GIPE-024370-17.Pdf (1.763Mb)

GIPE-024370-17.Pdf (1.763Mb)

CENSUS OF 1941 VILLAGE STATISTICS SOUTH KANARA DISTRICT l\fADRAS PRESIDENCY PRINTED BY THE SUPERINTENDENT GOVERNMENT PRESS MADRAS 1943 PRICE, Rs. 1-10-0 AMIN DIVI ISI..ANDS. - ' :.. - I Population. Charge 18-Rural area ,6,171 NOTB.-Throughout F.P. =Floating population. Village Statist·ics-Amin Divi Islands. / _, POPULUION. • I - RBLJGION. Number of ,.... .A. ,... _.... Serial number and name ...... OCCUPied "'l• - HINDUS. ofvlllage. houses. Males. Females. Total. ,.... .A. ...__.... Muslims. Christians.- Othrrs. RBHARKR. _!;cheduied Brahman•. castes. Others. Total. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)- (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) Grand Total 1,035 3,128 3,051 8,177 8,177 Govemment Total 1,036 3,126 8,061 8,177 6,177 MUNICIPALITIES-Nil. ':: CENSUS TOWN-Nil. ). VILLAGES. , . Government. ...__·. ,. 1 Amlndlvl •• 419 1,407 1,302 2,799 2,799 2 nttra ., Uninhabited. 3 KadmatDi~l 186 652 578 1,230 1,2:io 4 KlltamDivl 222 598 605 1,208 1,203 5 Chalaiat Dlvl 208 469 476 945 945 .._, ,- COONDAPOOR TALUK. Populatiov. Charge 3--Coo_ndapoor Town . 8,912 ., 4-=--CoondapoofRural 150,328 NOTB.--;-Throughout F.P. =Floating population. S. KANARA-1-A Village Sta#stics-Ooondapoor Tal·uk. ,___..._POI'D'LATION, ltiiiJ.IGIOM, Sorlal numbor nnd 1111010 Numborol l:i!MDD'8,,...------------------ ot'vlllu.,o, OUOIIJllud Mc&lu•. ll'ullll&lc••· Tutnl. ,...---:--- -~ Mnolltus, Ohl'l»tlnn•, Othuu. lliUIAUKS, houoc». Sohndulod Br11hmnnM. CllltUI, Oth•·•·•· Totul. (I) (2) (3) (4) (5) ,_(II) (7) (II) (ll) (111) (11) (12) (l:l) Orrmd Toirtl 17,607 74,714 84,616 l69,Z40 14,168 8,610 106,661 139,339 9,041 6,438 4,4ZI Govsrm11mt Totlll 111,001 71,7 J.l 81,11:!0 l69,Z40 114,1011 8,1110' JOO,flfll 139,339 11,04:! 0,4311 4,1:11 M VNICil' A.Lll'IEH-Nll, ClllNSUS TOWN. Coonrtupoor Town 1,47:.1 4,:1111 4,11fff 8,1155 2,402 210 ··.' G,lO!l 7,778 4:JO 1,040 1 /l,P, 3~ 63 7 :Jr. IJO 60 II OounrlrlJiuor Port, .... 1/',P.__ •• !WI 119 0:! 61 Juo 7 VIJ.T.A.CIEH. Gollnrt~iuMI, ..._, ll A(rl li·IO 1160 070 1,889 1!0 100 1,120 1,808 11:1 :t A hcull 1!:!2 o:UI OliO 1,1195· lUll . 71 - 11111 1,071 i7 llOI 4 Aluru 1!64 llflfi 7H2 1,447 ' Hll 1 or, .. 1,1117 1,851 2 'i o:l ll AIIIIIHllllbuiJit 147 ano :1611 715 !Ill llU 4Hl! 607 7 111 6 ()' Am1111r 300 HOO 023 1,7211 lWif 110 ~- 1,220 1,888 :Ill 1)3 7 Annllnllf ,, 4•111 1,1117 1,4~:1 8,6110 :lUll. txr, 1 ,alii 1,808 II sou H AHtotlu , , 74. !116 211H 488 fill :u; IIIIII 458 6 0 Jlnclnll"''" 1M 4/\0 I!:SII 998 . l714 I 4 -- 7:11 918 71'1 '7 w Jlnlnduru 411.4 OIJH l,lUl 11,089 ~ lGC. .