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N R a T E N Tum (

£ V M kE y Mawfl< • i' \_ . n r a t e n CO't",ChI H!-, mo«-. vai,.,N.-.i - m /Idaho's Largest EviJening iSewspaper Even l•.1^ Inr 72nd Year., TWIN FALLS. IDAHO, MOONDA\.MAY24.1976 1 5 ' tOt(,er. do),.ery iT M \ T T k • ---------- l ^ w t u m (o u t s <e e n ' e y DAVE HORSMAN' Tho remainder ol the delegates of the three Tlmes-News writer parties will l>e sele.•lected al p a rty conventions TWIN FALLS - Tw in F a lls Coui■'ounly (.’lerk next m onth, Harold Unneasterex|Kvl.sa bigtiirrioiinoiil Tuesday Church's biggestit lest T uestlay will com c In d B S | | ^ " In- Idaho's first presidcnllal preferentialpn the Oregon primaryry. He has campaigned hard ' pi‘iniar>’oloclioi). for Jhe .slaJe'.s .->4 Dernocr.-itici: dclegales, - buf "If reglstrallon is any criteria, we’llwc' h av e a tra ils In reecnl polls,is, bitbig lurnoul. We’re prepariil for it." UiiiciisterI The Oregonian, tillIJie sta te 's la rg e sl new spaper, s;iid loday. published a poll Mayay lfl w hich show ed th e Idaho THICK CLOUD of smoke pours from a Voter registration for Ihc eleclionon was’ al an senator l>ehlnd Cartirter. Mlnncsola Sen. Hubert hijacked PliUlpplnee AAir Lines jetliner, above, all-lime high in Twin Falls Counly,• wwi hen l>ooks H um phrey a n d Mas.sjichu.setsMi Sen, Edward H m H a fte r s U M oslem youtlouths se t off g ren a d es Inside were closcd lasl week, Olher Mag,Iagie Valley Ivejinedylnpopulariiirity. ln-Sunday,-tbcn-fou0hUa-JS ----------- ----- ■ ri'icQunticialso reported strong. voter.int£Inleresl --------- ^-------- ('.jirter-was-prefeiferr«l-by-.,'K-pi>r-cenl-of-U»6— minute battle with govgovernment troops. Thirteen Polls will Ikt open fronvH a.m , lo ilH p .m . In th e voters s;im plcd. eo|L-ompared lo *B p e r cen t for persons were killedlied. Including three of the sta le 's aoy p rec in cts. W eather foreeasi;asls Indicate Church- hijackers, and 22 othe>ther8 w ere h u rt. T he plane near seasonal lem|)eralures wllhllh |M)sslble ilowever, anothercr ni'ulral poll tliKcn belween and 87 hostages badBd ibeen held at Zamboanga show ers for election day! M ay 17-20 show ed CarterC with a slim lead over City, the PhUlipplnes.«s. One of the Injured, right, Idabo Sen, Frank Church is heavilylly favoredi to C tiurch In Oregon- C a rte r h a d 23.-1 p e r cen t, ju sl -------------------re c e iv e s firs t aid fromom security men.-Thedlmai--------- -- win among the field ol seven I>cmoc,noeratlc eon- 0.8percent morelhiihan C h u rch 's 22.6 p c rq tn t;-------- -- A i r l i n e r to the hijacking occiMcurred after the gunmen lenders. Former Georgia Gov, Jimmmmy Carter. A • recent write-lr•In-campaign for California apparently becamele cd e sp erate w te n none of runningrui a sirong first nationwide, majmay collect a Gov. Jerry Brown1 1has thrown a new clement’ -ere met In two days of d e s t r o y e d their demands were few delegates ns the result of his two-hour into tlie Oregon coi;ontest that has IcR election negotiations. (UPI)1 r~ aira irp o rt slop In Dolsc S a tu rd ay . forecasters guessingng. ---------------------------------------------- (Carter appealed lo Idaho delegatesales as Ihcir Church's Orcgonn campaign manager. Mike "S("second ch o ice " if tliey find C hurchh cannotc; win Kopetskl. loday sale^Id, "1 think it's so.liglil that tbe national nomination. the voting machineses are going lo be squeaking. In the ncpulillean race, former•r California( ....... BUT 1 think we'regoliiolngtocomeoutontop.-------- ---— aov. Ronald Elcagan led Presidenl)l I-'«irdI- liy a (C^ntlntlnuedonp.l3) Light p>laiie cr■ash’, iwide margin In lhe mosi recent slatea tew id e jwll. ReaganIte visited Twin Falls. Id;iho10 FallsI and Boise on a one-day swing thruughIgh SiiulhtTn Idabo M:iy 11. Ford never campaigned in the stale. at Heylburn ki]Jls 4 - "The Idahn Statesman puhllslie<l a!i pollpt Sund:iy icorde iiib i showingshl Church wllh .support Jrem 73 \p e r cent of rief • . BY SHANE O 'N E ILX L "They appearedd to bave lost tbelr air when ’ the voters sampled. Carier. thetlu clo,'esl challcnger. had 17 percent. TlmeS'News writerr they left the alniclort." Stale Piillee Cpl. Les US relief officials rcnci c h G u a m |HEYBURN - Fouc-Ulah peoplelie tdied when a Slimpson said, Republicans sur\’eyed hy the newspaperr 11 favored R e ag a n CD p e r cen t to 31 