B4 | Friday, May14, 2021 | beaumontenterprise.com |Beaumont Enterprise SPORTS Blacklock had a dis- was drafted in the fourth signed Pharaoh Brown to MCCLAIN appointing rookie season. round last year. He im- go with starter Jordan From page B1 He seemed ill-suited for pressed his coaches with Akins. That’s four new the scheme the Texans his intelligence and work tight ends to compete with voluntarily, but consider- ran. With new defensive ethic. They liked him on Warring. ing how many players coordinator Lovie Smith special teams. Receiver Isaiah Coulter, don’t have positions solidi- installing a 4-3, Blacklock Reid can play inside or afifth-round pick in 2020, fied, they’d be foolish to has a chance to earn more outside, but he’s best didn’t get on the field as a avoid participating. playing time and prove he covering slot receivers. rookie. Caserio traded up Teams aren’t supposed was worth that second- Four veteran cornerbacks to select Collins in the to hold it against players round draft choice. were acquired, including third round. who work out on their Jonathan Greenard is Desmond King II, who also Like Coulter, Collins is own, but you know if the another second-year de- is best playing on the an outside receiver. Collins competition is close, most fensive lineman with a lot inside. Veterans with a lot is one of six new receivers, will go with the players to improve. He was a of experience are trying to and the other five are who spent their time third-round pick in 2020 take Reid’s job, and this veterans who are hungry working with teammates and played outside line- offseason is crucial to him. to make a favorable im- at their facility. backer in the 3-4 scheme. Tight end Kahale War- pression on their coaches. The last two phases of He appeared in 13 games, ring is going into his third Coulter has to show signif- the offseason program are made one start and regis- season. He’s been dis- icant improvement in his important to prepare all tered one sack. appointing because he’s second offseason with the the new players for train- At 6-foot-3 and 263 spent most of his first two Texans or it could leave ing camp. With so many pounds, Greenard has seasons sidelined with him unemployed. new players being added, moved to defensive end, injuries and trying to fig- Blacklock, Greenard, let’s look at some Texans his more natural position. ure out the system. War- Reid, Warring and Coulter entering their second and With eight new defensive ring has size, speed and are just five Texans to keep third seasons with a lot to linemen, including four Brett Coomer /Staff photographer talent, which he’s flashed track of during an off- prove. ends, he’ll have a lot of Houston’s third-year tight end Kahale Warring, on occasion, and this is a season program that’s vital Let’s start with defen- competition to make the pictured May 10, 2019, missed most of his first two make-or-break offseason to the Texans’ plan to field sive tackle Ross Blacklock. team. If Greenard adjusts years due to injuries. for him. acompetitive roster that’ll He was drafted in the to his coaches and makes Caserio traded for tight help them dispel all the second round with a pick asmooth transition to cuts, he won’t care where round if those players end Ryan Izzo, drafted doomsday predictions. acquired from Arizona in end, he can help the de- aplayer was drafted. The were drafted before Case- Jordan, signed free agents the DeAndre Hopkins fense. third round won’t be dif- rio was hired. Antony Auclair and Paul [email protected] trade. When Caserio is making ferent from the seventh Cornerback John Reid Quessenberry and re- twitter.com/mcclain_on_nfl ETC. Lost & Found | Pets | Merchandise | Estate & Garage Sales | Agribusiness | Misc. SOUTHEAST CHURCH Wide Garage Sale at First Pentecostal Church | 1420 North 5th St., Silsbee, Tx, May 14 & 15, 7 - 2. All proceeds go towards helping bible quizzers to go competition. SOUTHEAST Accepting Applications | SENIOR Citizens 62 & up or handicapped. Now available SOUTHEAST ESTATE Sale By Ready Set Sell! | û 3145 Greenwillow, Port Neches (corner of Low income, Efficiency, 1 & 2 Bedroom Apartments. Apply at 3030 French Rd. Meadowgreen) Pre-sale Fri 10-7, Sat 8-3 & Sun 10-3. House & garage full!! Call: (409) 892-0196 Raintree Tower Apts Equal Housing Opportunity SOUTHEAST Multi Family Garage & Estate Sale | 440 South Ave., China, Tx. May 13-15, 8am-3pm. 1000’s Of items priced to go. Furniture, clothing, decor & much, much, more!! SOUTHEAST PLYMOUTH Village Apartments | 5080 Helbig Rd. 409-892-2532 3 - Bedroom Now Available. Accepting applications for 1, 2, 3 & 4 Bedroom Apts. SOUTHEAST TALLAMAR Neighborhood Garage Sale! | Saturday, May 15, 2021, 8am-11am All Bills Paid. Section 8, Mon.