■v^ ■’'■ ,V "V ^ ,'.'i,- MONDAY, JUNE 14, 1961^ irugi. f AGB TWENTY Praaa Ron Tha W« UtanrijffBtrr lEwntag Hitralii ruwuaK «f D. 8.; IMB vlc«i at South Methodist Von Deck Jr. wSU praside. Of- 'iMd'Mwi Two Degrees Set flcerfl will wear aummar for­ Church. A breakfast will be 14,208 mal. served In the Masonic Temple PHtmer, lew teatglit About Town at 7:30 a.m. and the lodges NOTICE w of tlM Audit kigh kiiworw w dhTt. By Friendship Satunlay night, the Caledon­ Krill attended the 9 o ’clock ser­ ed OtronlathMi ian degree team from 'Water- Ocotc* B«ttinK«r, chairman vice. Tickets for the breakfast . w ill b* CIosH | Mancherter A City of ViUago Charm mt ttw Btabkladge District of Friendship lodge of Masons bury ^11 fill the chairs, with can be obtained from officers tha ChaKer Oak Council. Boy will have two Master Mason Thomas Johnstone presiding This team is noted for Its rit­ o f either lodge. from Tuosdoyi J«m«[ ■loouta o f America; and J. degrees this week, one at a VOL. LXXXIV, NO. 217 (TWENTY PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN, TUESDAY, JUNE 15, 1965 (^IwMtfled AdrertMwg en FMfe IS) PRICE SEVEN Moray Roy, an executive of the regplar meeting Thursday night ual work, which 1# performed 15 until TiMsdoy. Btookledffe District, spoke at a and the other at a special while in Scot dress. It also July 6th. meetkic of the PTA Council meeting Saturday night. Both uses bag pipers. The team put FATHER'S DAY week asking the PTA to will be In the Masonic Temple, on its work all over the east­ ern seaboard. Johnston# will G IFT S 18 Soldiers sponsor new Cub Scout packs starting at 7:30. WRAPPED FREE ISAM YULYESi St schools where there are now On Thursday, Dtstrtet Depu­ (be presiding over his 102nd Same Side As Watkins Master Mason degree. ty Howard Bond of Thompson- 28 OAK STREET Die in Crash vllle will make his official vis­ Friendship and Manchester ARTHUR DRUB [Voters’ Turnout Light Newly impointed committee itation and inspection of the lodges join together on Sunday O f ’Copters chairmen a t the Junior Century lodge. Senior Warden Jack to attend St. John’s Day ser- Oub will meet tonight at 8:30 COLUMBUS, Ga. (A P I - St the home of Mrs. Lawrence Eighteen Midlers were kill­ Decker Jr,, 189 Laurel St., I ed today In the collision and Wsppmg. Crash of two troop • laden Army helicopters on a train­ In Delegate Election The annual eutiqg of the ing flight over a swampy Army-Navy Auxiliary will be area of Ft. Bennlng. held Sunday, June 27, at Gar­ NEW SHIPMENT OF SALESMAN'S Possibly more Infantry­ den Grove. Reservations close men were killed in the flam­ HARTFORD (AP) —< There were lees than 1.000 ina,The eeven Democrats ninning^re staging write-in cantpalgn^ June 24 and may be made with West Hartford, and about 300 in the district are unopposed Leonard Gendal of Bridgeport, SAMPLE JEWELRY ing crashes at 9:54 a.m. Scattered reports from a junior high school music teach­ Mrs. Florence Witt, 829 Main shorUy after the aircraft in East Hartford al mid-day. Fourteen delegates, seven St., or Mrs. Charles Pickett, around the state indicated There was a turnout of about Democrats and seven Republi­ er in Stratford, is a wrrite-ln Regrular $1 to $18 took off from an airstrip candidate in the Fourth Dis­ «13 Main S t on the sprawling reserva­ a light turnout for today’s 1.000 in Greenwich and less than cans, win be elected in each di.s- NOW 1 / 2 P R IC E 400 in Stamford. trict to the 84-member conven­ trict. tion of the U.S. Army In­ election of 84 delegates to Mrs, Suzanne Silvercruys Stev- Manchester Assembly, Order fantry Training Center. In New Haven, only 50 vote* tion. .Superb selection of single piece or sets, pins, the constitutional conven­ The convention will open July en.son of Chaplin, a sculptor, o f Rainbow for Girls, will have earrings, pendants, necklaces, bracelets. Buy tion beginning July 1. were cast in a district where and Chase Kimball of Pomfret, 5.000 were eligible. 