Guide 1500-1599 , Early Western Books, 1500-1599 OOKS The Ottoman Empire and the Mediterranean B Advisor: Lesley Forbes School of Oriental and African Studies, London ESTERN W ARLY E AIDC PUBLISHERP U R L 1 5H E R S S BRILLB RI LL EarlyWesternBooks,1500-1599 The OttomanEmpireand the Mediterranean Lesley Forbes, School of Oriental and African Studies,London Contents Catalogue of'Books printed between 1.500 and 1599 in the SOAS by Lesley Alphabetical listoftitles from the Catalogue filmed by IDC 195I List of SOAS numbers not filmed 207 Guide to the microform collection !!1DC1994 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS PRINTED BETWEEN 1500 AND 1599 IN THE LIBRARY OF THE SCHOOL OF ORIENTAL AND AFRICAN STUDIES Preliminary Edition by Lesley Forbes School of Oriental and African Studies University of London 1968 CONTENTS ACKNNO'lJJLEDG EM.ENTS ...... Page i 1.i 14ORKS COa SUL.TED . .. ... Page iv ABBREVIATIONS AND SYMBOLS. ... Page v INTRODUCTION... ... ... Page vi CATALOGUE ... ... ... Page 1 SHORT-TITLE LIST OF ARABIC AND HEBREW BOOKS .. , . o Page 165 APPENDIX ...... ... Page 168 APPENDIX OF ARABIC AND HEBREW BOOKS ... ,.. Page 177 INDEXES ... ... ... ... Page 179 ii ACK.NOWLE DGEI'AENTS I should like to thank Dr. D. E. Rhodes, of the British Museum for his help in dating difficult Italian` items.Special, thanks are due to Miss J. Crouchman, who has typed an. extremely complicated manuscript with great care.This catalogue was submitted in part requirement for the University of London. Diploma in Librarianship. iii WORKS CO:\TSUa ? T D DURING TTT.I COIE?ILATIO i OF THE CATALOGUE British Huseum Short-title catalo .uo _of books printed in France from 1470 t c.600, London, 1924. Short-title catalo me of .books printed in ita11 ....±rom 1465 to 1600 London, 19.58 Short-title catelo ue of Spanish, Spanis_h-Ar;erican and Portuguese books printed before 1601 ... by H. Thomas. London, 1966. Short-title catalogueof books printed in the Netherlands andBelgium.. from 1LF0- to 1600... London, 1965. Short-title catalo&ue-_of books printed in the German-speaking countries...from 11-1-5 to 1600... London, 1962. Goll:ne.r Gol.lner(Carl) Turcica: Die euroschen urkendrucke des XVI.Jahr- hunderts, I Band, NI I-NDL. Bucharest&Berlin, 1956. Lach Lach (DonaldF.) Asia in themaking;of Europe. Vol.I,Parts I & 2. Chicago, 1965. STC Pol1ard (A.W.) and. Redgrave (G.R.) A short-title catalogue of books printed in En l and.. 1475 to 1640. London, 1926 Weber Weber (Shirley H.) Voyages and Travels in. Greece, the Near East and adjacent regions made previous to the year 1801. (Catalogues of thehe Gennadius library II) Princeton, 1953. iv ABBREVIATIONS AND SYMBOLS a, b, recto, verso B.L. Black Letter BY British Museum engr. engraved. G.L. Gothic Letter f., if, leaf, leaves o.s. oblique stroke orn., ornament p. ,Pp- page, pages pr. printer. SOAS School of Oriental and African Studies t-p. title-page vol.. volume [ ] information not given in book or not on t-p. italics indicates Italic type or printing in red. (When it signifies the latter, th.:is is noted before the transcription of the title-page). printing in red type (where underlining, red already denotes Italic type). Ggthc indicates Gothic Letter (or. Black Letter in the case of English or. Spanish works). BM copy examined pages cropped, probable reading supplied v INTRODUCTION This catalogue, of the books printed between 1500 and 1599 in the Library of the School. of Oriental and African. Studies, is an attempt to list in some detail works previously recorded only by a brief author entry in. the main catalogue A. large proportion of these books came originally from the collection of the French orientalist, Gaston Auboyneau., who concerned himself with Turkish history and, the Eastern Nediterranean; this collection was acquired by the School dari:ag the Session 1948-9.The remainder came from three main sources. the oriental collection of the London Institution, the library of 'William Harsden (presented to King's College London, in 1835 and later transferred by the College to the :School.) and the library of Sir ThomasArnold. The catalogue may be of use to historians of the Orient, particularly those whose field is Middle Eastern history, in bringing together l.Ieste:rn source material describing European attitudes to the East in. the sixteenth Century, and in tracing the development of the study of oriental history vi in Europe,These studies are as yet In their infancy.I The books are listed chronologically; ,,)here possible approximate dates and. pr.in.curs being assigned to undated works.Author headings are based on those of the British Museum. '11,1h.ere a work is listed in, one of the British. Museum short-title catalogues its call. nurnbe:r:r is given for easy reference and for