• 110 l,O·IU 1,928 ll 140 ll llnlmluru Pore (ll.P.) IR 18 'f 7 11 ' lll Jlnll111ru , , , , 1,428 ~ -1 ;.;, ' 1,1:111 1,871 21\ ];J 2~il 7112 72ir 82 Jlnoruru O~:l 1,144:1 2,0'1 8,884 ouo' 2,Hl a.aao 4:11 23:S 8 .:..· ~t~' ,y ]4 U.P. 3 3 lll•lblllt 2214 OJ~ 11M 1,lltll ; 7:.i ~,j 1,007 1,166 4u 11) Jlc•lum ... 2~j7 110:1 1Ji2 1,7411 . 21:}' 67 1,4711 1,7411 ll.P. '1 IJ II '·' u II '· ) .•, .. 10 IJHIVtt 1~0 MB 1).!2 1,098 'l:Sii 02 010 840 liS 1 2:10 17 llljndl 404 Hllfl l,IHll 11,078 . n~:l ' 111~ 1,1!711 8,0114 :S7 17 ]H Jll ~111'11 41\1 1,1111 l,41:J a,aaa 2M l:J:.l II,IIHil ll,47fl 1!8 ljg 111 Ch ttm·u •. lUll 11117 014 1,1121 1~7 411 llflfl 1,1411 II 77 l'lhll'hll ocllltrc•. 1 20 (Juunllnpuol' :J47 IJ!jO 1,01!4 ,11,088 l:J~ lJ 1,:111:! 1,1138 471 iii 1 oi·Uun llllhltll! tlu• (Jumuln1•m•r towu. 21 J)uvollmntlcl 120 42:1 4B:I 8R8 11· 7:1 H112 886 :l2 IG•Inmofth 14·1 lHi'l Ifill 354 1\7 :I J:lfl 196 '6 16:i 2:1 Unnllull , , 11116 2,HII2 3,1144 11,986 1,02~ 2110 2,771 4,090 1,:1a:~ oi:i U.P. 8 3 I 2~ Oullhulo 1H~ :Hill J\tlli 90ll 4:1 44 IIAi 088 72 1il~ 21) 0Uj111tll l7:J :171 1!12 888 IHL ll3 411:1 1107 lL '6 Ill 2011 ll20 110~ 1,811 :II 'I' 124 1,241\ 1,888 111 211 Clujln•ll 11411 1127 1,778 120 176 1,ao1 1,098 1711 2 117 au vntll 1!06 I F.P. II ~ , 3 3 :)li4 :1711 nn8 887 2r.i 1:1 411/1 7411 lMtl ~ .. I! !I :Rn<lnvu 1,709 66 2711 H1>2 I IIH4 1,818 Hll 270 1•,!1411 6i Hnklndl 01 1,0:111 1,289 ~g Hnlndl 2110 1»48 707 1,486 100 J.' 1:14 416 4711 891. Iii 120 6A6 868 28 :n, :R nlnrnn<ln 24 610 718' 82 Jlnllndl·llnrkntll 100 :JHCI 4110 718 IH4 124 27:1 :!hl 'liM 147 !Bil 161 •486 .. 88 38 Jlnlllholo , • 'p,p, I I· I 14 ' I 2rili ORII 1120 1,486 a2i 1\8 727 t,t04t t:iti 94 HnnQlurn , • 244· 811 . 1,224 1,&68· '6 36 Hnrtlnlll Mnndnll 246 7117 1!31 1,668• R4 128 70·1 1,068 16 3(1 Rnrkuru , , 1~11 480 n~s 1,0liB 1HI :141 :171! ·719 1:11 686 718 3 37 Hnt.~l\ltQndl '678 :.100 ilil :no 04'7 81 3!1 Ht•buiQc ,, 101! :Jill liO:I 242 Mil 7~K 1,447· 116 1\11 1,02:1 1,198 .i2 30 Ht•mmndl 1,888 2113 32 773 1,008 16 26o 40 Ht'IIRRVRUI lOll 631 ~2 ···1 Hill 408 4311 841· 100 47 0114 841 4 t :R ornn!llla 1,062 1,198 42 Hururu • , 206 C>llll 000 1,889 103, 3:1 'j P.P. 63 21 ·, 84 a 1 :.!IJ 33 100 210 U2 4 '260 '4115 48 BrMkutturu P.P. 73 41~. 