1 at the State Capitol to amend a business meeting tonight at for yourself. for gifts. ..a rare opportunity Manchester voters were stay­ a college profes.sor, are write-in T:30 at the Masonic Temple. State Road-e-o ITirmer the State Constitution in keeping to acquire such unusual pieces at such big ing away from the polls in In a regular state election, with the U.S. Supreme Court’s candidates In the Second Dis­ Officers are reminded to wear Walter Strong of South Windsor, second from left, winner in the Jaycee's Road-e-o state savings! droves today and. unless a last the turnout by noon would have trict. riiort white dresses. finals Is congratulated by South Windsor Mayor John Egan. Others, from left, are Joseph "one-man one-vote” reapportlon- • Side Button Closings Events minute rush develops no more been far greater everywhere. ment decision. An election eve blast at the Vono’ of South Windsor, state chairman of the driving sKill program; Ken Johansen of Nor­ The chief reason for the lack process of electing delegates wich third place winner, and Phil Fairman of Glastonbury, second place. Strong will go to than about five per cent of the Although almo.st all of the The atsB of Manchester's eligrible voters will cast ballots. of interest was the fact that wa.s delivered Monday by John Camp Kennedy, including the Washington, D.C. for the national finals. The Road-e-o was held Saturday at South Wind­ • Fine Cotton there were no contests outside party-endorsed candidates are Lupton, executive director of the sor High. (Herald photo by Ofiara.) ____________________________________ LADIES' SUMMER In State At 1 p.m. only 554 ballots had the first congressional district. certain of victory, the election Connecticut Republican Citizens volunteer counselors, will meet been cast, or about 2Vt per cent tomorrow night at 6:30 at the Party-endorsed candidates in could generate some excite­ CJommittee. of the 22,990 eligible. ment. West Side R w on Cedar St. The Women’s Society of The Mailmams will have their A testimonial dinner will be • Full Cut five of the state’s six congres­ Lupton called the voting "a Advance predictions of to­ In North Stonington, for ex­ Community Baptist Church will annual supper tomorrow .it 6 given Wednesday at 7 p.m. at HANDBAGS sional di.stricts are ail alone on parody of a true election.” Underwood Out day’s Manchester total vote had ample, Miss Virien Kellems The Bast Matron’s Associa- have a cookout tomorrow at p.m. at Willie's Steak House. the Italian American' Club foi' the ballot and are virtually cer­ "They all get elected whether Tho.se attending are reminded Aldo Pagani and Robert Seni- • Machine Wash ranged from a low of 900 to a tain of election. plans a voting booth sit-in to you like it or not,” he said. tton o f Tempie Chapter, Order 6:30 p.m. on the grounds of the high of 2,200. at Bhwtsm Star, will have a pic- Youth Fellowship building. that reservations for the film, baldi. Tickets may be obtained For Second Day; The one exception is the First 1 protest the lack of choice being The polls open at 6 a.m. and Regrular 2.99 offered voters aic Wednesday afternoon at the Mjembers are reminded to bring "My Fair Lady,” must be pick­ "rom. Bienviedo Montalvo. 82 In Hartford some cbstricts re­ District where Mr. and Mrs. will remain open until 7 p.m. hottsge of Mrs. John Trotter of moat and rolls. Dessert and bev­ up by 8 p.m. at the Webb, Wells St., or Romolo Pagani, 22 ported fewer than a hundred James Collins of Hartford are And in two districts, the .sec­ Drinking places will be closed Wether.sffeld. .'oster St. Talks Continue voters by noon. listed as "Protest Republicans.” ond and the fourth, latecomers during polling hours. Cbhimliia Lake. Members are erages will be sewed. Those de­ Selected group of our most popular summer tsminded to brine dishes and siring further information may handbags. .straws, patents, leathers. White, HARTFORD (A P )— A Stiverware. Those wishing call any leaders of the church beige, bone and favorite colors. High polished toan^Mrbation may cal) Mrs. circles. metal frames. work stoppage by union ■ d en iMiott, 177 Summit St. members went into its sec­ Four from State Mancheater Lodge of Masons Rare Painting Discovered in Trash Barrel ond day today at the Oli- The Brewster Cfax:le of North will meet tomorrow at 7:30 p.m. vettl-Underwood Coi*p. Vivien Kellems Arrested Killed in Crash MsHuiihat Church will meet at the Masofiic Temple. The Choicesf Meafs In Town LADIES' FASHION Mrs. George Simon holds missing painting — Madonna — reclaimed from the A union spokesman notified T^Msdagr s t 6 pm . at the Master Mason degree wUi be Grosse Point, Mich., trash collection. The painting, which may be the work of members of the International ahurch. oonf erred. DUSTERS CR PCP-INS a 16th century painter named II Sassoferrato is valued at more than $20,000. Union of Machinists that a rank On Bay Bridge TUESDAY ONLY SPECIAL! and-flle meeUng scheduled for For Voting Booth Sit-in It was report^ lost by the Simons earlier this year and recovered from the NORFOLK, Va.
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