan arrived at LATEST BY TELEGRAPH. THE CAPITAL, guished, which, while they may accompany a Asplnwall, June 26. The Richmond was last at Iqulque. The Omaha will not probably be here be- young man upon his entrance into public life, THE deparment of the army that we are most in- Spanish War. terested in just now is the probability division. A fore tbe 20th of July. PUBLISHED WEEKLY are very apt to part company with him after he MADRID, July 10.—An official dispatch to the Gov- harsh fate that seals us here all summer has taught has got well across the threshold. Mr. Blair was CAPTAIN ANDBEW N. DAMRELL,v corps of engi- ernment gives the following details of military opera- us to respect that body which deals out the weather neers, has obtained one month's extension of his tions : The fighting on Wednesday near Sanclares, in eminently a man untainted by politics, and BY THE and brought HS to a conviction that a signal sergeant leave of absence. Captain Damrell Is in Mobile, the province of Alava, lasted five hours. The Car- through his pubjic career won the respect of his in the summer season is of more account than a Alabama. lists were under Perula and Carlos. They num- opponents by an exhibition of a devotion to his lieutenant general of any other brigade of our veteran bered IS battalions of Infantry, 12 guns and 4G0 cav- CAPITAL PUBLISHING COMPANY, MOVEMENTS OF U. S. NAVAL VESSELS.—Tele- convictions. He was positive in his ideas and life preservers. What we want Is to coax Old Proba- alry. Their loss was 140 killed, many wounded and bilities, Young Probs. and the middle-aged P.'s to graphic dispatches to the Navy Department report independent in his expression of them. There a number talpn prisoners. The Alfonslst General accord us wholesome weather. "Light breezes from the following movements of U. S. vessels of war: Contreras twice brilliantly charged the Navatlsfe was little of conservatism in his nature; perhaps 937 D Street, Washington, D. C. the southeast, with clouds and probably showers The Shawmut arrived at Port Royal on the 6th from with a body of 80 lancers, sowing death In their the want of it was the one thing which pre- toward the afternoon for the Middle States. Re- Key West; the Narragansett was at San Francisco ranks and creating a panic. The railway between vented his becoming one of the leaders in our markable fall in the thermometer and a continuance on the 4th, from La Paz, Mexico; the Kansas was at Vlttoria and Miranda has been restored, and that of light rains." Something like that, you know, that Pensacola on the 6th, Irum New Orleans; the Be- DUM PIATT and BEN. G. LOVEJOY. Editar*. national councils. between Valencia and Vlnaroz will shortly be re- will cheer the city pilgrim and make the seaside hotel nicia, on the 6th, at Esquimau, from San Francisco; opened. General Jovellar Is at Morella, province of keeper shoulder his jaw and howl. So Improved and the departure of the Plymouth from Key West THE Wisconsin Republicans met last Wednes- Oastellon. De la Plana Wellers' (?) division is en- TERMS 82.40 per year (Including postage) In ad- Weather system continue your improvements and for the Rio Grande on the 0th. vance. ' deavoring to overtake Dorregaray. It has orders to day and adopted a platform which as far as fede- shove a little October back and a little May forward, Clubs : Ten copies to one address, 820 In advance, with To ®o WEST.—On the recommendation of the com- immediately attack If it comes up with him. All on« copy free. Twenty copies to one address, 835 In ral relations are concerned is of no significance. and let us have it mixed and seasoned. No sugar in missary general of subsistence. Captain Fred. F. the fords of the river Gallego, In Aragon, are guarded. advance, with one copy free. ours, let it be frigidum sine. They have declared that the State has and shall Whitehead, C. S.,1s relieved from duty In this city exercise control over railroads. The following Long Branch Races. THE CAPITAI. IT'S an ill wind that blows no good, (that blows and ordered to report to the commanding general Can always be found on sale at the news stands are their resolutions on the subjects of tariff and department of the Missouri, for assignment as depot LONG BRANCH, July 10.