March 21, 1996 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð Extensions of Remarks E407 Border Patrol officials have met with resi- 6 years old. He proudly served his country in TRIBUTE TO MILWAUKEE'S COM- dents and re to meet again May 15 at the the U.S. Army during the First World War. A MUNITY BRAINSTORMING CON- Dulzura Community Center. graduate of York High School, he married FERENCE ``We've told them we're concerned about it too and are getting resources there to deal Emma Goodling. Their children blessed them with the problem,'' Summers said. with three grandchildren and five great-grand- HON. THOMAS M. BARRETT Overtime pay has been approved for more children. OF WISCONSIN agents to work in East County, she said. Mr. Moore's life has borne witness to world- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Illegal crossings have risen there mostly changing events of the twentieth century. His Wednesday, March 20, 1996 because the U.S. Border Patrol has been ef- life has been guided by important values: fective in stopping illegal traffic farther strong religious belief and work ethic, dedica- Mr. BARRETT of Wisconsin. Mr. Speaker, it west in the Imperial Beach-San Ysidro area. is with pride today that I celebrate an impor- Arrest records for the past seven months tion and service to his country, respect for show the illegal crossing hot spots now are himself and others, and love of his family. He tant event that will take place in the city of Mil- near Chula Vista, Brown Field, El Cajon and most certainly is a role model for all Ameri- waukee. On Friday, March 22, the Community Campo. cans. Brainstorming Conference [CBC] of Milwaukee Arrests in Imperial Beach were down 52 will gather to celebrate its 10th anniversary. I Mr. Speaker, I am very pleased to honor Mr. percent in April compared with the same ask my colleagues to join me in saluting the Moore today. I pray God will grant him many month last year from 23,855 to 11,348, accord- outstanding achievements of this remarkable more happy and healthy years. Happy birth- ing to records. coalition of leaders from a great community. Elsewhere in the 66-mile-wide sector, ar- day, Frank. In February 1986, Samuel L. Johnson and rests continued to soar. Arrests in Chula Vista, Broken Field and f Reuben K. Harpole, Jr., invited 13 people to a El Cajon rose 34 percent, 126 percent and 824 meeting at Saint Matthew's CME Church to percent, respectively, in April compared HONORING ALVARADO MIDDLE discuss a series of vital issues facing Milwau- with the same period last year. SCHOOL kee's African-American community. The meet- * * * * * ing was highly productive, and it was decided Arrests were down from March, however, that a public forum of community activists when 61,687 were made. HON. JAY KIM should convene on the fourth Saturday of Immigration officials maintain that their each month. The rest is history, and the CBC OF CALIFORNIA strategy is working because the illegal traf- continues to fulfill its mission to this very day. fic is shifting east to isolated areas where IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES From day one, the CBC has represented they are easier to apprehend. the essence of grassroots political participa- Officials said they anticipated illegal Wednesday, March 20, 1996 crossings going up during the first quarter of tion, and has made a significant impact at the the year because of seasonal labor patterns. Mr. KIM. Mr. Speaker, I am honored to rise local, State, and national level. Beyond the po- The devaluation of the Mexican peso also has today and salute Principal Hunt and the teach- litical arena, the CBC is actively engaged in a been a factor. ers and students of Alvarado Intermediate wide array of activities. In 1994, the CBC is Would-be crossers are still arriving in Ti- School in Rowland Heights for having been actively engaged in a wide array of activities. juana to probe the border there or hook up awarded the Blue Ribbon School Award by In 1994, the CBC created its foundation to tap with a smuggler. Many now end up walking the U.S. Secretary of Education. the creative talents of African-Americans, es- or riding to the border area in East County, pecially the young people in our community. said the CHP's Summers. Blue ribbon awards honor 266 secondary, Some are trying to enter through the middle, and junior high schools around the To build on this progress, the CBC is moving desert area near Calexico. In past summers, country for showing exceptional dedication to aggressively to create new scholarship and people have gotten lost there and died. providing a top notch education to its students. fellowship opportunities. In East County, meanwhile, smugglers ap- Alvarado