Weinberg and Webb, The Unfamiliar Shelley Index Note: bold numbers refer to illustrations Abinger, Lord, collection of 315, 316 Adamson, Carlene 32, 33n.40, 35n.41, 35n.42, 36n.43, 146n.40, 147, 151, 168n.26, 249n.43 see also BSM V and VI Aeschylus 7 Agamemnon 143n.25 Persae 195, 321 Prometheus Unbound (lost play) 187 Agamben, Giorgio 284 Formatted: Italian (Italy) AI: Artificial Intelligence 285 Alfieri, Vittorio 138 Il Misogallo 143n.27 Alighieri, Dante, see Dante Alps 87–100 passim, 127, 163n.16 American War of Independence 232 anti-semitism 294 Apollo Belvedere 163 Apollonius Rhodius 8 Arch of Titus 6 Archimedes 221, 230 Argolis 167 Ariosto, Ludovico Orlando Furioso 89, 248n.36 Aristophanes 15, 246–7, 281–4 passim Armstrong, John Juvenile Poems 53n.40 Arnold, Matthew 257, 257n.1 Arve, River 203 atheism 45, 74, 210, 222, 225, 232 see also Shelley (WORKS –PROSE): The Necessity of Atheism Athenaeus 8 Athenäums Fragmente 27 Athenaeum, see under Medwin, Thomas Athens 38, 168, 245, 252, 280 Augustine 219 Confessions 52 Austerlitz, Battle of 107 Austria 139, 145, 149, 152, 154–5 Formatted: French (France) Bacon, Francis 12, 207, 209, 209n.36, 252, 260, 266n.25 De Augmentis Scientiarum 207 Advancement of Learning 257 ‘Of Judicature’ 257n.2 Bagni di Lucca 168 Formatted: Italian (Italy) Baker, Carlos 69n.2 Bakhtin, Mikhail Mikhailovich 70n.5, 279, 282, 291n.41 Bamberg, Bishopric of 147 Barbauld, Anna Laetitia Eighteen Hundred and Eleven 53n.39 Barebone, Praise-God 300 Barker, John W. 149n.59 Barker-Benfield, Bruce 8, 54n.44, 146, 146n.40, 147n.45, 149, 151, 163n.12, 164 see also BSM XXIII Barruel, Abbé de 226, 226n.29 Formatted: French (France) Histoire du Jacobinisme 226 Bartel, R. 284n.26 Formatted: German (Germany) Bastwick, John 304, 304n.41, 305 Bateson, Gregory 187, 288n.34 Bayle, Pierre 266n.25 Beatles, The ‘Piggies’ 279n.3 Beazley, Elisabeth 87n.6 Beethoven, Ludwig van 247 Behrendt, Stephen C. 14, 70n.4, 104n.15, 111n.36, 183–4, 194, 214n.53, 222, 224n.19, 233, 259, Formatted: German (Germany) 259n.5, 260n.7, 298, 299n.17, 321n.13 Benevento 15, 147–50, 154, 155, 156 Benjamin, Walter 295 Bennett, Betty T. 109n.33, 143n.23, 222n.3 Berkeley, George 199, 203–4, 205, 217 Dialogues between Hylas and Philonous 204 Bettelheim, Bruno 75 Bible 73–4, 82, 91, 212–13, 324 Old Testament 212–13 Genesis 74 Exodus 213 Deuteronomy 82 Job 15, 214, 215, 297n.3 Ecclesiastes 214 Isaiah 288, 292, 293 New Testament 212, 265, 265n.24, 293 Matthew 292 Mark 82 Luke 8, 215, 269–70 Formatted: German (Germany) Bieri, James 41n.3, 54n.44, 93n.18, 121n.10, 140n.14, 207n.28, 222n.6, 227n.39 Binfield, Kevin 111n.36 Black Dwarf, see under Wooler, Thomas Jonathan Blackwood’s Edinburgh Magazine 184 Blade Runner 285 Blake, William 7, 112, 315 ‘The Clod and the Pebble’ 112 ‘The Human Abstract’ 285 The Marriage of Heaven and Hell 214, 257 Songs of Experience 112, 285 Blank, G. Kim 61n.64, 103 Bloodless Revolution (1688) 266, 273 Bodleian Library, Oxford 8, 315 Bodleian Shelley Manuscripts (BSM) 320–21, 327–8 vol. I 106n.23, 