Page 6A East Oregonian TV TIME Wednesday, October 14, 2015 Playboy magazine to stop running nude photos LOS ANGELES (AP) Paga]ine ZiOO continXe becaXse oI soPe oI tKe Yery Pore desirabOe dePograShic — For generations, teenage to SXbOisK ZKat it caOOed Iorces it set in Potion Ior adYertisers boys got tKeir ¿rst OooN at a ³se[y, sedXctiYe SictoriaOs First it Kad to deaO ZitK One oI the Paga]ine¶s naNed ZoPan IroP POayboy, oI tKe ZorOd¶s Post beaXtiIXO coPSetition IroP Pore se[X- Yeteran contribXtors, oIten IroP a coSy sZiSed ZoPen,´ bXt tKey Zon¶t be aOOy e[SOicit Paga]ines OiNe ceOebrity interYieZer 'aYid IroP 'ad¶s socN draZer or baring it aOO PentKoXse and +XstOer NoZ 5ensin, Sraised the end oI IXOO ¿OcKed IroP a neZsstand ,t¶s tKe end oI an era, it¶s XS against tKe ,nternet, nXdity as soPething POayboy 7Kese days, KoZeYer, yoX Pany said 7Xesday, aPong ZKicK is aZasK in KigK-de¿- shoXOd haYe done years ago can see Iar Pore e[SOicit stXII tKeP aXtKor Gay 7aOese, nition Sorn ³,t¶s a good bXsiness on yoXr SKone tKan anytKing ZKo Zrote aboXt POayboy So beginning in March, PoYe 7he Paga]ine¶s got +XgK +eIner SrobabOy iPag- and +eIner in Kis 11 booN POayboy¶s 8S Srint edition to NeeS XS Zith the tiPes,´ ined ZKen Ke OaXncKed Kis aboXt tKe se[XaO reYoOXtion, ZiOO OooN Pore OiNe EsTXire said 5ensin, Zhose interYieZ Sioneering sNin Paga]ine 2 ³7Ky NeigKbor¶s WiIe´ or G4, Paga]ines that carry sXbMects haYe incOXded %iOO years ago ZitK a centerIoOd oI ³POayboy Zas iPSortant PG-1-tySe SictXres ,ts Gates, -erry SeinIeOd and 0ariOyn 0onroe enoXgK to be tKe ¿rst Paga- internationaO editions ZiOO Martin Scorsese More WKicK is ZKy, POayboy ]ine in tKe PainstreaP tKat stiOO contain nXde Shotos recentOy he interYieZed Scar- annoXnced tKis ZeeN, it ZiOO coXOd botK be caOOed a Oiterary POayboy aOready tooN Oett -ohansson and aOso Lena stoS rXnning nXde SKotos Paga]ine and a Paga]ine Ior a siPiOar steS onOine Pore 'XnhaP, ZhoP SeoSOe can ³<oX¶re noZ one cOicN PastXrbation,´ Ke toOd 7Ke Ian West/PA via AP than a year ago ,t banned see nXde siPSOy by Zatching In this Nov. 15, 2007 photo, Hugh Hefner smiles while aZay IroP eYery se[ act Associated Press signing copies of the Playboy calendar in Los Angeles. IXOO nXdity on its Zebsite in her 79 shoZ ³GirOs´ iPaginabOe Ior Iree And so 'Xring tKe Paga]ine¶s AXgXst 2014 in a PoYe that %Xt Ior eYery neZsPaNer it¶s MXst Sassp at tKis MXnc- Keyday, sXbscribers coXOd tKe OiNes oI -iPPy &arter, +annaK and Pade stars oI Pade the site saIer Ior SeoSOe or ceOebrity Zho said yes to tXre,´ POayboy EnterSrises SOaXsibOy, iI not aOZays FideO &astro, 0aOcoOP ;, POayPates oI tKe 0ontK OiNe to Yisit at ZorN a POayboy interYieZ, 5ensin &EO Scott FOanders toOd The conYincingOy, cOaiP tKey read 0XKaPPad AOi, 0iOes Anna NicoOe SPitK 7he coPSany said the site toOd the AP on 7Xesday, New York Times, ZKicK ¿rst it Ior tKe articOes ,t SXbOisKed 'aYis, FranN Sinatra and %ob 7Ke Paga]ine tKat KeOSed saZ the nXPber oI PonthOy there Zere others Zho said reSorted tKe cKange tKe ZorN oI sXcK Zriters as 'yOan IoPent tKe se[XaO reYoOXtion XniTXe Yisitors soar 400 no becaXse they didn¶t Zant ,n a PoYe POayboy said -oKn 8SdiNe, -acN .eroXac, ,t aOso ran nXde SKotos in tKe 150s and µ0s Kas Sercent At the saPe tiPe, it their Zords to aSSear cOose Kad tKe bOessing oI tKe 5ay %radbXry and -oseSK oI ceOebrities sXcK as 'reZ seen its circXOation SOXnge said, the Pedian age oI Yisi- to ShotograShs oI naNed -year-oOd +eIner, tKe +eOOer and interYieZed %arryPore and 'aryO in recent decades, KoZeYer, tors IeOO IroP 4 to 0, a Iar ZoPen Television > Today’s highlights Wednesday Morning Kids News Sports Movies October 14, 2015 STATION 6 AM 6:30 7 AM 7:30 8 AM 8:30 9 AM 9:30 10 AM 10:30 11 AM 11:30 (11)KFFX 11 AgDay Friends Eco Co. Paid The Office Paid Mother Paid Law & Order: C.I. Crime Watch Daily KPTV FOX 3 Good Day Oregon at 6 Good Day Oregon Good Day The 700 Club Paid Paid (19)KEPR 2 News News CBS This Morning Meredith Vieira The Price Is Right Young & Restless CBS KOIN 19 KOIN 6 News at 6 a.m. CBS This Morning Let's Make a Deal The Price Is Right Young & Restless (25)KNDU 6 4:30 WakeUp North Today Show Dan Rather, Dick Van Dyke (N) Today Show II (N) Today Show III (N) Wendy Williams KGW NBC 8 KGW News at Sunrise