Middle School was the only school in Having personally taken part in CBC meet- pear to be brazen and reckless in their at- the 41st district to achieve this special honor. ings and projects on many occasions, I can tempt to move their human cargo north. Blue ribbon schools must show strong leader- personally attest to its unfailing and dedicated Agents are foiling their trips near the border membership. The men and women of the CBC and as far north as Temecula. ship, a clear vision and sense of mission that In the past month, agents at that southern is shared by all connected with the school, consistently rise above and beyond the call of Riverside County check-point have inter- high quality teaching, a challenging up-to-date duty to make our community a better place to cepted five vehicles loaded with illegal im- curriculum, policies and practices that ensure live. I am proud to have worked with the CBC migrants, something that's relatively rare a safe environment conducive to learning, a and have come to rely on the policy expertise there. solid commitment to parental involvement, and and good counsel of its membership. As we The most recent happened hours apart evidence that the school helps all students rapidly approach the 21st century, we need Tuesday when agents found 97 illegal immi- achieve high standards. the CBC's voice today more than ever before. grants in two rental trucks. Agents found Alvarado Intermediate School was selected Mr. Speaker I ask my colleagues to join me one of the trucks on the median of Interstate in paying tribute to Milwaukee's Community 15 with 38 people aboard. through a highly competitive process in which In April, agents found a rental truck aban- State education departments, the Department Brainstorming Conference. I join with the city doned in De Luz Road in Fallbrook. Inside of Defense Dependent Schools, the Bureau of of Milwaukee in wishing this outstanding orga- were 48 illegal immigrants. Three women Indian Affairs, and the Council for American nization a happy 10th anniversary, and wish who had fainted were treated for heat ex- Private Education nominate schools which the CBC continued success in our community. haustion and dehydration. best meet the superior standards of the f f award. The selected schools are then visited TRIBUTE TO THE LATE MAX HONORING FRANK MOORE ON HIS and reviewed by a panel of 100 outstanding WRIGHT 100TH BIRTHDAY members of the education community. This panel then makes final recommendations to the U.S. Secretary of Education. Alvarado in- HON. ANDREW JACOBS, JR. HON. WILLIAM F. GOODLING OF INDIANA termediate will be honored this spring at a na- OF PENNSYLVANIA tional ceremony in Washington, DC where the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES school will be given a plaque and a special Wednesday, March 20, 1996 Wednesday, March 20, 1996 flag to fly. Mr. JACOBS. Mr. Speaker, as can be seen Mr. GOODLING. Mr. Speaker, I would like Mr. Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join me by the following, Max Wright was a superlative to congratulate Mr. Frank Moore, a longtime in commending Alvarado Intermediate School human being. He was a minister of the gospel, resident of the 19th Congressional District of for its uncommon dedication to preparing its a labor leader, an auctioneer and a delightful Pennsylvania, on his 100th birthday. Mr. students for the challenges they will face musician. The loss of Max Wright is a loss to Moore celebrated this momentous occasion growing up in and around Los Angeles Coun- us all. surrounded by his loving family and many ty. Behind this Blue Ribbon Award is a dedi- MAX WRIGHT HAD WORKED WITH AFL±CIO friends on March 4, 1996. cated group of faculty, students, and staff Max F. Wright, 80, Beech Grove, a retired Mr. Moore was born in 1896 in Waynes- whose commitment to education is an exam- labor leader, Church of Christ minister, sing- boro, PA, and has lived in York since he was ple for schools around the country to follow. er and auctioneer, died March 15. E408 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð Extensions of Remarks March 21, 1996 He was secretary-treasurer of the Indiana ment to the fiscal year 1996 omnibus appro- in 1973. At the time he entered office, the City State AFL±CIO from 1958 until his retire- priations bill that repeals the requirement that had a $12 billion budget and $1.5 billion defi- ment in 1985. all HIV-positive members of the military be dis- cit. At the end of his administration, in 1977, ``The death of Max Wright is a loss for all missed. In a show of bipartisanship, the ap- New York City had a cash surplus of $250 mil- citizens of Indiana.'' Gov.
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