comparison of holdings. When BM copies have been examined, an asterisk is affixed, to the call. numbers, otherwise no detailed. comparison has been made.febe:r's Voyages and travels in the Near East before 1 801 and Gollner's Turcica9 I, have also been used for purposes of comparison., but both should.: be approached. with caution.. Unfortunately, it was not possible in the time available to ;?4.ve a full. description. of each work, but the compromise abbreviated quasi-facsimile method adopted should be sufficiently detailed for purposes o identification. Arabic and Hebrew books are transliterated 1 See Lach:Asia in the making of Eu_ for a, full treatment. vii. and. separately listed in short-title form at the end, of the catalogue. Different sizes of capitals are not shown, nor are diphthongs, different forms of Gothic r and d, or long s. All swash letters are treated as Italic and, tailed letters are ignored. Compartments, borders and devices are noted 'but not described or identified. Wherever possible type-ornaments have been reproduced as printed. The actual page measurement in millimetres is given as a general guide to size.Descriptions consist of (a) transcription of title-page, (b) t.r..an- scription of colophon; Italic and Gothic type, and line-endings being shown in both cases, (c) format, (d) collation by signatures and pagination, (e) page measurement, (f) errors in signing and pagination, (g) notes of inserted maps or engravings and imperfections, (h) SOAS shelf-mark and. BM call number (if applicable). Indexes. All references are to the number of the item. There are four indexes: I. Ind.ex of printers under towns where they were active: (Dates are not given as the SOAS collection is not representative enough of the viii output of each printer.The dates can. to ascertained. (except in the case of France and Spain) from the BE short-title catalogues). II.Alphabetical index of printers. III. Alphabetical index of authors. IV. Title index for anonymous works. I shall be glad to hear of any additions, corrections or supplementary notes to this catalogue, so that they may be incorporated. in a future edition. L.E.F. November, 1968. ix CATALOGUE OF BOOKS FRI-I'jTFD BET"TEEN 1500 AND 1599 IN THE LIBRARY OF THE SCHOOL OF ORIENTAL AND AFRICAN STUDIES Preliminary Edition by Lesley Forbes School of Oriental and African Studies University of London 1968 1. 1509. RICCOLDO DE MONTECROCE CONTENTA./ Ricoldi ordinis praedicatorum contra sectam Ma/ humeticam [o.s.] non indignus scitu libelius./ Cuiusdam diu captiui Turcoru prouinciae septem=/ castrensis[o.s.p]de vita & moribus eorundem/ alius non minus necessarius/ LI BEL LVS./ SO/ LI/ REGNVMET CHRI=IMPERIVM/ STO/ D0/ MI/ NO/ CVM/ P.ET/ S.S./ I N/ S E/ C V L A. Colohon:[14b] Libellorude impu nation 12gisu.rcoru&de moribus[o.s.Jvita/ & naequitia eon: impressoru Parisiis %officina HenriciStepha/ni g regione scholaru Decretoru sita[o.s.] fins.anno Christi deiper/sanguine testamenti sui & Euageliu aeternu vbic crydendu&/veneradu SALVTARIS nostri. M D VIIII.quarto Cal. Dec. 0 4 8 4 8 4 8 4 8 4 4 . a,b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, k614. ff. [1], 2-62. 194x 126 mm.. Errors:f.35 misnumbered 37. SOASEB. 50.1(59464) 2. 1510. HELIANUS (Ludovicus) Ludouici Heliani Vercellensis Christianissi-/ mi FrancoRegis Senatoris: ac oratoris de/ bello susci iedo aduersus venetianos & Tur/ cas oratioLo.s.]Maximiliano Augusto [o.s.] in couen/tu Prysulu: Principum: Electoy: & ciuitatum/ Romani Imperii dicta in Augusta uindelica/ IIII. Idus.Aprilis. Anno a partu virginis Mil/ lesi.mo qu.ingentesimo decimo. Colo hon: [c6a] Impressum Auguste Vindelico, per. Ioannem/ othmar. apud Cenobiu sanctg Vr.sul cis Licum/ Anno salutis hnmant M.D.X. dieXII.Mali.[stet hnmany] 40. a8, b4, c6. 18 leaves, unnumbered. 21 x 147 mm. SOASEB.51.1(59927) BM T.936(8) 2. 3. SYMMACHHUS (Quintus Aur. e l i.us ) SYP`IN. CrrII COBS./ R.O. Epistolae ramil:iares./ L.AVDINI ECVI:TIS/ Hierosolym.itani in Qpistolas/ Turci Nagni tradu=/ cti.o. / 111VERCI BRVTI/ Romani_Epistol.e./ Symmachus in verbis parcus: sed. mete .pfun.du.s : / Pr. odigus in sensu: ve.rbis angus tus :abund.ans/ Mente :sed ore minor: fructu: non fronde beatus:/ Sensus diuitias verbi breu.itate coartat. Colophon: [i,5b] Aa.GENTOR.AC:I/ Ex Officina litteraria 10./ AIIS Gruoniger../ Die IX. Octobri.s/ Anno vi.rginei/ partus MDX./ REG:N .,ANTE DN. IMPERATO/ Ri MAXIMILIA1,40./ P. F.AVG. 40.a-e8, f4, g8, h4, i.6.62 leaves, - la n nu mb e r e d. 199 x 131 mm. SO-AS B. 51-.2(59+4.3) [device] LVDOVICI PfiTR:ITII RONANI NOVVM/ ITINERARIVM AET.HIOPIAI :AEGIPTI : / VTRIVSQV-E ARABIL.E: PER.SIDIS: / SIRIAE: AC I1NDIAE: INTRA/ T EXTRA GANGi M. [J. A.Scinzenzeler, forG'ratell.i deLegnano Mediolani, 15.11?] fol.
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