109n.33, 175n.54, 176n.59, 176n.60, 321 vol. II 306n.52 Formatted: Italian (Italy) vol. IV (1) 201n.8, 205n.23 vol. IV (2) 173n.48, 174n.51 vol. V 168n.26, 172n.42, 172n.45, 241n.9, 247n.35, 249n.43 vol. VI 33n.40, 35n.41, 35n.42, 36n.43, 146n.40, 147n.46 vol. VII 192n.56, 321, 321n.14 vol. IX 154n.82, 172n.46, 250n.44, 250n.46, 250n.47, 251n.48 vol. XI 163n.16 vol. XII 21n.1, 30n.33, 30n.35, 154n.81, 154n.83, 297n., 299n.12, 301n.28, 302n.30, 302n.31, 303n.32, 303n.34, 303n.37, 304n.38, 304n.40, 305n.44, 305n.45, 305n.47, 308n.60 vol. XIII 164–5n.18, 167n.20, 167n.21 vol. XIV 101n.4, 119n.2, 122n.13, 128n.33, 131n.38, 133n.43, 215n.54, 215n.56, 215n.57, 215n.58, 216n.60, 269n.36, 293n.46, 294n.49 vol. XV 168n.26, 241n.10, 248n.39 vol. XVI 299n.12, 301n.26, 321 vol. XVII 167n.23, 168n.24, 168n.25 vol. XVIII 171n.39 vol. XIX 21n.2, 29n.28, 156n.90, 297n., 307n.54, 307n.55, 307n.56, 308n.58, 308n.61, 310n.71 vol. XX 241n.11, 243n.16, 244n.20, 245n.24, 245n.25, 245n.26, 245n.27, 246n.30, 247n.32, 247n.33, 247n.34, 248n.40, 254n.59, 254n.62 vol. XXI 41n.1, 46n.22, 201n.8, 202n.9, 202n.11, 203n.14, 206n.25, 251n.48 vol. XXII (1) 170n.35, 170n.36, 175n.55, 178n.63, 251n.48, 258n.5, 263n.23, 268n.30 vol. XXII (2) 93n.16, 93n.17, 140n.16, 140n.18, 151n.71, 151n.73, 156n.90 vol. XXIII 146n.40, 163n.14 Formatted: French (France) Boétie, Étienne de la 262n.17 Discours de la servitude volontaire 138 Bologna 169 Formatted: Italian (Italy) Bostetter, Edward E. 25n.11 Bourbon Restoration 143, 148, 155, 156 Boyle, Catherine 235 Bradley, Henry 326, 326n.22 Bradshaw, Michael 4, 16–17, 24n.7 Brailsford, H.N. 46n.19 Brandreth, Jeremiah 231–3 Bridges, Robert 326, 326n.22 The Spirit of Man 326, 326n.22 Brillat-Savarin, Jean Anthelme 294 Brinkley, Robert 87n.4 Brisman, Leslie 81 Brisman, Susan H. 173n.50 Bristol 283 Bristol Channel 49, 236 British Constitution 226, 266–7 British empiricism 199, 217, see also Berkeley, Hume, Locke Brougham, Henry 114, 114n.47, 230 Browne, Felicia 54 Poems 54n.44 Browning, Robert 120 Bunyan, John 75 Pilgrim’s Progress 71 Burdett, Francis 230, 237, 274, 274n.48 Burke, Edmund 228, 237, 246, 260, 262, 273n.43, 274, 284 Reflections on the Revolution in France 262–3, 266, 267, 273, 274, 279, 286 Butter, Peter H. 315 Buzard, James 97n.29 Byron, George Gordon (Lord) 7, 53n.42, 86, 95–7, 100, 104, 104n.15, 105, 120, 127, 131, 132, 133, 136, 145, 191, 192, 194, 274, 283, 297–8, 301–2, 305, 306, 310, 316, 317, 319, 320 Beppo 129 Childe Harold’s Pilgrimage 99, 169n.28, 319 Don Juan 71, 76, 116, 131, 234 The Giaour: A Fragment of a Turkish Tale 22 Hours of Idleness 53 Manfred 282 Marino Faliero 302 Ode on Venice 301–2 Formatted: Spanish (International Sort) Cadiz 142 Calderón (de la Barca), Pedro 3, 123, 129, 134, 298n.7, 303 El Mágico Prodigioso 297, 309n.63 El Purgatorio de San Patricio 195n.66 La Cisma de Ingalaterra 305, 307n.57 Cameron, Kenneth Neill 41n.2, 44, 44n.11, 44n.12, 47n.23, 49n.32, 51n.36, 60n.61, 61n.64, 69n.3, 73n.9, 74, 102n.7, 105n.19, 144, 191n.54, 204n.19, 207n.28, 222n.6, 258, 