—The second meeting cf in the following cities and watering places : snow good we say in winter,) and the breeze that commissary of subsistence at Fort Leavenworth, the Long Branch races commenced to-day. AMERICAS NEWS COMPANY, New York. finance: sweeps from the surf at Long Branch swept the The first race, a match of one mile, was won by NEW YORK NEWS COMPANY, " 11 Kansas. GRAND CENTRAL HOTEL. " That we favor the early attainment of a cur- rounded Neptune of the navy into our city last Risk by a length and a half. Betting was 100 to 75 rency convertible into coin, and therefore advocate Thursday morning, and the gallant Robeson at once GENERAL BELKNAP, Secretary of War, is at Keo- in favor of Felter. Time, 1:48%. NEW YORK HOTEL, " " the gradual resumption of specie payments by con- began moving things. Here are some orders under kuk, Iowa. For the heat race for the Jersey Jockey Club ST. NICHOLAS HOTEL, " tinuous steps in that direction, in such a manner as his department: Ensign John A. H. Nickels has been purse, $700, for all ages, mile heats, best three in five, ASTOR HOUSE, " Colonel Fred. Grant is in town. CONTINENTAL HOTEL, Philadelphia. to disturb the business interests of the country as ordered to the navy-yard, Boston, Mass.; Assistant three horses started. The heat was won by Spen- PARKER HOUSE, Boston. little as possible. Surveyor Howard Wells to the Worcester; Passed drift. Time, 1:43)4. In the second heat Blgfellow J. R. HAWLEY, Cincinnati, Ohio. Assistant Engineer R. W. Milligan to the Brooklyn, WILL GRAY. St. Louis. Missouri. " That we are in favor of a tariff* for revenue only, The Fonrtta at Tnnlaw. took the lead, winning by six lengths. Time, 14654. PALMER HOUSE. Chicago. so adjusted as to be the least burdensome and the South Atlantic station, by steamer of the 23d instant. C. H. QUIMBY, Wheeling, West Virginia. Tbe world owns but one Tom Hume. Tom Hume The third heat was won by Blgfellow. Distance, C. F. JOHNSTON, Richmond, ¡Virginia. most favorable to the interests of labor and indus- AND. the detachments balance to the orders in a owns Tunlaw. To those who know not Tom and one mile; time, 1:48%. Two horses started In the J. T. ELLYSON, " try." fourth heat. Time, 1:6354. C. C. HALEY, New Orleans. Louisiana. regular set naval minuet: Tunlaw—and they have lived in vain—we say that W SCOTT GLORE, Louisville, Kentucky. There is an indefiniteness about the expres- Lieutenant William A. Day has been detached Tom is about two hundred pounds of good fellow- The third race was for $600 stakes, added to sweep- J. A. ROYS, Detroit, Michigan. stakes of $50 each. Eighteen entered. Distance was C. C. RIGIITER, Charleston, South Carolina. sion " gradual resumption," as here used, that from the Colorado and ordered to the Despatch; ship, with a heart spread all over him, and Tunlaw is his country home. Some years ago he tired of two miles. Boy Final won with ease. Time, 3:425i. WHITE & BAUER, San Francisco, California. promises nothing real. Master M. F. Wright from the Despatch and or- J. T. Cox, Alexandria. Virginia. dered to the coast survey; Ensign Henry McCrea the vanities of American patriotism.- He saw no The fourth race. Long Branch steeple chase han- CONGRESS HALL. Cape May, N. J. A tariff for revenue dependent upon- such an COLUMBIA HOUSE, , '• from the Worcester and ordered to the coast survey; soul in the barbarous fire-cracker, and only perspir- dicap for all ages, was about three miles. The purse WEST END HOTEL. Long Branch. N. J. adjustment as is most favorable to labor and in- Assistant Surgeon James R. Wagganer from the ation In the spread-eagle procession. So he said in was $600. $490 to the first horse, $100 to the second GREENBRIER WHITE SULPHUR SPRINGS, West Va. And at all the hotels and news stands In Baltimore. dustry, leaves the mind in a dilemma as to Worcester and ordered to the naval hospital, Nor- the bigness of his heart, " Let the Heathen Chinee and $30 to the third. Deadhead won, followed by whether a tariff for a certain purpose, with a folk, Va. shoot off his little gun and our colored brethren fol- Minnie Mac and Meteor. Time, 6:28. CONTEXTS OF INSIDE. qualification in favor of something else, is not a low the band. I will have none of it. I have shady PAGE 2.—" Misanthropos," " Roberts to Saccha- LIEUTENANT HENRY METCALF, ordnance depart- spots beneath my spreading maples, where hospi- The American Kill« Team. tariff for the latter and not for the former. rins," and " Life in the West." ment, U. S. A., has been relieved from duty at the tality lingers, to meet my friends, and they shall LONDON, July 10.—The American rifie team PAGE 3.—Scraps. national armory at Springfield, Mass., and ordered come to me." They came, and were conquered.
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