I>erj>er ccn l over 1 M 1 M AGANA. Guam lUPI) - Federal na'lleforficialsurrlvcdloday IlKlit11^1 plane c ra sh ed '* lin g takeoffcoff in a brief A witness saidI tbe airplane tilted left and thcprcsident. hts Typhoon Pamela caused an windstormwli here Sunday, ' • rlglil. then left agigain, l)cfore dipping inlo the In slorm -tlcvastalcd GuJiin w here T; Thirteen of Ihc Democrats’ IGC conventionc and left 80 per ccnl of the fFederal Aviation Administrationlion (FAA) of- Simplol yards-Theic plane drove inlolhe side of a c stlm a lc d $300 m illion in da m ag e a delegates In Idaho will be choscn In Tuesday's1 Island’s buildings in ru in s;................... ficlals.saidfic: the plane took offr frfrom Burley boxcar iKlwecn tinlie plant and freezer buildings. -. dc of Uic S n a k e exploded a n d disintiitegraled In flam es. election on a proportionate basis., A candldaie. ' The officials, from San Prancisco,), were the first onlside relief • M unicipal A irport on th e soutliside o Stimpsonsaid lh(!ie fire w as so lnten.se il m elled m ust w in a l lea.st five p e r ccnt of thlevotetopick e vi ^ to a rriv e sincc P am ela hit Uic isl;sland Thursday and Friday Ulverat2:l3p.m. T he plane cra sh ed into a Union PaiP a c ific lx)xcar all th e alum inum olofflbeairerafl, “Pup delegates. ch. US pa ck in g w inds lh a t ^iislcd iipio 175 mni iles a n hmir. al the J,R, SImplot plant a quarter-ler-mlle away. Cause of the era;a sh ha<l nol l)ooivdolcrnilned ' ■Sevenleen of-lhe-Repuhlieims^2l-ei I -eon vent ion ------------------------------------ exploded and burned, this morning, FAA\ Investigators w ere .sent from de leg a tes will l»c chosen in lh e p rimimary. a Three tUPl) - A pair of Concorde 01)ia floods sw am p l*hh i i i p p i n e s De.id arc the pilot. Donald E. Patterson,P a l and Boise to llic scene, ol the American Party's four dcleg:it•g:ites will Ix! WASHINGTON tl Jetliners landed att 1Dullcs Iniernaiional Airport h is wife, Ja n e , both 53, Clearfield,■Id, and Ogden ' Heyburn and Hurirley fire departments baltled P'*^pickeil. _____ M ANILA. T he P JiilippinoiT iU PlP I) - D i-slruetive flwKls • l'i« today, Inauguraliiting supersonic p.nsscnger . residents Bud W. Graham, 44. anand llis wife, the blaze, Mini-CCassia search and rcseue spaw ned hy Typhoori OlKa sw ept thrhrouKh the Philippines' rice ret serv ice lo th o Unltctled States. Jusl Iwfore landing, Vine.43, members stood byy the wreckage Ihrough the g bow l today. suhmcrKinK several townI'lis an d prom pting Pre.sldent I f * 1 ^ one of lhe je ts rep<jported a near collision with Minidoka County Coroner ^Kimm <Christen.sen ' nlgtit. awaltlngarri'■ival of Iho FAA te a m , ^ Ferdinand E. Marcos lo priKilaim a slJilc ot calamity nn the ^ Outlook dai anotherairplane. saidsai the four occupants of the crafl•afl apparcnlly Stimpson said 11,the Utahans h.id,attended an c n llrc m ain L-ilamlof Liiion TheBrilish AirwoA-ays jet from I„ondon touched were killed upon impnel. cxpcrim,ontal ain)l;)lane show at StVa’wh erry Cilen OlBa killed 47 persons lasl w eek( ;and left more than i'’),(HXI „ J down al DullcsoulsiIside W ashinglon a t 11:54 a.m . Two Idaho stale policc officers:ers who were Airfield in Boise. IHe said Pallerson was a for- f Homeless; - i J l l l E D T a fte r a lhre*e-»iL*-hour, 50-minule fight across' paiparked near th<^^port in Burley>y uwatched the mer military pilotf)t, and ail four pcople w ere on' trust fun llic Allantic al upI lilo twice the speed of sound. plaplane take off nimlilmund aud harelirc ly c le a r th e li'cen.scd pilnls, ST landed Iwhind the Brillsh railro a d ltrid(;e acro.ss Ihe .Snake HlviHlver, Seconds The I94()s-vinlaf;ige Stinsnn had fueled on WASHINGTON' tUPI) - Social ScciIccurily Inisl Tlic Air Franco SSI S t lill l brealhin^ la ter. laler. Iliey .saw llic black smokeke pouring; up leav in g Uol.se Init Ijilanded at Burloy and refueled- funds(ui h av e a gliMimicr long-range oullook,oul llinn plane Iwo mlnules la ers handling the twin arrivals ORRISTOWN. N..I. (UPI) from the Simplot plant inHeyhurn.1. The plane look offff during a .short but violent previouslypn predicted, the funds' adv.id v ls e rs lold Alrp<irl contrcllen ord ered all olhcr aaircraft flyng under visual aren Ann Quinlan lay in a windstorm that hillt the a re a suddenly, CCo ongress loday.

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