259n.5, 261n.13, 298, 299, 308n.59, 309n.62, 310n.73, 316 Campbell, Thomas ‘The Wounded Horse’ 51 Campochiaro, Duke of 142, 143n.23 Canning, George 111 Carlile, Richard 101, 139n.12, 146n.44, 229n.46, 234, 234n.72, 236, 274 The Republican 236 Caroline, Queen 16, 279, 286 Carter, John 319 Cartwright, Major John 230, 237, 274 Casa Ricci 121–36 passim Formatted: Italian (Italy) Castlereagh, Lord 111, 236n.77, 286 Catholic Association 223n.11, see also Dublin Catholic Association Catholic Emancipation 222–3, 225 Catholicism 94, 222, 224–5, 227, 264 Catholics (Irish) 222–8 passim Cenci Palace 195 Formatted: Portuguese (Brazil) Cervantes, Miguel de 134 Chamonix 87 Champion, Justin 260n.10 Chancery Court 111 Chandler, James 53n.39, 107, 232n.62 Charles I, King 274, 298n.8, 299–306 passim, 309 Charles of Anjou, King 150 Charlotte, Princess 231–3 Chartists 1, 73 Chatterton, Thomas 26, 54, 65 Rowley poems 26 Chaucer, Geoffrey Troilus and Criseyde 309 Chernaik, Judith 2, 171n.39 Cheyne, George 291 Chillon 88n.8, 95 Christian romance 89, 90, 92, 98 Christianity 11, 13, 63, 71, 74–5, 77, 79n.21, 80, 91–2, 152, 199, 200, 206–17, 219, 225, 229, 241, 261, 265, 265n.24, 170, 294, 320, 322, 323, 324 see also Bible, Catholicism, Jesus Christ Cicero 246, 319 Formatted: French (France) Clairmont, Charles 318 Clairmont, Claire 97, 132, 138, 138n.8, 142, 145, 147, 150, 151, 154, 155, 156, 170, 251n.48, 311n.76, 317 Claris, John Chalk 184 Clark, David Lee 1, 201n.8, 259n.5 Clark, Timothy 45n.15, 49n.31, 202, 205 Clark, William 234 Claypole, Elizabeth 305 Clementi, Muzio 121 Clemit, Pamela 41n., 46, 49n.31, 64n.71, 100n.40 Cobbett, William 102, 111n.36, 221, 230, 232, 237, 274 The Political Register 146n.44, 234 Cobbett’s Weekly Register, see Cobbett, William: The Political Register Cockney School of Poetry 102 Colbert, Benjamin 100n.41, 113n.45, 163n.16, 169n.28 Coleridge, John Taylor 93, 184, 194 Coleridge, Samuel Taylor 7, 25, 45, 46, 63–4, 66–7, 105, 106n.24, 132, 191, 214n.53, 287, 311, 319 and prefaces 190–91, 193 WORKS Biographia Literaria 240, 252 ‘Fire, Famine and Slaughter’ 63, 105 The Friend 234 Frost at Midnight 83 ‘Kubla Khan’ 24n.10, 32, 190–91 Poems 65n.75 Preface to ‘Fire, Famine and Slaughter’ 105 Preface to ‘Kubla Khan’ 190–91 The Rime of the Ancient Mariner 108, 284, 285 Sibylline Leaves 63 ‘Sonnet: To Robert Southey …’ 65n.74 ‘Sonnets on Eminent Characters’ 65n.74 ‘To a Young Lady with a Poem on the French Revolution’ 65 Colman, George the Younger 298n.8 Columbia University 316 Colwell, Frederic S. 170n.36 Commonwealth 299–304 passim, 311 Commonwealth period 260 Condorcet, Marquis de 300 confessionalism 46, 49, 49n.31 Congress of Powers 145 Congress of Vienna 155 Constable, John 163 Constantinople 85, 121, 131n.39, 143, 213 Formatted: French (France) constitutionalism 142–56 passim Constitutionnel, Le 144, 145, 148 Cottington, Francis 303 Courtenay, John Juvenile Poems 53n.40 Covent Garden 115, 115n.52, 298 Cowper, William 129 Cox, Jeffrey N.
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