1998 Fall Graduation Exercises North Carolina State University Wednesday, December 16 Nineteen Hundred and Ninety-Eight DEGREES TO BE CONFERRED Wednesday, December 16 Nineteen Hundred and Ninety-Eight This program is prepared for informational purposes only. The appearance of an individual's name does not constitute the University's acknowledgement, certification, or representation that the individual has fulfilled the requirements for a degree. TABLE OF CONTENTS Chancellor Marye Anne Fox .................................. iii Musical Program ........................................... iv Exercises ofGraduation ....................................... v Mr. Benjamin S. Ruffin ...................................... vi The Alma Mater ........................................... vii Dr. Nicolaas Bloembergen ................................... viii Dr. Joab Langston Thomas ................................... ix Time and Location ofDepartmental Ceremonies .................... x ROTC Commissioning Ceremony ............................. xii Graduation Ushers ......................................... xiii Graduation Marshals ....................................... xiii Academic Costume ........................................ xiv Academic Honors .......................................... xiv Undergraduate Degrees ....................................... 1 Graduate Degrees ........................................... 52 Master's Degrees ................................... 52 Master ofArts Degrees .............................. 61 Master ofScience Degrees ............................ 63 Doctor ofEducation Degrees .......................... 75 Doctor ofPhilosophy Degrees ......................... 77 1998 Graduation Acknowledgements ........................... 97 CHANCELLOR MARYE ANNE FOX Chancellor Marye Anne Fox, a chemist and member ofthe National Academy ofSciences, is North Carolina State University’s 12th chiefexecutive officer. Appointed on April 9, Fox assumed the duties of the top post at the state’s leading science, engineering and technology university on August 1. Before assuming duties here, Fox was the M. June and J. Virgil Waggoner Regents Chair in Chemistry and vice president for research at the University of Texas at Austin. In the latter capacity, she was responsible for administrative support of research on and off campus. The portfolio, which included$246 million in sponsoredresearch in 1996-1997, extendedoverabroad range ofdepartments and interdisciplinary units. Fox was born in Canton, Ohio, in 1947 and received her bachelor of science degree from Notre Dame College and her doctorate from Dartmouth College, both in chemistry. Afterapostdoctoral appointmentattheUniversity of Maryland, shejoined the faculty at the University ofTexas at Austin in 1976. At UT, she taught chemistry courses at both undergraduate and graduate levels and was named by Utmost Magazine as one ofthe “Best ofUT Natural Science Faculty” and in 1986 won the College’s Teaching Excellence Award. In 1996, she won Sigma Xi’s Monie A. Ferst Award for outstanding mentoring. Nationally, she has served as co-chair of the National Science Foundation/National ScienceBoardTaskForceonGraduateEducation andchairs the National Research Council Committeeon Undergraduate Science Education. Fox is one ofthe nation’s most creative and prolific physical organic chemists, having published more than 300 refereed papers, five books and more than 20 book chapters, mostly in organic photochemistry and electrochemistry. She has been electedto membership intheNational Academy ofSciencesandthe American Philosophical Society, and as a fellow ofthe American Academy of Artsand SciencesandtheAmericanAssociationfortheAdvancementofScience. She has received numerous awards and honors for her contributions to research and teaching. Fox, themotherofthreesonsandtwo stepsons, ismarriedto Dr. James Whitesell, a noted chemist who hasjoined the NC State faculty as a professor of chemistry. iii Musical Program EXERCISES OF GRADUATION December 16, 1998 British Brass Band Concert 8:30 a.m. Procession ofthe Nobles .................. Nicolai Rimsky-Korsakov arranged by James Cumow Ave Verum Wolfgang A. Mozart arranged by Brigadier AH. Jakeway A Malvem Suite ................................... Philip Sparke Worcester Cathedral The Wye at Hereford Gloucester Market Divertimento ...................................... Brian Kelly Prelude March Intermezzo Scherzo PROCESSIONAL: 9:00 a.m. Ceremonial March ............................. Robert B. Petters RECESSIONAL (Platform Party Only) Ceremonial March ............................. Robert B. Petters NORTH CAROLINA STATE UNIVERSITY BRITISH BRASS BAND Dr. Robert B. Petters, Director Exercises of Graduation Reynolds Coliseum Chancellor Marye Anne Fox Presiding December 16, 1998 PROCESSIONAL, 9:00 am. Dr. Robert B. Petters Director, North Carolina State University British Brass Band. The audience isrequestedto remainseatedduringtheProcessional WELCOME Chancellor Marye Anne Fox INVOCATION The Reverend Nancy Petty Pullen Memorial Baptist Church NATIONAL ANTHEM The Grains ofTime INTRODUCTIONS Chancellor Fox ADDRESS .................................. Mr. Benjamin S. Ruffin Chairman ofthe Board ofGovernors CONFERRING OF HONORARY DEGREES ............ Chancellor Fox Dr. Nicolaas Bloembergen Doctor ofSciences Dr. Joab Langston Thomas Doctor ofHumane Letters CONFERRING OF DEGREES ........................ Chancellor Fox presentedCandidatesbyforDeansadvancedofColleges/Schools.degreespresented by Dean ofGraduate School. Candidates forbaccalaureatedegrees ADDRESS T0 FELLOW GRADUATES ........... Mr. Bemel E. Hall, Jr. Class of 1998 RECOGNITIONS ...................... ........... Chancellor Fox VALEDICTORIANS ............................... CLASS OF 1998 Johnnie Lewis Moultrie Loreta V. Wilson TURNING OF THE TASSEL .................... Mr. Bemel E. Hall, Jr. ALMA MATER ................................. The Grains ofTime RECESSIONAL (Platform Party only) MR. BENJAMIN S. RUFFIN Benjamin S. Ruffm is chairman of The University of North Carolina Board of Governors and vice president for corporate affairs at RJ. Reynolds Tobacco Co. in Winston-Salem. Hewas elected in July 1998 to atwo-yearterm as head ofthe University system’s policy-making body after serving as vice chairman. He has been a member ofthe Board ofGovernors since 1991. In his corporate role, Ruffm isresponsible for leadingthe RI. Reynolds Tobacco Co.’s local, state and national partnerships with key minority business, civic and professional organizations. He joined the company in 1989. Ruffin serves as chairman ofthe corporate roundtable ofthe National Black Caucus of State Legislators and is on the boards of the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation and the National Urban League. AnativeofDurham, Ruffinearnedabachelor’sdegreeineducationfrom North Carolina Central University and a master’s degree in social work from UNC-Chapcl Hill. A civil rights activist in the 19605, Ruffin later served as special assistanttoNorth CarolinaGovernorJames Hunt and was responsible for increasing the number ofblackjudges in the state and expanding the number of blacks employed in state government. His community involvement includes serving as chairman ofthe NC. Institute for Minority Economic Development and on the 1998 Winston-Salem United Way Capital Campaign Steering Committee. He is a life member and a GoldenHeritagememberoftheNAACP. Ruffmhas earnednumerousawardsfor his civic leadership, includingthe 1991 NAACP Kelly M. AlexanderAward and the McGannon Citation by the National Urban League. He also holds a number ofhonorary degrees. Ruffm and hiswife, Avon, reside inLewisville, andhavetwo daughters, April and Benita. vi The Alma Mater Words by: Music by: ALVIN M. FOUNTAIN, '23 BONNIE F. NORRIS, JR., '23 Where the winds ofDixie softly blow o‘er the fields ofCaroline, There stands ever cherished NC. State, as thy honored shrine. So lift your voices; Loudly sing from hill to oceanside! Our hearts ever hold you, NC. State in the folds ofour love and pride. vii DR. NICOLAAS BLOEMBERGEN Dr. Nicolaas Bloembergen is an internationally acclaimed physicist whose honors include the 1981 Nobel Prize for Physics and the 1974 National Medal ofScience. BloembergenisGerhardGadeUniversityProfessorEmeritusatHarvard University, where he earned his doctorate in physics in 1951. A native ofthe Netherlands, Bloembergen earneddegreesfromtheUniversityofUtrechtandthe University ofLeiden before coming to the United States to study. He became a naturalized citizen in 1958. BloembergensharedtheNobel Prize inPhysicswithA,L. Schawlowfor their contributions to the development of laser spectroscopy, and with K. Siegbahn for his contribution to the development of high resolution electron spectroscopy. Bloembergen’s National Medal of Science cited his pioneering applicationsofmagnetic resonanceto thestudyofcondensedmatter. Hewonthe Alexander von Humbolt Senior U.S. Scientist Award in 1980 and 1987, and the Alexander von Humbolt Medal in 1989. His 1983 IEEE Medal of Honor recognized his “pioneering contributions to quantum electronics, including the invention ofthe three-level solid state maser.” His research has included nuclear and electronic magnetic resonance, solid state masers and lasers, and especially nonlinear optics and spectroscopy. His work with colleagues in developing a rigorous theory of nonlinear polarizability led to the extension ofthe laws ofreflection and refraction. Bloembergen has published more than 300 papers in various scientific journals and
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