- Fri. 9am- 2:30pm. û 17430 Tallamar Dr, Beaumont, TX 77713 Equal Housing Opportunity Agency SOUTHEAST Two Family Garage Sale | r 1616 Helena, Nederland, Fri & Sat only 8am. Christmas, home decor & lots of misc. Autos & More Vehicles | Boats | Motorcycles | RVs | Misc. Real Estate For Sale | For Rent | Services WANTED CASH Paid | FOR Junk Cars and Pick-Ups. Free Towing: 409-540-3344 SOUTHEAST 3357 Ancar (Victory Garden) | 2 Bed, 1 bath duplex. $500/mo. Call 409 -735-7155 MOTORHOME WANT TO PURCHASE | Prefer Class C Motorhome or Travel Trailer, 409-781-1630 At Your Service TO ADVERTISE: (409) 838-2888 Classifi[email protected] LEGAL NOTICE Notice is hereby given in RE: PUBLIC HEARING accordance with the NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN the City of terms of the provisions of Lumberton will hold public hearings in the Council Chambers, City Hall, located at the Texas Alcoholic 836 N. Main, Lumberton, Texas, to discuss Beverage Code and consider the following: THAT: Beauxart 1) For the purpose of discussion and Operation Inc. d/b/a possible public comments on a variance Swift HAS FILED request submitted by Stewart and Kari Kyle to encroach upon their east side APPLICATION FOR A: building setback line to within 3’ of the Wine and Beer Retailer’s property line, as well as encroach upon their south rear building setback line to Off-Premise Permit within 15’ of the rear property line to SAID BUSINESS TO BE build an accessory building on a slab. CONDUCTED AT: 2601 The property is located at 7741 Moonglow Circle, Lot 9, Block 4, Boykin West, AB Hwy 69 North, 46, in the R.C. Rogers Survey, P# BW-4-9, Nederland, Jefferson l#1574/242 005165-003350, Lumberton, Hardin County, Texas. County, Texas 77627 2) For the purpose of discussion and possible public comments to consider amendments to the City’s Zoning Ordi- nance under Chapter 50, Division 9 – MH Manufactured Housing Community Park District, Section 50-427 – General Regu- lations, for the purpose requiring permits and installation compliance 3) For the purpose of discussion and possible public comments to consider amendments to various sections of the City’s Zoning Ordinance under Chapter 50 for the purpose of providing amendments and additional regulations pertaining to accessory buildings and uses. A public hearing will be held by the Plan- ning and Zoning Commission on Monday, June 7, 2021 at 6:30 PM. A public hearing will be held by the City Council for these same items on Monday, June 14, 2021 at 6:30 PM. Anita M. Price PUBLIC NOTICE: Burlington Northern Zoning Secretary Santa Fe (BNSF) Railway proposes to in- stall a 180-ft-tall communications tower NOTICE TO CREDITORS in their railroad right-of-way in Hardin Notice is hereby given that original County, TX at (latitude, longitude) Letters Testamentary for the Estate of 30.435581, -94.669569, which will be li- JACK W. GEARINGER, Deceased, were NOTICE TO CREDITORS censed through the Federal Communica- issued on May 3, 2021, in Cause No. Notice is hereby given that original tions Commission (FCC). As part of its re- 124137, pending in the County Court of Letters of Testamentary for the Estate of sponsibilities assigned by FCC for compli- Jefferson County, Texas, to: GRACE E. Cynthia M. Mahan, Deceased were issued ance with the National Environmental Pol- GEARINGER. on the 12th day of May, 2021, in Cause icy Act (NEPA) and National Historic All persons having claims against this No. 125031, pending in the County Court Preservation Act (NHPA), BNSF invites Estate which is currently being administ of Jefferson County, Texas, in Probate, to the public to notify BNSF of any effects ered are required to present them to the Eugenia Coffin, as Independent Executor. the placement of this tower may have on undersigned within the time and in the All persons having claims against the properties listed or eligible for listing in manner prescribed by law. Estate which is currently being adminis- the National Register of Historic Places, c/o: Lynn M. Bencowitz tered are required to present same within or any concerns the public may have with Attorney at Law the time and in the manner prescribed by regard to the potential impact the tower 2495 Broadway law to Meredith M. Bernsen, Creighton, may have on natural and cultural resour- Beaumont, Texas 77702 Fox, Johnson & Mills, PLLC, P.O. Box ces subject to NEPA or NHPA review and DATED the 11th day of May, 2021. 5607, Beaumont, Texas 77726. consideration. Please direct your com- /s/ Lynn M. Bencowitz DATED this 13th day of May, 2021. ments to Molly Nick at HDR, 10450 Lynn M. Bencowitz Eugenia Coffin, Independent Executor of Holmes Rd, Suite 600, Kansas City, MO Attorney for Grace E.
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