Today Show Dan Rather, Dick Van Dyke (N) Today Show II (N) Today Show III (N) The Dr. Oz Show (42)KVEW 4 Northwest Northwest Good Morning America (N) Kelly and Michael The View Paid Middle ABC KATU 5 4:30 KATU News Good Morning America (N) AM Northwest The View Kelly and Michael (31)KTNW Stretch W.L.Yoga Clifford DinoTrain Caillou SuperW! D.Tiger Peg + Cat Sesame Street Thomas Sit and Fit PBS (59)OPB 13 Yoga/Yoga Wild Kratts C.George C.George D.Tiger D.Tiger Sesame Street DinoTrain DinoTrain Peg + Cat SuperW! AFTERNOON STATION 12 PM 12:30 1 PM 1:30 2 PM 2:30 3 PM 3:30 4 PM 4:30 5 PM 5:30 (11)KFFX 11 Pat. Court Pat. Court Divorce Divorce Judge Mathis The People's Court The People's Court M&M M&M KPTV FOX 3 The Rachael Ray Show Wendy Williams The Real TMZ Live! Judge Judy Judge Judy 5 O'Clock News (19)KEPR 2 NameG. Bold & B. The Talk Let's Make a Deal Dr. Phil Judge Judy Judge Judy News News CBS KOIN 19 News Bold & B. The Talk The Doctors Dr. Phil KOIN 6 News at 4 p.m. News News (25)KNDU TMZ Paid Days of Our Lives Hot Bench Ruff-Ruff Million? Million? Ellen DeGeneres News NBC News Wendi McLendon-Covey stars in “The Goldbergs” 6 KGW NBC 8 KGW New Paid Days of Our Lives The FAB Life Ellen DeGeneres KGW News KGW News NBC News Arrow (42)KVEW 4 The Chew General Hospital The Doctors The Rachael Ray Show The FAB Life News News WPIX 5:00 p.m. ABC KATU 5 The Chew General Hospital Meredith Vieira Steve Harvey KATU News @ 4 News News Jeri Ryan guest stars as Jessica Danforth, an old family friend who (31)KTNW Charlie Rose Paint This F&Porter Sesame St. Cat/ Hat Speaks C.George Arthur Odd Squad Wild Kratts Business tells Oliver (Stephen Amell) and Thea (Willa Holland) that she’s going PBS (59)OPB 13 Paint Chef (N) Charlie Rose Thomas Sesame St. Cat/ Hat Arthur Speaks WordGirl Odd Squad Wild Kratts to run for mayor. The Queens worry because the last three mayors have been murdered. EVENING STATION 6 PM 6:30 7 PM 7:30 8 PM 8:30 9 PM 9:30 10 PM 10:30 11 PM 11:30 The Mysteries of Laura Modern Modern 2 Broke 2 Broke Rosewood Rosewood & Empire "Poor Yorick" FOX News :35 Law:CI A squad :35 Two (25) KNDU KGW 8:00 p.m. (11) Family Fam "The Girls "And Girls Villa suspect a brilliant The Lyons are still split First at investigates high profile and a Half Laura (Debra Messing) and the team join the manhunt after two con- KFFX 11 "Virgin Future the Drug doctor has killed two of into warring factions. Ten cases while focusing on Men Territory" Dunphys" Money" his patients. (N) the criminals' motives. victed killers break out of a maximum security facility in this new epi- FOX KPTV 6 O'Clock News Family Family Rosewood "Vandals Empire "Poor Yorick" 10 O'Clock News 11 O'Clock Ray "The sode. However, the team’s loyalties are under scrutiny because one of 3 Feud Feud and Vitamins" (N) (N) News Invasion" the escapees is their former captain. Action Inside The Big The Survivor Twenty returning Criminal Minds Brides- C Black The doctors must Action :35 (19) News at 6 Edition Bang "The Simpsons castaways, voted in by to-be killed in Savannah deal with a distraught News at Stephen The Goldbergs KEPR 2 p.m. Zarnecki fans are dropped in the have the BAU searching mother whose two sons 11:00 p.m. Colbert (42) KVEW KATU 8:30 p.m. Incursion" South China Sea. for a jilted UnSub. (N) were in a car accident. CBS Travel back to the era of mixtapes and acid-wash jeans with Beverly KOIN 6 Evening Extra Ent. Survivor - Cambodia Criminal Minds "'Til Code Black "Pre- KOIN 6 :35 KOIN 19 (Wendi McLendon-Covey) and her quirky family in this new episode. News at 6 News Tonight (N) Death Do Us Part" (N) Existing Conditions" (N) News/ 11 S.Colbert Set in the 1980s, the comedy also stars Jeff Garlin, Sean Giambrone, Local Family Wheel of Jeopardy! Laura Laura & her team SVU Three officers from Chicago A member of the Local :35 The (25) News Feud Fortune head on a manhunt another precinct shoot team is held hostage by a News Tonight Hayley Orrantia and Troy Gentile. KNDU 6 when two convicted and kill an unarmed man who is desperate to Show killers escape prison. black man. (N) find his daughter. NBC Criminal Minds KGW News at 6:00 Live at Inside Laura "The Mystery of SVU "Community Chicago P.D.
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