1 ., '2r,~ :218 ·ass 78 2~ '410 loaf 44 Romb<l!ti·Mandndl iliJ 1,087 27 46 Hoandu , , 214 460 004 1p084f 123. 111 803 .. , 1 18' -824 0.& 1 128 46 HOOIIItQndl •· 1112 806 421 817 11111' ,411 '405 4:18 888 30 82 677 789. :1 46 47 Hnouru , • 1116 1,097.' 60. 411 Idnru Kummndl 1114 11113 6761 1,169 1B:J· 115 8611 127 2H3 266 649· 43 :JS :!:JA 814· 231> 40 Jndknl , , 830 1,0111 60 Jn(ltl . ··" 175 484 -667 110111' 173 48.. , 172 4811 6!11 1,019 1111• 711' 8211 1,019 Ill Knlnvnra , , 1,981• 62 Knltodu •• :1117 076~ 1,1a~ a,1tli' 77 001 1,7~~ :zo IS II, 18 '1 ti6 218 1112 410 1011 :iii 241 8815' 1 118 KamniMhlle .1127 1,204 85 38 C>ol. Kandnvarn 2S6 610 712 1 182ll: lilA 140 •'• 66 Kanyana •• 107 sus 400 7111, so,; 3~. 046, 71~ .. .., '711): 1,478' !Oil·, 82' 1,200' 1,4&0' 11' 14 liB KnrkunJI , • 220 12 117 Kntt.nbclturu 176 534 n~ 1,162 117 411 t,g~~· 1,140 1111 Knvrndl , • · 461 1,1!11\. ooa. 8,178 2114 :Ill' 9'78 oli2 21~: :it. 611 1\f<luru .• 140 :mo 401 881 121; 64. 705· 880 1 .. , ,.,. 110 Keltebnmltrll uo 260 aoo· 689· ea:, 47 4011• 1589 ·:· I, ' !' Ill Kern<ll· • • • • . 140 4911 4111 919• 2!1 107 6?0 799· 10 .~·. 11.~ . 112 K•rQo.l , • , , 2117 817 1!06 1,808 2115 1211 1,3&:1 1,778 20 63 Khnmbndnkorio , , 2311 701 ll:l6 1,687 2110 80 1,080 1,440 117 114 Krhnu.nj""hwara 401 1,35~ 1,531, 8,884 422 102 2,19J 2,721 163 '5 'IS 4 I a 65 Kodladl . F.P. 663 7715 •• 1' 1S:i) Hio 466 ol.i2 908 Oi' 5i' ,. 66 Kolhtnl •• 04 212 181 898 126 • I 23 210 859 ·;, 1 33 ''F.P. 27 ·u -4 :40 24 .. , .. ,\ 117 Konl til5 415 5io 984 2:!0 22. 615 767 1 100 118 Kor1d • , 176 4711 11112 1,071 47 611. 050 1,071 1111 K ot<•shlruru 75 173 146 819 80 7 1116 ll88 .. 2o ··r F.P. 0 1 10 I II , ·.; 2,918. 205 70 Kotlohwarn 6io 1,664 1,800 ' 8,488 ' v 1,04Q 1-0il. \ ~.768 . 286 I' ',, Village Statis,tic&-Ooondapoor Talulc-oont. ;•t ,., RBLIOIOK. I" ,._ __,;.Poror.AorroK. Number or _ ,-- Serial number ancl namo occuplccl H!MDU8.·. Othcl'llo 'RIIIHARKI, ]l'omalcl, ':t'o~~l. ,- MIIKIIIIll. Chrlsthlnlo or village, hou•n•. Hale•• ' · Bchcdulod Brahmans. c•llltoa, O~hcn. 'l'otiLl. ,, ' 1 • 'it (12) (13) I' (II) (0) '(8) (~) (10) (11) (1) ·.. , (2) (a) '(4) (7) VU.LAGnB-cotlt. J' ,,. Governmsne-cont. I 2 312 '11 •Xulanfl .. 172 4116 '402 1148 112 I 33 601 626 8 712 tlll6 1,808 6311 1111 HIIG 1,808 2 72 J<urnbnKhl .. 2Hll 4 •'• 73 I< mulabnmndadl 147 8!13 4117 840 126' 70 840 888 .

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